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""Your right. I don't believe you. I am now and forever Karela of the Arashi...and I refuse to listen to or believe any of your leaf village lies."


"If that is what you choose, then I'll do what I must and stop you!" Tategami stood, staring emotionless at the lost Karela.


"Who wants to die first?" Karela pulled out five Kunai knives.


"I will be your opponent for now, Karela. But the odds of you succeding are a little blurry from where I stand..." Tategami could sense Kaneda was on his way.


Tategami allowed the first few Kunai knives puncture through him as Karela threw them. What was thought to be Tategami staggered, but the figure suddenly faded into the form of a log. Body Replacement Technique


Tategami appeared behind Karela and grabbed her by the collar. With strong force, he lifted her up and threw her directly towards a near by tree. The warm up has just begun, he thought.

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((Don't you mean Karela?))


Karela managed to brace herself against the tree and then safetly managed to land onto the ground.


"You honestly think I don't remember the truth?!" She shouted at Tategami as she made a series of handsigns


Fire Style: Twin burning dragons jutsu


Two red-hot flaming dragons formed in midair right in front of Karela and streaked toward Tategami, slamming into him and sending him flying through the air.


She was about to create another series of handsigns when a sudden memory flashed through her mind: A mental image of a woman with black hair and a kind face ((Shizune)) giving a very young version of her a piece of candy.


She paused for a second in confusion.


What...was that? I-I...No...It's a trick. Just another trick.


She slammed her hands together again and began to make another series of handsigns.


Inside the village


"I can tell you the story if you take me to Takeda's room, please. He won't shut up about losing his friend Karela and now his little crush Asuka. He keeps talking about his father's sword and how he needs it. Just quickly take us to his room and let the baby have his sword, do it for him."


Dai shook his head.


"Sorry. But your going to the hospital first. If you don't annoy anyone at the hospital or try to kill anyone then I'll grab the sword for you. But Takeda needs medical treatment first."


Dai continued on his way to the hospital at his fastest possible speed.

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Akagi had stepped out of the battle, as Tategami had insisted that it was his battle, not Akagi's.


The Samurai shook his head at what Karela had become. He hadn't known her that long, and the first time they had met, he had tried to kill her...but through these, he knew she was better then this. Brainwashing could do terrible things to a person, like stripping them of their identitys. That is what Karela had become, a shadow of her former self, completely dedicated to a misguided cause...and perhaps didn't even know what she was doing.


He kept his sword out, just in case Tategami would need his assistance.


"It doesn't have to be this way, Karela...there is no need for further conflict."

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"You are very much like the personality that was controlling Asuka...or am I wrong?"


"Are you actually comparing me to a little girl...me, a blood thirsty killer whose quite good at his job to a little girl?!?! But what can you expect from someone like you, afterall all you can do is make scary things come to life."


"Sorry. But your going to the hospital first. If you don't annoy anyone at the hospital or try to kill anyone then I'll grab the sword for you. But Takeda needs medical treatment first."


Takai shook his head at Dai's response.


"Or we go get the sword right now, and I don't blow us all up in a happy fun explosion."

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"Or we go get the sword right now, and I don't blow us all up in a happy fun explosion."


Dai paused in his running for a moment.


"Think about this logicly. Without Medical treatment you'll die. If you die you can't use the sword. Now...what do you want more: Do you really want the sword right now and risk dying. Or do you want to live and be able to use the sword?"


Dai resumed his running for the hospital."

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"Think about this logicly. Without Medical treatment you'll die. If you die you can't use the sword. Now...what do you want more: Do you really want the sword right now and risk dying. Or do you want to live and be able to use the sword?"


Takai looked at Dai and laughed.


"That's a joke right? I'll pick sword now and risk of death. Now you think about this. You're taking me to a hospital full of people who can barely move. Which outcome do you want: Take me to the sword now and nothing happens, or take me ot the hospital where I blow myself up killing everyone in there? The choice is yours hero."


Takai waited for the response, he needed that sword and would do whatever it takes.

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"That's a joke right? I'll pick sword now and risk of death. Now you think about this. You're taking me to a hospital full of people who can barely move. Which outcome do you want: Take me to the sword now and nothing happens, or take me ot the hospital where I blow myself up killing everyone in there? The choice is yours hero."


Dai frowned.


"Well...when you put it that way...I guess we can go and get the sword first and then have you head off to the hospital. Just promise me you won't try and kill anyone."


Dai slowed down for a moment to catch his bearings and then headed off toward the home of Takeda.


"So...I assume your not going to let Takeda take control back?"

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Takai smiled when Dai changed directions and started heading towards Takeda's home.


