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"Karela! Whats your position?"


"I can't talk right now Tategami-sensai, I'm about to engage the enemy."


She looked on as a familiar figure walked out of the shadows and stared at her for a few moments..


"With pleasure,"


Karela watched with a sad smile as Asuka rushed at her with amazing speed and then let out a battle cry that sent a slight chill through her body.


Looks like Takai has been teaching her well. The only people I've seen that are this fast as Lee-sensai and myself.


Her expression turned to one of anger as she watched Asuka draw closer and closer to her. She jumped backward and then threw an exploding Kunai at Asuka.


"Asuka! Think about the people your hurting by doing this! Think of what Takeda would think of your actions!"


Takeda might be the only person who might even have a chance of getting through to her. Where could he be?

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Takai teleported without saying a single word. He laughed in the shadows at Yoroi's attempt to kill him.


"Ah Yoroi, still predicable as ever I see. You honestly thought I'd be that easy to take down when I could sense you and Karela coming. When I stole your abilities, I didn't just get them but your thoughts and scent as well. I know how you operate Yoroi and Karela as well."


Takai jumped down again and dusted himself off.


"And now my precious Asuka knows as well..." Takai began to say before being hit with a ball of ice.


"You twisted freak, don't talk about her like that!" yelled a very angry Takeda.


Takeda shot another ice ball at Takai but he was ready for it this time. Takai teleported behind Takeda and kicked him hard in the back before vanishing again.


"Its about time you showed up Takeda, now we can get this party started." laughed Takai.


Takeda looked over at Yoroi as he charged up another ice ball.


"I'll deal with Takai, you need to save Asuka...please," Takeda added in with desperation.


"Of you're going to deal with me?!? That's great, I guess I'll toy with you before I fight someone actually worthy."

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"Ah Yoroi, still predicable as ever I see. You honestly thought I'd be that easy to take down when I could sense you and Karela coming. When I stole your abilities, I didn't just get them but your thoughts and scent as well. I know how you operate Yoroi and Karela as well."


Perfect...perfect, Yoroi thought. That's it, keep thinking exactly that way--


"You twisted freak, don't talk about her like that!" yelled a very angry Takeda.


Takeda shot another ice ball at Takai but he was ready for it this time. Takai teleported behind Takeda and kicked him hard in the back before vanishing again.


"Takeda!" said Yoroi in surprise. When he had attacked Takai he had sent his Shadow Path while leaving his Fire Path with Takeda. Apparently, Takeda had slipped away and the Fire Path hadn't noticed.


Takeda looked over at Yoroi as he charged up another ice ball.


"I'll deal with Takai, you need to save Asuka...please," Takeda added in with desperation.


"Of you're going to deal with me?!? That's great, I guess I'll toy with you before I fight someone actually worthy."


Yoroi looked from both Takai to Takeda. He then smirked. "I'm really being underestimated here," he chuckled, summoning his other five Paths while leaving a Shadow Clone with both Kaneda and Tategami's group. "Takai, you said that not only did you absorb my abilities but my thoughts too? You forgot what I said earlier: The difference between my power then and now is like that of heaven and earth. Consider who I was when I fought you: a mere jonin getting used to the greatest of the noble dojutsu while relying on an average chakra reserve and attempting to copy the technique of my predecessor. You underestimate the degree to which someone can change within the span of a few months."


Yoroi proceeded to summon another Shadow Clone, which rushed off to help Karela. He then stretched out his hand to allow his other five paths to feed elemental chakra into it. "My outlook on life is completely different from what it was then. You no longer know me. However, I know you very well. You are the kind of individual who thinks that you can make the existence of others irrelevant with your power. Guess what? I WILL NOT BE MADE IRRELEVANT! Samsara Art: Elemental Sword of the Six Paths!"


The two Rinnegan turned towards his comrade, his mouth making a broad grin. "Takeda, here's a better deal: I'm going to help you take down Takai and help Karela save Asuka with my new jutsu! Let's do this, comrade!"

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"Takeda, here's a better deal: I'm going to help you take down Takai and help Karela save Asuka with my new jutsu! Let's do this, comrade!"


Takeda smiled from under his mask and nodded at Yoroi.


"Yes, and let's make sure to make his death slow and painful."


