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((Sorry I took so long. I had some rough times, so that's why I wasn't on. Sorry...))


Asuka stopped dead in her tracks. She closed her eyes, narrowing her eyebrows. "Okay. Obviously... I'm not alone." Suddenly, a twig was heard from behind. Asuka opened her eyes, and quickly turned around.


All of a sudden, something, or someone, struck her in the face hard. She flew backward into a tree. Asuka shook her head, and touched her face. She stared ahead, wondering what hit her.


The source that was following her came into view. The person was covered in black clothing, with a facial covering. Asuka glared at the person and stood up. "I don't know who you are... but I'm gonna find out!" She jumped in the air towards the figure.

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"I may find some use for you..."


Takeda stood up and bowed to Tategami.


"I am ready to assist you in whatever you require Tategami-sensai."


Specter moved through the town with ease now. People saw him as Takeda and bowed to him or gave a wave. He approached a chunin and asked where the Hokage's office was. He was able to quickly lie and say it was a test. The chunin pointed the building out and Specter headed in the direction. He would soon find the truth out.

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Outside Konoha, en route to the extraction chamber.


"You know...I really don't like the fact that they only gave us four ANBU to get this extraction done. If she wakes up in the middle of the process, she could kill us all easily enough."


"I agree. We should have gotten more men for this, And I still don't like the route the commander ordered us to take. This route would be perfect for an ambush."


The first ANBU member glanced at Karela who was restrained to a stretcher by steel bonds.


"Be on the lookout, I really don't like this."


The second ANBU member didn't get a chance to respond as a barrage of Kunai knives cut through the trees where two of the ANBU members were standing. The leader of the squad watched as they were cut down.


"Ambush! Put the girl down and get ready!"


The second ANBU member didn't get a chance to respons as a chunk of earth shot up and caught him in the arm, while a fireball took the leader in the face.


Three figures in Arashi robes jumped down and took a look at their work.


"Excellent work. Get the girl and bring her back to the hideout, after a few weeks with the "doctor" she should be willing to see things from our perspective." The leader of the Arashi squad pointed at the bodies of the ANBU members. "And properly dispose of those, the last thing we need is the leaf village learning that they are missing."


((And that is the last we'll be seeing of Karela until the end of the arc.))

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"I am ready to assist you in whatever you require Tategami-sensai."


Tategami was proud to see the willingness in the Chunin's eyes.


"To achieve the rank, you must undergo the Jonin Exams; these trials anaylise your skills, performance and self-disciplin. As of now, I forbid you from undergoing these exams, until you have earned the right to."


"In order to do that, you must accompany me on one last mission. This will help me determin your willingness and commitment towards your team mates. Are you prepared?"




Kaneda eyed Specter with a suspicious eye. He's been in the bathroom for a long time. Then again, it wouldnt sound right to ask what he was doing.


He stood up. "Man, I'm full... I'm going to check on Karela, see if she is ok. I suppose your gonna have to tag along, seeing as I cant let you out of my sight. C'mon!"

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Training ground.


Dai jumped upward as his Sensai's fist slammed directly into the ground where he had been standing a moment ago.


"Be on your guard! An attack can come from any direction at any moment!"


I really hate these suprise traning matches...you think the training ground would be the last place he would look for me but no...


"Yes sensai! But you are the one who should be on guard!"


Dai flipped backward and slammed one of his hands flat on the ground and slapped his other hand on top of the one on the ground.




Dai ran straight at his sensai who casually stepped out of the way of the electrical attack.


What?! He can't do that!


Dai looked back at his sensai and ran toward him and jumped toward him "Poison Rlease: Poison Mist!" Dai actually managed to hit Lee with a small amount of the poison before he once again managed to jump backward and out of his sight.


He's so fast! How can anyone be that fast?! What I would do to meet his sensai...Wait...his sensai probably worked him harder then he works me.


Dai felt a tap on the back of his shoulder, the signal that the training match was over. "You did well today Dai. I'm suprised that managed to learn that poison technique though."


"Thank you sensai. In between my time training with you and my time working at the hospital Shizune has been teaching me a few tricks. She's a great medical-nin and I'm really learning quite a bit from her."


Lee sat down against the back of a tree. "I'm glad to hear that. One day, you may be able to actually hurt me."


Dai laughed. "That day will be coming sooner then you think sensai."


I still have around two hours before I have to volunteer at the hospital. Might as well go...have some fun.


Dai nodded to his sensai and walked off toward the center of the village.

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Akagi heard something loud. He drew his sword and began looking for whatever it was.


