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Akagi looked down at the bowl of Ramen in his hands, and felt an utter disgust with himself.


He wasn't one to give up so easily on someone, especially in a fight. For all he knew, Asuka was still out there, and needed help, and here he was, eating Ramen, instead of helping her out.


He sighed and dropped the bowl on the ground, it cracked into tiny pieces as it hit the ground.


Akagi stood and began running back towards the forest, he knew that Asuka needed help, and he wouldn't let her down.


He managed to reach the forest quickly, and immediately began his search again.

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"Get up, child. Be the ninja you were born to be..." Masahiro said in a low menacing voice.


Asuka fearfully got to her feet, and stood there. Staring into her father's eyes was scary, but she had to keep up her strength and courage. "What do you want... dad?"


Masahiro glared at his daughter, and paced around her. "I've seen what you can do. You may be useful... for the Arashi." He continued to pace around Asuka, smiling.


The young girl glared at him, watching him. "What kinda father are you, telling your own kid to join the cruelest people on Earth?" She wasn't going to fall for his tricks. Not now. Not ever...


Masahiro gave Asuka a hard look. Then he smacked her back down on the ground. "Respect me, child! Never underestimate me neither."


Asuka coughed in pain. Talk about fatherhood...

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Dai's acute ears were still picking up fragments of the conversation between the people. From what Dai could get, two or three people were speaking and they seemed to be arguing about...something.


Finally...Two figures came into his sight. One...seemed to be a girl laying on the ground and the other was...standing over her.


He hit a lady! And a pretty one at that! There's no excuse for that!


Dai accelerated to his full speed and extended one of his legs forward as he flew through the air, barely visible as a black blur.


"Dynamic Entry!"


Dai's leg collided with the figure directly in his stomach and sent him sailing into a large gathering of trees. Dai graciously extended his hand and smiled. "May I be of some assistance miss?"


Hokage's office


Naruto's head was resting on the desk as Kokoro proclaimed her desire to train under some of the jonin in the village. Hinata sighed deeply and pointedly looked at her.


"Excuse me a moment."


She quickly jabbed a finger into the middle of his back and he shot awake with a start. "I'm up! I-I'm up. What's going on?"


Naruto focused his eyes on her and he smiled. "Who's this Hinata?"


Hinata sighed again and repeated Kokoro's words to him.


"Hmph. I don't see a problem with it. As long as she doesn't cause any trouble with anyone she's welcome to train with whoever she wants to train with as long as they have time."

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Akagi wasn't too far now, he could feel it.


He drew his sword, the sun glinting off its silver blade.


Something caught his ear, someone's voice.


"Get up, child. Be the ninja you were born to be..."


"What do you want... dad?"


"I've seen what you can do. You may be useful... for the Arashi."


"What kinda father are you, telling your own kid to join the cruelest people on Earth?"


Akagi followed the conversation, Asuka would never join them, would she? No, she couldn't, she knows the truth, the Arashi wouldn't turn her....even if it is her father who is trying to turn her...she spoke nothing of him...


He was now just a few trees away, and with a swing of his blade, he broke apart the foliage between him, Asuka, and her Father.


He dropped into a battle stance near Asuka, moving to protect her.


"Indeed...he would no longer be your father if he was going to try and turn you, Asuka....I will not let that happen..."


Akagi nodded to Asuka and took a step closer, his katana moving into a more dangerous position to strike.

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"I have to agree with the boy on this one, something doesn't feel right about this. I'll join you in finding her if you wish."


Tategami hung his head, taking a moment to think. "Very well... I've done all I can for recruitment today. We can check on her status, while we await for Kaneda and Takeda's response."



"Somethings not right. I think they were attacked, or at least one of them was."


Kaneda leaned down and ran the small grains of soil through his fingers. "If only Tategami-Sensai were here; his tracking abilities could make things easier..."


He stood up. "Alrite, lets go in. Hopefully we'll be able to find more footprints or any other signs."


They entered the forest, looking for any more details to indicate Asuka or Akagi's location. It took them a small amount of time to hear the sounds of battle near-by. Hidden behind bushes, they saw the battle held between Asuka and a mysterious figure.


Kaneda glanced back at Takeda, and motioned his index finger upwards. We go into the trees was what he was trying to say. He launched himself on one of the tallest trees and landed on the thick trunk.


All of a sudden, Akagi turned up at the scene. This seemed to display a perfect opportunity. He glanced at Takeda and whispered.


"Wait, till I give the signal. I want to see what this guy is capable of before we launch an all-out offensive."

