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"Goody, now I get a baby sitter."


Karela turned to specter and flashed him a grin filled with evil. "Yes...you do have a babysitter. A babysitter who has taken down tougher men then you many, many times. Now...if you know whats good for you you'll behave and I won't have to kill you."


"Disregarding my previous statement towards you, I had a question. Back in those caves you were this monsterous creature thing yet from what I know about you, thats not who you are. What I'm trying to say is was that monster really you, or something controlling you?"


Karela sighed.


I hate talking about this.


"My bijuu is as much a part of me as I am of her. She was sealed inside me as a little girl and I've had to put up with her nagging and constant talking ever since. She's not evil...she's...annoying."


"The reason I was in Bijuu form was because I was caught in a genjutsu and I saw...things in there that I would much rather not talk about. Does that answer your question?"

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As prideful as Akagi could be at times, he could not hide the fact that he was utterly lost.


He thought he had found the path that led from the Temple to the village, but he had taken a wrong turn, ending up in the darker part of the surround forest.


Akagi collapsed to his knees and took deep breaths, looking around the forest for any sign of correct direction. He was doing an utterly horrible job in this new country.


Suddenly, he heard a crunching of leaves nearby, and it caught Akagi's attention.


His footsteps became much quieter and less frequent, barely making a sound.


He couldn't see whatever was out there, for it was concealed by a few bamboo stalks and more trees.


He crept closer and closer, then finally, he was right next to where he heard the sound.


Akagi jumped out in the open and drew his sword for whatever was out there.

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((Its daytime :) ))


"Don't worry Tategami-sensai, I'll keep an eye on him"


"Good girl... Now, Teishi and I need to make some reports to our Hokage." he stopped when Takeda approached him and announced his willingness to prove himself to be a Jonin.


"I am prepared to take on any test or challenge to prove I'm jonin material Tategami-sensai."


Tategami eyed Takeda. "You proved youself with the best intentions. In situations like yesterday, there are acceptions for justifiably disobeying my orders. In a mission, the most important thing is the well-being of your team-mates; even if it means disregarding your given orders."


He crossed his arms. "If any of you believe you are ready to take your skills to the next level, then some seek me out after I pay a visit to our Naruto-san."

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"Good girl..."


Karela narrowed her eyes at Tategami.


You have to sleep some time old man...and when that time comes, I'll be waiting...just you wait...


"If any of you believe you are ready to take your skills to the next level, then some seek me out after I pay a visit to our Naruto-san."


"Theres no way I'm ready for that kind of level yet...I want to expand my chakra natures before I even think about taking the Jonin exam."


Karela turned to specter and smiled a cruel smile at him.


"Remember...you get out of hand, and you'll have me and the ANBU black ops to worry about. Now...what do you plan to do?"

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( Sorry, I swore I had posted....)

Sam followed everyone. So, whats this mean now?

" Hey, Tategami. Whats the plan now?" Sam inquired.

Boy, are you really that dense. We report this then we kick their butts some more.

I don't know, Takai. I think we've held them off for now.

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"Have respect for your elders, child." said Tategami, reading Karela's mind. "Now, we better leave. The Hokage is expecting us...


Tategami and Teishi walked through the gate and headed towards the Hokage's mansion. Kaneda stood up as his stomach began to make noises.


"I'm hungry! I'm gonna head over to the Ichiraku Ramen Bar. Anyone wanna tag along?"

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"Have respect for your elders, child."


Karela's eyes narrowed even further.


Then again...I don't have to wait until he's asleep...a little bit of hot sauce in his ramen...maybe a Kunai knife tip hidden in his chair or bed...either one works.


"I'm hungry! I'm gonna head over to the Ichiraku Ramen Bar. Anyone wanna tag along?"


"Count me in. I lost all my instant ramen when we were fighting the Arashi...such a shame...such a waste. Wait, are you buying? I'm fresh outta money."

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"I'm hungry! I'm gonna head over to the Ichiraku Ramen Bar. Anyone wanna tag along?"


Takeda looked over to Kaneda and shook his head politely.


"I'm sorry Kaneda, but I must prepare myself for what Tategami-sensai has in store."


