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"Takeda...keep your distance, observe your opponent before attacking...we must be careful against this one."


Takeda turned his head when he heard Akagi's voice, he was glad someone else was here.


"Wait for a weakpoint and then strike, I remember. I'm just making sure she stays clear of Asuka, if this woman wants her she'll have to get through me first."


He turned his head back to the woman.


"Come on, you can't be that ugly than again maybe we should be hiding in the trees!"


He looked back over at Akagi.


"If this woman is tough I want you to take Asuka back to the others. I'll hold her off until you get back."

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((This would be a great time to Show Asuka's dark side Skywalker. A transformation or something would go great here.))


"You do that and I'll make sure your death is the most painful thing you go through! Why don't you come out and fight you cowardly rat; maybe I'll consider going easy on you!"


Zarila chuckled lightly from her hiding spot.


"This is but an example of you Asuka. You always have to have your friends save you. Every time. You could have gone with your father and become great. Powerful. You would have been able to command respect from people instead of laying in their shadows. But you refused the gift your father offered you and killed him instead."


"Come on, you can't be that ugly than again maybe we should be hiding in the trees!"


Zarila made another series of handsigns.


Dragon flame Jutsu


A massive stream of fire erupted from the trees and engulfed both Takeda and Akagi who quickly hit the ground and shouted in pain.


Now for the girl.


"You know...your little bijuu friend put up a much better fight then your friends. It's almost a shame we had to kill her. But don't worry...you'll be seeing her soon enough."


Zarila made another series of handsigns.


Shadow Shuriken jutsu.

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From a distance, Kaneda performed a series of handsigns. Fūton: Kamikaze! (Wind Release: Hair Wind)


A powerful spinning wave of wind unleased from his hands, directly at the Shadow Shurikens. They were blwon away instantly.


Kaneda smiled. "I'm afraid you've missed another opponent..." he glanced up at her at the trees. "Sorry, I'm normally anti-social. Thats why not many people take much notice of me."


He walked to the tree, still smirking at her. "And speaking of anti-social... Its very rude to not make any formal introductions before attacking an opponent."


He grabbed his Katana, and infused it with his Wind Chakra...

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"And speaking of anti-social... Its very rude to not make any formal introductions before attacking an opponent."


"You'll never figure out my name. But I'll admit, your good kid. No one has ever been able to blow those Shuriken away."


The shuriken suddenly changed direction and began to head for Kaneda again. "Especally since they follow a target until they hit it."


Zarila nodded at them before putting her hands togethere again and vanishing in a bright light.


((Teleportation jutsu in case your wondering.))

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Takeda was motionless on the ground. The fire had hit him directly in the chest and knocked him down. He placed his hands there and tried to numd the pain with the ice. He was stuck there unless he could stop the burns. Perhaps he could do that move again where ice covered his entire body. The last time he did that he went beserk but if he concentrated enough Takeda knew he could do it again. He closed his eyes and began to think of what he did the last time.


"Ice Release: Sub-Zero" He said at last.


Ice began to cover Takeda's arms. It worked its way to the chest and down to the legs. It covered his entire body, including the head in a few minutes. He slowly picked himself off of the ground now that the ice had completely numbed the burns.


"Especally since they follow a target until they hit it."


"Than I'll give it something to hit."


Takeda jumped infront of Kaneda and looked up at the Shurikens. They darted towards him and made contact with his icy exterior. Bits of ice began to fall off of Takeda when the Shurikens collided with the ice. After all the shurikens hit Takeda's ice armor he broke it off. The shurikens might not of hit him but he could still feel the burn marks. He was able to numb them down but it still hurt. He made his way over to Akagi and helped him up.


"Did she just say Karela is dead?!?"


Takeda shook his head in disbelief.


"There's no way thats true."

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Dai watched the two figures run by his position as he hid in the trees. They looked like innocent travelers but something about them was...wrong. The first one was real he could tell that, but the second one was...different.


He watched carefully as the first robed figure conversed quickly with the second who then vanished in a puff of smoke while the first one disappeared in a teleportation jutsu.