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Masahiro, who was lying on the ground after being kicked hard on the stomach, chuckled. "Well, well, well. It looks like your friends do care for you, daughter. Impressive."


Asuka knelt on the ground, looking at her father. "Don't call me your 'daughter'..."


"Indeed...he would no longer be your father if he was going to try and turn you, Asuka....I will not let that happen..."


The young girl smiled. "Glad you came, Akagi. Thank you. I agree with you too."


Dai graciously extended his hand and smiled. "May I be of some assistance miss?"


Asuka smiled and gently took the stranger's hand. "Thank you." She then got to her feet.


The middle-aged ninja jumped up, and used his Hand Seals of


Rat, Tiger, Dog, Ox, Rabbit, Tiger


Then he used Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique, throwing multiple balls of fire at the team. "Stay away from my daughter!"

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Akagi smiled and nodded to Asuka, but then his face turned serious again and he walked over to the man on the ground, and stuck a foot hard on his stomach.


The Samurai's sword was right next to the man's face.


"I've seen many people like you. Many. I hated every one of them."


He pressed his foot harder into the man's stomach.


"You will not harm Asuka. In fact, we won't even let you near her. If I had my way, I'd end your miserable existence now, but killing is not always the answer. Perhaps you'll take this lesson to heart, but then again, you might not. Next time, I won't think twice when this blade is in your face."


He then looked at Asuka, "What do you want done to him, or what do you want to do?"

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"Hmph. I don't see a problem with it. As long as she doesn't cause any trouble with anyone she's welcome to train with whoever she wants to train with as long as they have time."


Kokoro looked at Naruto. After hearing his words she smiled widely.


"Thank you so much! I'm so happy, you won't regret this. I will do my very best you'll see!", Kokoro said with excitement, Jupo barked a few times wagging his tail. "What do you need help around here with, I'll be happy to lend a hand wherever you need it".

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"Stay away from my daughter!"


Dai was about to formally introduce himself when he felt a sudden blast of heat send him flying through the air to land in a pile of brush. He was in a daze as he looked down to see the tip of a gloved finger poking out from under the brush.


What the? Did I just land on a partner of his or something?


Dai pulled away some of the brush only to see a masked face with half the mask burned off staring up at him through dead eyes.


Holy >^%$! That's an ANBU! There's a dead ANBU in the brush!


Dai quickly rolled off the brush and looked at the battle that was begining between the stranger and the samuri.


Startled me for a second there...


Dai jumped up into one of the tree branches and then launched himself at the stranger.


"Poison release! Poison Mist!"


Dai released a stream of deadly poison directly at the stranger who quickly jumped back. Damn. He's fast.

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Kaneda watched as the stranger performed the Phoenix Immortal Fire technique. So this guys nature type is fire... There was no doubt that this ninja was very skilled.


Wind might be effective, and there could be an acception for Takeda's Ice nature type. But the problem was; if this guy mainly uses fire-based tecnhiques, which could repeal Ice... Unless


"Takeda... I want you to use every type of Ice-Based Attack against him, except for Chiller Touch. I know he could melt them easily with fire techniques, but I'm onto something here. Trust me on this one"

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((Hey, guys, I'm gonna call it the night. See ya tomorrow! :) ))


Luckily, Masahiro got away from the Samurai and the other mans' deadly poison. He laughed out loud at them. "You and your pathetic skills! The Arashi will rise, and destroy every last one of you! And I'll be sure to have my daughter join my side!"


Asuka glared at him. "I will never join you!"


"Yes... you will. Even if it means destroying your friends." Masahiro smiled evilly. Once again, he was ready to battle the team.


"Leave them alone, dad! It's me you want!" Asuka exclaimed.

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Takeda followed Kaneda through the forest. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Asuka on the ground. A mysterious ninja was attacking her and he had to do something. He made a move but stopped himself. He looked down at Asuka and then back at the ninja. Takeda clenched his fists, he felt a powerful emotion run through him. Kaneda whispered things to him but he couldn't hear him. Rage raced through his very bloodstream, he began to remember again. He remembered the death of his mother, and his father, he remembered being alone. His blue eyes faded away and now looked just like Specter's. His body temperature began to drop. Takeda fell to his knees in pain. He looked down at his hand, it had turned to ice but not from his powers. The ice moved down his arm and through his body until he was covered by ice. His body temp was now below Sub-Zero. Takeda stood up and jumped down in front of Asuka. He looked up at the ninja.


"You fire shooting demon, I'll tear you apart bit by bit. I'll make sure your death is slow and painful. I'll send you back to hell, now DIE!"


