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Yoroi followed the others, though he kept his distance as Tategami and Kaneda engaged Asuka in combat. He saw Takeda grab her katana's handle, the two of them struggling with the blade.


"Come on Asuka, I know the real you is in there somewhere. You need to fight this, don't listen to that voice inside your head."


He thought back to the image his Rinnegan showed him, the second vicious mind inside her. Takai was far more chaotic, while this entity was evil in every sense of the word. Using Rinnegan again, he saw Asuka's mind clashing the demon inside her...and Asuka was loosing.


He remembered back to when he last spoke with her, the self-loathing they shared. In his case he had no "demon" to struggle with, just the agony of being a purely destructive force. But in Asuka's case she had a monster that could be fed, and every time she doubted herself she only gave more control over.


Takai was definitely far different. Yoroi did not know much about that monster or its origins, but if he had to guess it was a probably a separate manifestation of Takeda's suppressed destructive urges clashing with his cold, disciplined persona.


Then there was Karela. Not only did she have a tailed beast inside her, but now she also was subject to the Arashi brainwashing. And there were also Tategami and Kaneda, both infected with the Werebeast curse.


Yoroi realized that for once he was not alone in his state of being. Most of his comrades had their own demons, some dealing with them better than others.


And he found a new determination in life. I'm going to help my comrades so they don't have to suffer the way I do!


Yoroi sensed that Takeda was trying to link with Asuka's mind. Good idea, but that other mind is too strong and Takai might resurface as a result. I'm going in too.


With that he threw his own consciousness into Asuka's forcibly. Before her monster, Inner Yoroi towered before him.


You think that you are great and terrible?! Inner Yoroi roared. I am the Lord of Nightmares! Prepare to be evicted!

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Takeda looked over at Yoroi and mentally sent him a message as well.


I know what could happen if I do this...but that's a risk I'm willing to take.


Takeda entered through Asuka's mind and looked over at Yoroi again. He then looked back to what he came here for. He began charging up an ice ball, waiting to see what this evil form would do first.

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Kokoro looked at Specter.


"Thank you", Kokoro said and she moved outside. She saw Takeda, Tategami, Yoroi and Asuka there. She could sense something was wrong but she did not move, her body did not move. Instead she heard Shizuma's voice in her head again.


Let them be, they can control the situation on their own, no need for your envolvement.


"But Asuka needs help", Kokoro said.


And she's getting help, two of them inside her mind is enough to help her battle the demon inside, you don't want it to get crowded in there, besides, there is only so much intervention from outsiders that a mind can take.


Kokoro stopped on her tracks and went inside one of the shacks. She started to feel her body burning.


"W-What is this?", Kokoro said falling to her knees, a terrible headache taking over her. "What are you doing to me?"


I'm sorry Kokoro, this will only take a moment, it always hurts when it's the first time. You will get used to it.


Kokoro's eyes suddenly flashed grey once more and she stood up. Her eyes completely lifeless. She exited the shack and moved to the forest. She went in deep enough to reach a small waterfall. She fell on her knees again and screamed in pain once more. Her eyes this time stayed gray and her skin tone went whiter and her hair completely gray and longer.


She then stood up straight, life returning to her eyes.


"It's been a while", Shizuma said. She took out the Katana and started to perform her basic warm up which looked like a dance. She then performed her water jutsu at the waterfall. "Not too rusty, that's good".


So what happens to me now? I feel... strange.


"It takes a little getting used to but it's going to be alright Koko-chan, you just leave everything to me, we'll be able to switch conciousness whenever we want", Shizuma said still doing her warmup moves. Jupo simply observed from a distance.

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Kaneda stood on the rooftop of a small building. He wanted to save his strength at least. That, and he didnt like the idea of hurting Asuka... or whoever she was.


He rolled his eyes as he noted everyone's strange behaviour of talking to themselves. "What is it with people nowadays with split personality?" he thought.


He formed the rat handsign, readying himself to use the Shadow Endgame Technique, incase what ever Takeda was doing wasnt going to work.

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"Let me guess... You're not Asuka?"


