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But I must prove myself! he thought. I must show that I can be of help, I need to show everyone that I am not just another monster made by Orochimaru and his twisted servants.


"I can understand how your feeling, Yoroi..." Tategami replied to his read thought. "I believe you are quite capable of such things. But I have trained with this man, and I know how strong he is. He's more powerful than you could imagine, and it'll take the three of us to defeat him!"


Gosai smirked. "You could just save time and change into your Werebeast Form Daisuke... but if you insist..."


Kaneda launched himself at Gosai, and made a few swipes and lunges with his own Katana. Even at Kaneda's fast pace, Gosai was able to block each attack with a Kunai knife. Tategami came from above him, with a Rasengan ball.


He infused it with his fire chakra- evolving it into a Great Flaming Rasengan Ball. He threw the ball towards Gosai.


Gosai was able to dodge it, but he the ball managed to singe the cloth covering his right arm off. He leaped up and kicked Tategami in the stomach. Tategami landed on his feet.


Now that we've got names out of the way, are you ready to join your comrades in hell


Gosai stared up at the Takeda. Or what appeared to be Takeda. In Kaneda's eyes, it semed like he underwent sometime of transformation.


Gosai beamed. "So... You can transform too, huh? Have you gone through the same procedure as we went, I wonder... I doubt that. You dont bare the same characteristics as we do."


Gosai formed one handsign. "Kage Bushin no Justu!" 5 other Shadow Clones appeared behind Gosai. He ordered his clones to attack Takeda. "I wanna test your abilities, before I undergo my Transformation!" Gosai grinned insanely.




"It appears you are a very popular man. Tell us where the Arashi hideout is."


Mikita, all tied up and completely paralysed, looked up at Dai. "So... you've encountered the same guys who imprisoned me for the past 8 years... What did they do to tick you guys off?"

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"So... you've encountered the same guys who imprisoned me for the past 8 years... What did they do to tick you guys off?"


Dai nodded.


"They tricked us into helping them steal a...very valuable item from another organization known as the Ogawa. Then...they took one of our teammates and did something to her so now she thinks that we're the enemy. They bombed our village as well."


He leaned down close to him.


"We need to find out where the hideout is. If you want I might be able to work out a deal with Tategami that could get you off the hook, but we need to find that hideout."

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Asuka stood there silently, watching what was going on.


"You might as well leave these egomaniacs, Asuka. They're nothing. They don't even know what they're doing..."


Asuka glared. "Listen, you slimy voice inside my brain. I'll never leave my friends. And I'll never listen to you. So... shut up!!"


Asuka sadly stared at "Takeda". "Takeda, stop, please!! This isn't you!"

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"I can understand how your feeling, Yoroi..." Tategami replied to his read thought. "I believe you are quite capable of such things. But I have trained with this man, and I know how strong he is. He's more powerful than you could imagine, and it'll take the three of us to defeat him!"


More powerful than I could imagine? But of course no one, not even his parents and the Sixth Hokage knew of his great Kekkei Genkai. It was the one aspect of him that the Nightmare Seal could not corrupt, for it was a gift only two others had ever known. He had kept it secret for a long time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to reveal it...to reveal that he could be more than a monster.


Two of his blood clones fell to the enemy, but the other three and the Nightmare Horror finished him off. That left only three more and Gosai.


"Cursed!?!? I'm not cursed you fool, Takeda is!"


"Whatever," Yoroi muttered. I love how everyone has a demon or evil spirit or second personality inside them. Takeda, the Hokage, everyone has a little mean creature inside them. Meanwhile, I got something that is now an intrinsic part of who I am.


Gosai smirked. "You could just save time and change into your Werebeast Form Daisuke... but if you insist..."


Kaneda launched himself at Gosai, and made a few swipes and lunges with his own Katana. Even at Kaneda's fast pace, Gosai was able to block each attack with a Kunai knife. Tategami came from above him, with a Rasengan ball.


He infused it with his fire chakra- evolving it into a Great Flaming Rasengan Ball. He threw the ball towards Gosai.


Mental note: Make sure that some one teaches me how to use Rasengan, Yoroi thought. Could possibly be a Jutsu immune to the effects of the Nightmare Seal.