"Ice Release: Ice Ball, Frozen Rain, Ice Blades!"


Takeda fired a large ice ball from his hands, larger than usual. He then summoned a storm of icicles to fall from the sky. His hands turned into two ice swords. He stood still to watch what would happen.


"Die you demon, die!" Takeda yelled again.

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"What do you need help around here with, I'll be happy to lend a hand wherever you need it".


"You might as well go and look for one of the Jonin to teach you something. If I were you I'd stay away from Anko, Lee and Neji. I've seen how they train the students they teach...it's brutal."




"You and your pathetic skills! The Arashi will rise, and destroy every last one of you! And I'll be sure to have my daughter join my side!"


This one's not a pusover like the other opponets I've fought. He might actually have to be taken seriously.


Dai brought one of his hands down to the ground and then brought his second one down on top of the other one. Hope he doesn't move.



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"You and your pathetic skills! The Arashi will rise, and destroy every last one of you! And I'll be sure to have my daughter join my side!"


Akagi took a step closer, his blade threatening the space in-between the man and himself.


"You will never turn her. We will protect her, and she will never join you. The Arashi are doomed in their evil ways."


"Leave them alone, dad! It's me you want!"


"It's okay, Asuka, we can take him. We also can't allow you to be hurt or captured in anyway. We'll protect you."

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Dai watched as another ninja dropped in front of the his intended target. Son of a...Will they move themselves?! Wait...is that Takeda?! Nah...he's never lost his cool like that before.


"Hey...Move Takeda out of the way and then hold him still. I've got a technique that should finish the job quite nicely..."


You think that if they're were trouble Kaneda would be around but no...the one time we need him, he isn't here. Hows that for Irony? It would be so much easier if we had his Shadow paralzying techniques.

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Kokoro stood up. She heard Naruto's words and took them into account. She would need to learn from people that are constantly training and those three actually seemed like the type of teachers she needed.


"I will look for one of them then, thank you again Hokage", Kokoro said bowing again and then left the room. Jupo followed closely behind.


"Well then, let's now look for one of these three sensei", Kokoro said as she looked around.

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"It's okay, Asuka, we can take him. We also can't allow you to be hurt or captured in anyway. We'll protect you."


Asuka smiled up at Akagi. She knew they would never leave her or abandon her. After all... they were like family to her.


Suddenly she saw Takeda. He looked really angry. Asuka was also amazed by his appearance.


"You fire shooting demon, I'll tear you apart bit by bit. I'll make sure your death is slow and painful. I'll send you back to hell, now DIE!"


"Ice Release: Ice Ball, Frozen Rain, Ice Blades!"


Takeda fired a large ice ball from his hands, larger than usual. He then summoned a storm of icicles to fall from the sky. His hands turned into two ice swords. He stood still to watch what would happen.


"Die you demon, die!" Takeda yelled again.


Masahiro grinned. Then he back flipped from Takeda's attacks and jumped in the air, using his special fire moves to block off the ice attacks. Then he landed on the tall tree's branch. "You, boy, have anger within. You're too young for that..." He laughed coldly.


"Takeda, no! Forget about him! He's just toying with you! All of you!" Asuka exclaimed worryingly.

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"Takeda, no! Forget about him! He's just toying with you! All of you!"


The amount of Chakra on his hand was starting to burn Dai's hand slightly so he shut down the electrical attack before it could cause any further damage to his hand.


"You murdered one or more ANBU...you attacked a lady...and you've really screwed up my day. There is no possibility of forgiving you."


Dai shot a handful of needles at the man who easily dodged them.


"Damn it!"

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Kaneda grinned as he watched the stranger melt Takeda's Ice with his fire techniques.


I have you now! he thought. He leaped from the tree and landed in the battle field. He glared at the stranger - he was standing in the water melted from Takeda's moves. It was still steaming, but hasnt evaporated.


"You know, that was a pretty good show you put back there! Those fire-techniques are by far the finest I've seen so far." he grinned.


Ox, Rabbit, Monkey


"Lightning Blade!" he exclaimed. The enhanced form of the Chidori. The electrical chakra surrounded his hand. As it grew strong enough, Kaneda slammed is arm down on the wet puddles of water; leading to Masahiro.


The electrical current travelled along the puddle of water, directly to where Masahiro was standing.

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"Lightning Blade!"


Dai turned to see Kaneda appear out of nowhere just like that. It's about damn time he showed up.


Dai jumped back and landed directly next to Kaneda as the lightning attack surged toward Asuka's father.


"Just so you know...there's one or more dead ANBU hidden in the brush over there...Oh...and where the hell have you been?! You certainly took your time getting here!"