"So...I assume your not going to let Takeda take control back?"


"Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Its not like he's emotionally unstable right now and would do something more reckless than me right now. At least I have some self control right now."

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((Whoopsie :$ Soz, I was up till 12 last night. I was reading quite an interesting book while on the computer... And Skywalker, given Asuka's situation, I suppose it would be logical for the enemy to torture her into joining them. But its your character - your call))


Tategami took a massive blow from two flame-formed dragons Karela had formed. He landed a few meters away from the battle field, but as soon as he recovered he dashed as fast as he could back to Karela - which was little more than a few seconds.


Tategami pounced towards Karela before she could finish performing her handsigns. He once again grabbed her, and launched her up in the air. Snake, Dragon, Rabit, Tiger...


"Katon: Gōkakyu no Jutsu! (Fire Release: Great Fireball justu)"


A huge ball of fire spewed from Tategami's mouth directly upward at Karela. Knowing Karela, its quite probable she would be able to evade this. But partly, the aim of the game was to tire her.

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Karela easily dodged the fireball and then landed a short distance away from Tategami and then began a quick series of handsigns


Earth release: Earth coffin jutsu


A solid wave of earth and stone covered Tategami and contined to cover him in layer after layer of earth and stone.


Karela grinned under her mask and began to make another series of handsigns intended to finish off the jonin when she suddenly stopped.


A new memory was running through her head.


A man...A man with blonde hair was patting a younger version of her on the head and was laughing.


"So you managed to catch that cat huh? Must have been difficult. I did the same mission when I was your age. I don't know whats older: The fire damiyo's wife or the cat."


Both Karela and the man laughed.


Is it possible...that he's telling the truth?


Karela stood completley still as another memory flashed through her mind. She recognized this one. This one was very familiar to her.


The same blonde haired man was standing over her and raising his hand to strike her in the head again while a woman with white eyes watched and giggled slightly in front of the desk


"You idiot! You couldn't even find a filthy old cat?! You begged me for a mission and I gave you one. And you couldn't even complete it! How stupid are you?!"


Karela's eyes narrowed and she turned toward the jonin who was now engulfed in layers of stone and earth that contined to cover him.


Two words flashed through her mind with the appearance of the second memory. Two words that brought about nothing but hatred and barely controlled rage to the top of her head.


Naruto Uzumaki...


He must pay.


Karela began another series of handsigns. This time the Jonin would fall beneath her power and trouble her no longer. As soon as the jonin was gone then she could track down the one who had killed her sensai and make him suffer before he died a very slow death.


Fire release: Twin burning dragons jutsu


Two more red-hot flaming dragons appeared in front of Karela and streaked toward the entombed jonin.

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Takai nearly fell when he saw Takeda's home. He jumped to the floor and began crawling slowly into the house. He didn't care if Takeda's legs wouldn't get him there, he would use his arms there. He looked around the house and began searching like a mad man. He looked under Takeda's bed and saw a plank that looked a little loose. He smiled as he pulled the plank away and reached his hand in. His smile grew wider as he felt the handle he had not felt in such a long time. He pulled the katana out and laughed with glee. He took the blade to Takeda's chest and gave a small slice. Blood trickled down on the blade and revealed the hidden markings. He chanted the words on the sword and a dark red aura began to surround him. He finished the chant and the aura dispeared. Takai stood up and looked down at the body which was now fully healed.


"Oh you foolish boy, you really shouldn't have listened. That's the problem with humanity, you're all too weak. Emotions either slow you down or become your ultimate weakness. You did however bring me one step closer to being at full power so I'm going to let you live. Stand aside boy, I've got work to do but get in my way and I'll end you."

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Kaneda made it just in time to see Karela entrap Tategami within a small tomb of earth, and about to perform the Twin Burning Dragon's Justu. He quickly performed the Rat handsign.


"Kageyose no Justu!" he announced, as soon as he landed on the tree. The bright moonlight shining on the clearing where the battle took place, enabled Kaneda's shadow to grasp its hold onto Karela... but not for long.


Those twin flaming dragons Karela had created seemed to counter him as he performed the Shadow Endgame technique. For now, better him than the entrapped Tategami.


Dragon, Dog, Tiger, Ox Tategami covertly performed under the security of the Earth tomb. "Fire Release: Shield of Justice!" he announced, as he placed his hands above him and a spherical shield of fire formed around him. The earth tomb exploded and left a large gaping hole through its roof for Tategami to jump out of.


Kaneda barely managed to dodge the flaming dragons. He performed the Ram handseal.