Gosai formed one handsign. "Kage Bushin no Justu!" 5 other Shadow Clones appeared behind Gosai.


"Oh please," smirked Yoroi. "Shadow Clone Jutsu? We'll see if you have enough chakra to sustain a significant number."


He ordered his clones to attack Takeda. "I wanna test your abilities, before I undergo my Transformation!" Gosai grinned insanely.


This, combined with the fear in Tategami's eyes and the presence of this 'Takai', was enough to convince Yoroi. Now was the moment to reveal his trump card, to show how the battle would be decided before it even began.


"Release!" said Yoroi, closing his eyes. Then he opened them, showing that they (along with that of his Blood Clones) had changed. They had become a light gray, with black curved lines placed like ripples in water.


"Rinnegan!" His great advantage. Though he could not use any nature form other than Nightmare, Rinnegan was the reason why he been so quick in developing his Jutsu. It now allowed him to see through the eyes of his clones at the same time as himself. He would have no blind spot and instead perfect coordination with his clones.

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"Takeda, stop, please!! This isn't you!"


Takai turned around and stared at Asuka. His yellow eyes made contact with hers, and a proud grin was on his face.


"Takeda!?!? You're not dealing with Takeda anymore, that weakling doesn't even compare to me! He was stupid enough to let me out so that you and all of his other stupid friends would be safe. What do you think this is girl, a movie?!?! Do you really think you can save your friend just by calling his name! You'll have to do better than that."


Takai felt some resistance from Takeda as the pyschopath stared at the girl


"Get...Mask" Takeda said softly.


"Quiet boy!"


Takai turned around to face Gosai.


"I wanna test your abilities, before I undergo my Transformation!"


"Come on now only five? That's hardly fair for your clones but very well, I hope they prove to be a better warmup than your comrade back there." Takai said returning the insane grin.


Takai concentrated his energy into his right fist and slammed it into the ground. He sent the clones into the air and quickly darted after them. He began hitting the clones at fast speeds, and taking hits from them as well. Ignoring the cuts on his arms he grabbed a shadow clone by the throat and threw him down into the others. Takai jumped back and looked over at Yoroi.


"Finish them off for me, they're no fun."

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Tategami and Kaneda combined force and fought Gosai together. Kaneda kept swunging his blade in hopes of ever hitting the opponent.


Gosai grabbed him by the arm and swung him away. Tategami kept up with Gosai by blocking his attacks and managing to hit him with Taijustu moves. The might of Gosai didnt seem to give up that easily; he infused his arm with purple chakra and landed a punch in Tategami's stomach - the sensai was blown away.


Kaneda came up behind Gosai with his Katana infused with Lightning Chakra made for a chidori attack - but Gosai was too quick, he managed to grab the blade with his hand before he could be sliced in half. Kaneda's eyes widenend, as the Chidori had no effect.


"Heh... So you're a Lightning-natured Shinobi. Like me!" he kicked Kaneda in the stomach and he was blown away. Kaneda vomited up blood before he looked up at the man's foot, infused with what appeared to be dark purple chakra.


"Same-natured Chakra based attacks wont effect me, boy!" he grinned. He looked down at the cut on his hand made by the blade. He sucked the leaking blood from his hand. He was pleased to see that Takeda had managed to defeat the clones.


"Very good boy. You appear to be stronger in that form of yours, if you were able to take one five clones with my equivilant strength." he grinned. "Perhaps its time to take your limits to the next level. Lets see how you handel my Default form of the Werebeast Transformation"


"Takeda! What ever you do; do not let him drink your blood!" Tategami roared. Kaneda glanced at Tategami with a look of horror.


"Drink his blood?"


He watched as Gosai looked up at the rainy sky. He took off his shredded cloak and threw it away - leaving him a Sleeveless Gi. He began to roar. Dark purple chakra began to form from Gosai's body. His red hair began to straighten and grow slightly longer. His skin turned bone white and muscles structure slightly increased. His arms began to grow with long red fur in the shape of scythes. He grew fangs, and his eyes matched the color of his fur - glowing crimson.


Kaneda's jaw dropped. He had never seen anything like it before. Gosai changed from a human to a walking beast.


The transformed Gosai stared at Takeda. "Well? Dont just stand there! HIT ME! IF YOU CAN!"