Takai stood there listening to Yoroi's words with that arrogant smile on his face. Though has unconcerned as Takai was he knew Yoroi's words were true. Yoroi had definitely gotten stronger, but Takai too had gotten much more powerful. He chuckled at Takeda and Yoroi before unsheathing his sword.


"But how wrong you are Yoroi. I don't think I can make people feel nonexistent, I do make them nonexistent because I kill them! I also know perfectly well how someone can change in a few months, after all I did make Asuka better than before."


Takai looked over to Yoroi, then to Takeda. "You may know how I think but you have no idea what I'm capable of. You may have gotten stronger as well Yoroi but that doesn't change who you are, and I know who you are. If you don't believe me, then we can get a second opinion on this matter."


Takai looked back over to Yoroi and laughed again.


"Nightmare Summoning Jutsu!"


A shadow stood between Yoroi and Takai. It soon began to take the shape of a person. Within a few seconds Yoroi was staring at Riko.


"Its not real Yoroi, we both know it. Takai's just afraid to fight you Yoroi and now he's trying to use your past to fight you." Takeda yelled.

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Kaneda continued onward down the path. He could hear the sounds of battle noises from behind him. He hoped Karela could take care of herself, as well as saving Asuka during the process.


"Stay focused, Dai. Surely we'd be nearing something by now." Kaneda finally spoke, after a long silence.


And finally they did reach something. They were facing a large, arch doorway, which revealed a large open room on the other side. It was difficult to determine what was on the other side; so Kaneda cautiously proceeded.


There seemed to be a blue illumination emiting from the darkened floors. It took him a while to realise his feet were submerged with water. Suddenly, the doors behind them closed shut. The room was lit with a blue tint being emited from the water below them.


"I've got a very bad feeling about this..." Kaneda muttered. The room they were standing in what turned out to be Great Hall, with a staircase up ahead. Straight ahead of them were two individuals, bothing wearing traditional Arashi robed uniforms. One of them submerged in the deepening water, with his head poking out. The other was standing on top of the water, like there was a floor beneath him. They both glared ahead at the intruders.


The hooded Arashi member standing on the water was the first to say something. "Hm Hm hm..." he chuckled. "Kajiki, your moment of retribution has finally arived."


Kajiki didnt say anything.


"You may be the new puppy around here, but you compromised our location by your own naivity and arrogance. Take them down, and we'll reconsider your future within this organisation."


Kaneda suddenly recognised the man submerged in the water. He was the one standing on the reef, firing the chakra projectiles at the submersibles. His skin was bone white. His hair was very wet and pulled back exposing his scalp. Although he was wearing the Arashi uniform, he appeared to be wearing nothing but pants. The rest of the robe seemed do be hanging from behind, floating in the water. The most distinctive feature about this individual, were these gashes on each side of the neck - gills, they appeared to be. That explained how he was able to survive underneath the water while he was attacking the submersibles.


He still didnt speak anything. The hooded member chuckled, and raised a finger towards Kaneda and the others. "Kill them..."

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"Its not real Yoroi, we both know it. Takai's just afraid to fight you Yoroi and now he's trying to use your past to fight you." Takeda yelled.


For a moment Yoroi stared at Riko. It was a perfect replica in every way....


The Amekage smirked. "Damn right, Takeda!" he laughed, all six Paths charging straight at the clone of Riko. Before the Nightmare Clone could react, the Wind Path had driven a chakra disruptor blade straight into its chest, dispelling it.


"Takai, let me ask you something," the Six Paths spoke in unison, twelve Rinnegan glowing eerily. They began to surround Takai in a circular formation. "Did you honestly think that after learning my motivations I would fall for that? I killed to protect her honor and memory, because that is what she valued. Using my own technique to make a copy of that memory is as silly as it is insulting!"


The Shadow Path charged forward, swinging the Elemental Sword at Takai's head. Around them, the other five Paths drew blades.

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Asuka flew backward and hit the ground, after being hit with an exploding Kunai.


"Asuka! Think about the people your hurting by doing this! Think of what Takeda would think of your actions!"


Staggering up, she glared at Karela. "You and others have hurted me! Takeda's the one responsible for my Uncle's death! You'll all PAY!!!" Asuka created a black and grey spinning ball in her hand. This was Corrupted Rasengan. She ran towards Karela to strike her.