Dai watched Asuka and then turned his head just in time to see Kaneda use the rat handsign. He was probably preparing to hit Asuka with the his Shadow Endgame technique.


It's a good thing I'm as familiar with as many techniques as I am.


"You might want to hit her with that Shadow technique of yours. It's probably best to restrain her with her acting so strange."

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((Sorry I took long, ppl.))


I don't know who you are, or what you've done to Asuka. What I do know is that if I have to come in their, I'm going to make sure you pay for this.


You think that you are great and terrible?! Inner Yoroi roared. I am the Lord of Nightmares! Prepare to be evicted!


The Voice laughed loudly. "You weak-minded fools! This child is nothing to you. She maybe useful to me. And as soon as I control her, I will make everyone kneel before ME!!" The Voice cackled evilly.


Meanwhile, Asuka glared at everyone, and jumped from everyone a few feet away. Angered tears were shown.


"You all don't care about no one but yourselves! You're all using me as a tool to stop the enemy! I will NEVER be used as a tool! Not from a bunch of low-lives like you!!"


Asuka attempted to run from them, angry and scared.


((Go after her or not. Doesn't matter. :) ))

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"You all don't care about no one but yourselves! You're all using me as a tool to stop the enemy! I will NEVER be used as a tool! Not from a bunch of low-lives like you!!"


And with that, Asuka left. Kaneda growled. "Oh no you dont! We sure as hell aint losing another team member to insanity!"


"KANEDA!!!" Tategami bellowed.


He leaped from building to building to catch up with Asuka. He glared at her, while they were moving at equal speed.


With all the strength in his legs, he leaped ahead of her and landed atop of a larger building. "Kageyose no Jutsu!!!"


His shadow leapt forward and spread its mass, blocking the way of Asuka. A tidal wave of shadow tentacles envelopped her and restrained her from movement.


Tategami caught up with the two, and saw Kaneda perform his Shadow Endgame technique on Asuka. "Kaneda... Dont use too much Chakra, you've only just recovered."


"Shut up, old man!" he barked. He glared at Asuka. "Will you snap out of it?!?! We're your friends! Friends don't abandon each other, because we are all equal companions! Friends help each other, not turn against! If you think thats what we all are, then you are an idiot! You're the one abandoning us!"


More shadow tentacles leapt from Kaneda. He was grinding his teeth, as it put more strain on his body. He didnt care. He wasnt going to lose Asuka, he promised himself.



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Takeda raced after Asuka just as quickly as Kaneda had.




Takeda could feel the anger that Kaneda was feeling.


"Kaneda don't, Tategami's right."


Takeda walked right in front of Asuka and kneeled to her. He did not stand and he kept his head down.


"You think were using you, then fine. Kill me. I won't move because I knwo the real Asuka wouldn't strike me down, but prove me wrong. Prove to me she doesn't value friendship over power. Come on Asuka fight this!"

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"You think were using you, then fine. Kill me. I won't move because I knwo the real Asuka wouldn't strike me down, but prove me wrong. Prove to me she doesn't value friendship over power. Come on Asuka fight this!"


The young girl's body was shaking so rapidly, as if she was in an exorcism. Suddenly... something came over her.


"I... know... who I... AM!!!!" Asuka's heart began to battle off the evil Voice in her mind. Her heart was winning.


"No!! What do you think you're doing, child?! I control you!!"


Asuka glared, her eyes changing back to a bright blue. "You don't control me. My friends love me. And I love them!" Suddenly, a huge wave of red chakra left her body. You could hear the evil Voice in the air...


"NOOOOooooo!!!" the Voice yelled. Finally, it was gone. Forever.


Asuka sat up and stared aimlessly. "I'm free. I'm free!! I'm..." Suddenly, she fell on the ground and blacked out...

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"I'm free. I'm free!! I'm..."


Takeda let out a small sigh of relief as Asuka passed out. He stood up and walked over to her body. He carefully picked her up and walked back over to Tategami and Kaneda.


"Well at least its over. So are we heading back to the hideout or gathering everyone to head back to our own town?"

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"I'm free. I'm free!! I'm..."


