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This was the attack Akagi was waiting for.


The fire-ball seemed to soar at him in slow-motion, and he quickly evaded it. Ducking and rolling underneath, he unsheathed his sword quickly, closing the gap between himself and the ninja.


He bolted forward, blade cutting through the air at the Ninja's neck.

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((I love the way this battle is going. :D))


Karela watched as the Samurai seemed to duck below the fireball and then came up with his sword and sliced at her neck.


She felt the tip of the sword touch her neck before she managed to pull back away from the samurai even as she made another series of handsigns.


"Earth release: Earth trap jutsu.


A small pile of eath rose from the ground and rose around the Samurai's legs, trapping him temporarily.


Karela pulled the Samurai close to her so she was directly face to face with him.


"I'm going to hang you from the Hokage's tower once I'm finished from you."

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"I'm going to hang you from the Hokage's tower once I'm finished from you."


Akagi looked down at the earth that had entrapped his feet.


"Hmpf. Empty threats and veiled traps...my enemy must be truly weak."


He sliced his blade downwards at the dirt, breaking it's grip on his feet. The Samurai leaped nimbly forward, hitting the ninja, feet first, in the stomach.


Akagi grabbed her by the neck and with his other hand raised his sword, poised for another attack. For a moment, everything was completely still, and the moonlight glinted off of his sword.


He had finally seen the face of his attacker.



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Karela blinked in confusion at the sound of her name. How the hell did this leaf village scum know her name? She had never encountered the samurai before to the best of her knowledge.


Quickly dismissing such thoughts, she slammed her right hand into the samurai's face, breaking his grip and sending him flying backward into a tree.


"How the hell do you know my name?" She demanded as she pulled out two handfuls of Kunai and threw them, pinning him to the tree he was against.

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"Kaneda!" He had just arrived and seen his comrade at the Ichiraku Ramen Bar. "Long time no see!"


Kaneda turned his head, his mouth full of ramen, when he heard Yoroi's voice in the air. He gulped down his mouth-full.


"Hey, Yoroi. What have you been up to?" Kaneda greeted. "We've been training for the past few weeks, but we need a break from our sensai's..."


Kaneda had already filled up on two bowls of Ramen, but his stomach decided to not consume anymore. He grabbed his cup of juice and started sipping from it.


Akagi and Takeda still hadent turned up. He was wondering what was going on with them.



Tategami was walking up the top of the Hokage mountain monument, where he could see a full view of Konoha glittering at night. "Wheres a camera when you need one." he said.


His attention was soon grabbed when he turned his head to the forest; there was a series of bright flashes and rustling through the leaves.


"That is unusual..." he thought. "Perhaps I better check it out."


He leapt off of the cliff and jumped from rooftop to rooftop, towards the forest.

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"Ahhh...you speak of Karela," Zarela said cheerfully. "She's really turning out to be the perfect agent. Even as we speak she's dealing with your samurai friend."


Asuka glared hard at the female Arashi. Speaking of Karela made her sad and angry.


All of a sudden, Asuka was hit by Zarela's two poison chakra needles. She felt real dizzy. "You... you Arashi witch. Wh-what did you do...?"


Suddenly, Asuka fell to the ground, and blacked out. Her last thought was that she wished that she really protected Takeda better, and hoped that he'd be all right.

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"How the hell do you know my name?"


This didn't entirely surprise Akagi that she didn't remember him. If she did, she would most certainly not have attacked him.


"Don't you remember? It's me, Akagi..."


He tried to wrench out of the grip of the knives she had pinned his clothing to the tree with.


"Search your mind! Surely you must remember!"


His actions became frantic as he could find no way to get the knife out.

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"Don't you remember? It's me, Akagi..."


Karela narrowed her eyes at him as she searched her memory for any trace of the samurai.


He looks just like a few of the samurai that I killed a few days ago...they were becoming a threat to our operations in the area.


"You look like the Samurai lords I killed a few days ago...but thats where the similarities end. Your either lying or very foolish and have me confused with someone else."


"Search your mind! Surely you must remember!"


"Sorry...but I don't know what your talking about." Karela said quietly as she began to sense a rather large chakra aura coming at her at high speed.


Best to finish this now.


Karela raised another kunai and was about to bring it down on his head when a sudden burst of fire rose from the night sky.


