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Sam slid his blade through an Arashi Ninjas Chest. Blood spurted out, and the man screamed. Sam watched Karela slam her body into Gotoa. Then, she was thrown off, her scream loud and piercing. She was clutching her side. Sam paused for a second, then he slammed his body into the chest of one of the Ninjas.

" Die!!" He yelled as the blade went through the ninjas body horizontaly. He jumped to Gotoa, who was already up and attacking. He tried to bring the blade down into his skull, but he was suddenly cut short, then flung through the air, landing five feet from Karela.

Ooof, That'll smart in the morning.

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Akagi rolled to the side in an evasive manuever, but quickly stood, sword at the ready.


Much of the battle had already conspired, and he saw that Sam and Karela were both heavily engaged in the battle against Gatoa.


I guess my instinct was correct on this man...


The fact that he was right gave him no comfort, though.


They needed to get the urn, whatever it was, it couldn't be good if Gatoa had it.


He charged forward and leap/rolled towards Gatoa, swinging his blade in a horizontal strike.

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That's weird...someone is following the shadow clone...but staying out of striking range. Lets see here...Sam, Akagi, Tategami, Kaneda...Uh-oh. Specter...I forgot about Specter!


Karela jumped right in front of Gatoa and then had to dodge Akagi's sword just a moment later. "Watch where you swing that thing!"


"Can someone tell me why specter seems to be so interested in following my shadow clone?"

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Sam lept back up, trying to shrug off the tremendous pain.

"Can someone tell me why specter seems to be so interested in following my shadow clone?" Karela asked.

Sam called out " You asked someone to protect the clone, didn't you?"

THen he slid his sword through another Arashi ninja.

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Kaneda clashed his sword against the blade the Arashi member was wielding. He jumped back to gain some momentum.


I wouldnt mind trying something experimental with my chidori... he thought.


Ox, Rabbit, Monkey he performed. His hand was engulfed with electrical chakra, and the current surged through into his blade. "Looks like I developed another form!"


He swung his chidori-katana at the Arashi member, slicing his blade in half. He then empaled it into the member and unleased a discharge of chidori lightning into the opponent.


Suddenly the shrine was surrounded with ninja in white tunics. "Ogawa reinforcements!"

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((I hope she didn't just catch a Shadow Clone...))


Karela launched another shuriken at Gatoa and he easily dodged it. I'm really running out of options here...I guess I better start making the preperations to use my final option jutsu.


Karela quickly jumped back as black tentacles jumped at her and began a complicated series of handsigns.


Bird, Dog, Serphant, Ox, Tiger, Monkey. Hare, Ram Serphant, Boar, Tiger, Horse, Monkey, Dragon.


Karela jumped at Gotoa and snarled at him.


"Forbidden Art! Seven-Tailed Self Destruction Jutsu!"


Good...now he's bound to start getting scared.


"Tell me...Gatoa. Do you honestly think you can withstand my last resort technique? I will active it if you don't give up the urn...I swear I will."

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Sam stared at Karela. His blade was stuck in a foes chest, but he wasn't listening to his screaming.

Is she crazy? That will kill her, and maybe us!!

Yeah, but let's not forget Gotoa...

You've got a point old man. Say, if I die, will you miss me? Sam thought as he took the sword out and remmed the handle into the ninjas face.

Yes, you've treated me like a... friend.... instead of another trinket.

Sam smiled and waited for Karela to unleash Oblivion.

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((Sorry for taking long, guys. Been busy.))


"Its Kaneda and the others, they need our help. I'm not sure if we'll go through or not but we can't leave ignore them. I'll go first... just in case it doesn't work."


Asuka nodded. "Go. I'll be right behind ya. And thanks for the help, Takeda." The young girl got up to her feet, and looked at her arm. Good thing the chill on the pain was healing.


She waited till Takeda got through the portal.

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"Go. I'll be right behind ya. And thanks for the help, Takeda."


Takeda nodded and jumped into the portal. As he felt a chill run down his spine he landed on the other side. He looked to see the Ogawa and the Arashi fighting each other. Takeda turned top Asuka through the portal and gave her a thumbs up. He then fired and ice ball at an Arashi and kicked him, shattering the man into pieces before joining Kaneda.


"Am I late for the reunion?" Takeda said sarcastically,"Or did the Arashi start the party without me?"


Specter followed the clone but turned his head to see Karela fighting Gatoa. He couldn't let the clone get away but he certainly wouldn't let Karela kill Gatoa. He smiled and performed a few hand signs.


"Multi-Form Jutsu" Specter shouted.


A duplicate of himself ran after Karela's clone at a safe distance, while the original opened a portal and went through. The portal opened a little behind Gatoa.


