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"Hurry up Kaneda!"


"What a way to give up my position..." Kaneda grumbled, as Naito looked up at the ceiling where he was. Naito suddenly received a dosage of Dai's electrical chakra, agonizing in pain. The vines constricting Dai had perished away, like black ash.


Kaneda's shadow continued onward down the path of flesh vines, towards the host. Working as fast as he could, the shadow finally grasped onto Naito. Kaneda had full control over him.


It was hard controlling a man with hundreds of thousands of tentacle limbs. But Kaneda managed. He performed his final hand seal!


"Lightning Release: Shadow Torment!" he breathed. Within moments, Kaneda's shadow was conducted with electricity. Naito was soon bathed within painful lightning chakra. It continued to rampage, until his nest of tentacles surrounding the hall had turned to ash. Soon Naito himself was blackened to a crisp. He fell on the ice floor, apparently dead.


Kaneda smiled. He landed back on the floor to meet up with Dai. "You alright?..." he looked down at Naito's corpse. "He's obviously not..." he joked.


Kaneda reached within his pouch for a soldier pill and offered it to Dai once again. "I think you're gonna need it this time, even if it does give you a headache... You need to save your strength, if you oughta be using the Yin Seal for battle."


Kaneda glanced once again at Naito's corpse. "Man... How are we gonna explain this to Tategami? He's not even alive to be useful--" something caught his eye. Way ahead of the corpse was appeared to be a growth within the layer of ice. It continued to spread its roots.


((Dont worry, this will be the final part of the battle. After this, everybody conclude their own battles and move on with the main story plot.))

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((Sorry I took long...:( ))


"Come on Asuka, you have to snap out of this. Takai isn't your friend, he's just using you to benefit himself in some way."


After Asuka was pushed back by Karela's powers, she shook her head, and glared at Takeda. "LIES!!! Where were you all when he came for me?! Where were you all when I needed you the most?! All you fools ever do his fight without pity or understanding!!"


And with that, Asuka pulled out her katana, and ran towards Karela with a battle cry, angered tears streaming down dramatically.

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"I put part of my power into that sword, my soul too. The sword became an extension of myself which was the reason I could use my attacks with it. Now that my body has all my power again the sword is useless. Do you remember our first fight Yoroi, when I said you were lucky to witness a taste of my true power? Well get ready for part two, if you thought I was hard to kill before good luck with that now."


There was silence for a long time before Yoroi's brief chuckling punctured the air.


"About time," the Amekage spoke. Instantly the Six Paths dispelled and a single identical figure stepped out of the shadows.


"I had a feeling that you would come into the battle without your true strength. If I had fought you at full strength myself, you would have only regenerated and I'd be in serious trouble. Thus, I held back.


"In the past few months I have undergone intense training with my Six Paths. Each one was trained to contain the chakra that my main body had at the beginning of my training. Thus, I have but to dispel the Paths to amplify my personal power. I am at seven times the chakra level of each of my Paths."


As soon as Yoroi was finished he tossed a chakra disruptor blade at Takai, then teleported to its location. "If you're ready to actually fight me to the end, let's do this!" Yoroi shouted, swinging his foot at the monster's face.

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((Sorry for the large reply, In order to end this fight I needed to get some information out of the way. I'll end the battle with Takai next post.))


Takeda charged at Takai with his ice blades and swung madly at Takai's head.Takai batted them away before kicking Takeda in the gut. Takai looked over at Yoroi and shook his head as he dodged the kick.


"Here's something for you to play with first." Takai said as he sent the Black Snake at him.


Takai then looked over at the fight between Asuka and Karela and smiled.




"LIES!!! Where were you all when he came for me?! Where were you all when I needed you the most?! All you fools ever do his fight without pity or understanding!!"


Takeda took this time to slash at Takai's chest while he was distracted. To his disappointment though, the scar healed just as quickly as it had appeared. Takai kicked Takeda to the ground a second time.


" Well I can tell you what Karela was doing. Your little friend took you to this very base where you would have turned into one of them. Its her fault you lost everything Asuka and she knows it. Takai said with an evil grin.


"That's not..." Takeda began to say before Takai stepped on his ribs.


"But who could blame Karela for separating you from your friends and Takeda...after all she doesn't truly know what love is or what to be loved is." Takai now looked over at Karela. "I am right aren't I Karela? You can't love, all you know how to do is destroy. Look at Asuka's eyes, they're filled with pain because of you. Look at poor Takeda, he's been a wreck ever since you took Asuka away. Or what about your own village, do you think it'll ever be the same again? But I appreciate you Karela. You see without you I would have never been freed and I never would have been able to save Asuka. So I thank you for attacking your own village and taking Asuka."