None of my concern. Just leave it alone Dai


He shrugged and headed back to camp.

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Who was that female that was taunting her? Whoever it was... Asuka promised that if she encountered that voice again... she'd deal with it. Suddenly, she felt a stinging pain inside her head.


The young girl pushed Akagi away from her. Beads of sweat started to come down from her forehead.


"Everyone!! P-please... stay away from me!!!" Asuka knelt on the ground, clenching her fists, and closing her eyes tightly. "Something... evil... is trying... to take over... me!!"


All of a sudden, Asuka shot her eyes open. They were glowing red with anger. The young girl slowly stood up, and coldly stared at everyone. A twisted smile crept up her face.


"My friends, huh? More like... pathetic fools!!!"


She performed the hand seals of Chidori. After a large amount of lightning-chakra was created in her hand, she charged at the group with an angry cry.

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Kaneda eyes grew with amazement when Takeda blocked the attack with his ice armor: saving him.


No one has saved his butt recently. He usually had to take care of himself. He smiled. "Thanks, Takeda. I guess I owe you one..."


"My friends, huh? More like... pathetic fools!!!"


Kaneda saw Asuka's eyes glowing red. She sounded different from before. She saw her charge up a Chidori attack and launched herself at the group.


Kaneda didnt have time to think; he performed his series of handsigns and extended both his arms. "Fūton: Kamikaze! (Wind Release: Hair Wind)"


The tornado-like blast of wind knocked Asuka back. He stepped forward, looking down at her. "Have you gone insane?!" he yellped. This was a different Asuka than the one he knew. Had that damn witch we encountered earlier do something to her to act this way?" he figured.

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"Have you gone insane?!" he yellped.


Asuka slowly looked up at Kaneda with angered, red eyes. She then jumped back to her feet.


"Have I gone insane? Have I gone insane?! You all are nothing but a bunch of self-righteous fools! You think everything evolves around you, but it doesn't! You all may also think I'm weak, but you're sadly mistaken!!"


She took out her Katana, ready for another attack.


Suddenly, as if something stung her, Asuka fell to the ground and yelled out in agony. Her eyes were closed, as she clenched her fists. All of a sudden, she opened her eyes. They were back to normal.


"Uncle Chokichi!! Benjiro!!" Asuka yelled out. She began to breath heavily with fear.

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"Have I gone insane? Have I gone insane?! You all are nothing but a bunch of self-righteous fools! You think everything evolves around you, but it doesn't! You all may also think I'm weak, but you're sadly mistaken!!"


Kaneda was intrigued at what he was hearing. He never thought Asuka to be weak - why was she even thinking like this? Why was she even acting this way?


She unexpectadly fell to the ground where her eyes were back to normal. He gave her a puzzled look. He knealt beside her, and placed a hand on his teammate.


"Hey! You need to slowdown your breathing, or you'll hyperventilate." he added. "Can you move? We'll bring you to Tategami-sensai to take a look at you."

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((Lets hope introducing "Arashi" Karela a bit early will get this RP moving again.))


The three Arashi agents moved quickly through the dead of night and into the morning before finally stumbling on the group of Konoha Shinobi.


The center agent made a series of handsigns that told the other two to continue on to the village with the explosives.


The agent stared down at the group before a puff of smoke next to her alerted her to the presence of Zarila.


"I softend them up for you a bit. Have fun."


"I intend to Sensai."


The agent bit down on her finger, drawing blood and then brought her hand down with a complex handsign.


Summoning no jutsu. Undead resurrection


Two coffins burst out of the tree branch and quietly sprung open.

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The strange women's flame attack had caught very easily to his armor, and he immediately began to try to fan out the flames, to no avail.


He had sustained major burns on his face and arms by the time the flames were out.


That was when Asuka...changed, and shoved Akagi to the ground.


The fall hadn't helped him much in his slightly toasted condition, so he could do nothing to defend himself as Asuka charged the group. Thanks to Kaneda, worse didn't come to worse as he stopped the girl.


"Have I gone insane? Have I gone insane?! You all are nothing but a bunch of self-righteous fools! You think everything evolves around you, but it doesn't! You all may also think I'm weak, but you're sadly mistaken!!"