"Fūton: Kamikaze!" he gust a swirling wind erupted from his hands, which blew the dragons away. Several other small tornados formed to brush off the ninjustu, and eventually disaperead.


Kaneda brought himself up, brushed himself offs. He glared at his opponent.


"Karela..." he clenched his fist in anger. "What have they done to you?"

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((Just a reminder that Karela is now on the same level of strength as Sakura and Tsunade now.))


"Karela...What have they done to you?"


Karela had no answer as she was too busy trying to figure out how her newest opponet had managed to enter the battle without her knowledge. The Arashi had information about this one.


Yamagato Kaneda. Trained under Nara Shikamaru. Has learned basic shadow manipulation techniques. Is classified as intelligent and highly dangerous.


I can't take them both at once by myself. I need a distraction so I can even the odds a bit. Figures the hidden leaf wouldn't fight fair.


She quickly pulled a scoll out of her pocket and then quickly bit down on her finger, drawing blood that she spread over the scroll.


Wind Release: Kunai Hurricane


Hudreds of Kunai shot up into the air and then turned down toward the ground as Karela made another series of handsigns.


Dodge that


Multi-Shadow clone jutsu.


Nearly twenty clones of Karela appeared in various poitions around the battlefield as Karela appeared behind Kaneda and kicked him in the back of the head, sending him flying through the air.


If this keeps up I'll have to retreat. I can't fight both of them at the same time. I need to get back to the base and get that Hyuga eye implanted if I want to stand a chance next time.

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Takai nearly fell when he saw Takeda's home. He jumped to the floor and began crawling slowly into the house. He didn't care if Takeda's legs wouldn't get him there, he would use his arms there. He looked around the house and began searching like a mad man. He looked under Takeda's bed and saw a plank that looked a little loose. He smiled as he pulled the plank away and reached his hand in. His smile grew wider as he felt the handle he had not felt in such a long time. He pulled the katana out and laughed with glee. He took the blade to Takeda's chest and gave a small slice. Blood trickled down on the blade and revealed the hidden markings. He chanted the words on the sword and a dark red aura began to surround him. He finished the chant and the aura dispeared. Takai stood up and looked down at the body which was now fully healed.


"Oh you foolish boy, you really shouldn't have listened. That's the problem with humanity, you're all too weak. Emotions either slow you down or become your ultimate weakness. You did however bring me one step closer to being at full power so I'm going to let you live. Stand aside boy, I've got work to do but get in my way and I'll end you."


"I figured this would happen," Yoroi chuckled as he entered the room. "No matter, I need someone to train my new abilities against...now that my Nightmare Seal is gone."


He began a series of hand signs. "That's right! I am no longer cursed, Takai, and no more 'scary things' are going to be made real. The five elements are open to my use, and now I will unveil to you my new Jutsu."


In reality, Yoroi wasn't sure it'd work, but he had no choice. "Samsara Art: The Six Paths!"


All at once, six identical clones of Yoroi appeared around him. "In Attendance, the Six Paths of Yoroi Mitarashi!" he announced from all seven bodies, all of which drew chakra disruption blades. "These are not clones, mind you. They are permanent multiple bodies! Surrender, or you will be subject to the full might of the Rinnegan."

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Kaneda received a blow to the head, which sent him flying through the battle field. He landed on his feet. He examined the situation; Karela had unleashed a large family of Shadow clones of herself.


Tategami was at his best trying to fend off against the Shadow Clones. He landed many devasating hits at fast speed at the shadow clones - each one disintigrating into a puff of smoke.


Kaneda grabbed a clone by the shoulders, and kicked the clone behind him. He then flipped over the clone he was holding and stabbed it with two Kunai blades.


He leapt up into the air and performed the necesary handseals. "Wind Release: Flying Kunai Storm"


His hand engulfed with chakra, and encircled its trail around him. Wind-Chakra formed needles erupted from the ring around Kaneda, and rained into the ground below at fast speed. Most of the clones had managed to dodge the Chakra-made Kunai blades but Kaneda managed to hit some of them to make things easier.

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"Wind Release: Flying Kunai Storm"


Karela slightly smiled at the technique that the chunin had unleashed. This type of technique was dangerous to enemy and allies alike.


Multi-Shadow clone jutsu


Twenty more clones of Karela appeared around in a circle around her before spreading out.


Earth relase: Earth barrier jutsu.


A wall of earth rose up and surrounded Karela on all sides before a wall of earth covered the top of the barrier.


Time to go.


She began making the handsigns for the teleportation jutsu.