The signal. Sensai must have captured the girl we were sent here for. I need to get out of here and take the girl away. Once she's properly brainwashed then we'll implant the Byakugan in my eye...after all, I've earned it.


"Congratulations Samurai, you live to fight another day. Next time don't expect to be so lucky. Too bad you won't be able to say goodbye to your comrade. "


Karela smiled slightly at the look of horror on the samurai's face.


"She'll be serving us long before you get loose from the tree.


Karela made a quick series of handsigns and vanished in a blue light only to reappear next to Zarela-sensai.




Zarela nodded her approval.


"Excellent work Karela. You killed the samurai right?"


"No sensai. I came as soon as I saw the signal and came as fast as I could despite having fought the samurai and incapacitating him. What do you want me to do to the girl?"


Zarela shook her head in slight disapproval.


"You did manage to delay the samurai however and that was all that matters. By the time he gets back on his feet we'll be long gone. Take the girl to the hideout and then get back here as fast as you can in case I need help."


Karela nodded and then made a few handsigns before vanishing in a blue light with Asuka slung over her shoulder.


Zarela turned back to Takeda with an evil smile on her face.


"Time to finish you."

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Takeda looked up at the attacker in horror. He couldn't feel his arms or legs, he tried to speak but he couldn't. He just watched as Asuka dropped and passed out. His thoughts were slowly becoming softer. His vision began to blur as he saw light and shadow. The last image he saw was Karela taking Asuka. The last thought that entered his mind was one word:




"Time to finish you."


Takeda's head turned its gaze from Karela to Zarela. His eyes were black once more and were glowing yellow. His wicked grin was covered by his mask but he didn't care. He let out a very psychotic laugh before getting to his feet.


"Oh its good to be back! WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" he laughed again as he looked over at Zarela. "Aww what's the matter, never seen the dead come back to life?"

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"Oh its good to be back! WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Aww what's the matter, never seen the dead come back to life?"


Zarela stepped back slightly on confusion. Those Chakra needles were supposed to paralyze an opponet for up to five hours. And yet this...person had shrugged them off easily.


"As a matter of fact I haven't. But don't worry," Zarela said darkly. "I intend to finish you once and for all."


She made a quick couple of handsigns.


Fire release: Twin Grand fireball jutsu.


Two massive fireballs formed in front of Zarela and streaked toward Takeda at speeds almost impossible to follow.

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Takai smiled as the woman stepped back.


"As a matter of fact I haven't. But don't worry," Zarela said darkly. "I intend to finish you once and for all."


He just laughed as he did before as she got ready for an attack. He looked at her and waited. Suddenly two large fireballs made shot out at her hands and towards Takai. They moved far too fast for Takeda to dodge but Takai was faster, much faster. In one second Takeda's body seemed to be engulfed in the flames the next second he was standing behind Zarela.


"Too Slow!"


Rather than do any real damage, the brute decided to toy with her. He allowed the energy to flow through him before aiming a kick right at the back of her head.

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((Time to die. :D))


Zarela watched as the boy seemed to dodge the fireballs and then she felt a breeze as the boy's foot suddenly connected with her head and sent her flying into the brush.


The...pain. What the hell kind of power is this?


She slowly got to her feet and clutched her head.


"You...are going to pay for that."


Zarela made another series of handsigns.


Lightning Release: Lightning strike jutsu


A massive wave of lightning chakra erupted from Zarela and slammed into Takeda, sending him flying into a wall.


One more like that and I'll be drained. Lets just hope that it doesn't come to that.

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"You...are going to pay for that."


"Oh I'm going to enjoy killing you."


He didn't have time to finish as he was flung into a wall by electricity. Takeda could feel the shocks but Takai recovered quickly. He bounced off the wall and landed to face her again.


"Are you finished? Good, now its my turn WHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


Takai charged Zarela at insane speeds and grabbed her by the throat. He continued running with her until he found a wall to slam her against.


"You're weak, you can't even beat me when I'm toying with you! Now than I know you won't tell us where the other girl is so I guess I really don't need you any more."


He started to strangle her until a sick thought entered his head. He released his grip and dropped her to the ground.


"Now remember when I said I was going to rip you limb from limb? I don't see a sword anywhere so I guess my hands will have to do it. This will only hurt a lot."


He let out another cry before proceding to brutally torture the woman.


"Now than, any last words before I rip you head off?"

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((Hopefully this will hurt Takeda/Takai as much as it hurts Zarela.))