Takeda got up and followed Tategami. Specter looked over to the three that remained.


"Well it doesn't seem I have a choice in whether I go or not. Lead the way to this shop of yours."


Takeda cuaght up to Tategami and Teishi as quick as he could.


"Tategami-sensai if you don't mind me asking I had a question. How old were you when you became a jonin?"

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((Sorry 'bout the wait, guys. And thanks, PK. :) ))


Asuka still stood there, narrowing her eyes and looking around. "I know that I'm alone... but I've got this strange feeling that someone's watching me." She continued to walk forward, but in a slow pace.


Something had to be following her. She could feel it. Asuka also hoped that the others would be okay without her. Then again, they're always fine.


The young girl closed her narrowed eyes. "Okay, Asuka. Like Uncle, you have to know your surroundings. Let it be part of you. Know it. Feel it." She then opened her eyes, seeing that she was still walking forward in the forest. "And that's just what I'm gonna do," she thought out loud.

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"Count me in. I lost all my instant ramen when we were fighting the Arashi...such a shame...such a waste. Wait, are you buying? I'm fresh outta money."


Kaneda sighed. "Alrite, fine. But Specter can pay for his own damn meal. C'mon, I'm starving!"


He walked through into the gate entering the village and escorted Karela and Specter to the Ichiraku Ramen Bar. He sat on a stool and ordered himself and Karela a bowl. He broke the chopsticks apart. "Wel'p, looks like the Arashi have taken us for fools to do their dirty work. I wonder what they'll have in store for us next time..."




"Tategami-sensai if you don't mind me asking I had a question. How old were you when you became a jonin?"


Tategami continued walking, but looked over his shoulder to spot Takeda. "Age does not entirely matter. I became a Jonin when I was 17 years of age, like many average shinobi. But some of the best students I've known have achieved the rank at just 15."

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Akagi moved swiftly and quietly, but to his surprise, he could see nothing. There was no intruder.


That caught him by surprise, he was almost certain he had heard someone. He shook his head in surprise and sheathed his sword and relaxed. He began walking forward again when he heard a familiar voice say, "And that's just what I'm gonna do,"


Asuka, it had to be. He turned around again and went in the direction he heard her voice from.

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"Wel'p, looks like the Arashi have taken us for fools to do their dirty work. I wonder what they'll have in store for us next time..."


Karela didn't bother with the chop sticks, she simply grabbed the bowl and began to down it in gulps.


Ahhhh...thats good. I wonder how many Kaneda will buy?


Karela put the bowl down and stared at Kaneda.


"The next time we see Gatoa, I think we can safetly assume he'll have sealed that thing in someone. He's going to want people to fear him, so he'll probably go after one of the smaller villages first."


Karela downed the last of the ramen and looked hopefully at Kaneda.


"Is there a chance I can get some more ramen?"

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"Age does not entirely matter. I became a Jonin when I was 17 years of age, like many average shinobi. But some of the best students I've known have achieved the rank at just 15."


Takeda nodded his head and said no more. As he drew nearer to where the Hokage was, Takeda stopped.


"I will wait for you out here, if that is alright with you."


Specter reluctantly followed the two chunin into the ramen shop. They began to discuss what had happened to them.


"The next time we see Gatoa, I think we can safetly assume he'll have sealed that thing in someone. He's going to want people to fear him, so he'll probably go after one of the smaller villages first."


Specter felt the familiar pain of those tortured souls.


"You will defend those small villages, will you not? They will need all the help they can get."

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"You will defend those small villages, will you not? They will need all the help they can get."


"Of course we will! But the big problem is that we don't know which of the villages he's probably going to hit. I think we can rule out the Sand Village, I doubt he'd want to send it up against the Kazekage on it's first try...We can rule out Konoha as well, theres no way Gatoa would be stupid enough to fight Naruto and the ANBU-black ops at the same time, it would be suicide."


Kerla looked sadly down into her empty bowl before turning back to Kaneda.


"What do you think of all this? A ten-tailed bijuu? Akagi told me they had Bijuu where he came from, but I thought that they're were only nine big ones."

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"Is there a chance I can get some more ramen?"