"Are you insane?!?! She'll kill us all in a minute if you keep that up!" Takeda yelled.


"I know, that's why I'm doing it. We'll be fine though since were not fighting her but Asuka...well let's hope she looks good in red."


"Why are you doing all of this? If you hate me so much why don't you just kill and be done with your revenge."


"Kill you? Ha! I'm plan on making you suffer before you die. Just as I did...dear brother."


Takeda was completely stunned by Takai's statement.


"What, mommy and daddy never told you about me? You weren't and only child Takeda, we were twins. Well we would have been twins had you not hogged all the organs. We were attached at the waist and from what I can remember my body only lasted a few days. My body died, but my mind still lived on. We existed as two minds in one body. Once again though you proved to be the dominant one out of us and you got control of the body while I watched on the sideline. I so desperately wanted out parents attention though that I tried my best to take control but it seemed as long as you were conscious you had control. So I tried making you move when you were asleep...it worked like a charm. I had complete control during the night but everyone else was asleep. It was like our parents knew I was there and ignored you at night. It was that night I decided I was going to kill them but I didn't know how to fight and since our parents were busy training you I'd have to train myself. I learned Dark jutsu from a strange shinobi, he said he knew my pain. So I trained with him each night while you trained with mom and dad each day. Now comes the good part. I got much smarter as we got older. Why should I kill our parents when I could mess with you mentally as well. So I hired an assassin to kill them on your next birthday. That's why he didn't kill you when he saw you because your body hired him. That's why you killed him so easily because he wasn't taken by surprise. I got much stronger that day as I was able to take over your body while you were conscious. I've taken your parents from you Takeda, now I'm going to take Asuka and once she's dead I'm going to kill all your friends and after that...well whoever I see I'm gonna kill."

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"LIES!!! Where were you all when he came for me?! Where were you all when I needed you the most?! All you fools ever do his fight without pity or understanding!!"


Karela snarled and began preparing another Rasengan to counter Asuka's charge toward her when suddenly Takai's voice rang through the air.


"Well I can tell you what Karela was doing. Your little friend took you to this very base where you would have turned into one of them. Its her fault you lost everything Asuka and she knows it.


"Shut up!" Karela shouted at him as a tail burst from her back and she was surrounded by a green aura.


"But who could blame Karela for separating you from your friends and Takeda...after all she doesn't truly know what love is or what to be loved is." I am right aren't I Karela? You can't love, all you know how to do is destroy. Look at Asuka's eyes, they're filled with pain because of you. Look at poor Takeda, he's been a wreck ever since you took Asuka away. Or what about your own village, do you think it'll ever be the same again? But I appreciate you Karela. You see without you I would have never been freed and I never would have been able to save Asuka. So I thank you for attacking your own village and taking Asuka."


I...I said shut up." Karela said uncertainly, she knew that Takai had hit the mark with his last words. She really didn't know what it was like to be loved. She had lost her parents at such a young age that she didn't even remember them.


The center of her eyes turned red and another green tail burst from her back as her anger continued to rise.


You need to stop it! I can't take control if your like this! You'll simply attack everything in sight if you keep on transforming in this state of mind.


Karela paid the Bijuu inside no heed as a third green tail erupted from her back and her teeth painfully transformed into fangs.


Killlll him... Karela thought murderously


She began to scream and shout as a fourth tail erupted from her back and her eyes turned a bright red color as she lost all control and the last of her sanity. She began to howl in pain as a fifth green tail began to slowly erupt from her back and her skin began to peel away from her body as it was replaced with pure bijuu chakra.


One of her tails caught the running Asuka and slammed her into a wall before she turned toward Takai, Takeda and Yoroi.


Bone began to grow around her head as a sixth tail erupted from her back and the transformed Karela growled an animalistic growl as she prepared to fire a blast of pure chakra at the group assembled before her.

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((Man, we've all gone insane! Okay, I don't wanna be evil Asuka anymore. When can she turn good again?!))


After Asuka was slammed in the wall, she fell on the ground, unconscious. During that state, she had images in her mind and soul...


Asuka woke up on beautiful, green grass. The skies were blue and the Sun shone brightly. Getting up from the grass, Asuka looked around. She was in a field.


"Wh-what is this place?" Suddenly, from the distant, she saw a famliar person. Someone she longed to be with...


"Uncle Chokichi?" Asuka choked. The man turned with a warm smile. And indeed... it was Chokichi.


"Hello, my dear child," he said in the most sincere voice.


Asuka tearfully smiled, and ran to her beloved Uncle. Then, they embraced one another.