"Now than, any last words before I rip you head off?"


Zarela grinned cheerfully despite the pain she was in and the fact that both her legs were broken and she was severly bruised.


"As a a matter of fact yes I do."


She forced her hands together and made a final series of handisgns before grabbing Takeda in a grip of iron.


Nature release: Self-Destruction jutsu


Zarela laughed at the look of panic on Takeda's face before whispering in his ear.


"This is really going to hurt."


A bright light engulfed both Takeda and Zarela. The white light was then followed by a massive explosion that sent Zarela's broken lifeless body flying through the air.

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Takai jumped back as soon as he felt Zarela let go but was flung into a wall. Takeda screamed in pain as he felt several bones dislocate and break. Blood was dripping from him and now Takai had killed his only lead to finding Asuka. Takai just laughed as he looked down at the blood just happy to see that at least she fought back. Takai forced the body to get up and start moving. Takeda was overwhelmed by pain, each step doing more damage than the next.


This is good for you hero




Dont' you know how this works, you need to suffer to become stronger.


Takeda couldn't even respond, as he had blacked out.




Takai needed to find Dai fast, if Takeda died it would all be over for the both of them. He began to slowly limp his way back to the village, leaving a trail of blood behind him. He made it inside and mananged to call out to Dai before Takeda's body could no longer move.


"Dai!...Takeda hurt!...Come quick!" Takai knew it was bad when completing sentences was a problem. However Takai was far to calm about this as if he planned on this.

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((Do you want to start the Karela vs Tategami and Kaneda now or a bit later?))


Outside the village


The blue flash of the teleportation jutsu faded and Karela stepped forward expecting to find her Sensai standing over the body of her opponet.


What she saw instead chilled her to the bone.


There was a large crater in the middle of the forest, A large crater with a dark shape in tattered and burnt robes that was laying at the very edge of the crater.


"Z-Zarela sensai?"


No answer came from the battered body of her sensai.


Karela slowly walked over to the body of her sensai and kneeled down as tears began to fall from her cheeks. Zarela had sent out the patrol that had rescued her from the hidden leaf, had fed her, helped her adjust, given her her rank as an Arashi captain..."


And now she was gone.


Karela gently picked up the head of her fallen sensai and craddled Zarela's head in her lap.


"Zarela sensai..."


Karela simply began to sob gently as she craddled the body of her dead friend. One of her true friends and mentors.




The village


"Dai!...Takeda hurt!...Come quick!"


Dai looked up from his ramen just in time to hear a stangled cry come from one of the dark streets of konoha. He quietly got up just in time to see a bloodied and broken Takeda collapse in the street


What the...? What happend to him?!


Dai rushed over and began to look over the injuries.


I can stop the bleeding...It looks like I'll be able fix some of this but not all of it.


"Kaneda!" He shouted. "Takeda's been injured!"


Dai looked up as a fainter, second sound reached his ears.


Is that...sobbing?

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"Congratulations Samurai, you live to fight another day. Next time don't expect to be so lucky. Too bad you won't be able to say goodbye to your comrade. "


Akagi shook his head in disbelief. Karela was far gone...but not beyond saving. Not yet.


He watched as she disappeared, and he immediately began to curse aloud. He had lsot his focus, and now she was on her way to do...whatever it was she was going to do.


But what did she mean by 'comrade.' Then it dawned on the Samurai. And he knew he needed to get back to the village immediately.


He looked at the kunai knives that were pinning him to the tree. The knives were stuck in such a way that if he yanked hard to get out, they would cut major arteries in his lower left shoulder and stomach. A bad combination. But getting to the village was more important.


He lunged forward, ripping his kimono and cutting himself badly. He ignored the pain, and began sprinting, unaffected completely, toward the village.


It wasn't long before he reached it, hearing, "Takeda's been injured!"


He looked towards the voice, seeing Dai by Takeda...he would've helped, but he knew that Karela couldn't be too far from here. He didn't even realize how much blood he was losing, but he sprinted back towards the forest, where he suspected Takeda had fought his battle.


And sure enough...there was a body, and Karela. He brandished his blade a second time and walked forward quietly.

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((Of course ^-^ ))


Tategami appeared behind Akagi, and stopped him dead in his tracks as he was about to kill Karela.


There were bits of blood and flesh splattered around the area, and in the centre was Karela sitting alone cradling her companion's severed head.