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((Whoopsie :$ Soz, I was up till 12 last night. I was reading quite an interesting book while on the computer... And Skywalker, given Asuka's situation, I suppose it would be logical for the enemy to torture her into joining them. But its your character - your call))


((Thanks, PK. I'll think of something. :) ))

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Takai watched as Yoroi cloned himself. He looked around from one clone to another. He shook his head and cracked his neck before letting out a slight chuckle.


"These are not clones, mind you. They are permanent multiple bodies! Surrender, or you will be subject to the full might of the Rinnegan."


"Me? Surrender? I don't think so!"


Takai eyed the clone all the way on the right and quickly threw it into the air. He jumped into the air and sliced the clone in half before landing.


"You see you're not the only one whose free. Now that I have my blade I'm one step closer to having my full power back. That stuff I was able to do back against those other ninjas was me at my weakest stage." Takai smiled as he pointed his sword at the group. The black blade had a light covering of blood. "And even then I wasn't trying too hard."

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"You see you're not the only one whose free. Now that I have my blade I'm one step closer to having my full power back. That stuff I was able to do back against those other ninjas was me at my weakest stage."


Dai mentally cursed himself out. He had allowed Takai to retrieve something that had increased his power by...quite a bit it seemed.


"Well..." Dai said calmly as he pulled out a handful of Kunai. "It seems that this is my fault. I'll fix this as best I can."


Dai threw the Kunai knives at him, not really expecting any to hit.


I need to get a measure of his power...Maybe if hes as arrogent as he sounds then he won't be able to resist showing off his strength.


Dai turned to the man next to him.


"So...how do you propose we fix this mess?

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Takai eyed the clone all the way on the right and quickly threw it into the air. He jumped into the air and sliced the clone in half before landing.


Yoroi did not even blink. Huh, he chose the worst possible Path possible to attack.


"You see you're not the only one whose free. Now that I have my blade I'm one step closer to having my full power back. That stuff I was able to do back against those other ninjas was me at my weakest stage." Takai smiled as he pointed his sword at the group. The black blade had a light covering of blood. "And even then I wasn't trying too hard."


"And that is not blood on your weapon," Yoroi stated nonchalantly as the liquid turned to soil and fell off. "It's dirt."


Dai turned to the man next to him.


"So...how do you propose we fix this mess?


"Please back me up, Dai-san," Yoroi said. "If he attempts to leave, I need someone to stop him. As for defeating him, he's a goner."


The remains of the fallen Path had turned completely into soil. It flung several kunai of stone at Takai, a head made of dirt shouting, "Earth Release: Stone Missile Barrage!" At the same time, four other Paths made their attacks.


"Lightning Release: Wave of Electrical Charges!"


"Water Release: Great Water Dragon Missile!"


"Fire Release: Great Fireball!"


"Wind Release: Gate Palm!"


Predictably, Takai dodged these attacks quite easily by jumping into the air. However this was what Yoroi had aimed for. The remaining Path shouted, "Banno Ten'nin!" while his true body yelled, "Shinra Tensei!" Takai was hit with two opposing gravitational forces.


"I found a new sensei, Takai, Dai-san," Yoroi remarked. "And I learned quite a lot."

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"Well..." Dai said calmly as he pulled out a handful of Kunai. "It seems that this is my fault. I'll fix this as best I can."


Takai turned his head to see a handful of knives comes his way. He quickly batted them all away with his sword. He was able to dodge Yoroi's attacks quite easily until he was blind sided with a dual attack. He was sent spirling to the ground. Takai picked himself up from the ground and looked over at Dai and the one the thought was the real Yoroi.


"Ouch, that really hurt," Takai sarcastically said. "You know of all my years of killing, I've learned so many things as well. Perhaps a little demonstration is in order."


Dark Release: Serpent's Path


Takai swung his sword and a black snake shot out at the group. Takai began to control the snake by moving his blade. The snake lunged at the other clones and incinerated them upon impact. Takai smiled as he looked over to Dai and Yoroi.


"I could go again but where's the fun in that. Alright I guess that means one of you get to go next."

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"Ouch, that really hurt," Takai sarcastically said. "You know of all my years of killing, I've learned so many things as well. Perhaps a little demonstration is in order."


Dark Release: Serpent's Path


Takai swung his sword and a black snake shot out at the group. Takai began to control the snake by moving his blade. The snake lunged at the other clones and incinerated them upon impact. Takai smiled as he looked over to Dai and Yoroi.


"I could go again but where's the fun in that. Alright I guess that means one of you get to go next."


"Who said I ended my turn?" Yoroi remarked. "And who said those were my paths? I'll give you a hint: Substitution Jutsu. Oh, and you might want to turn around."


But even before Takai could, the Six Paths each stabbed him with a chakra disruptor blade.

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