"We need to find out where the hideout is. If you want I might be able to work out a deal with Tategami that could get you off the hook, but we need to find that hideout."


"Peh... like it make a difference. The Arashi change hideouts from time to time; making them difficult to track down. They have atleast six hidouts spread throughout the land - and I've been to them all. Well, transfered if I must say. They do however have a main base of opperations."

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((Is The prisoner going to die at the end of the arc or live?))


"Peh... like it make a difference. The Arashi change hideouts from time to time; making them difficult to track down. They have atleast six hidouts spread throughout the land - and I've been to them all. Well, transfered if I must say. They do however have a main base of opperations."


Dai nodded. That made a lot of sense, but he hadn't been expecting six hideouts plus one main base.


"Can you tell us where they are? We need to find them before they attack another one of the villages."

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"Finish them off for me, they're no fun."


"Well if you insist," Yoroi muttered. His Blood Clones immediately attacked Gosai's Shadow Clones. Gosai was skilled indeed, and his skill was shared with his copies, but Yoroi's Rinnegan allowed for flawless coordination between his own copies. In a minute the Shadow Clones were all dissipated.


"And now for a new Jutsu!" Yoroi announced, making a new series of hand signs. "Nightmare Release: Armor of Endless Terror!"


The Nightmare Horror he had summoned flickered, then turned into dark purple chakra and surrounded the summoner. It formed into crystaline armor around Yoroi.


"Collaboration Jutsu is a success," Yoroi said, grinning with triumph. The armor, however, did not appear on his Blood Clones, but that was okay. Only one Yoroi was needed.


The transformed Gosai stared at Takeda. "Well? Dont just stand there! HIT ME! IF YOU CAN!"


"Gosai!" Yoroi yelled. "You forget that I am your opponent!"

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Takai looked at the new form of Gosai. For someone was beserk as Takai, even he was taken back by this new form. It wasn't everyday you battled someone like this. Takai knew his fists alone wouldn't be enough to fight this thing. He jumped backwards and picked up the fallen sword of the man he had killed. It wasn't his sword but it would do for now. He infused it with chakara and jumped back towards Gosai.


"You wanna test you luck? Fine! Shadow Release: Shadow Crescent!"


Takai swung the sword diagonally and a black wave of energy shaped like a half moon crescent left the sword and towards Gosai.

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((No, he's gonna live. He'll be accompanying us back to Konoha))


Gosai looked deep into Takeda eyes. "I can see your fear, boy! And I can smell your blood..."


"You wanna test your luck? Fine! Shadow Release: Shadow Crescent!"


Gosai crossed his arms to cover his face, and allowed the blade to strike against him. The sword got caught in between his crossed arms - blood dripped from the shining blade. "Heh.... Thats all you had? I know you're holding more than what I'm seeing!"


The beast slid his arms away from the blade and slammed his fist into Takeda stomach. A wave of purple chakra blasted Takeda away.


"Gosai!" Yoroi yelled. "You forget that I am your opponent!"


"Oh, I havent kept my eye on you..." he grinned. "I see you've inherited the legendary Rinnegan eyes. But will they be enough, thats the question!"


Monkey, Dragon, Rat, Bird, Ox, Snake, Dog, Tiger, Monkey


"Chidori Senbon!!!!" Gosai released thousands of Lightning Chakra-based needles towards Yosai.




"Tategami-sensai... What the hell is that?" Kaneda finally spoke. Tategami stood up and lifted Kaneda up onto his feet.


"Gosai is using Werebeast Form - a Juinjutsu that was thought to have been created by Orochimaru himself. It increases your chakra level, strength and speed once activated. But there is a catch - the user must drink the blood of a human host so as to create a fusion between the user and the victim's chakra. In other words: the more blood you absorb, the more powerful you become. But this effect is only temporary, once the user deactivates the form."


"Sickening..." Kaneda remarked.


"It gets worse - once the victim has been biten, they too will inherit the form. Thats why people like Gosai make sure the victim dies after the Chakra in their blood has been absorbed."


"So thats your dark secret? You too are a practioner of the form?"


"Yes. But its a story that will come later... Right now, we have to assist Takeda and Yoroi."




"Can you tell us where they are? We need to find them before they attack another one of the villages."