"Dont bother, Akagi..." Tategami spoke calmly. "She already knows we are here. And besides, we need her to live."


Tategami stepped forward to Karela. He breathed a heavy sigh of sorrow.


"I dont expect you to remember us by memory, Karela..." he said. "You are deeply lost... you been strayed from your path without choice. Do you even know who you are? Do you remember the life you lead before you joined the Arashi?"




"Kaneda!" He shouted. "Takeda's been injured!"


Kaneda quickly rushed over to where Takeda had collasped. Most of his bones appeared to be broken. There were several wounds all over his body that constantly bled.


"Dai? We need to take him to the hospital!" Kaneda barked. He looked down at Takeda.


"Tell me what happened? Who injured you?"

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"I dont expect you to remember us by memory, Karela...You are deeply lost... you been strayed from your path without choice. Do you even know who you are? Do you remember the life you lead before you joined the Arashi?"


Karela kept staring down at the body of her sensai with tears running down her face as she remembered the time before the Arashi.


"I...remember the beatings, the hatred that people had for me. I remember your hokage making me take the dirtiest and most dangerous of missions in an attempt to get me killed just for being like him. I remember every cruelty, every name, every wrong that was ever inflicted on me."


Karela turned around and her eyes blazed with hatred. Hatred for the leaf, hatred for the one who had killed her sensai.


"I remember not having a purpose before the Arashi killed the ANBU squad and rescued me from certain death. Your village is corrupt and deserves to be destroyed. Your Hyuga clan will fall first, and then the rest of the village defenses will fall after until finally nothing is left."

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Takai looked over at Kaneda and was a little surprised. He could feel Kaneda's power had grown since he last took control. He needed to to get rid of Kaneda and fast.


"How can you ask such stupid questions? If someone got this lucky in damaging me, do you really think I would let them live. No, that stupid witch is dead and your little friend Karela is going to take out her anger on your other friends. You've got the new form of yours, can't you sense your friends are in danger or are you still as weak as before?"


Takai looked over at Dai and smiled.


"We need to get moving...unless you want Takeda to bleed out."

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((For now, I suppsoe. You could make entries about the Arashi's efforts on converting her. Or, you can make another character to fill in for Asuka))


"How can you ask such stupid questions? If someone got this lucky in damaging me, do you really think I would let them live. No, that stupid witch is dead and your little friend Karela is going to take out her anger on your other friends..."


Kaneda's heart missed a beat. "Karela?... Here?". Kaneda looked ahead at where Takeda had came from, and noticed smoke emiting from the forest - like an explosion had occured.


You've got the new form of yours, can't you sense your friends are in danger or are you still as weak as before?"


Kaneda looked back down at Takeda - he noticed his eyes had gone black with yellow iris', like before. The entity labeled Takai had taken control.


"...I havent gotten to that stage yet..." Kaneda replied to his question. He stood up, and looked ahead. He clenched his fists, but then suddenly relaxed. He allowed himself to feel the essense of nature. The slow yet continuous growth of the trees up ahead within the forest. Something seemed disturbed around that area...


"Dai... Take him to the hospital..." He looked back at Dai, with a look of warning. "And keep a strict eye on him!"


Kaneda launched himself ahead, directly towards the forest. His hand wrapped around the hilt of his katana strapped to his back.




"I...remember the beatings, the hatred that people had for me. I remember your hokage making me take the dirtiest and most dangerous of missions in an attempt to get me killed just for being like him. I remember every cruelty, every name, every wrong that was ever inflicted on me."


"Is that what you believe? Or is that what you have been told?" Tategami wrapped his hand around the collar of his vest, and clenched it to hear the bones crack against each other.


"I remember the first time we met. We were assigned to deal with the situation over at the Land of the Waterfalls. You're first impressions of me was that you viewed me as a somewhatOver-Muscled freak." he beamed and chuckled. "I also recall you got injured during your noble, yet bold, attempt to race towards the Land of Waterfalls before us. We had to carry you back to camp, and treat your injuries. Asuka was worried sick about you, especially."


Tategami crossed his arms, continuing. "I also recall a story Kaneda told me; about how he shouted you two bowls of ramen because he you persuaded him as a friend. You still owe him for the last bowl, if I remember."


He watched with sorrow eyes. "I dont expect you to believe me; but our compassion and support for you is real. The Arashi indoctrinated you; they brainwashed you. If you refuse to believe that, then we must allow you to see the truth for yourself."

