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"I think you've earned a break now...Dont you think you're over doing it just a little bit?"


Karela looked up at Kaneda and nodded.


"I...I think I have been overdoing it a bit. But I need to finish it! I need to undo all the damage I caused to the village."


Karela heard her stomach growl and then felt a sharp pain in her stomach.


"<sigh> I think it be for the better that I grab you something to eat. What do you feel like?"


She patted her stomach once and then smiled slightly.


"I wouldn't mind a few bowls of ramen if thats alright with you Kaneda. It's my own fault for not eating back when I needed to."

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""I wouldn't mind a few bowls of ramen if thats alright with you Kaneda. It's my own fault for not eating back when I needed to."


"Dont be too hard on yourself. You have been through alot since your absence." he looked in the direction of the town. "Lets head for Ichiraku - I'm in the mood for something "Beefy" for a change..."


The next few minutes, they found the Ichiraku Ramen bar. After placing their orders, Kaneda played around with the detachable chopsticks from the paper wrapper.


"So... while we're waiting - is there anything you need to vent out?" he wondered.

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"So... while we're waiting - is there anything you need to vent out?"


Karela stared down at her ground when Kaneda asked the question.


"Yeah...there is some stuff I wanted to talk about. I suppose it's a good idea to talk about it sooner rather then later."


"The Arashi used me. They used me to weaken the village, they used me to attack you and the others. They made me attack the person I've grown to care about the most."


She raised her head and stared directly at Kaneda with an angry expression on her face.


"I want to make them pay for what they did to me...for what they're going to do to Asuka and for what they might do to you and the others if they catch them. I want to make Gatoa and his organization suffer by my hand."

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"I want to make them pay for what they did to me...for what they're going to do to Asuka and for what they might do to you and the others if they catch them. I want to make Gatoa and his organization suffer by my hand."


"Well, hopefully you'll get a chance to do all that once the Hokage releases you from you're strict probation." Their bowls of hot ramen arrived infront of them. "Finally! That fight with Yoroi has made my stomach growl."


Kaneda smiled up at Ayame the Waitress, and beamed when she received his "thank you."


"When you think about it - the Arashi arent entirely that evil. Misguided and Corrupted in so many ways perhaps, but their intention is in the right place. Human beings in general have damaged the planet and are slowly destroying our atmosphere. The Arashi's ultimate goal is to start all over again, learning from our previous mistakes to create a new and better world - by turning us into an endangered species..."


"But their methods are too extreme, they will stop at nothing to accomplish their goal. There are other ways to save our planet, but the problem is not everyone is willing to commit. Once we defeat the Arashi, hopefully a lesson will be taught to everybody."


He glanced at Karela. Kaneda smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I got carried on."

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"Well, hopefully you'll get a chance to do all that once the Hokage releases you from you're strict probation. Finally! That fight with Yoroi has made my stomach growl."


Like I'd let probation stop me for leaving. Hopefully Kaneda doesn't realize that.


Karela looked up at Ayame and nodded her thanks when her ramen was placed in front of her and then proceded to dig in.


"When you think about it - the Arashi arent entirely that evil. Misguided and Corrupted in so many ways perhaps, but their intention is in the right place. Human beings in general have damaged the planet and are slowly destroying our atmosphere. The Arashi's ultimate goal is to start all over again, learning from our previous mistakes to create a new and better world - by turning us into an endangered species..."


She finished her ramen and sat back in her chair.


"I certainly don't agree with you when you said that they aren't entirely that evil. After all they tortured me and turned me against the village. But I do get what your saying. I wonder what the Arashi organization was like when it was first created."


"Sorry, I got carried on."


"Not a problem Kaneda. When we talk about stuff like this we can get a bit carried away."


I feel a bit better since I've spoken with Kaneda. Actually, I feel a lot better then I did before. Maybe I can get another bowl of ramen out of him.


She grabbed the empty bowl and pushed it toward Kaneda with a hopeful look on her face.