To Akagi's surprise, Asuka collapsed, and became, well, normal again.


"Uncle Chokichi!! Benjiro!!"


This confirmed the Samurai's fears, the killing of her Father had brought about the worst of side-effects. The evil and good within her had collided with her decision, and now...their were two Asuka's.


At least, that's what Akagi thought. There were a few in is village that had had this happen to them. It was never pleasant, so much so that the only cure, often, was to kill the unfortunate person.


That was not an option here, not at all, Akagi would need to find a way to help the girl out.


The Samurai tried to get up, and he did, with great pain involved, his burnt skin and armor weren't helping him much.


He gritted his teeth, "Asuka....just take it easy, try your best to relax.....yeah....."


He couldn't hold himself up anymore, falling backwards to the ground again.

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Kokoro had gotten up early in the morning and had gone hunting for a little breakfast. She thought it would be a good way to break the ice between her and the other team members by bringing enough food for everyone. She was carrying three rabbits and picked up a bunch of vegetables she found growing around the woods.


Kokoro had heard quite a commotion. Jupo growled a bit in the direction of the screams. Kokoro then followed Jupo only to find Kaneda kneeling over the body of Azuka, a girl in the team. She approached Kaneda and Azuka and knelt beside Kaneda.


"Is she ok? What happened? I heard screams as I was looking for breakfast", Kokoro said.

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No...take out the Jonin first. Without a leader they'll fall apart.


The agent and the two coffins disappeared with a whisk and appeared directly above Tategami-sensai.


Daisuke Tategami. Jonin. Extremely clever. Has the unique ability to predict the moves of his foes. Weakenss: Overly proud of his physique.


The coffins sank into the tree she was in, leaving behind a man with the lavander eyes associated with the Hyuga clan and a woman with a large over-sized Katana on her back that was better described as a massive cutting knife.


"Kill him. Leave no survivors."


The two nodded and jumped to a tree across from Tategami in order to better utilize the element of suprise.


Below the tree


Dai's book page was ruffled by an unexpected gust of wind and he looked up at the tree in irritation. His irritation was quickly replaced by panic as he saw two figures in the tree taking aim at Tategami.


"Tategami-sensai! Get down!" He shouted as he threw a kunai at one of the figures.

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"Tategami-sensai! Get down!"


Dragon, Dog, Tiger, Ox. Tategami spread his arms up in the air.


"Fire Release: Shield of Justice!"


A circular wall of fire surrounded Tategami, blocking the kunai knives being thrown from the enemy. His protective justu soon deactivated.


"Why can we not have a quiet peaceful morning? We've already got a job to do." he announced. "And besides, my arms are sore..." he rubbed his big muscled arm unconciously.




"Is she ok? What happened? I heard screams as I was looking for breakfast"


Kaneda looked up at Kokoro, as she knealt beside him. "Asuka has been acting strange... We recently encountered some lady who attacked us, then we later found Asuka like this."


He lifted Asuka by putting her arm around his neck. He looked at Kokoro. "Can you help me get her back to camp?"


"Takeda, help Akagi up and get him back to camp." he sighed. "I cant believe we became so crippled this morning. And just as we're nearing the Hidden Rain Village..."

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"Fire Release: Shield of Justice!"


The two puppets of the agent jumped down into the clearing and faced Tategami. The one with the lavander eyes activated his Byakugan and dropped into a fighting stance while the other one pulled the massive Katana off her back.


The agent watched this all from the tree line.


They'll need help


Boar, Ox, Tiger,


"Earth Release, Earth Coffin Jutsu."


A wall of stone rose up from the ground and began to engulf Tategami.

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"Can you help me get her back to camp?"


"Of course", Kokoro said reaching over to Asuka and placing her other arm around her neck and helped Kaneda carry her over to the camp. Kokoro did not notice however anyone else. She figured they had been attacked by someone but there didn't seem to be anyone around.


"Judging by the fact that there didn't seem to be anyone around, did Asuka turn on you?", Kokoro asked a little worried, although Asuka did not seem to be the kind of girl who'd turn on her friends.