"Tell me...Gatoa. Do you honestly think you can withstand my last resort technique? I will active it if you don't give up the urn...I swear I will."


If that girl did what she did before she'd kill him for sure and Specter needed that urn. He took his roped kunai and took the kunai off. He made a loop and tied a knot in it. He threw the rope at Gatoa.


"Get Over Here!"

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Gatoa had been dodging most of Karela's attacks, up until this point. "Tell me...Gatoa. Do you honestly think you can withstand my last resort technique? I will active it if you don't give up the urn...I swear I will."


He smiled. He then gigled, which turned to laughter. "In all honesty, no!" He gripped tightened his grip around the Urn. "I dont think there will be anyway for anyone to survive the blast. But ask yourself one thing: are you willing to go through with this? Destroy everyone here you cherish, all because of a silly Urn?"


He eyed the rope. "Get Over Here!"


"There is no need!" He smiled at Specter. "Even if she does go through with her sacrifice: I wont be around to enjoy it!" He smiled insanely. He only needed on hand for this justu. With great speed, he performed several handseals; Tategami found it hard to keep up his eyesight with Gatoa's movements.


Gatoa performed the last handseal. "I'll be seeing you shortly! I'll let you off the hook.. for now. I do owe you for letting us get this far!"


Blue chakra slowly began to engulf him. And in a flash; he disapeared. "What?!" Kaneda yellped. Gatoa was no where in sight!


The Arashi members were all gone too. Everyone and the Ogawa were all that remained. Tategami looked below. "Sigh... I may have no choice here!


His glanced moved from Kaneda, Asuka, Takeda, Akagi, Karela and Sam. Even the Ogawa. "This aint over, everyone." he assured.


Kaneda grew frustrated. "Dammit!" he kicked a stone away. "Gatoa must have used a more advanced form of the Teleportation Justu! He's probably over a hundred miles away."


"He wont get away from me" Tategami said. "I have a way of tracking him..."

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"I dont think there will be anyway for anyone to survive the blast. But ask yourself one thing: are you willing to go through with this? Destroy everyone here you cherish, all because of a silly Urn?"


I honestly would have...I would have killed everyone in this room if it meant keeping the world safe from the likes of him.


"I'll be seeing you shortly! I'll let you off the hook.. for now. I do owe you for letting us get this far!"


I'll catch him...I'm gonna catch him and kill him...slowly


Karela stalked over to Specter and cracked him across the head.


"You were a little too interested in my Shadow clone...you are going to tell me why."


Karela dismissed the clone and a blue swirling orb appeared in her hand.


"I don't know what your up to...but I'm going to stop it before it begins. It's bad enough having to deal with one enemy in our midst: I am not going to be dealing with two."

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After going through the portal behind Takeda and helping the others fight Gatoa and his men, Asuka glared at the position Gatoa escaped. "That no good, double-crossin', maniac...!" She got upset and pounded the wall so hard with her fist that she left a mark on it.


Then she turned to Karela.


"I don't know what your up to...but I'm going to stop it before it begins. It's bad enough having to deal with one enemy in our midst: I am not going to be dealing with two."


Asuka placed her hand on Karela's shoulder. "Karela, don't! Don't do this. I'm sure it's all a misunderstanding. C'mon..." she said, trying to persuade her friend.

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Specter stepped out of the portal, enraged that he couldn't get Gatoa. Just as he made a move he felt a fist hit him in the back of the head, causing him to fall to the ground. The hit sent his mind into a flashback. He could see fire and ashes everywhere. Women and children screamed in pain as they were swallowed by the fire. Specter clenched his fist in rage and snapped out of the brief flashback.


"I don't know what your up to...but I'm going to stop it before it begins. It's bad enough having to deal with one enemy in our midst: I am not going to be dealing with two."


"My clan...we...they were wiped out by a group of ninja. We tried to hold them off but there was one who was too powerful. He transformed into some sort of monster and destroyed our town. I am all that remain of my clan now. I believe Gatoa is the one responsible for their deaths. As for the interest in your clone" Specter rose to his feet slowly. " You requested someone protect the clone and I did so."


Specter's clone came back over to him and he absorbed the clone as energy.


"Know this though girl, strike me again and I will bathe these walls in your blood."


Takeda spoke up after a long period of silence.


"Shouldn't the Hokage be warned about this?"

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"You requested someone protect the clone and I did so."


Karela began to shake with rage.


"Do you really think I'm that stupid?! Your clone was making sure that It wouldn't be seen by my clone! Your up to something! And I will find out what it is your up to!


"Know this though girl, strike me again and I will bathe these walls in your blood."