Mikita gave a mischiefous grin. "You're gonna have to earn that information. If you are what you guys say you are, then protect me from these guys. I'm a man of my word - scouts honor."

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"Heh.... Thats all you had? I know you're holding more than what I'm seeing!"


Takai was sent flying by the attack but landed on his feet. He began to laugh again as if he was enjoying this fight.


"And you're holding back too, come on now I've killed Genin who hit better than you."


Takai put the sword on his back and ran at Gosai with great speeds.

"Now than, lets have some fun!"


He covered his own fist in black chakra and threw a punch at Gosai. At the last second he punched the ground underneath the two of them, He took out the sword and swung like a madman at Gosai multiple times. He landed on his feet and laughed some more.


"Oh its been a long time since I had this much fun!"

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"Oh, I havent kept my eye on you..." he grinned. "I see you've inherited the legendary Rinnegan eyes. But will they be enough, thats the question!"


Monkey, Dragon, Rat, Bird, Ox, Snake, Dog, Tiger, Monkey


"Chidori Senbon!!!!" Gosai released thousands of Lightning Chakra-based needles towards Yoroi.


Yet when the needles hit the armor, they disappeared to Gosai's annoyance


"I forgot to mention," said Yoroi. "This armor is made of pure Nightmare chakra, and Nightmare chakra cancels out other forms of chakra. Granted, the armor will not prevent a physical attack, but I'm not going to be letting you hit me anytime soon."


"Oh its been a long time since I had this much fun!"


"Yeah well sorry Takai or whoever you are. I'm going to end this right now with my signature Jutsu!"


Snake, rat, monkey, snake.


"Nightmare Drain Jutsu!" Yoroi shouted.


Gosai stopped dead in his tracks. Before him were two purple blobs of chakra. Slowly they formed into two people.


"Long time, no see...Gosai!" said the first, who had a white pale face, slits for eyes, and long black hair.


"Orochimaru-sama, perhaps we should check up on this experiment," said the second, a man with silver hair and glasses.


"By all means, Kabuto," Orochimaru chuckled. "Let's find out how well the Werebeast Form works."


Gosai growled. "What is this? Genjutsu?"


"Hardly," said Yoroi. "Those are Nightmare Horrors from your own subconscious that your chakra is giving form to. It is my first Nightmare Release Ninjutsu, and one I hate having to use. However, you have made me use it. Those Nightmare Horrors will continue to exist until you run out of chakra."

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((I'm controlling Gosai :p ))


"And you're holding back too, come on now I've killed Genin who hit better than you."


"And I've killed Genin who swung swords better than you. I've killed men, women... even children."


Takai swung the blade around Gosai at a very fast pace. But every time he swung, Gosai was able to dodge every strike. As soon as Takai landed on his feet, Gosai appeared behind him and kicked gave a round-house kick infused with his dark chakra. "Your fast!" he smirked.


There was a brief conversation between him and Yoroi. He was slightly disapointed that the Chakra senbon had no effect, but this was expected.


"This armor is made of pure Nightmare chakra, and Nightmare chakra cancels out other forms of chakra. Granted, the armor will not prevent a physical attack, but I'm not going to be letting you hit me anytime soon."


"Heh... is that right? I'm always up for a challenge."


Yoroi suddenly performed some type of advanced Genjustu, that summoned figures of Orochimaru and Kabuto. Gosai smiled.


"You arent fooling anyone, old man!" he laughed. "If you are nightmares, then that implies I cannot hurt you and vice versa. I'm a man without fear..."


He looked around for another suviving member of his "team".


"You! Go relax!" he barked. The hooded man nodded and suddenly used a Teleportation Justu to escape. He turned back to Yoroi. "Well, I might as well allow the most from that Genjustu you performed. Take as much chakra as you want - It wont matter to me."


He appeared behind Yoroi and kicked him in back with his depleating energy. Tategami took note of Gosais intentions.


"I see what he has done... He's sent that "man" away, so he can absorb his chakra to replenish after the Nightmare Justu is completed..."


He looked up at the sky. "He could be a thousand miles away right now, waiting to be summoned and willingly sacrifice his life for the sake of Gosai's victory."