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"Takeda's the one responsible for my Uncle's death! You'll all PAY!!!"


Karela watched in amazement as Asuka began to form a black and grey spinning orb in her hands.


I...I can't believe it. She managed to form some sort of dark version of the Rasengan. Takai is going to pay for what he taught her.


Karela snarled at Asuka and formed a bright blue Rasengan in her hand and ran at Asuka with all the speed she had.


She's been brainwashed just like I was. The only way to bring her back is to somehow show her the truth.



"Kill them..."


Dai smiled slightly. This room was filled with water and water conducted electricity. He knew a few techniques that were elerctric based.


"Well Kaneda, do we have a plan or do we just run in there and hit them with everything?"

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Takeda smirked as Yoroi laughed at Takai's attempt to mess with him.


"Did you honestly think that after learning my motivations I would fall for that? I killed to protect her honor and memory, because that is what she valued. Using my own technique to make a copy of that memory is as silly as it is insulting!"


Takeda watched Yoroi use his paths to surround Takai. He was proud to fight alongside Yoroi who Takeda valued not only as a friend but as a mentor to him. Takeda even clapped his hands as he watched the the elemental sword struck Takai. Takeda suddenly felt a large amount of pressure on his back. When he turned he saw nothing but the room he had come from. When he turned around he was face to face with Takai.


"Surprise!" Takai shouted as he kicked Takeda to the ground.


Within the time it took Yoroi to swing the sword, Takai had dodged it, got behind Takeda twice and kicked him. Takai laughed and cloned himself, one Takai turned his attention to Yoroi and the other waited for Takeda. Takai raised his sword into the air and a large black line of energy formed in front of the blade. Takaki swung his sword and the black energy was launched off the sword towards the clones.


"Tell me something Yoroi," Takai said knowing Yoroi would survive his attack. "Why use all your strength now fighting me when you haven't even fought the Arashi members in this base yet?"


"Takeda's the one responsible for my Uncle's death! You'll all PAY!!!"


He's brainwashed her...


"Asuka that was your father, he was a bad man. I would never do anything to hurt you or your uncle. Takai's just using you, he doesn't care about you. But we do because we're your friends." Takeda yelled over to Asuka.


"We both know that's not true Takeda. I was lucky enough to save Asuka before you had a chance to get her too." Takai said mocking him.

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Damn, he's still quite fast, Yoroi thought as he saw Takai knock Takeda to the ground. If I don't do something about this, Takeda and I are both screwed.


"Tell me something Yoroi," Takai said knowing Yoroi would survive his attack. "Why use all your strength now fighting me when you haven't even fought the Arashi members in this base yet?"


"Shinra Tensei," the Shadow Path proclaimed, holding up a hand and launching the black energy back at Takai. Meanwhile, the other paths threw their chakra disruptor blades at the clone. The Water Path appeared right above the clone and did a kick at its head. The Earth Path appeared behind the clone and did a kick to the back. The last three appeared and made a triangular surrounding formation.


"Why, you ask?" said the Shadow Path to Takai. "Because we never finished our fight from earlier, and if I am going to go on and fight the Arashi I'll do it with you out of the way. Chibaku Tensei!"


As Takai was about to block the reflected black energy, a gravity well formed around him and the earth beneath was pulled towards it....

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"Well Kaneda, do we have a plan or do we just run in there and hit them with everything?"


Kaneda chuckled, and lifted up a palm. Electrical Chakra began sparkling from his hand. "We'll see where this will take us." he grinned.


The hooded Arashi man exchanged a sinister smile. "Common Strategy wont help you here. Do not underestimate Kajiki."


It was a little hard to see through the ripples, but Kaneda could hear with his heightened sensory the movements made underwater. Kajiki was perfoming a series of handsigns.


The next thing he knew, Kaneda couldnt move his legs. He looked down, and saw his lower torso was covered in ice. The water surrounding them had frozen to ice. Kajiki was no where to be seen.


But then, he saw a shadow - underneath the layer of ice speeding towards Dai and Kaneda like a Torpedo. The next thing they knew, Kajiki broke through the ice below them, and grabbed both Dai and Kaneda by the colar. They soared through the air, and Kajiki tossed both of them aside. Kaneda landed hard on the Ice.