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"Just so you know...there's one or more dead ANBU hidden in the brush over there...Oh...and where the hell have you been?! You certainly took your time getting here!"


"Unlike most of you, I took a chance to examine the way this guy thinks and moves." he replied. "You could get yourself killed if you dont know what you're going up against. It also gives me time to form a strategy!"


He stood up, and watched as the electrical currents began tormenting Asuka's father. "Just like what you saw then; I wanted Takeda to use his Ice Techniques against this guy, so he could melt them. That melted ice turns back into water... and conducts electricity."


He stared back at Asuka next to him, and whispered. "This is a perfect opportunity for you to use your water based techniques." Its also ideal against fire-based attacks.

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Akagi watched as Asuka's 'Father' flipped away from Takeda's attacks, dodged the man called 'Dai's' needles, and was now looking for a way to escape from Kaneda's electrical currents racing towards the water.


The Samurai saw an advantage, and took it.


He charged forward, running unbelievably fast, faster then the electrical current that Kaneda had launched, he then stuck his blade deep into the water it was heading towards.


The electricity struck the water, and immediately came to Akagi's sword as a conductor. The blade's hilt was all that was keeping it from electrocuting Akagi.


He yanked the blade out of the water and swung his newly electrified blade at Asuka's father. It was sharp and dangerous before, but now all it would take would be one tiny bit of contact, and Akagi's enemy would be thoroughly electrocuted to death.

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He stared back at Asuka next to him, and whispered. "This is a perfect opportunity for you to use your water based techniques." Its also ideal against fire-based attacks.


Asuka glared at her father. Then she had an idea occur to her. "No... I have a better idea." She then ran in front of Akagi to stopped him. "It's okay! I got this..." She turned around, and approached her father, who was down on the ground, messed up and angry.


"Heh heh. You... you can't defeat me. I'm powerful than any of you! And you... Asuka! You disappoint me..." Masahiro said, staring at her coldly. "Oh. Do you know what happened to your Uncle? Chokichi?"


Asuka stopped, standing above Masahiro. "My... my Uncle?"


Masahiro grinned. "Yes. I know who killed him."




"I KILLED HIM!!! My brother banished me from Konoha, just because I wanted to be more powerful with the Jutsu! Even your mother... she wouldn't look at me anymore. Your Uncle was a fool! Like you!!"


Asuka's anger rose up. She knelt down, eye to eye with Masahiro. "I'm not a fool." She then picked him up with all her strength. "I'm a fool to ever see you again! You killed my beloved Uncle. You threatened my friends. And tried to force me to join the Arashi! Good-bye... father..."


And with that, Asuka used the Touch of Death she learned from her Uncle, and struck Masahiro on the chest really hard with her hand. You could see an incredible wave of his chakra blast from his body. Dropping her father on the ground, Masahiro Kyo was dead.

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Akagi's blade was poised to strike hard against his enemy.


But suddenly, Asuka stepped in the way.


"No... I have a better idea. It's okay! I got this..."


Abruptly, the Samurai backed down and he took a step back, relaxing his arm and allowing the electrified blade to rest at his side.


He then watched the two converse, and Asuka's Father revealing the truth around her Uncle's mysterious death. And then....she killed him. Just like that.


Her Father was not a good man, it didn't take long for Akagi to see that, and the world would be better without him, but still, it was very sudden to kill one's Father.


But he didn't doubt that Asuka had made the right decision.


He walked over to the lifeless body of her Father, and raised his blade high above his head.




With that, he plunged the blade deep into the man's stomach, just to make sure he was dead. The electrical currents left the blade as Akagi pulled it out.


He then cleaned it, and then sheathed it, he then went over to Asuka.


He put a hand on her shoulder.


"You did the right thing, Asuka."


He gave her a squeeze just to assure her.

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"Good-bye... father..."




Dai started forward only to see a large amount of Chakra burst from the strangers body before he collapsed dead on the forest floor.


"You did the right thing, Asuka."


He slowly turned to Asuka and shook his head slowly. "No you didn't...You shouldn't have done that. He could have been taken prisoner...or incapacitated, you had the power to do so...but instead you killed him in cold blood."


His eyes narrowed. "Be wary of what happens next. You could end up developing a taste for killing now."


Dai shook his head again and turned toward Kaneda. "That guy was powerful...but I don't think he could have taken on an ANBU blackops agent. I think...wait...there's more of em."


Dai shifted the bodies and found three more of them. He leaned in closer to take a closer look. "Kaneda...come over here and tell me what you see. Does anything about this look odd to you?"

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