"I dont have a choice..." Tategami announced. "I must stop him before he replenishes his chakra!"

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Asuka stepped in front of Takai. "Stop this madness! Leave Takeda alone, and stop this madness NOW!!!"


The young girl pulled out her Katana and ran towards Takai, ready to strike him. "I will save you, Takeda. No matter what it takes to take this guy down."


Asuka glared, making caution if Takai would strike as well.

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((Sorry, I've been gone for awhile....what has been happening, just wondering?:D))


"Fine. Akagi and I will protect you. But remember your part of our little deal."


The Samurai had been very quiet lately, merely observing and waiting for the right moment when he'd be needed.


He looked to Dai, "Yes, I'm sure we'll be up to the task. Perhaps you yourself can prove yourself a man of honor, scout or not. This is something not worth joking about..."


He didn't like how this man treated the matter of honor with some sort of...jovialty. It was a very serious matter.

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((we chased the arashi criminal Mikita to a construction site. Dai took out Mikita while the others kept Mikita distracted. Before they could celebrate they were confronted by four cloak figures. They turn out to be Tategami's old team members. The leader of the group named Gosai taunts Tategami for not using his Werebeast Form to fight him and orders the others to get Mikita. Takeda who realizes that these men should be as tough as Tategami and would be very hard to fight so he unleashed his dark secret. Inside of him lies the soul of the crminal Takai who killed Takeda's parents. Takai takes control and kills one of the with ease. Yoroi kills another member(he's the newest member of our gang now) Kaneda, Takai, Tategami, and Yoroi take on Gosai but as of now are failing.))


Takai picked himself up from the ground and brushed himself off.


"You know this isn't my default form, or even a form at all. But I don't wanna show you that form yet, for now I'm just going to unlock Gate One and see what happens from there."


"Stop this madness! Leave Takeda alone, and stop this madness NOW!!!"


Takai watched as Asuka charged him head on.


"Not only will I slay a monster but I'll get to kill one of Takeda's friends too!"


Takai pulled out the sword and began twirling it in a full 360 degree motion. He was about to toss the sword when his right arm stopped moving. Takeda was using all the strength he could to prevent him from attacking Asuka.


"You fool, she'll kill you too!"


"One life...for another!" echoed Takeda.


The katana went through Takai and the criminal let out a sharp yell. The blade had hit him in the right spot and caused a large white light to flash out of him.

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((@ Phantom Knight: Sorry, my bad. :D ))


"Heh... is that right? I'm always up for a challenge."


Yoroi suddenly performed some type of advanced Genjustu, that summoned figures of Orochimaru and Kabuto. Gosai smiled.


"You arent fooling anyone, old man!" he laughed. "If you are nightmares, then that implies I cannot hurt you and vice versa. I'm a man without fear..."


"Hmmm....a man without fear," Yoroi muttered. "That's a new one."


He looked around for another suviving member of his "team".


"You! Go relax!" he barked. The hooded man nodded and suddenly used a Teleportation Justu to escape. He turned back to Yoroi. "Well, I might as well allow the most from that Genjustu you performed. Take as much chakra as you want - It wont matter to me."


"What--?" But then Yoroi recalled Tategami's conversation with Kaneda....



"Gosai is using Werebeast Form - a Juinjutsu that was thought to have been created by Orochimaru himself. It increases your chakra level, strength and speed once activated. But there is a catch - the user must drink the blood of a human host so as to create a fusion between the user and the victim's chakra. In other words: the more blood you absorb, the more powerful you become. But this effect is only temporary, once the user deactivates the form."



So that means--? It was obvious: As long as Gosai had someone willing to offer himself, he could feed and regain all of his strength to the point where it would be as if nothing had happened to him.


"Well I will make sure it matter to you then," Yoroi retorted. And I'll wipe off that smug mouth of yours while I am at it! roared Inner Yoroi. Shannaro!


Suddenly Gosai was behind Yoroi and kicked him in the back. Damn, he's still fast! Yoroi thought. "Blood Clones, to me!"


Takai picked himself up from the ground and brushed himself off.


"You know this isn't my default form, or even a form at all. But I don't wanna show you that form yet, for now I'm just going to unlock Gate One and see what happens from there."