Kaneda was amazed that Karela finished her bowl before he could eat half-way. "Alrite, but this is the last one." Another hot bowl of ramen was delivered to Karela. "You can pay me back shortly."


"You will defend those small villages, will you not? They will need all the help they can get."


"Most villages have their own militia, but yes we will most likely lend a hand if they get crippled."


"What do you think of all this? A ten-tailed bijuu? Akagi told me they had Bijuu where he came from, but I thought that they're were only nine big ones."


"From what we recorded, their are nine species of Bijuu in the world - their population being extremely minimal to the point where they are a very rare sight. The tenth-tailed Bijuu is probably the only one of its kind, and has been hidden from the world all this time."

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"You can pay me back shortly."


Hmmmm...this may pose a problem. Ah well, For now it's free!


Karela unwrapped her chopsticks and began to eat this bowl much more slowly.


"From what we recorded, their are nine species of Bijuu in the world - their population being extremely minimal to the point where they are a very rare sight. The tenth-tailed Bijuu is probably the only one of its kind, and has been hidden from the world all this time."


"If there are more then one of each Bijuu, do you think it's possible that the Arashi have been gathering them as well? It's possible they managed to gather the rest of them, but they needed us because the Ogawa temple was too well defended."


Maybe Kaneda could answer the one question thats been bugging me for a looooong time.


"Kaneda...I need to ask you something...What is wrong with that crazy sensai of ours?! He can read our minds...and we know nearly nothing about him!"

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"Kaneda...I need to ask you something...What is wrong with that crazy sensai of ours?! He can read our minds...and we know nearly nothing about him!"


"That has been bugging me for some time now." Kaneda thought back at those irritating moments where Tategami replied back to his unspoken thoughts. "He claims its nothing telepathic, but rather a form of enhanced sensory, if I recall..."


"He could be hiding something, but it wont be long till its exposed. Thats why I'm accompanying him on the next mission, so I can extract his secret!"




"I will wait for you out here, if that is alright with you."


"You can come inside if you wish. But wait outside the Hokage's office." Tategami entered the manshion and found his way to the main office. He knocked, and entered with Teishi.


"Daisuke Tategami, reporting sir!" Tategami announced, then bowed. "Forgive our actions, for our mission failed. We have however gathered some intriguing information..."

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"He could be hiding something, but it wont be long till its exposed. Thats why I'm accompanying him on the next mission, so I can extract his secret!"


Karela nearly fell off her chair laughing.


"You...plan to try and learn Tategami-sensai's secret?! I don't know if your trying to be funny, or if your just being foolish. Don't you remember how easily he managed to pick you up?"


Karela pushed the bowl away with a frown on her face.


"I'm not feeling so good, in fact I haven't been feeling well since we fought those fungai clones of the Ogawa. Can you watch Specter? I think I'm going to go and get myself looked at."


Karela pushed herself away from the bar and began to walk toward the hospital.

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Specter lost interest when the two chunin began talking about Tategami. He created a small fire ball an began throwing it up in the air and catching it. He was in the village of the man who killed his family but here he was playing with a fireball. He could take these two if he wanted but something was holding him back. Something did click in his head. If Tategami could somehow read minds maybe another ninja could shapeshift. He shrugged it off and put the fireball out. He looked up and smiled from under his mask when Karela laughed. It sounded so familiar to him. It reminded him of when he was back in his village. A time when there was peace and happiness. As Karela left, Specter turned to look at Kaneda.


"If you don't mind I need to use the rest room." Specter said as he stood up and left without waiting for a response.


He shut the door behind him as he walked inside. He summomed a portal and stepped through. It let out just outside the ramen shop. He followed after Karela.


"Getting two free meals out of someone is very impressive. I must say I'm impressed."


Takeda followed Tategami inside until he reached Naruto's office. Takeda back away slightly and waited on the other side of the door.

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((Chev said I can take over Naruto :p ))


Forgive our actions, for our mission failed. We have however gathered some intriguing information..."


"You remind me of myself when I was 13..." Naruto said, reminising on his past as a Genin under going numerous missions that ended in failure. "Fine, inform me of recent tragic events."