This sound was definatley that of battle, Akagi knew it well.


He had finally found where the sounds were coming from. With that, he sprinted off towards a nearby tree grove.


Asuka was there, and battling a masked attacker.


He moved quietly forward, blade low and in front of him, waiting to strike.

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"To achieve the rank, you must undergo the Jonin Exams; these trials anaylise your skills, performance and self-disciplin. As of now, I forbid you from undergoing these exams, until you have earned the right to."


A sense of doubt with a hint of confusion hit Takeda. He wasn't sure what to think but before any thought reached his head, Tategami spoke again.


"In order to do that, you must accompany me on one last mission. This will help me determin your willingness and commitment towards your team mates. Are you prepared?"


"Not only am I prepared, I am honored as well. I am ready to leave immediately."


"Man, I'm full... I'm going to check on Karela, see if she is ok. I suppose your gonna have to tag along, seeing as I cant let you out of my sight. C'mon!"


The clone nodded and stood up. It waited for Kaneda to lead the way. The real Specter remained hidden in front of the building where the Hokage was. He was about to move when he sensed Naruto was not alone. He decided to wait until that presence was gone.

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Dai's original plan had been to head to the ramen stand and pick up a bowl or two then head off to the bath house for a quick rinse. But those plans changed when he saw the figure skulking around in front of the Hokage's office.


Dai sighed and began to walk upside the wall by focusing chakra into his feet and stopped when he was standing right above the figure.


"You know..." he said in a plesant enough tone of voice, "some people may think your up to no good, what with you skulking around the Hokage's office and all."


Dai dropped the plesant tone of voice and dropped down right in front of the figure.


"Now why don't you tell me..." Dai noticed Specter's white eyes and his heart jumped up into his throat.


"Wha-What are you?"

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"Now why don't you tell me..."


Specter turned to face the person speaking to him. His white eyes looking straight at the boy.



"Wha-What are you?"


"I am a tortured soul force to suffer everyday, an undying shadow consumed in a world of light. I've have waited a long time for this day and wish to enjoy this moment. Walk away now and we won't have a problem, but stay and I will see to it this floor gets repainted in your blood."

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"I am a tortured soul force to suffer everyday, an undying shadow consumed in a world of light. I've have waited a long time for this day and wish to enjoy this moment. Walk away now and we won't have a problem, but stay and I will see to it this floor gets repainted in your blood."


Dai finally managed to get his pulse to stop racing to get a better look at the thing in front of him.


Look at it...it looks like its already seen battle recently, I can see scars, rips in the clothing where shuriken must have hit him. Those eyes though...those strange eyes...


Dai considered his options carefully...he could either try to fight this foe without any knowledge of it's capabilities, or he could run away and get help.


Third option...theres always a third option...wait just a minute...I am under the hokage's office right? And the hokage is usually the strongest one in the village right...Well, thats a no brainer.


"Hokage-Sama!" He shouted knowing the window above him was open, "There's an intruder in the village!"

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"There's an intruder in the village!"


With a quick motion he placed his left hand around the boyss mouth and held his sword to the boy's throat with the other. He had come too far to have someone find him out.


"Not another word, not another sound. None of your jitsu stuff either. You'd be surprised how many ninja have been in your place and thought they could break free. I've waited such a long time for this and I won't have you spoil it. Now silence yourself or I will gladly do it for you." Specter said, his voice getting louder by the minute.

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"Not another word, not another sound. None of your jutsu stuff either. You'd be surprised how many ninja have been in your place and thought they could break free. I've waited such a long time for this and I won't have you spoil it. Now silence yourself or I will gladly do it for you."


Dai silently put his hand inside his pocket and began to infuse his medical scalpel with chakra.


This is bad...but I can get out of this...I can get out of this...If I can get away from Anko-sensai and Shizune-sensai after spying on them in the bath-house then I can surely get away from this guy.

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"Not only am I prepared, I am honored as well. I am ready to leave immediately."


Tategami smiled. "I can sense your doubt. Your confusion is understandable. But it will all become very clear in time..."


He crossed his arms. "We're looking for a man named Mikita Ryuu. He's an escaped prisoner of the Arashi stronghold. He may have the information we need to locating them and-" he was interupted when he heard a yelling outside of the building.


""There's an intruder in the village!"


"C'mon, I'll explain everything later..." Tategami exclaimed. He walked outside of the Hokage's building, to see another Takeda holding Dai with a sword close to his neck. He looked next to him to confirm the "real" Takeda was next to him. He also stared at the enemy's eyes; they were far different from Takeda's.


"Let him go, Specter!"



