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"After a blast like that you shouldn't have a leg left for me to heal."


Specter watched as Dai began to use some healing jutsu on his leg. The jutsu felt surprisingly good to him. He felt like he was being given life rather than taking it.


"Yeah well when you've got a family to avenge your body refuses to go down because your mind forces it to."





"Shut up!" Asuka said out loud. Then she looked at the others and smiled. "Not you guys."


Asuka's yell made Takeda shake for a second. He was caught off guard by it but turn to look over at her. Her smile was something Takeda needed to see, some kind of hope.


"Well its good to see your smile again. You really have to teach me how you stay so cheery sometime."

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Kaneda almost jumped with suprise when Asuka yelled. She quickly glanced back with an embarrased smile on her face.


Oh yeah, this reminds me...


"There is no need to explain outloud, Kaneda..." Tategami beamed. "I'll keep Asuka under surveilance, until the mission is complete." he assured.


In a way, Kaneda felt slightly appreciated with Tategami. Too many things have happend in the one morning.


"Alrite team!" Tategami announced. "Grab your things. We're leaving shortly..."




The sky was scorched with dark grey clouds. The constant noise of thunder was in the background. Rain constantly poured down onto Kaneda's face.


The team was walking through a street of the heavily industrialised town. Some of the buildings were still under construction. Street Urchins surrounded the city; Gangsters, Criminals, Merchants and all sorts.


Tategami stopped and looked back at everyone. "Be extra cautious here; This place can be very unpredictable."

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((Does anyone want to Rp as Konan for her conversation with Dai? If not I'll do it myself. Whoever would want to do it would have to be extremley good at role playing her in character. ))


"Be extra cautious here; This place can be very unpredictable."


Dai nodded.


"I'm going to go see if I can talk to Konan. Maybe she knows more about that woman who attacked us back in the forest, If I'm right, we haven't seen the last of her."

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"I'm going to go see if I can talk to Konan. Maybe she knows more about that woman who attacked us back in the forest, If I'm right, we haven't seen the last of her."


Specter stretched his legs and looked over at Dai.


"I'll come with you, its the least I can do right now since you fixed my leg."





"Be extra cautious here; This place can be very unpredictable."


Takeda nodded and looked over at Tategami.


"Right so whats the plan then? Do we try to blend in or just stay hidden?"

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"I'll come with you, its the least I can do right now since you fixed my leg."


"Alright, just don't cause any trouble. The last thing we want is for there to be an incident with Konan of all people."


Dai whistled cheerfully as we started walking toward the large building in the middle of the village.


He didn't see the two black-clad shinobi watching him from the very top of the building behind him however.

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"I'm going to go see if I can talk to Konan. Maybe she knows more about that woman who attacked us back in the forest, If I'm right, we haven't seen the last of her."


Tategami caught up with Dai while walking. "We're going to see Konan too." he said. "I want to see if she knows anything about the man we are pursuing."


Kaneda walked behind, with his hands behind his head. He squinted at Tategami. He thought back to when he was fighting Karela and the Corpse Puppets. And how his arm was damaged and some how repaired it by growing white fur all over it.


"I cant figure this out... he thought to himself. He can read minds, has superior strength and speed, and seems to regenerate chakra like it came from a hidden storage within himself..."


He suddenly wondered if Tategami was listening to his thoughts. What was the extent of Tategami's powers?


"He's.... Well, I dont think these are the proper words... But he's... like a monster..."

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"We're going to see Konan too. I want to see if she knows anything about the man we are pursuing."


Dai nodded at the big Jonin.


"Hopefully we'll be able to find out more about that woman...and perhaps something about Karela as well. For all we know she could be here...now...with that teleportation jutsu of hers."


Dai pointed at a large building directly ahead of them.


"That is where Konan resides. It's from here that she watches over the Hidden rain village as it's protector."

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Akagi had taken advantage of the quick rest allowed, and pried his armor off very slowly, so as not hurt himself more from the burns. He'd been hit really badly...and he feared that he may not retain full use of his left hand...but he was right handed, so he didn't mind it as much.


He applied a cool cloth to the burns, trying his best to someone salve the pain. He spent alot of the time thinking on what happened....and how he could find a way to help Asuka...


But it was something that greatly puzzled him, seperating him from the others in a way, as he was completely detached from their plans to finish their mission, while he was trying to find the solution to his own.