"Could I have another bowl Kaneda? Please?"

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"Could I have another bowl Kaneda? Please?"


Kaneda exchanged a comical exaggerated face of annoyance. Despite that, he bought Karela another bowl of ramen.


"Heh... by the way, even though I wont charge you for this one, you still owe me for the last bowl I bought you many weeks ago." he stuck his toung out.


"Oh yeah, I that reminds me. Remember when we discussing about Tategami's supposed dark secret? Well, now its become old news..." he pulled his collar away to reveal the fang marks Gosai inflicted. "And it came with a price too."

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((whoops, sorry))


Takai looked down at the girl and shook his head slightly. He placed a palm on his chest and took a deep breath. He extracted a very small portion of his soul and held it in his hand.


I never said the Arashi were the only ones we would attack, a little influence from myself should do the trick.


He extended his arm out and the small green soul moved towards Asuka. It made it way into the girls mouth and Takai watched it disappear.

Looks like today will be a fun day after all.

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((S'okay, Cyborg. :) ))


As Asuka slept, she suddenly felt something else. But this wasn't any ordinary thing.


The young girl gasped, as her eyes shot open. They glew a bright green. Deep inside, her soul felt as if it was in two... again. After she stopped shaking, Asuka sat up, breathing with horror.


She looked up at Takai, holding her stomach. "Wh-wh-what did you do to me?!"

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"Heh... by the way, even though I wont charge you for this one, you still owe me for the last bowl I bought you many weeks ago."


Karela scratched her head in mock confusion. "Whatever bowl of ramen could you be talking about Kaneda? I don't remember you buying me another bowl."


"Oh yeah, I that reminds me. Remember when we discussing about Tategami's supposed dark secret? Well, now its become old news...And it came with a price too."


She took a quick look at the bite marks before wincing and turning back to her ramen. "Yikes. That looks like it hurt. Well, at least you and Tategami have something in common now. I noticed when I was fighting Tategami that he transformed slightly, I was able to put two and two together when you transformed when I was fighting you."


She finished her ramen and then turned to Kaneda.


"I suppose I do owe you Kaneda. I'll just pay it right now."


Karela pulled three coins out of her pocket and placed them in front of Kaneda.

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"Wh-wh-what did you do to me?!"


Takai looked at Asuka and smiled.


"My dear in order to fully master this type of jutsu it would take years. I've merely sped up the process for you."




Takeda continued his training. He couldn't stop, he needed to more than ready to kill the Arashi. He couldn't let the village down, he couldn't let Asuka down, and he couldn't let the Arashi take over. He had to keep going, he needed to keep pushing his body beyond the limits.

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After a few hours of sleep, Yoroi awoke. Fortunately, he had mostly been exhausted and his injuries were purely cuts and bruises (all of which had been healed by the Medical Nins).


Despite the protests of the nurses, he checked himself out and teleported back to Amegakure.


"Open the gates for the Amekage!" someone shouted.


Yoroi was surprised to see several Shinobi greet him very enthusiastically. "You're back safely!" "How did it go, Yoroi-sama?" "Did you win, Amekage-sama?"


He paused and then said, "Let's just say that I lost the battle but won the war."


As he was escorted back to his headquarters, Yoroi noticed the general atmosphere towards him. The three days before his duel with Kaneda he had completely taken over as Amekage. His policies were generally to keep Amegakure going and maintain the peace. At first he thought this was no reason to be admired, so he asked one of his guards, "The people seem to love me. What have I done to earn this?"


The guard blinked. "You really don't know what the other Amekages were like, Amekage-sama?"


Yoroi looked down. "Oh wait, yes I do."


Hanzo the Salamander. Pain, the God of Peace. Konan, Pain's Angel. Even hardly governing his country was heaven for Amekage considering its past with a tyrant and his two very strict successors.