Naruto observed the scene from above, standing atop of the Hokage's mansion roof. He crossed his arms, eyeing what appeared to be Takeda. But Takeda would never act like this...


"Not another word, not another sound. None of your jitsu stuff either. You'd be surprised how many ninja have been in your place and thought they could break free. I've waited such a long time for this and I won't have you spoil it. Now silence yourself or I will gladly do it for you."


"That wont be necasary..." he sighed. "I'm right up here. Let him go, and we can settle this like "civilised" men. I am unarmed."


"He's not gonna listen..." he thought.

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"Let him go, Specter!"


Dai cheked the scalpel, it was ready to go.


Lets see here...a large cut right about...here should do the trick, and it should turn the ground red with his blood. Alright then.


Dai quickly pulled out his chakra-enhanced scalpel and cut deep into "specter's" muscle tissue.


Dai could feel the arm weakning and quickly wriggled out of the hold and ran over to Tategami and Takeda.


"Thanks for the concern...but I can take care of myself you know. Training with Lee-sensai has that effect on a person."


Dai then turned back to Specter and his eyes went wide.


His blood...it's white, just like his eyes.

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"Let him go, Specter!"


Specter stared at Tategami and the real Takeda and just laughed.


"That wont be necasary..." he sighed. "I'm right up here. Let him go, and we can settle this like "civilised" men. I am unarmed."


Specter looked up and met the eyes of the demon himself. His left arm loosing his grip just a bit but enough for Dai to make his move. He quickly felt pain and released the boy. White blood dripped down to the floor. Anger quickly moved around his enite body. He could feel his body temperature rising. He concentrated all his energy into his body. Within seconds, Specter disapeared leaving only a small flame behind. Specter felt himself reapear behind Naruto. He threw off Takeda's outfit to reveal Specter's original white one.


"Naruto, I have waited a long time. I have spent years searching and now I have finally found you. My clan, the Linkolo tribe was wiped out. They were destroyed by a nine tailed beast. You are a nine tailed beast, it was you who had to have done this. It was you who killed my family!"

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"Naruto, I have waited a long time. I have spent years searching and now I have finally found you. My clan, the Linkolo tribe was wiped out. They were destroyed by a nine tailed beast. You are a nine tailed beast, it was you who had to have done this. It was you who killed my family!"


"I hate to break it to you, but I think you've got the wrong man..." He said in a very bored tone. "So you might as well kill me and be charged with murder."


"I knew a guy named Sora. He was very much like me. He was an artificial Jinchuuriki imbedded with Nine-Tailed Demon fox chakra. Its possible you dealt another of his kind. But if you dont believe me, then I suppose you might as well kill me now!"


"HOKAGE-SAMA! ARE YOU INSANE?!" Tategami exclaimed.

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The mysterious attacker smiled under his facial cover, and moved to the side, when Asuka swung a punch at him. Then, with one swift swing, the myesterious attacker punched Asuka on the stomach hard.


A little bit of blood shot from her mouth, as she fell on the ground in pain.


The attacker chuckled coldly. "My, oh my. You still have much to learn, Asuka."


The young girl struggled on her feet. "How... How did you know my name?!"

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Shad seperated from the group, there was stuff he needed to do at home, generally nearly dying several times does that to you. Sam cooked up some food and was busying himself with the cleaning of his house. Man, this place got dirty in a few days. Wait a second.... Sam looked at the broken vase. Something, or someone, had broke into his house. Takai, should I warn the others?

It may be unrelated, but it's not a bad idea to warn Naruto.

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"You know...I think there is something wrong with the hokage. It seems that there is only one specter and...what four of us including the most powerful person in the village right?"


Dai brought his hand down in a slicing motion and a dozen specally prepared needles appeared in his hand. Each of th needles was tipped with a deadly poison.


"I say we take him. Between the four of us there's no way he can survive."

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"I knew a guy named Sora. He was very much like me. He was an artificial Jinchuuriki imbedded with Nine-Tailed Demon fox chakra. Its possible you dealt another of his kind. But if you dont believe me, then I suppose you might as well kill me now!"


Specter stared into Naruto's eyes and dropped his stance. His next move would have been insane of him to do a few minutes ago; he bowed to the Hokage.


"Your words hold truth in what they say. You are not the man who murdered my clan. Where can I find this Sora?"


Takeda watched the events unfold on the rooftop.


"I say we take him. Between the four of us there's no way he can survive."


"I don't think he's a threat right now. He's not evil, just vengeful. Besides he's weak now and won't fight us."

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"Your words hold truth in what they say. You are not the man who murdered my clan. Where can I find this Sora?"