He's going to open Takeda's chakra gates?! thought Yoroi. Damn it, even if we kill Gosai together I'll have to fight him too!


But there was hope in this regard. Rinnegan is the progenitor dojutsu of Sharrigan, so I might be able to use mine to control Takai like a Sharrigan can control a tailed beast.


"Stop this madness! Leave Takeda alone, and stop this madness NOW!!!"


Takai watched as Asuka charged him head on.


"Not only will I slay a monster but I'll get to kill one of Takeda's friends too!"


Takai pulled out the sword and began twirling it in a full 360 degree motion.


"Asuka! What are you doing?!"


He was about to toss the sword when his right arm stopped moving. Takeda was using all the strength he could to prevent him from attacking Asuka.


"You fool, she'll kill you too!"


"One life...for another!" echoed Takeda.


The katana went through Takai and the criminal let out a sharp yell. The blade had hit him in the right spot and caused a large white light to flash out of him.



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Gosai stood there, crossing his arms. Watching the scene take place, as the Girl stabbed Takeda with her sword.


Gosai groaned. "I tire of this... Are you gonna continue playing or not?". He felt his Chakra continously decrease. The more energy he used, the faster his chakra was consumed. He gritted his teath at the Nightmares. "Curse you! If there was any other way to vanquish you!"


With Gosai distracted, Kaneda came up behind him and performed his signature Shadow Endgame Technique... Atleast, it appeared Gosai was distracted. Before Kaneda could unleash his Justu, his entire body suddenly became numb. He crashed to the floor.


Gosai turned around and smirked at Kaneda. "You pathetically predictable character!" He approached the fallen Kaneda. "I could smell you from behind me. You're probably thinking; why cant I move?"


He knealt down to Kaneda; his fangs afixed on him. "Its one of my favourite Techniques. Incase you havent noticed, you're standing on a metal catwalk. Metal conducts elecricity."


Ox, Rabbit, Monkey. Gosai's hand was covered chirping with Chidori electirical currents. "Granted you too are affilated with Lightning natured-chakra, I assume you would understand how I conducted the attack towards you through metal?"


Kaneda grunted. He was infuriated with Gosai for mocking Takeda's fatal injury. "You... damn ranga..." he managed to speak. Gosai's fanged grin turned upside down.


"You're gonna regret saying that..." he said coldly. He whacked his chidori-infused fist into Kaneda's stomach. Kaneda coughed up blood, which splattered over Gosai's face. He licked his face clean. "Mmm.... you taste good..."


"GOSAI!" Tategami exclaimed. He appeared right infront of the injured Takeda, Yoroi and Asuka. He looked down at Asuka. "Asuka. Tend his wound. Protect Takeda until he recovers." He glanced at Yoroi. "You and I take on Gosai together."


Gosai cackled. "HAHAHAHA! You wouldnt stand a chance, Tategami! You dont even have the guts to transform again."


Tategami glared. "I will Gosai! If I have no other choice!"


Tategami stood and performed the Ram Handseal to focus his chakra. After gathering enough, he clenched his fists and began to roar.


Tategami underwent a transformation similiar to Gosai's. His skin turned light blue, his eyes changed from Brown to glowing white. His white hair began to extend, and eventually grew spikey fur around his body - it even pierced through his clothes.


"I will never forgive you for what you've done all those years back, Gosai! This ends now!"

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Gosai groaned. "I tire of this... Are you gonna continue playing or not?". He felt his Chakra continously decrease. The more energy he used, the faster his chakra was consumed. He gritted his teath at the Nightmares. "Curse you! If there was any other way to vanquish you!"


Ah good, he's frustrated, Yoroi thought. He probably hasn't realized exactly what's happening...before it is too late.


He knealt down to Kaneda; his fangs afixed on him. "Its one of my favourite Techniques. Incase you havent noticed, you're standing on a metal catwalk. Metal conducts elecricity."


Damn! Good thing I have my armor.


"GOSAI!" Tategami exclaimed. He appeared right infront of the injured Takeda, Yoroi and Asuka. He looked down at Asuka. "Asuka. Tend his wound. Protect Takeda until he recovers." He glanced at Yoroi. "You and I take on Gosai together."


"RIGHT!" shouted Yoroi.