But it made Yoroi feel slightly ashamed. While his integrity and pledge to Riko was of the utmost importance, his duty as a leader should have taken first place. Worse, he could have been the return of Pain and brought darkness back to this land.


They may have given me their love, but I am going to truly earn it, Yoroi vowed. Amegakure may not be able to surpass Konoha and the other hidden villages as a home of great warriors, but I will make this village surpass all others as a home of prosperity.

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Kaneda played with the coins Karela had given him, spinning them onto the wooden table so they would create a moving sphere. "Thanks." he added.


He told the story about the mission to Amegakure, the Hidden Rain Village. He told Karela about their trail on Mikita, their encounter with Gosai and Asuka's split-personality issue they had to deal with.


"Quite alot of things have occured since your absence." he gulped down the last remaining drops of orange juice from his plastic cup. "Hopefully all this training will pay in the end!"


He stood up, and stretched. The sun was begining to set. "Now, I've had a long day and need some rest. You going to be okay by yourself? Maybe you should go back to your folks place."

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"Now, I've had a long day and need some rest. You going to be okay by yourself? Maybe you should go back to your folks place."


Karela winced when Kaneda mentioned her parents. "I'm sorry to say this Kaneda, but both my parents are dead. They were both killed when I was very young so I live on my own.


She quickly turned the akward conversation away from her parents and turned it to another topic. "I'll see you soon Kaneda. I hope you have a good nights sleep."


Karela jumped off the chair and waved before heading off for her own small apartment.


I just hope the Arashi torture didn't come with any side affects I'm not aware of. I don't want to have to sleep in the hospital again.

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Akagi stared out at the village in front of him, the sun glinting brightly off of his armor. He wanted to get one last look at the place he had been for what seemed a long time now. The Samurai had learned much of the outside, and had made many friends in the process.


But now it was time for him to return to his own lands, and to lead his people forward into a new future.


He smiled and took out a small scroll, a small brush with it. He painted down a single character that meant: Farewell, until next we meet.


Akagi slipped his smaller ceremonial blade and placed it on top of the scroll, a token of gratitude to his friends.


He then turned around, and walked quietly out of the town, on his return journey home. The Samurai would never forget this land.


((Akagi has now departed the RP ))

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((It was a fine pleasure, Comander :] ))


""I'm sorry to say this Kaneda, but both my parents are dead. They were both killed when I was very young so I live on my own."


Kaneda was shocked to hear these words from Karela. Not even he knew about this - he couldnt help but feel quite sorry for her. It must be tough living a rather lonely life.


"I'm sorry Karela... I didnt know..." was all Kaneda could mutter.


I'll see you soon Kaneda. I hope you have a good nights sleep."


Kaneda smiled sheepishly. "Yeah... I'll see you in the morning, hopefully..." he raised a hand as she left the Ramen Bar. "Goodbye."


He walked out of the bar and stood until the moon and stars filled the sky. He looked up and smiled. He had not stared up at the night sky for quite some time - it might even be his last...





Three Months Later


Kaneda stumbled around his room, looking for his Field Vest which was untraditionally black. He was to meet up at the rooftop of the Hokage Building. Like the selected army of Jonin and acceptional Chuunin, he was going to be involved in the Assault against the Arashi compound where it will hopefully lead to their downfall.


For the past three months, Kaneda was a whole new animal. Thanks to his training with Dai, he was able to perfect the Yin Seal, which was imprinted behind his neck. He even discovered a means of using the Seal to create artificial Chakra in order to make him stronger while in Werebeast Form - coming with a price of usage however.


During his training with Tategami sensai and their practice with Chakra Manipulation, Kaneda was able to form a new Chakra Affinity for himself: Plasma, a fusion between his Wind and Lighning Chakra. So far, he was only able to create one move which was similar to his Lightning Fist.


As soon as he grabbed his newly forged Katana protected by its Sheath, Kaneda greeted goodbye to his folks. He wondered if it will be the last time he'll ever see them again. He exited his house, and headed straight for the Hokage Residence.