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"Dai... Take him to the hospital..."And keep a strict eye on him!"


Dai nodded before slinging Takeda's body over his shoulder and then turning around to face Kaneda only to find him already gone.


"Alright." he said to the empty air.


Dai turned and began to run toward the hospital at his best possible speed.


"So...your Takai...How did you end up in Takeda's body?"


Outside the village


"I remember the first time we met. We were assigned to deal with the situation over at the Land of the Waterfalls. You're first impressions of me was that you viewed me as a somewhatOver-Muscled freak." he beamed and chuckled. "I also recall you got injured during your noble, yet bold, attempt to race towards the Land of Waterfalls before us. We had to carry you back to camp, and treat your injuries. Asuka was worried sick about you, especially."


"You lie. I've never seen any of your before except for the Jonin. This is just another leaf village lie. Another tale to make it look like you are the victims. The Arashi rescued me when your village tried to kill me. The Arashi took me in and treated me with respect and even made me a captain. The Arashi are the closest thing to family that I have...And now you killed my sensai...my best friend in the world. I will burn your village to the ground for what you did to Zarela-sensai."


Karela smiled as she reached around in her robe pocket and found her mask. She continued smiling even as she put it on.


"Speaking of the girl...Asuka I believe her name was. She's gone now. I teleported her to a place where you'll never be able to find her."


"I dont expect you to believe me; but our compassion and support for you is real. The Arashi indoctrinated you; they brainwashed you. If you refuse to believe that, then we must allow you to see the truth for yourself."


Karela narrowed her eyes and five Kunai knives appeared in each hand.


"Your right. I don't believe you. I am now and forever Karela of the Arashi...and I refuse to listen to or believe any of your leaf village lies."


She twirled the Kunai with her fingers and smiled dangerously under her mask.


"Who wants to die first?"

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"And keep a strict eye on him!"


"Don't worry daddy, I'll be good for the sitter."


Takai felt Dai help him up and start moving them towards the hospital.


"So...your Takai...How did you end up in Takeda's body?"


"I can tell you the story if you take me to Takeda's room, please. He won't shut up about losing his friend Karela and now his little crush Asuka. He keeps talking about his father's sword and how he needs it. Just quickly take us to his room and let the baby have his sword, do it for him."


Takai started rubbing his forehead.

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"Hey, Yoroi. What have you been up to?" Kaneda greeted. "We've been training for the past few weeks, but we need a break from our sensai's..."


"Speaking of which, I have a new Sensai," Yoroi began excitedly. "It's amazing! She--"


"Kaneda!" [Dai] shouted. "Takeda's been injured!"


Yoroi stopped talking and ran over with Kaneda.


"How can you ask such stupid questions? If someone got this lucky in damaging me, do you really think I would let them live. No, that stupid witch is dead and your little friend Karela is going to take out her anger on your other friends. You've got the new form of yours, can't you sense your friends are in danger or are you still as weak as before?"


"Ah, good to see you again, Takai," Yoroi said sarcastically. Takeda's alternate person had been a very unstable element in their battle with Gosai, but he...it still had not turned its insanity upon the Konoha Shinobi. As long as we have a common enemy and his host body is in danger, we'll have his support.


"Dai... Take him to the hospital..." He looked back at Dai, with a look of warning. "And keep a strict eye on him!"


Kaneda launched himself ahead, directly towards the forest. His hand wrapped around the hilt of his katana strapped to his back.


Rather than follow Kaneda, Yoroi remembered that he was still lacking any proper jutsu to be of any use against Karela. Instead he followed Takai and Dai.


"So...your Takai...How did you end up in Takeda's body?"


"I can tell you the story if you take me to Takeda's room, please. He won't shut up about losing his friend Karela and now his little crush Asuka. He keeps talking about his father's sword and how he needs it. Just quickly take us to his room and let the baby have his sword, do it for him."


Takai started rubbing his forehead.


"Sounds AND looks like Takeda is resting you, Takai," Yoroi remarked, silently activating his Rinnegan. "You are very much like the personality that was controlling Asuka...or am I wrong?"


He knew that Takai would probably be somewhat irritated by this, but that was his hope. It was likely that if Takai was irritated it would help Takeda gain back control. And if worst came to shove, he had his Rinnegan that he could use to apply mental pressure of his own.

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