Kaneda unleashed his restraining tentacles of shadow from Asuka, and was glad to see the evil within her vanished. He was glad to see she rid of the inner demon residing inside of her. He began to wonder if it had anything to do with that Akatsuki-wannabe woman from the forest.


The shadows returned to Kaneda. He grew exhausted from his overusage of Chakra.


"Well at least its over. So are we heading back to the hideout or gathering everyone to head back to our own town?"


"Yes please. I'm already getting sick of this.... place..." Kaneda grew drowsy. He collapsed on the floor. Tategami breathed a heavy sigh, comparing Kaneda and Asuka collapsing.


"We should get a move-on back to our own Village. We have to inform the Hokage on recent events..."




Kaneda was alone - walking through a deep see of darkness. He had no sense of direction. But up ahead of him were two sets of lights. Like stars, glittering in the darkness.


He ran closer towards the glowing blue orbs. The closer he got, the more he recognised what they were. They were a pair of eyes, glaring at him. The eyes belonged to a face, covered with long spikey fur. Though the face itself was covered in shadow, there was something familiar about it. The face was a reflection... of himself.


The ground shook, as if a light earthquake had erupted. It was a very short lasting earthquake. It happened again. And again. And again, until it resembled the pattern of footsteps.


Kaneda opened his eyes, to see himself sitting on Tategami's back while he was moving. Kaneda yelped, and suddenly jumped off.


"What the hell are you doing?!?"


Tategami beamed. "Greatest apoligies, Kaneda-kun. But I had to carry you back to our village, due to your comatosic-state. But now it looks like you have fully recovered."


"...Why didnt you just grab a stretcher..." he muttered angrily.


"I didnt have a second one..." said Mikita, as he passed by Kaneda holding a one end of a stretcher with Asuka lying asleep in.


Kaneda quicky calmed down, and grew to understand. Up ahead of him, he saw the great entrance of Konoha. They made it back home.


"I suggest you head straight to the Hospital, Kaneda. Even though you may be up and about, you still need to regain all of your strength for the training you are about to receive."


(End of Story Arc 2!!! 1 and a half to go ^-^))

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The Voice laughed loudly. "You weak-minded fools! This child is nothing to you. She maybe useful to me. And as soon as I control her, I will make everyone kneel before ME!!" The Voice cackled evilly.


Yoroi instantly felt resistance from the evil mind within Asuka. It was stronger than he had anticipated, but as he concluded it was fueled by Asuka's inner loathing.


Meanwhile, Asuka glared at everyone, and jumped from everyone a few feet away. Angered tears were shown.


"You all don't care about no one but yourselves! You're all using me as a tool to stop the enemy! I will NEVER be used as a tool! Not from a bunch of low-lives like you!!"


That's just the evil mind within her talking, Yoroi thought. Remember how you were when they had cursed you? The Fifth Hokage had to have you imprisoned to keep you from annihilating the entire village, and even then you made your impact on the prison....


"You think were using you, then fine. Kill me. I won't move because I knwo the real Asuka wouldn't strike me down, but prove me wrong. Prove to me she doesn't value friendship over power. Come on Asuka fight this!"


Yoroi quietly applied with his own mental pressure on the evil mind, attempting to give Asuka every opportunity to resurface and be free.


"I... know... who I... AM!!!!" Asuka's heart began to battle off the evil Voice in her mind. Her heart was winning.


"No!! What do you think you're doing, child?! I control you!!"


Asuka glared, her eyes changing back to a bright blue. "You don't control me. My friends love me. And I love them!" Suddenly, a huge wave of red chakra left her body.


He pulled himself out of Asuka's mind, gasping for breath. Asuka collapsed before them, obviously drained from the deed. It was over.


"Thank God," Yoroi muttered, sitting down for a moment. His only emotion was relief, for now Asuka was a whole, intact person who could live her life how she wanted to without some curse or demon determining her actions.




Yoroi walked along side his fellow ninja. Kaneda had just woken up, but Yoroi wasn't paying attention. Instead he was already practicing.


"Nightmare Clone Jutsu!"