As soon as he brought himself back up, Kajiki was no where to be seen again. He saw Dai across from him. "Dai! Are you alrite?"

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"Dai! Are you alright?"


Dai got to his feet and took a quick look at himself. "I'm fine...But Kajiki or whatever his name is is about to be in a world of pain."


He slammed both of his hands down repeatedly until he finally managed to punch through the ice.


He made a rapid series of handsigns and directed his hand toward the hole he had made


"Lightning release: Lightning pulse!"


Dai released a massive pulse of electrical chakra into the hole and smirked as he watched the water conduct the electricity.


He turned to Kaneda and smirked. "If he's still down there...he's going to be in quite a bit of pain."

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"If he's still down there...he's going to be in quite a bit of pain."


Kaneda stared into the pool of ice; it was hard to see anything moving down there. Maybe Dai really did get him. The hooded figure didnt reply anything to it. He meerely crossed his arms and enjoyed the show.


Kaneda looked up, and saw a dark figure hang from the ceiling. Kajiki dropped down, and landed on the ice floor between Kaneda and Dai. He meerely stared with a cold icy look. One thing Kaneda noted was that his chest didnt offer any signs of inhaling of exhaling. This might indicate that he can only breath underwater, and might also explain why he cannot speak.


Kaneda performed his series of Handsigns. His hands became infused with Lightning Chakra. Before Kajiki could make his move, Kaneda dashed towards him and dealt a series of deadly blows with his electrifying fists. He threw him up in the air, locked his fists together and fired a discharge of electrical energy that directly hit Kajiki.


Kajiki collasped to the ground, it took him a few moments to recover. He crawled back into the hole of the ice and submerged into the water. This was a good chance.


"Dai, now! While he is in the water!"

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Takai watched as his clone was destroyed by Yoroi's power. Black energy made its way to Takai and he absorbed it. He continued blocking Takeda's ice blades with his sword and hit Takeda with a wave of energy. He looked over at Yoroi and laughed.


"Very good, now try this."


This time Takai matched the number of clones Yoroi had. They were all unarmed unlike Takai but that didn't make them any weaker. The clones attacked the Yoroi clones hitting each with a series of punches and kicks. The clones each jumped back and fired a black beam of energy from their hands at the Yoroi clones. Takeda attempted a sweep kick which Takai jumped over and kicked Takeda. Takeda was ready and grabbed the foot of Takai and quickly threw him to the ground. Takai back flipped up and twirled his sword.


"Come on Asuka, you have to snap out of this. Takai isn't your friend, he's just using you to benefit himself in some way." Takeda shouted before blocking Takai's sword.

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"Dai, now! While he is in the water!"


Dai didn't even wait for Kaneda to finish his sentence before making a different series of handsigns this time.


"Lightning release: Lightning Destruction!"


Dai unleashed another massive pulse of lightning in the water and then he stood back up, breathing heavily. "That last one took quite a bit out of me."


He looked down at the water which still had electricity flowing through it.


"Alright, I don't think he could have avoided that last attack."

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"Alright, I don't think he could have avoided that last attack."


Kaneda stared at the water beneath the layer of ice. A pale figure stood completely stationary. Was he dead?


The hooded man spat. "Hmph. Pity. Such a waste of good talent. His incompitence got the better of him." He pulled his hood away to reveal a heavily veined face, as if they were a spawn growing around his head. He was completely hairless, not a single trace of facial hair. He breathed a heavy sigh.


"I suppose I will just have to deal with you myself. But be warned though; I am alot more stronger than Kajiki himself." he smirked. "Shall we begin?" he performed a seried of handsigns, some appeared to be more advanced forms Kaneda couldnt recognise. "Body Manipulation Art!"


Kaneda pulled out his Katana. "Be on your guard, Dai. I dont like this one bit..." he whispered. Kaneda didnt like the idea of just simply charging towards him. The Man just stood completely still, completely calm and relaxed. He didnt even raise a finger.


Kaneda looked below him, at the ice. Something was moving... They appeared to be flesh colored roots, digging and growing through the ice. They lead directly to the Arashi man. Suddenly, the roots pierced right through the ice, and enlarged themselves to be as thick as vines. They wrapped around Kaneda's leg, and pulled him up. Kaneda used his blade to slice through the vines. He landed like a cat back onto the ice, watching the flesh vines surrounding Dai and Kaneda. "If you have anything sharp, I'd use it."