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Dai looked back at Akagi and sighed.


"You might as well let me patch you up while we still have some free time. I saw how bad those burns are and I think I can fix you up if you let me give you a hand."


Dai extended his hand.


"The name is Dai, I don't believe I've gotten your name yet despite that fact you've been with us for a while."

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((Just so everyone is aware, I'm not intending any encounter with Arashi members. We'll be fighting different type of people soon))


"That is where Konan resides. It's from here that she watches over the Hidden rain village as it's protector."


"It almost sounds like you've been here before." Kaneda added. He looked at the top of the buidling, and shivered when he saw the scary face with Rinnegan Eyes; the former residence of the Akatsuki leader Pain.


They soon reached the entrance of the building, and entered. It was very warm inside, due to the cold rain outside. Tategami stopped and looked back at the others.


"You can accompany us if you wish. But I'm sure this meeting will be long, dull and boring for you kids." he beamed.


"What do you want to do? You can explore this village and familiarise yourself with it. Or you can accompany us to the meeting. If you go exploring, you'll have to be extra careful - Takeda will accompany you, of course."

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"The name is Dai, I don't believe I've gotten your name yet despite that fact you've been with us for a while."


Akagi grabbed Dai's hand and stood up.


"Glad to meet you, Dai. My name is Akagi Shurijima. I noticed when you joined the group, didn't really have much time to welcome you to the group....not a dull moment with these people."

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((Who wants to take over Konan? Whoever can capture her personality the best can take over her.))


"It almost sounds like you've been here before."


Dai nodded at Kaneda. "I was here...once on a mission. We...uh...didn't manage to complete that one since we were so new."


"You can accompany us if you wish. But I'm sure this meeting will be long, dull and boring for you kids."


"I'll be attending the meeting if you don't mind. We need to find out more about that woman who attacked us...and try to find out a way to help Karela."


He then looked over at the Samuri who was slightly taller then he was.


"Glad to meet you, Dai. My name is Akagi Shurijima. I noticed when you joined the group, didn't really have much time to welcome you to the group....not a dull moment with these people."


"I can see that. Once we're done with the meeting I'll patch you up and you'll be good as new."




The two black clad shinobi watched carefully as the group entered the building before turning to one another.


"Thats it. They're in. We can tell the Captain that she can detonate those paper bombs in the Hidden leaf."


"It's about time as well."


The two made a series of handsigns and then disappeared in twin blue flashes of light.

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Specter just shrugged his shoulders.


"I got nothing better to do, I might as well stay for the meeting."




"You can accompany us if you wish. But I'm sure this meeting will be long, dull and boring for you kids." he beamed.


"What do you want to do? You can explore this village and familiarise yourself with it. Or you can accompany us to the meeting. If you go exploring, you'll have to be extra careful - Takeda will accompany you, of course."


Takeda looked over at Tategami to take in what he had said.


Does this mean he thinks I'm ready? I won't let him down.


"You can count on me sensai."

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Karela stared down at the Village with cold eyes that lacked mercy. The time had come for the first step of the Arashi finally fighting back against the corrupt Hidden leaf.




The Arashi member next to her nodded and made a series of handsigns.


Mass detonation jutsu


A massive series of explosions cut through the air where the Hyuga and Nara compounds were once located. A series of cheers rose up from the Arashi members.


Minutes later


Karela turned around as a gentle wind seemed to cut through the air and one of her teammates was sent flying to the ground.


A woman with pale, lavander eyes and a man with whiskers stood in front of her, the eyes were filled with rage in the man's case and despair in the woman's case.


"Your going to pay for what you did to the Hyugas. We already have messenger hawks heading for the Hidden Rain Village to alert Tategami and his team to what happend here. The only reason your not dead is because we found your paper bombs before you detonated and evacuated the Hyuga and Nara compounds."


Karela cursed angerly. All the waiting and they hadn't killed a single one.


"I'm going to give you a choice. Surrender now or fight."


Karela made a series of handsigns and a small fireball erupted from her mouth and hit the woman straight in the heart. The woman gasped once and went down.


Karela smirked. One Hyuga would die today. She had hit the weak point perfectly.




Naruto was picking up the downed Hyuga girl even as Karela and her team disappeared in a flash of now familiar blue light.


Not again!

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"I'll be attending the meeting if you don't mind. We need to find out more about that woman who attacked us...and try to find out a way to help Karela."