A copy of Yoroi appeared next to him. The Nightmare Clones, while easier to create, had more of a drain since the Blood Clones could be formed from an external material. Therefore, Yoroi would need to practice day after day to be able to summon at least six other clones....


No. Six Paths. I have inherited the noble dojutsu of the Sage of the Six Paths. With my Rinnegan, I will permanently summon and control my Nightmare Clones as the Six Paths of Yoroi.


He glanced at Tategami. And I will learn Rasengan. Hell, I will learn hundreds of Jutsu so that when we fight the Arashi they will not know what hit them. I'll defeat them and save Karela, and I'll protect Tategami, and Kaneda, and Asuka, and Takeda, and Akagi, and Mi--


And as the Konoha ninja walked on, Yoroi's head was filled with thoughts of heroism and redemption.

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Kokoro walked closely behind Tategami and the others back to Konoha. She was still feeling a bit strange, this whole two souls in one body thing was something she had yet to get used to.


"So what happens now?", she mostly said to herself but in reality she was speaking to Shizuma.


Now we wait Kokoro, it is crucial we further your own training, your body is not as fast and as agile as mine was, but it has much potential. I will help you there, Shizuma said and Kokoro nodded.


"How did you die Shizuma?", Kokoro's question did not suprise her but her voice seemed to get sadder.


Our village was betrayed by one of our ninjas, he one day returned with many others, a clan we had never seen before and wiped out the village while everyone was sleeping. The coward wouldn't face everyone in a true battle. The ones that did awake fought against the army, but we were at least 30 against ten thousand, we couldn't hold for long and we died defending the last of the town's survivors, Shizuma said.


"I'm sorry", Kokoro said. "So you want revenge?"


I need your help to find the man who betrayed us and deliver him to justice, only then can we all truly rest in peace, Shizuma said.


"I'll do my best", Kokoro said.


Thank you...

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Kaneda held the thermometer in his mouth, while the doctor waited minutes before he could take it out and examine it.


"Temperature seems fine... You just need some rest before you do anything physically active."


Kaneda nodded. They were sitting in the hospital; Asuka was lying in bed, Kaneda was sitting in the chair so he could be examined, and Tategami was across the room, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.


"No lollypop?" he smirked at the doctor. The doctor chuckled.


"You're a little too old for that... But I have something better." he pulled out a needle from his coat pocket. A dark, creepy smile spread across the doctors face "A rubella innoculation!"


"Uh... I think I'll pass!" Kaneda refused, waving his hands.


"Asuka ought to be waking up soon..." Tategami announced silently, staring at Asuka lying peacefully in her bed. "I wonder if any of your teamates will come to visit us. I still have to discuss with Yoroi about teaching him Rasengan."


"Yeah well... Good luck to him. I hear it'll take a long time to learn, given how advanced of a justu it really is. The Hokage still cant make a Rasengan ball with one hand, from what I heard."

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((Should I begin to set up the battle between Karela vs Tategami Kaneda now or when the training part begins?))


Dai sighed heavily as he looked at all the rooms of the hospital that were full.


Between Karela bombing the Hyugas and Asuka and Kaneda being out of action we're actually pretty busy. I guess that bombing hurt more people then I thought.


He sighed again as he reached down for a bedpan.


With Hiashi dead and Hinata out of action I wonder who's leading the clan now? maybe Hyuga Neji is. I wouldn't want to be on his badside


I guess I'll go visit Kaneda for a short while. After all, I am allowed three short breaks during the day.


Dai replaced the bedpan and headed for Kaneda's room.

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"Nightmare Clone Jutsu!"


A clone appeared at Yoroi's side, bringing him to a grand total of...one clone.


"Damn it!" Yoroi muttered, dispelling the clone. "Nightmare Clone Jutsu!"


Same result. Yoroi dispelled that clone and walked down to the nearby stream. He was well outside the Hidden Leaf Village. After he and his comrades had returned to Konoha, Yoroi took whatever opportunity he could to get out of it. Too much staring, since most people could sense his Nightmare chakra from a mile away. The hospital was even worse, seeing doctors eying him....