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"Earth Release, Earth Coffin Jutsu."


Specter jumped up and looked over at Tategami. He made a series of hand signs before teleporting over to Tategami. He did the same signs and grabbed onto Tategami before teleporting the two of them away. He pulled out his two ninja swords and looked at the one with the large Katana.


"I'll take the one with the sword."




"Takeda, help Akagi up and get him back to camp." he sighed. "I cant believe we became so crippled this morning. And just as we're nearing the Hidden Rain Village..."


Takeda helped Akagi up and looked at his burns.


"This should help numb the pain." he said as he touched the burns with some ice. "Do you want me to take your armor and blade?"


Takeda looked back over at Kaneda and Kokoro.


"Judging by the fact that there didn't seem to be anyone around, did Asuka turn on you?"


"No she didn't attack us...but something inside her did. Its almost like there's two people inside of her."

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"I'll take the one with the sword."


The center agent smiled under her mask as Specter teleported Tategami away from her jutsu.


She made another series of complex handsigns.


"Earth Release. Earth spike jutsu."


Massive spikes quickly shot out of the ground and one of them impailed Specter through the leg, taking away to temporarily move.


"Now that the fool is out of the way...your next."


She quickly threw a handful of Kunai with explosive tags attached at Tategami, having them bury themselves in the ground a moment before hitting him.


Hopefully this will kill him.


The hyuga puppet jumped back and began to use the gentle fist style to damage him the inside out.


Only a matter of time.

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White blood shot out of Specter's leg like a bullet. He clenched his fists and then pulled his leg out of the spike.


"Now that the fool is out of the way...your next."


I don't need my legs to fight he thought to himself.


He watched as Tategami was being attacked by the one that attacked him. He quickly placed his hands on the ground and spoke as softly as he could.


"Hell's Portal."


A hole large enough for Specter to fall appeared under the ground he was limping on. The hole opened up behind the ninja with the large Katana and Specter plunged both of his swords into her back. He grabbed her by the back of her neck.


"Your soul is mine!"


He tried to drain the soul out of the ninja but she was like him. A dead body that was brought back to life. He took whatever energy he could suck out of the ninja and then finished the ninja off. He could walk now but that was about it. He jumped back through the hole and onto the other side.

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"Do you want me to take your armor and blade?"


Akagi tried his best to stand up on his own, but instead had to use Takeda for support.


"No thank you, Takeda-San....I need my Daisho to protect myself, not to mention it is what I am....and the armor, we'll have to remove that at camp much later from now, to take it off now, the burns are too serious, it'll take my skin off with it."


He looked over at Kaneda, "Be extremely careful and completely calm when she comes to, don't let her get too scared or excited, otherwise....you'll get something bad."


The Samurai then looked at the unconcious form of Asuka, "Poor girl..."


He'd have to find a way to cure her condition. It would take awhile, but he'd find it.

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"Poor girl..."


Takeda looked over at Akagi,


"I know what you mean...I hope she's okay, I can't stand to see her like this."


Takeda thought about how the death of someone he cared about affected him after he took revenge on the killer. It wasn't a good feeling, it made him colder.


"I don't want her to end up like I did...cold."

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"Your soul is mine!"


The agent jumped backward as the first of her two puppets were finished off by the strange ninja.


Specter. Powerful ninja from a village that has since been destroyed by unknown means. Weakness: Images of his family.


The agent launched another exploding tag Kunai at Specter and watched with satisfaction as the tip buried itself in his leg.




The tag exploded and Specter was sent flying backward by the explosion, he looked like he was badly wounded.


"Now...for the other fool."


She looked over at her puppet fighting with Tategami. It looked like Tategami had taken some bad hits from the gentle fist user. The puppet had taken it's share of hits as well, there was a hole in it's stomach that was slowly regenerating as he fought.


"Earth release: Earth Coffin jutsu."


The ground began to grow up around him and within moments his legs were trapped.


Time to finish this.


Five kunai each appeared in each hand and she ran at Tategami.

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