"Hmph... Meer blades wont save you. Its only a matter of time." The man laughed.

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"If you have anything sharp, I'd use it."


Dai looked down in alarm as one of the vines brushed against his leg. He quickly pulled out his Kunai and sliced it in half.


That last attack drained nearly half of my chakra. I wasn't expecting this guy to stick around with the odds two to one against him. I'll have to choose my next few attacks wisely.


He placed his left hand down on the ice and placed his right hand directly next to it.


"Kaneda." He whispered. "I have a plan. I'm going to clear the way toward him and you need to follow then hit him with everything you have."


Dai grinned as he felt the chakra gathering on his left hand and clenched it into a fist.




He began dragging his hand along the ground as he ran at the Arashi man with all the speed he had.

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Kaneda followed behind Dai when he created his Chidori. While following, he performed his series of handsigns; doing his best to ignore the continuously growing flesh vines brushing against him as they dashed through them.


Kaneda formed a disk of wind chakra, and threw it ahead of them to hover over the opponent, whom stayed completely stationary. Kaneda then withdrew his sword.


The Arashi Man smiled. Kaneda lunged his sword through, just as he expected, a protective shield of flesh vines around the Arashi man. To keep him occupied, Kaneda hacked and slashed away through the vines; regenerating after everytime he cut through a few of them at a time. Kaneda paused, and made the final handsign.


"Wind Release: Flying Kunai Storm." the large disk above him errupted with a storm of Chakra formed needles downwards onto the man. Those needles were sharp enough to even slice through steel. Smoke covered the scene. Kaneda stared back at Dai, and mouthed his sentence of words without speaking outloud: a common form of Shinobi covert communication.


"Ok, now for the next phase. In the likely chance he survives, I'll need you to keep him distracted while I use my Shadow Technique. Can you hold out a little while longer?"


He rumaged through his pouch for a Soldier Pill, and offered it to Dai.

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"Very good, now try this."


This time Takai matched the number of clones Yoroi had. They were all unarmed unlike Takai but that didn't make them any weaker. The clones attacked the Yoroi clones hitting each with a series of punches and kicks. The clones each jumped back and fired a black beam of energy from their hands at the Yoroi clones. Takeda attempted a sweep kick which Takai jumped over and kicked Takeda. Takeda was ready and grabbed the foot of Takai and quickly threw him to the ground. Takai back flipped up and twirled his sword.


"This is simply getting irritated," said Yoroi's Shadow Path, his true body sending chakra to the damaged Paths to heal them. "Chibaku Tensei!"


A gravity well appeared next to Takai and immediately caught him. The earth around him was pulled towards into the nexus, forming a sphere.


"Samsara Art: Elemental Sword of the Six Paths!" he shouted, the other five Paths providing the necessary elemental chakra. He then charged, screaming his fury at Takai, and drove the massive multicolored blade strait into the sphere's center.

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"Ok, now for the next phase. In the likely chance he survives, I'll need you to keep him distracted while I use my Shadow Technique. Can you hold out a little while longer?"


Dai shook his head at the offered solder pill. He didn't like using them, they always made him dizzy afterward.


He turned back toward the Arashi member and began infusing his hands with electrical chakra.


"Don't worry Kaneda. I can give you all the time you need." He mouthed back. He then pulled out two Kunai knives and infused them with the electrical chakra from his hand and began walking toward the Arashi man as he began coming up with a plan to buy Kaneda time.

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Before the smoke began to clear, Kaneda made a clone of himself near a tangle of flesh vines. Hopefully that oughta fool the man into thinking that Kaneda was still on the battle field.


He sped away a good distance with the mans back facing him. He looked at the ice floor below him, emiting the blue light underneath the layer. Because the source of light was below him, Kaneda's own shadow couldnt form. He had to think of something quick before the smoke clears.


He looked at the vines, and followed his eyes upward. We both know the vines are growing from him as the host... Kaneda strategised within his head. "Grabbing hold and following the vines with my shadow shouldnt be a problem... Its the direction of the light that is...