The water was cool and refreshing, as was the breeze around him. Somehow Yoroi felt deeply connected to the natural world around him, even though his elemental chakra stemmed only from the world of Nightmares.


Maybe I need to bridge the two, he thought, watching a pair of swaying trees brush each other.


Yoroi sat down and focused his energy. He tried thinking of the wind brushing his face, the water flowing in the stream before him, the earth beneath....


Three things happened to Yoroi's amazement. A strong gust of wind pushed out from him in all directions, a small, quick jet of water blasted out from his hand, and the ground beneath him shook. Yoroi's heart was pounding. What the hell is this?!


He then closed his eyes in meditation, reaching deeper inside his mind and soul. And then he saw how he had been wrong all this time, how what he had been told all this time was a lie. The five elements were there all this time, it was just that the part of his soul that provided energy for each of them was so small compared to the part allocated for his Nightmare Chakra.


He then realized what had happened: the Seal had allocated his entire chakra potential at the time for Nightmare Chakra and then some more. But over time, Yoroi had gotten stronger. Eventually his soul got to point where it had some potential to allocate for the five elements, all of which were readily available to him due to his Rinnegan. This meant that Yoroi could use elements other than Nightmare.


However, the chakra potential available was to small to form any decent elemental jutsu. But I can work hard on my Nightmare abilities, Yoroi thought. I'll get strong enough to use the other elements by using what I got now and--


"Hey, you jerk!"


Yoroi flipped around. On the other side of the hill stood a young black-haired woman in black robes. She wore some sort of symbol with a triangle inside a circle around her neck and carried a large scythe with three red blades.


"Are you a citizen of ****ing Konoha, you *******?!" the woman asked.


"I am a Leaf Shinobi," Yoroi answered. "Who is asking?"


"You jerks killed ****ing Hidan," she growled. "Hidan was a servant of Jashin-sama, the bringer of great slaughter. I am Akasun and all you Leaf ****faces are going to die today!"


Yoroi drew his katana slowly. The woman, Akasun, took the symbol in her hands. "Oh Jashin-sama, only true god in this ****ed up world, I humbly ask you for a good kill today. And if I am to fail in this, I ask your forgiveness."


She kissed the symbol and then grabbed the scythe, charging at Yoroi. "NOW DIE YOU ****ING SON OF A *****!!!!!!"

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Takeda had gotten lost in the hospital for quite some time. He was looking at all the people who were here because of the bombings, and the attacks by the Arashi. This was getting way too out of hand, the Arashi needed to be stopped at all costs. He quickly took a deep breath before walking into Kaneda and Asuka's room. Asuka was still sleeping in her bed while Kaneda was talking to Tategami. He was glad to see his friend had recovered and from the looks of it was back to his own ways. He walked into the room and over to Kaneda and Tategami.


"Well its good to see you're awake Kaneda, I also wish you the best of luck in your training."


Takeda then turned to Tategami.


"Since you will be busy training Kaneda perhaps someone else should train the rest of the group... perhaps another Jonin, but where would we find one on such short notice." Takeda said looking right at Tategami.

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Kokoro was once again taken over by Shizuma, she wanted to walk around town as herself and see everything. She visited the training school, the town square and the local businesses. She had found a lot of similarities with her hometown here in Konoha. She finally visited the hospital. She remembered all the wounded she helped carry inside and she stood there for a moment. She simply moved her gray hair behind her ears and her grey eyes began to tear. Kokoro used her red hair in a ponytail, but everytime she changed to Shizuma, her hair would turn grey and she'd let it loose. She was used to wearing it that way.


"This place has known death, it reeks of it. Painful death", Shizuma said to herself.

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"Since you will be busy training Kaneda perhaps someone else should train the rest of the group... perhaps another Jonin, but where would we find one on such short notice."


"I often contemplate on what happened to Sam." Tategami added. "We might have to assign a Jonin to be your instructor. That, or you could pay a visit to your old sensai."


Kaneda glanced at the door, and thought he saw Kokoro walk passed; But she had Silvery-grey hair. "Hmph... I keep seeing things..."