Tategami scratched his head. "I know. Thats what I meant about saying "us" "


"Yeah, I mite go explore this town abit. I'm getting the munchies right now, and I feel like a Hamburger." Kaneda rubbed his stomach.


He was about to head out the exit of the door. "Anybody is free to come with me, I spose..."


"Be very cautious." Tategami realerted. "As I said, this place is very--"


"Unpredictable. You told us." Kaneda added. He exited the door.


Tategami headed up stairs with Dai and the accompanying. All sorts of workmen were walking around the corridors and offices. The building had been refurnished, since Pains "retirement"; new red carpenting was installed. Some of the walls had been replaced with the window-like Japanese screening. The whole place was very "homely" from Tategami's perspective.


They stopped at a door that was marked as Konin's offfice. A reception stood behind her desk, and acknowledged Tategami's teams approaching.


"May I help you?


"Yes, we're here to speak with Konin. We came from Konoha, and have matters to speak of."


The receptionist allowed them inside the office. Konin was standing behind her desk, looking out the window.


"To what do I owe this visit?" Konin greeted.

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((Time for the long meeting to begin. I can stay on till morning if we want to get this done in one night.))


"To what do I owe this visit?"


Dai was about to ask about the woman who had attacked them earlier when he saw the familiar shape of a Konoha messenger hawk fly past the window.


"It appears we have a message from the Hokage. I'll take care of this Tategami sensai."


Dai bowed to Konan before heading out and grabbing the letter that the Hawk dropped into his lap.


Hmmm...looks like we're getting reinforced. But I'm not sure I've ever heard of a Yoroi Miratashi before. The letter says he should be here shortly.


Dai shrugged and headed back into the meeting.


"Forgive me for interupting Sensai but we have someone else joining our group. A "Yoroi Miratashi" will be joining up with us shortly."


Dai then turned to Konan. "It is a true honor to meet you."

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"Forgive me for interupting Sensai but we have someone else joining our group. A "Yoroi Miratashi" will be joining up with us shortly."


Tategami sighed. "And he gave me explicit instructions to not volunteer too many people for this mission..." he grumbled. "Very well, he may offer some form of assistance to us."


"It is a true honor to meet you."


Konan gave a small smirk. "I dont feel its time for me to be acknowledged as "honorable". I have done many wrongings in the past; and I'm still making up for them as Leader of this village. But thank you."


"We're here on business from Konoha." Tategami began. He told her all the recent events that have occured: the war between the Ogawa and Arashi, the mission to the Land of the Waterfall, and the extraction of the Legenday Ten-Tailed Beast.


Konans expression was stoic and calm as always. Tategami continued.


"We've been sent here to look for a man named Ryuu Mikita. He's an escaped prisoner of the Arashi compound, and we need his knowledge on there exact location."


"I'm curious as to what sort of treatment these Arashi give to their prisoners." Konan finally replied. "The man you speak of has caused quite alot of stir within my Village."


Tategami looked partly suprised. "So you know him?"


"Yes..." Konan replied sternly. "He's been mixing with the wrong type of people here. Mobsters, gangs, Loansharks... He owes alot of money. Many bounty hunters often arive here and cause alot of commotion while chasing the man. They havent had much success though: Mikita has his ways, you see."

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"He's been mixing with the wrong type of people here. Mobsters, gangs, Loansharks... He owes alot of money. Many bounty hunters often arive here and cause alot of commotion while chasing the man. They havent had much success though: Mikita has his ways, you see."


Dai sighed. Looks like this was going to be difficult.


"There is another manner I would like to bring you attention to. We...fought against a woman who wore Akatsuki robes and hat but she did not wear the ring. I'm curious...Have you ever heard of a woman who matches this description? Is it Possibe shes a rouge Akatsuki member?"

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"There is another matter I would like to bring you attention to. We...fought against a woman who wore Akatsuki robes and hat but she did not wear the ring. I'm curious...Have you ever heard of a woman who matches this description? Is it Possible shes a rouge Akatsuki member?"


Konan stared grimly at Dai, who brought about this question.


"The Akatsuki consisted of no more then 10 members; each one from their own respective village." she began. "Save for associates, there can be no more then that number of members. One of Ten Rings are given to each Akatsuki member to represent their role of membership within the organisation."