((End of Training Arc. Now begining the very last Story Arc of this RP :] No point in backing out now - the end is nearing ;) ))

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((I'm assuming that it is safe to keep going as we usually do.))


Three Months Later


From one of the walls of Konoha, Yoroi watched the army of his native village assemble. Three months had past and Konoha was ready to purge the grave threat that was the Arashi.


But I'm not dealing with just the Arashi, he contemplated. Takai is a threat to the entire world as well. I will take him down, and rescue Asuka.


"Oi!" one of the guards shouted, running towards him. "What do you think you're doing here?! Who the hell are you?!"


"Yoroi Mitarashi, Konohagakure Jonin, Amekage," he said without even turning his head.


The guard froze up. "You're...you're that man with the...the--"


Yoroi turned his head and his eyes flashed purple. "Rinnegan."


The guard slowly backed away, then turned around and broke into a sprint. Both the former Amekage Pein's act of destruction several years ago and Yoroi's fight with Kaneda had given the Rinnegan a fearful reputation in all villages, save Amegakure. There he had earned his people's respect.


Yoroi wished he could bring a troop of Ame Shinobi with to help against the Arashi, but that would do little good as they were all farmers at heart. Instead, Yoroi had left yesterday by himself after assigned an emergency successor in case of his death. The Ame Shinobi were understanding and pledged to continue his policies. Amegakure had not become some paradise on earth, but overall it was a stable place and a good home for its people.


During the last three months, Yoroi had completely forsaken the idea of using corpses and practiced purely with his Elemental Paths. He had put himself under intense stress training to further expand his chakra potential so he wouldn't tire so easily in battle. Still, his goal was to only fight against enemies of importance such as Takai or a leading Arashi official.


He jumped down from the wall and proceeded through the village. Without even trying, he ran into Kaneda, who was headed towards the Hokage Residence. "Long time no see, Kaneda," Yoroi greeted. "I see you finally achieved the Yin Seal."

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"I'm sorry Karela... I didnt know..."


Karela couldn't help but hear Kaneda mutter an apology as she left the area to head for home and she smiled slightly. It was good to be among people who cared about her and her feelings.


Once she reached her apartment she grabbed a blanket and proceded to lay down on the couch and stared at the celling with an angry expression on her face. It's my fault they managed to get their hands on Asuka, I swear that I'll bring her back even if it kills me in the process...I may not have my fire based abilities anymore or my enhanced strength but I swear I won't let that stop me.


Three months later


Karela pulled her green Konoha field vest over her head and made sure it was securely fastend to her before heading out the door towards the Hokage's residence to meet with the force that was going to lead the attack against the Arashi.


She had trained constantly for the past three months, pushing her body to point of failure on multiple occasions but in her eyes it had been worth it. She had learned a few new techniques as well as creating a new type of jutsu that only she could use to the best of her knowledge. Her strength had also greatly increased to the point where she now rivaled the strongest ninja in the village.


Wind release: Leaf teleportation.


Karela disappeared in a gust of wind and leaves and reappeared directly on the roof of the Hokage's residence. She didn't see anyone else there so she simply waited for the others to show up.

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((Don't worry Skywalker, I'll set up a scene for Takai and Asuka))


For three months Takeda had pushed his body to limits he never thought he could reach. He had not only learned the Buntai Seal but how to effectively use it as well. He had kept to himself in the past three months feeling socializing with his friends would only distract him from his goals. He would stop Takai, eliminate the Arashi, and save Asuka or die trying. He stood at the rooftop with the other warriors. He gave Specter a slight nod and looked away from the group. His gaze looking out towards the sun, wondering if it would be his last look.


Takai stood in the same room he had granted Asuka such a wonderful gift. He had taught her how to use darkness, making her sword stronger in combat, and even how to use other's jutsu when absorbed.


"The day has come to prove yourself my apprentice."