Naruto smirked, and suddenly exploded into a puff of white smoke; he was using a shadow clone the whole time.


"I'm right down here!" he yelled from below. He was standing on the veranda. "I was expecting you to kill my shadow clone. Looks like you killed the fun instead."


He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. "I have not seen Sora for so many years. But even I know he couldnt be the Nine-Tailed demon you are searching for; because I absorbed his chakra. You must be dealing with another of his kind."

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If they start fighting I'm pretty sure that I'll end up the one getting hurt...Might as well head off to the hospital while they take care of this.


Dai nodded at Kaneda and Tategami as Specter and Naruto stared at each other.


"I need to get going. I'm scheduled to help at the hospital today for a few hours today and to be honest, We're a bit short right now. I plan on leaving this situation in Naruto's hands for the time being."

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"I'm right down here!" he yelled from below. He was standing on the veranda. "I was expecting you to kill my shadow clone. Looks like you killed the fun instead."


Specter was losing his paitence with this one. However it help prove there was no way he could have murdered his family. Specter teleported off the roof to Naruto's second location.


"I have not seen Sora for so many years. But even I know he couldnt be the Nine-Tailed demon you are searching for; because I absorbed his chakra. You must be dealing with another of his kind."


"No more games! It was hard enough to track you down but at least I knew who you were. Now I have to track down someone I don't even know!"


Takeda who at this point stop caring at what was going on seeing that Specter wasn't going to attack nodded back as Dai left. He turned to Tategami.


"He was quite quick on his feet, perhaps he would make a good addition to your squad Tategami sensai."

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Kaneda walked by the Hokage's mansion to see Naruto speaking with Specter on the roof of the buidling. Recognising the eyes, he quickly glanced back at the Specter next to him.


"Ohh, you gotta be kidding me! Thats why you spent so much time in the bathroom!" a vein throbbed in Kaneda's head. The Specter standing next to him was a clone.


He walked over to Tategami and Takeda. "Can somebody please fill me in?"


"Funny... I seem to recall Karela promising to keep an eye on Specter. Leaving him with you was the worst mistake it seemed..." Tategami beamed. Kaneda grew frustrated.




Tategami chuckled. "I wouldnt say that - I happen to require your assistance for this next mission. Otherwise, what good are you now?"


"...prepare to be proven wrong, old man!" Kaneda cooled down. "When does the mission start?"


"Three days. During that time, you can help me gather some other team mates. As suggested by Takeda..." Tategami looked up at the Specter above. "We might have ourselves another team-mate!"




"No more games! It was hard enough to track you down but at least I knew who you were. Now I have to track down someone I don't even know!"


"I am sorry for your loss. I will help you however I can to track down your family's murderer..."

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Dai walked into Shizune's office to recieve his daily duties and was suprised to find that she wasn't there.


Well thats odd...I wonder where she could have gone.


Dai was about to try and sneak out when she popped her head in through the door, making his heart jump into his chest.


"Dai...you can take the day off...for once. We're full up today and it looks like you could use a break."


"But you told me you were understaffed!"


"Sorry, Yamanaka Ino and uchiha sakura were both able to make it in today. Sorry for screwing up your schedule...again."


"You owe me for this."


"What do I owe you for? I'm giving you the day off!"


Dai's left eye twitched once as he leaned forward. "There are no days off with Lee-sensai...there is only training, training and more training! Working here is some of the only relief I get."


Shizune sighed heavily. "It's really that bad isn't it? Fine...sometime this week I'll try and make time to teach you some new poison techniques."


Dai nodded his head once and turned to leave.


"Oh, before you go, you might want to check in room 458. One of the other chunin checked in today."


"I really don't have the time today perhap-"


"It's a girl."


"What room did you say it was? 458? I'll be right over."


Shizune sighed and shook her head in silent laughter as Dai nearly ran out of the room in his hurry to get to the room in question. That boy...is such a pervert

Outside room 458


Dai looked inside the room with dissapointment etched into his face. There was no girl in the room...only a ruffled bed and a computer screen with a diagnostic on the screen.


Wait...what does that say about Inflated cells?


Dai leaned in closer to the screen and examine it closer. Patient's cells are inflated, possibly due to overuse of Bijuu chakra...Condition is life threatning if not treated properly.


Dai raised one eyebrow above the other in suprise. I thought there was only one jinchiruki in the village and that was the hokage...is it possible that theres a second one?


Dai slowly edged his way out of the room. None of this was his problem for the time being...and he intended to use what little time he had before Lee found him to enjoy himself.

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