She pulled within her desk draw a small box. She opened it to reveal a ring with a white gem. A kanji symbol was marked on it.


"This was my old ring. It serves me as a reminder of my past..." she closed the box. "If this woman you encountered didnt wear a ring, then she either lost it (which is highly doubtful), or she isnt an original member."

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"If this woman you encountered didnt wear a ring, then she either lost it, or she isnt an original member."


Dai cursed at the news. It figured that they would have to go up against a powerful missing-nin.


"The woman is working with the Arashi...and she managed to capture one of our teamates and turn her against us."


Dai noticed another messenger Hawk at the window, he quickly bowed to Konan and went outside and grabbed the message.


His heart stopped when he read it and he quickly ran back inside.


"Sensai..." Dai whispered, still in shock. "The Arashi attacked the village with paper bombs. Causalties include...Hyuga Hiashi was killed evacuating his clan home, Hyuga Hinata badly wounded while fighting the bombers who were led by a female Arashi captain, Nara Shikamaru badly wounded while evacuating his clan home and many Hyuga's were injured while evacuating the clan homestead."


"Dai slowly turned to Konan and then back to Tategami. "I think...that will be the last time they attack the village. The village is going to be on high alert after this."


"We need to stop Karela. I'm going to bet it was she who planted the team that led the paperbombs in the village.

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"Finally!" gasped Yoroi. The journey had been quite a long one and Yoroi had to run like hell if he had any chance of grouping up with his fellow Shinobi before they left.


But there they were: Dai, Konan, Tategami, all of them.


Yoroi stepped forward and knelled. "Yoroi Miratashi reporting! I was sent by the Lord Hokage to assist in the efforts against Arashi. My jutsu are at your disposal."


Now let's just hope no one get's freaked out by my unholy chakra, Yoroi thought. Please, let them just welcome me as another companion and not as some sort of demon or Sound villager. Please!

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Takeda stayed in the room until he heard about other gangs and criminals. He bowed to Tategami and Konan.


"I should make sure Kaneda and the others don't make friends."


Specter watched as Takeda left. He stayed silent when he heard the news of the attack. All he could hear was his daughter's cries for help. His eyes began to glow, a yellow aura began to form around him. With that he teleported leaving in a firey blaze.

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"I think...that will be the last time they attack the village. The village is going to be on high alert after this."


This gave Tategami a huge shock. Why would the Arashi attack Konoha? They have no reason too, now that they got what they want!"


"We must get back to Konoha as soon as possible. But first things first: we have to find Mikita and bring him back."


Just then, a man wearing dark robes suddenly leaped through the open window of Konan's office.


"Yoroi Miratashi reporting! I was sent by the Lord Hokage to assist in the efforts against Arashi. My jutsu are at your disposal."


Tategami was left speechless. He put his serious face back on. "You're supposed to knock first..." he turned abck to Konan. "Can you tell us where to find Mikita?"


"Mikita tends to hang out in rather crowded areas. One area in particular is the entertainment district. Its makes it harder for Bounty Hunters to spot him there."


Tategami pulled out the photo of Mikita's appearance so he could memorise it; Mikita was tall, skiny and rather lanky. He had specs of facial hair growing around his face, along with a thick black hair shaped like a mop. The most distinctive feature of his person was that he wore an eye-patch.


Tategami looked back up at Konan, then Dai. "Where can we find the Entertainment Disctrict?" he asked.




Kaneda walked the wet streets of the heavily industrialised town. Him, Takeda and the found themselves at what appeared to be some type of time square. The sign above read "Entertainment District".


The neon-lighted area was crawling with people. Restauraunts, clubs, and all sorts of shops surrounded the area. Kaneda looked up at the dark rainy sky, covered with continous webs of power lines.


"About that hamburger..." he said to himself. He looked over at an fastfood outlet covered with a large shelter.


High up on the rooftops, four dark figures spread out looked down at the Entertainment District. Kaneda and the group didnt notice them. But that wasnt what the dark shadows were after.


"I see him..." one of the teamates said through the ear piece. Mikita is heading over to the Hamburger joint..."


"I see him..." the man glared down at the mopped-headed man. He smirked. "Heh... Did I happen to mention earlier? I happen to spot a familiar face when we were conducting our surveilance..." he gave a sinister grin and looked up at the clouded rainy sky. "Its been a long time... Daisuke Tategami..."

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