"It wasnt so much as the plan of the mission that had failed; we have granted the Arashi's request. Except, we were helping the wrong kind of people..."


"I know. Your team mate Karela has informed me yesterday... who is this?" The Hokage pointed at the man in white robes.


"This here is Teishi, a member of the Ogawa clan." Tategami introduced the Ogawa member.


"We are sworn protectors of the Tomb of the Warlord Magato, jinchuuriki of the Ten Tailed Bijuu. Our oath has been in vein, as it seems. But all hope must not be lost. Right now we must focus on locating the Arashi."

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"Getting two free meals out of someone is very impressive. I must say I'm impressed."


"They're not really free...Kaneda-kun will be riding me until I pay him back."



A Short while later.


"You look fine Karela."


"But I'm telling you, even since we fought those Fungai clones I haven't been feeling well."


"Fine, I'll take a look. Open your mouth and please don't bite down on my finger this time."


"When are you going to let that go? I was seven years old when that happend!"


"You may have been seven years old, but your bite was still strong enough to put me down on the floor in pain."


Karela simply opened her mouth and let the doctor take a look at her.


"That's odd...you have fungai residue on the back of the throat...how many of these things did you fight at a time?"


Karela closed her eyes in thought for a second and then held up three fingers.


"Why don't you kids ever read the strategy books for dealing with these kind of things! When fighting fungai clones, your supposed to wear something over your mouth at all times! Kids these days!"


Karela silently resisted the urge to bit down on the Doctor's finger which was still in her throat.


"Wait...hold on. Karela, have you been feeling any body aches lately? Joint pains? Neck pains? Has your heart been hurting at all?"


Karela paused for a second and then nodded her head once.


"Sorry, but I think your going to need to spend the night. I have to ask you some questions and run some tests."


Awwww...I hate hospital food...

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Specter waited until Karela was out of sight. He quickly cloned himself and looked around to make sure no one saw him do so. He ordered the clone to return back to Kaneda; The real Specter had another plan in mind. He began searching through all the homes until he came across the right room. After some awkward experiences, Specter found the one he was looking for. Takeda's room was just as blank as the ninja himself. Specter chuckled slightly and began looking through the chunin's things. He smiled when he came across more clothing of Takeda's. He placed the blue mask over his yellow one and did the same for the rest of his suit. When Specter exited Takeda's place he looked just like him, minus the eyes. All he had to do was wait, and avoid eyesight from anyone Takeda would talk to. Back outside the Hokage's office, the real Takeda waited outside for Tategami. He wanted to go in there, but he knew better. He had been out of his seat for quite sometime now. He looked over at Hinta who must have been doing something else while Naruto talked to Tategami. Whether he was excited or just needed someone to talk to, Takeda spoke up.


"Im waiting for Tategami-sensai to finish in there. Im hoping to become a jonin today!"


Back at the shop, Specter's clone took a seat across from Kaneda. It got up and came back with a bowl of noodles. It passed the bowl over to Kaneda, gave a slight nod to him and said nothing. The real Specter began searching for Naruto, he was somewhere in this village. Specter didn't want a fight...not yet, he wanted to find out the truth.

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Karela stared down at the hospital food with a sad look on her face.


I don't like it. It smells funny.


The doctors had made her put on one of those ridiculus hospital gowns and then they had made her lay down in the hospital bed, threatning to restrain her if she didn't comply.


What is the big deal? I've had aches and pains ever since I started using my bijuu's chakra. It's not like it's gonna kill me or anything.


Karela was still looking down at the food with a disgusted look on her face when one of the nurses walked into her room.


"Karela...I'm going to need to ask you some difficult questions."


"Can I have something else? This doesn't smell right."


"I'll get you something later, after you answer the questions."


The sooner the questions are answered, the sooner I get better food.


"Ask away."


"Karela...how long have you been using your Bijuu's chakra?"


"uhhhhh...since the Chunin exams I think. Why?"


"Have you ever felt exhausted after using her chakra? Have you felt drained after using her chakra?"


"...Yes...I don't really see what that has to do with my current situation though..."