"You honestly think that your a match for the vessel of the Seven-tailed beast? You are an even bigger fool that I thought if you think you can fight me and come out on top! You best watch you back, cause I'm going to be watching you like a hawk."


"Shouldn't the Hokage be warned about this?"


"I agree. Naruto and the village have to be warned. I'll head back there and tell them what's going on. I'm got going to entrust this mission to one of my clones, A living person needs to head back. You guys go after Gatoa, I'll catch up later."


Karela turned to Tategami and held up her hand.


"And before you start arguing about my decision to head back, let me explain my reasons. First of all, Shadow clones are easily wiped out when attacked so if the Arashi have people watching the route back, we're gonna be in trouble. Second: Even summons can be taken out if they're caught by surprise so I don't think a summon is a viable option. And Third...I'm the fastest one here. I've managed to outrun nearly everyone in the village at one time or another."

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Tategami glanced down at the enthusiastic Karela. He knew she was right.


"There no point in stopping you this time. Very well, but produce some clones for yourself for your own protection. We'll be going after Gatoa - I have some queries I need to ask him." He glanced over at Specter. "And I'm sure we have a few questions ourselves about our latest companions recent conduct."


Kaneda walked forward and gripped Specter by the colar. "Do you take us as a fool? During our first meeting, you claimed that Naruto was the one who destroyed your clan. Not Gatoa. I think you were following Karela's clone as a way to guide you back to our Hokage!"


"Traitor or no... I have uses for him!" Tategami approached him.

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Specter smiled from under his mask. The chunin grabbed Specter by the collar


"Do you take us as a fool? During our first meeting, you claimed that Naruto was the one who destroyed your clan. Not Gatoa. I think you were following Karela's clone as a way to guide you back to our Hokage!"


"What a clever chunin you are...clever but too headstrong."


Specter grabbed onto Kaneda's shoulder with his right hand and threw him to the side. He opened a portal just in front of his feet and concentrated on the other end. The other end revealed remains of a village. Most homes were either partially or completely destroyed. Ash covered the once green grass. Bones were either buried or on the ground.


"That is all that remains of my village. Everyone was wiped out, engulfed in fire and hatred. That Hokage of yours turned into a monster and wiped everyone out. My wife and daughter were killed with the rest of them. My daughter was only four!" Specter's souless white eyes began glowing. His hands began turning red. "Don't give me your ninja sympathy and say they died for a reason or fate, No! They died because your precious Hokage and his team attacked us!"

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"No! They died because your precious Hokage and his team attacked us!"


"I refuse to believe that! There's no way Naruto would do that! He has never killed anyone in cold blood like the way your describing! The only time he killed was...when that damn bijuu of his wrestled control from him."


I should start on the way back...


Karela turned back toward the entrace to the cave and was about to start running when she caught herself and stared at Specter.


"I suggest you listen. In the end....Revenge is never the way to go. You'll end up bitter and twisted and in the end, it won't bring back your village."


Karela turned and ran as fast as she could.

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Kaneda landed on his feet as Specter threw him away.


"I refuse to believe that! There's no way Naruto would do that! He has never killed anyone in cold blood like the way your describing! The only time he killed was...when that damn bijuu of his wrestled control from him."


"She's right. Its possible whoever killed your tribe you mistook to be Naruto himself. Knowing our Hokage, its impossible to ever think he is capable of doing such."


He looked at Tategami. "What do we do now? The Arashi have escaped, and Gatoa must be a hundred miles from here."


Tategami hung his head down, looking at the marble floor he was standing on. He sighed. "We do nothing..."


Kaneda greatly disapointed with this answer. "They hold the Urn containing the Tenth Tailed Beast. Are we going to stand here and do nothing?"


"We know nothing about the Arashi. Nor what they are dealing with and their goals. We cant just attack them head-on, theres more to it than that Kaneda."


Tategami turned to an Ogawa member. "We need one of your men to accompany us. I'm sure they know more about the situation then we do."


The Ogawa member nodded. "I agree. We may need your assistance in retrieving the Legendary Ten Tailed Beast. Our input will greatly servive your cause."


"Thank you for your cooperation!" Tategami glanced at his Team Members. "We'll rest at the village tonight, and begin our journey home early in the morning."


((End of the First Story Arc. Now moving onto the second =D ))

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((I'm gonna have Karela continue on home.))


Karela was continuing at a normal pace back to the village when she suddenly had a thought concerning specter.


Is it possible the eight tailed beast attacked his village? The nine-tailed demon fox and the eight-tailed ox are nearly matched in strength...and during an attack it is possible that he somehow confused whatever attacked his village for another of the tailed beasts. Ah well, another question for another time.


Karela whistled a cheery tune and picked up the pace back toward the village.

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Back at Konoha...