He continued following the vines with his eyes, which lead up to the ceiling.... The Ceiling... Of course! Kaneda leapt up through the air towards the ceiling overhead, and landed on one of the supports. He performed the Rat handseal and waited until one of the vines touched the ceiling...




Meanwhile, the smoke cleared. There were even more vines surrounding Dai, slithering towards him.


The figure had finally materialised when the smoke cleared. There was a spherical growth surrounding and protecting the figure; similar to Gaara's Shielf of Sand technique. The Chakra knives Kaneda had formed earlier practically didnt have much of an effect; they did puncture the shield, but the remained suspended within the layer. The vines grew around them appropriatly.


The Vine Shield had degenerated in an instant. The Arashi man exchanged a sinister expresion. "My apoligies. I completely forgot to introduce myself. My name is Naito, former Lietenant of the Kirigakure ANBU Hunter-nin division." He bowed, then straightend his back up to look at Dai. "You do not need to give me your name, if you're uncomfortable. I thought it would signify a mark of respect that you know the name of the man who killed you."


He began walking towards Dai.

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"You do not need to give me your name, if you're uncomfortable. I thought it would signify a mark of respect that you know the name of the man who killed you."


Dai narrowed his eyes at the Arashi man before throwing one of his kunai up in the air and then catching it by the blade.


"I am Dai of the hidden leaf. And I highly doubt that I will be the one who will die today."


He made a quick series of handsigns and jumped at his opponet, waiting until the last possible instant before releasing the jutsu.


Poison relase: Poison mist!


Dai released a large cloud of poisonous mist directly in the face of his opponet before unleashing a series of powerful kicks and punches at him.

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There was a large explosion when the sword was driven into sphere. A very large black snake shot out from the smoke and hit Yoroi's shadow path. The smoke cleared to reveal Takai who was panting. Takai was quick but not quick enough to dodge the blade. A black line was now visible on Takai's chest where the sword hit. Thick black blood was dripping from Takai's chest. Takai looked up at Yoroi and laughed.


"Heh, its been a long time since I've seen my own blood."


Takai took his sword and tossed it to the floor. He began chanting in a tongue not familiar to anyone. The sword began to levitate on its own and soon black energy was being released. Takai absorbed all the energy from the sword making it vanish. Takai looked back to Yoroi with his wound now healed.


"I put part of my power into that sword, my soul too. The sword became an extension of myself which was the reason I could use my attacks with it. Now that my body has all my power again the sword is useless. Do you remember our first fight Yoroi, when I said you were lucky to witness a taste of my true power? Well get ready for part two, if you thought I was hard to kill before good luck with that now."

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Naito unexpectadly inhaled the poison mist, not before receiving devastating blows from Dai. Using one of his flesh vines, he pierced his neck like a needle and vacuumed the poison through thread of skin. The vine turned into an unnatural shade of purple, and eventually rotted and dropped off his body dead.


"Nice trick..." he complimented. "But these vines of mine hold a few overwhelming tricks you arent already aware of."


Naito performed a series of handseals. "Body Manipulation Art: Fist of a Thousand Fingers!" His tentacle-like flesh vines grew around both his wrists and hands, increasing their size and thickness.


He launched himself towards Dai and threw a series of strong fist punches and devastating blows. The last punch knocked Dai up in the air; but before he could land, Naito unleashed a family of several snake-like tentacles and grabbed onto Dai.



Meanwhile, Kaneda waited patiently for the tentacles to reach the rooftop. Atlast, they touched surface of the ceiling. He used released his shadow and used it to crawl from the supporting posts and onto the ceiling. Kaneda's shadow touched the tentacles, and crawled down towards Naito as the source. It was only a short matter of time before Kaneda's shadow could reach Naito and paralyse him, while revealing a suprise attack he had in store.

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Dai was sent flying up into the air by the punches and just as he was about to start on the way back down he felt several of the vines grab onto him and hold him in the air.


Alright...this isn't good. I can't hit him with Lightning Destruction and my Chidori is usless while I'm held like this. Time to use a new technique.


Dai made a new series of handsigns and focused his chakra into his hands before placing one on each vine and concentrating as hard as he could.


Lightning release: Lightning Palm!


He began to shake as the electrical chakra from the vines began to go through both him and the vines.


"Hurry up Kaneda!" He shouted down at Kaneda.

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