"Only a few more questions. After using her chakra have you ever felt extreme pain? Heart pain? Pain in the joints or the arms?"


"Actually...yes now that I think about it. After using her chakra my heart usually hurts for a little while afterward. And I have felt extreme pain on quite a few occasions. What's going on?"


The nurse wrote down a few things on her paper and then looked back up at Karela.


"Alright, you've answered the questions so I guess it's my turn to hold up my end. What would you like to eat?"


I don't like this...but I do get to choose my favorite food at no charge so I guess it's fair.


"Do you have any Dango? And if you have some, I'd like some beef ramen."


The nurse nodded and walked out of the room.


I guess this isn't so bad...Still don't like Hospitals that much though. I'll be glad when I get out of here.

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Teishi had explained everything to Naruto; the Ogawa's existence for the past millunium, and why he could not find the organisation within his records. He further explained the situation with the Ten-Tailed Bijuu and the Arashi.


"We have known the Arashi for the past 80 years. They only ever attacked once, until now. Yes, they are an organisation of environmentalists, but their intentions run deeper than that. They believe that only by destroying the human race will they be able to restore the eco system on Earth; with the help of the ten-tailed Bijuu."


"Eh... atleast their heart seems to be in the right place." Naruto remarked. Teishi ignored him and continued.


"Its more accurate to describe the Arashi as a cult. Our sources tell us they hold a secret underground base, but we dont know where. Thats the problem. We do have a lead, however."


Teishi pulled out a document from within his robe, and threw it on Naruto's desk. "His name is Mikita Ryuu; he's an escaped prisoner of the Arashi stronghold. He is the only we know who escaped the stronghold, infact."


Tategami picked up the document from the unwillingful Naruto. He flicked through the profile pictures and details. "So if we find this man, he may be able to lead us back to the Arashi's wherabouts?"


"Precisely. According to out sources, he's taken taken up residency in an apartment complex at Amegakure, the Village Hidden in the Rain."


"We all know what has to be done then. Tategami, I want you to assemble a team to Amegakure to find and locate Mikita. Volunteers are welcome to join your team, but not too many. Though we may need to protect Mikita, you second main priority is to remain inconspicuous, incase the Arashi so happen to be in the same village."


"By your orders, Naruto-san. We'll rest first and leave in three days" Tategami bowed. And left the office, and found Takeda stting on the chair. "I may find some use for you..."

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Karela happily gulped down the Ramen and set the empty bowl next to the remains of the dango.


Ahhh...that was good.


Karela was licking her fingertips when the nurse came back with a worried expression on her face.


"Karela. I have some bad news...we took some samples of your blood and skin before you started eating and we've found a problem that could be very bad. Possibly fatal."


Without waiting for karela to respond, the nurse turned on a computer in the corner of the room and inserted a CD into the drive.


"This..." she said pointing at a group of cells on the right side of the screen. "Are what normal cells look like. These samples were taken from you during your last exam a few years ago, before the chunin exams." The nurse typed in an unseen command and another side of the screen appeared on the monitor. "This...is what your cells look like now."


Karela simply stared at the screen. The cells were an ugly redish black color and were inflated in size. They looked swollen.


"The only thing we can think of is that you've been relying on your Bijuu's Chakra too much. You're body can't take all the stress it's chakra is putting on you. And with the injuries you took on your last mission...We think that the only way to save you..is to release the seal containing the Bijuu's Yang chakra."


"No...there's no way I'm going to let that happen. She's bad enough already! Do you know what will happen if she takes all that new chakra into her system?!"


"Yes...I'm sorry Karela. But in a way, this was decided a long time ago. In the event that this sort of thing were to ever happen to a Jinchūriki, the Hokage has ordered that the Bijuu be removed without killing the host at all costs. In your case...it means releasing both seals and letting it go. I"m sorry...but this has to be done."


The nurse made a series of handseals and Karela attempted to get out of the bed.


"Poison release: Sleep inducing mist."


Karela slumped back to the bed and the door behind the nurse slid open. Three doctors and two ANBU members stood behind the nurse.


"Bring her to the extraction room. We need to begin immediatly. And inform her Sensai what has happend."

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