Tategami stood and performed the Ram Handseal to focus his chakra. After gathering enough, he clenched his fists and began to roar.


Tategami underwent a transformation similiar to Gosai's. His skin turned light blue, his eyes changed from Brown to glowing white. His white hair began to extend, and eventually grew spikey fur around his body - it even pierced through his clothes.


"You're holding nothing back," Yoroi muttered, then yelled, "So neither will I!"


He made seven hand signs. "Nightmare Art: Rebirth of Unending Horror Jutsu!"


The Nightmare Drain Jutsu immediately ceased, though the figures of Orochimaru and Kabuto did not go away. Instead they walked towards each other and then merged into a purple goo. The goo then took the shape...of Gosai.


"In case you were wondering, that is a Nightmare Clone of yourself," Yoroi explained. "It is identical to you, save it lacks your fullest potential and it is completely loyal to me. Isn't that correct, Gosai?"


"Oh yeah," said the Gosai Nightmare Clone flippantly. "Can I tear apart this jerk now?"


"Certainly," said Yoroi calmly. Turn him into so much pudding! Shannaro! yelled Inner Yoroi.

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There was nothing in sight now, only blackness. Takeda's body had fallen to the ground and now the brain was up for grabs. Takeda could not respond because neither he or Takai were in control of the body. Two souls inside of him were now fighting for control, and in a desperate measure Takeda made a bold move. He had let Asuka's blade go through his own body to stun Takai. He knew what Takai was capable of and knew when to stop him. In that brief moment, Takeda was free to take control of his body. He looked up to see tears falling down on his face. Slowly he got to his feet. He placed a hand on his chest and numbed the pain but it wouldn't stop the bleeding. He looked at Asuka and wiped the tears away from her face. He gave a weak but promising smile and tried his best to speak.


"Thank you...he's down but he's not out. My mother taught me a great many things when it came to jutsu and magic. One thing she taught my was a joint mind technique. I need your help to make sure Takai doesn't take control again," he said as he extended his hand out to her. "We need to meditate and if I remember what's need to be done you should be able to enter my mind."




A lone ninja stood watching the chaos that ensued. He was waiting for the right moment before he join in the fray. As soon as Gosai's comrade came back he would strike.

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Takeda began to meditate as well. He concentrated on opening his mind, as well as Asuka's touch. The whiteness in his mind began to form a picture. In Takeda's mind where he meditated, everything was at peace. He was in an open field with few trees and no clouds. He had shorts and a teeshirt on instead of his usual atire. No, in his mind there was no need to wear his gear as there was no violence. He knew this time would be different but he would be ready. He looked around the field and called out to Asuka.


"Asuka, can you hear me? can you see me?"


"Yes Asuka...come out and play with us!"


Takeda turned to see the figure of the man who killed his parents. Takai emerged from under a tree with his sword in his hand, He had the mask on to his his face and was wearing his black robes. The mask let his yellow eyes peep through and there was a grin painted onto the mask. Takai grabbed the material that was wrapped around his katana and began to swing it around.

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Gosai saw the transformation of Tategami into his Werebeast Form. "So... have we decided to show your true colors, Daisuke?"


He was suddenly relieved to feel his chakra drainage had ceased, and Orochimaru and Kabuto had merged together into a purple goo-like substance. The goo then transformed into a complete copy of Gosai, even in his Werebeast Transformation.


"Three against One? Hardly fair in your case, Daisuke."


Tategami glared through his glowing white eyes. He launched himself at Gosai at an extremely fast pace, and through dozens of coordinated punch and kicks. Gosai had managed to block only a few of them, and he himself counter-attacked Tategami's taijustu assault. They didnt realise they were up in the air, jumping on near-by support beams and clashing against each other.


Kaneda looked up to see the battle above. Tategami had underwent a huge transformation in power, he could observe. He could barely move - Gosai's attack had paralysed him. But he still had the strength to move his arms.


"Damn...." he smaked his fist against the metal catwalk. "I'm weak...."


He saw Asuka and Takeda across from him. They had there eyes closed, and appeared to be meditating. And he thought the "Takeda" he saw a minute ago was on there side. Abit crazy, but fighting for the teams protection. "I guess I was wrong. Looks like Takeda has a few demons he needs to deal with." he thought.

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