The team have returned to their village, after spending a day journeying back. They finally arrived at the gate, guarding the entrance to the Hidden Leaf Village. They had their accompanying Ogawa representative, whose name was Teishi, following behind and keeping up.


Kaneda stretched, and layed on the ground exhausted. "Finally! We're back home!"


Before they could enter, Tategami eyed Specter and reading his intentions.


"Once we enter our respective village, you are not to cause any chaos and destruction. Especially if you are still seeking vengence upon our Hokage for a crime he has never commited. Are we understood?"

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((Sorry I have not posted in awhile, I'll get to it again:D))


Akagi didn't move fast enough for the situation, a flaw he pounded himself on.


During the fighting, he had become seperated from the main group, finding himself in a personal combat with 4 of the enemy. As to which side they were on, he wasn't sure, but it didn't matter if they were trying to kill him.


He swung his sword to one of the attackers, decapitating him with ease.


Akagi dropped and swung the blade low at another attacker that was attacking from behind, the blade slicing across the man's stomach.


He stood again, watching the attacking ninja crumble back and try to stop the blood that continually flowed from his now-open stomach.


Akagi moved quickly and grabbed the next ninja, pulling him onto the blade, making short work of him.


He then wretched the blade out, and across the face of the final ninja, ending that problem quickly.


The man crumpled to the ground, and Akagi fell to his knees, slighty exhausted but doing well. Then he suddenly noticed that he was alone in the temple. There was only the dead.


He stood, and sheathed his blade.


I must've been to preoccuppied to notice what was happening.....how stupid of me...


He mentally scolded himself for being so stupid.


Akagi was alone now, without any comrades, in a strange land.


He shook his head and began to walk out of the temple, moving one step at a time.


"Well, so it begins...."

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Karela dropped down from one of the higher tree branches just in time to see Tategami and his team walk through the gates of the village.


Awww...I thought I was going to beat them he- wait. Wheres Akagi?


Karela jumped down onto the wall, jumped onto the roof of one of the houses and landed on the ground right in front of the group just as Tategami was lecturing Specter.


"Once we enter our respective village, you are not to cause any chaos and destruction. Especially if you are still seeking vengence upon our Hokage for a crime he has never commited. Are we understood?"


"Don't worry Tategami-sensai, I'll keep an eye on him. So...what happend after I left? And more importantly, where did Akagi go? I don't see him with you."

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((Hey, PK? Is it daylight or nighttime? ))


Asuka was finally glad to be back home at Konoha. She breathed in air, and smiled as the leaves on the trees rustled together with the wind. She looked at her group and saw that everyone was here... except for one. Akagi!


"Don't worry Tategami-sensai, I'll keep an eye on him. So...what happend after I left? And more importantly, where did Akagi go? I don't see him with you."


Asuka stepped up. "I'm pretty sure he was with us fighting those guys back there. Maybe he's in the forest someplace. I'll go look for him." And with that, the young girl went into the forest to look for Akagi.


As she walked and saw that she was almost far away from the village, she stopped and looked around. A strange feeling occured to her. "Oh man. It feels like... I'm being watched..."

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"Once we enter our respective village, you are not to cause any chaos and destruction. Especially if you are still seeking vengence upon our Hokage for a crime he has never commited. Are we understood?"


"Ay ninja, I'll play by your rules for now."


"Don't worry Tategami-sensai, I'll keep an eye on him."


Specter laughed at the girls statement.


"Goody, now I get a baby sitter."


Takeda remained very quiet on the trip back. He had been thinking of more important things in his head like taking on more missions and responsibility in the village. Takeda took notice that Kaneda, Karela, and Specter seemed preoccupied. After Asuka left for Akagi, Takeda decided to make his move. He approached Tategami and bowed to him. He spoke his next words loud enough for Tategami to hear clearly but not the others.


"Tategami-sensai, I wanted to talk to you about something. I have been a chunin for quite some time now and I feel that I have proved I am capable of more than that on this mission. Deep down I had always felt that the Arashi were bad and the Ogawa were really good. I helped the group take down Specter, a ninja none of us prepared for. Though I disobeyed your order to protect Gatoa, I did it to help the others out which turned out to be a good call. Im prepared to take on any test or challenge to prove I'm jonin material Tategami-sensai."


Specter turned to face Karela. If he recalled last time she turned into a beast thing, but it didn't seem like her personallity. Though he refused to believe it, they all pictured Naruto as a saint but he remembered a devil. He approached her and actually bowed to her.


"Disregarding my previous statement towards you, I had a question. Back in those caves you were this monsterous creature thing yet from what I know about you, thats not who you are. What I'm trying to say is was that monster really you, or something controlling you?"

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