Tategami glanced at Kaneda. "We'll need to start thinking about your training regime. It begins tomorow, when you have fully recovered your strength."


"But I just came back from a mission!" Kaneda whined.


"Deal with it!" Tategami added. "Welcome to the life of a Shinobi. You've got a beast inside of you that needs to be tamed."

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"We'll need to start thinking about your training regime. It begins tomorow, when you have fully recovered your strength."


Dai walked in just in time to hear Tategami talking about the training regime he was going to put Kaneda through.


Oh? He thinks he has it bad. He's obviously never trained with Lee-sensai. That is a punishment I wouldn't force on my worst enemy.


"Relaxe Kaneda. Training with Tategami will be tame compared with training with Lee sensai."


Dai leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.


"So...What's new with you two? I've been treating injured people since we've gotten back."

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"So...What's new with you two? I've been treating injured people since we've gotten back."


"We've been waiting for Asuka to wake up, but so far nothing has happened." Tategami replied. "I'm thinking about taking my leave if she doesnt awaken in the next few minutes."


Kaneda yawned. "So I suppose along the way while I'm training with you, I'll be learning all sorts of techniques."


"Precisely. I'll be teaching you Chakra Manipulation, so you can develope and perfect your justus." said Tategami. "And I on the other hand need to get used perfect my new Rasengan move. I referenced Naruto's Rasenrengan to create it."


"Yes, I can see that..." Kaneda said boredly. He turned to Takeda. "How about you? I heard something about you turning beserk when we were fighting Gosai."

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((5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Awake!))


Finally, after sleeping through the journey, Asuka stirred in her sleep. "Mm... wh-where am I? I don't..." The young girl looked around. Everything seemed so blurry. She was confused and scared. "Hey? What's going on?!"


Asuka tried to sit up, but she felt a slight pain in her back.


The young girl laid back down in pain. She could hear whispers... or voices... around her...

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"Nightmare Clone Jutsu!"


"Jashin Art: Speed from the Lord of Slaughter!"


"Summoning: Nightmare Horror!"


"Fire Release: Great Fire Ball!"


"Nightmare Release: Sword of Unending Horror!"


The battle raged on, and neither side could get an opening. Yoroi was very ill fit to fight an immortal opponent. He had been told how Shikamaru Nara had defeated Hidan of the Akatsuki through sheer genius. Yoroi did not have that planning and even if he did, he would have had to make preparations first. On the other hand, his Jutsu were too powerful for Akasun--


--and she had found an opening, and managed to make a small cut on Yoroi's arm. Immediately stopping, she licked the blood and her skin turned to black and white. "You're ****ed now, jerk!" she laughed evilly, stabbing herself and making the Jashin symbol on the ground beneath....

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Shizuma made her way around the hospital. Kokoro was feeling like she was floating around in a void as Shizuma took control of her body. She stepped into a room with a young girl in the bed. Kokoro immediately recognized her as Asuka.


"Asuka?", Shizuma inquired. "Is she one of your companions?"


Yes she is, go easy on her ok? She just woke up for what it seems. She had it rough back in the hideout, she seemed to suffer from split personality or something so be nice, Kokoro said.


"Understood", Shizuma said and turned to see Asuka. "Are you well? Should I call a doctor? You are back on Konoha Village."

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"How about you? I heard something about you turning beserk when we were fighting Gosai."


Takeda looked over at Kaneda and let out a small sigh.


"In a way I guess you could say that, but before I get into detail as to what happened during the fight I should explain. My parents were my mentors when I was growing up and trained me until I was 14. They were murdered a few days after my birthday by a blood thirsty criminal. I tracked him down in order to seek revenge and killed him. Before he died though, he did some sort of jutsu on me and part of his soul was merged with mine. I saw how tough Gosai and his men looked, and I didn't want any of you getting hurt so I allowed him to take control of my body. However I learned after that he was going to try to kill you all after he finished with Gosai, so I fought him off."


Takeda moved closer to Kaneda and let his left eye take effect. Where there was white was now black and the iris glowed yellow.


"See the difference" echoed two voices.


Takeda shook his head and his left eye went back to normal.

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