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"Long time no see, Kaneda," Yoroi greeted. "I see you finally achieved the Yin Seal."


Kaneda lifted up the back of his hair so Yoroi could have a better view of the seal. It appeared to be the shape of an aqua colored dot - similar to Old Tsunade's, except imprinted onto her forehead. Kaneda continued walking.


"It was a real bitch trying to figure out how to modify the seal for my own purposes. But Dai and I have managed to figure it out in the end."


The hokage residence was just up ahead. "I see you have been doing quite abit of exercise yourself." Kaneda observed, using his Werebeast sensory.


Over the course of three months, Kaneda had become a slight equivilant to Tategami, in terms of reading people's bodily fluids and intentions. But he will have to try his best not to annoy anybody with them. It should atleast somewhat aid him in battle, for its record.


Naruto Uzamaki waited on top of the rooftop of the Hokage Residence, with a small army of Jonin and Chunin. Soon Kaneda, Yoroi and Karela arived at the scene. With Karela's rehabilitation and Probation lifted, she was alowed to attend the mission - that and she held valuable information regarding the enemy that could aid them during the mission.


((Dont forget everybody - update you're profile on what new Techniques you have learned over the three month period. ;) ))

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((Alright, I updated Karela.))


I still can't believe I was allowed to participate in this mission, Karela thought as she looked over the assembled Chunin and Jonin who had been selected to go on the mission to strike back agianst the Arashi.


Karela probably would have gone beserk if she hadn't been allowed to go along on the mission with all the training she had done.


She quietly walked over to Kaneda and Yoroi and nodded to both of them in greeting. "Hey Kaneda, can I talk to you once the briefing is over? It's important that I either speak with you or Tategami before this mission starts and I can't seem to find him anywhere."

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"Hey Kaneda, can I talk to you once the briefing is over? It's important that I either speak with you or Tategami before this mission starts and I can't seem to find him anywhere."


"Uh, sure no problem." he beamed. He looked at the crowd. "Alot of people... I'm itching for some real action right about now."


All of a sudden, the infantry stood still in respect towards the Hokage. Naruto stared at everyone of them.


"All of you have been chosen for this mission; for your strength, skills and bravery. I must inform you though - this may not be like any other mission you have ever faced before."

An assistant appeared next to Naruto, who unrolled a large scroll containing a map of the entire Ninja World.


"The Kraken's Womb, known to be the secret location of the hidden Arashi base, is located directly south below the Land of Waves. We shall travel along the great bridge, make camp and then impegnate the base using a series of Submersibles Kirigakura have kindly lend to us; as they too will be participating within this mission."


"Some of you may not come back out alive - even myself. But let us not die without fighting for what we stand for. Let us not die by the unmerciful hands of the Arashi, without a sense of giving up. We will make the Arashi pay for the crimes they commited against humanity - they're taking away our chance to learn and improve from our mistakes. What right do they have to do that? Let us not allow them to take away our chance! Let us unite, and fight as a nation together!"

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"The day has come to prove yourself my apprentice."


Asuka stood face to face with Takai. She slowly looked up at him and smiled. Her eyes were no longer blue. They were black, with bright yellow irises. Just like Takai's.


"Thank you... Master. I am ready," Asuka said with a cold smile.


She was ready. Ready to destroy anyone that opposed her and Takai...

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"Uh, sure no problem, Alot of people... I'm itching for some real action right about now."


Karela stood at attention as the hokage began his speech and nodded as he finished it. He was right, it was better to die fighting then to die by the hands of the Arashi. And if it came down to it, Karela was more then willing to die to stop them.


As soon as the Hokage was finished speaking she pulled Kaneda off to the side and began to speak so only she and Kaneda would hear the conversation. "I need you to promise me something Kaneda, if we run into Asuka on this mission then I need to be the one to deal with her. It's my fault she was taken and that makes her my responsibility to bring her back...or to kill her if she's beyond saving."

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