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((Thats entirely up to you, I guess :p And I know what you mean; its hard to be an evil character, because you have to live with so many immoral choices you've made. Hence why I always been a lightsided Revan :D BUT ANYWAY, thats well beside the point... >.> ))


The roots continued to grow and grow. They sprouted through the layer of ice and began to form a plant-like collection of flesh tentacles. Soon the tentacles took shape of a human figure. That human figure formed a face, with piercing dark eyes with white glowing irisis. The sinister grin seemed to be the only feature that retained Naito's appearance. He hardly looked like a human now.


"I must thank you. Its a nice feeling..." he began. "To be reborn."


Kaneda stood there stunned, open mouth. How could this man have survived what he encountered?


Naito raised his fist, surrounded with continuously animated flesh vines. "I am much like a flower - self pollinating in order to reproduce. As long as a significant part of me survives, I can fully regenerate my body. But thats not all I can do..."


He quickly performed a series of handsigns. "I can also create a limited amount of copies of myself. Each one just as strong and powerful as I am now!"


A spawn of roots grew from underneath him. The same process occured just as Naito regenerated. The roots sprouted, and eventually formed two other human figures. Two copies of Naito, monsterous abomniations. The three of them in total had surrounded Dai and Kaneda.


"We dont have the time for this..." Kaneda muttered to himself. "Looks like we're going to have to take things up a level!"


Kaneda gave Dai his Soldier Pill, just incase. He then took one for himself, and began charging up his Chakra. Purple steam began to emit from Kaneda's body. As he tapped into his Werebeast Chakra, his muscle structure slightly increased. His hair grew out and became spiky in a feral-like state. He transformed.


He learned to finally control his Werebeast Form, suppressing his anger and remained focused as he felt the chakra pump through his veins. Because he learned to overcome his bloodthirst, thanks to the modified version of the Yin Seal, his eyes were no longer pitch black; his irisis and pupils instead turned to icy silver.


He glowered at the surrounding clones of Naito, aware of there slight movements.


The original Naito clapped his hands. "Well, have we finally awoken all of a sudden? I was begining to wonder if you held back on me." He stood in a aggresive fighting stance. "The question remains if that will be enough to stop the three of us!"

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"Here's something for you to play with first." Takai said as he sent the Black Snake at him.


"Why can't you just fight me, damn it?!" Yoroi protested, slicing the Black Snake into several pieces.


She began to scream and shout as a fourth tail erupted from her back and her eyes turned a bright red color as she lost all control and the last of her sanity. She began to howl in pain as a fifth green tail began to slowly erupt from her back and her skin began to peel away from her body as it was replaced with pure bijuu chakra.


One of her tails caught the running Asuka and slammed her into a wall before she turned toward Takai, Takeda and Yoroi.


Bone began to grow around her head as a sixth tail erupted from her back and the transformed Karela growled an animalistic growl as she prepared to fire a blast of pure chakra at the group assembled before her.


"Perfect, just perfect!" Yoroi growled. "Shinra Tensei!"


The Six-Tailed Chakra Blast was repulsed by the gravity attack, though the chakra clung to the walls and began to eat through it.


"Here, take some time to COOL OFF! CHIBAKU TENSEI!"


Karela's transformed body was immediately pulled into a small gravity wall along with the stone around her. However, that would not hold her for long. When Yoroi's predecessor Pein had attempted to capture Naruto, it had taken a very powerful Chibaku Tensei to contain the latter's Six Tailed Transformation. Yoroi had used a far smaller one--


Suddenly Yoroi fell to the ground, coughing up blood. It felt like his heart and lungs were having a seizure. Damn, this was my third Chibaku Tensei today...at this rate, I have a heart attack before I can finish off Takai....


After he had recovered, he looked up to see what was happening. Asuka had been knocked out, and according Yoroi's Rinnegan there was some sort of disruption in her chakra flow. Takai and Takeda were facing each other, Takeda completely stunned from Takai's words.


"Snap out of it, Takeda! Takai is NOT your brother! I don't know much about family, my only other sibling is my cousin Anko and she's a full generation ahead of me. But I do know that brothers are not murderous monsters that kill your parents and torture you from within!


"Takeda, look at me!" Yoroi pleaded. "I need you to help me defeat Takai. Do it for Asuka...hell, do it for yourself!"

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((I think I got this right. She was surrounded by a rock sphere right?))


"Here, take some time to COOL OFF! CHIBAKU TENSEI!"


Karela roared in anger as she was pulled in and the stone surrounded her as the last of the bones began to form around the rest of her body and muscles . She created a small ball of chakra made of both her bijuu chakra and some residul traces of her her blood and then fired it directly at the solid rock wall in front of her.


The rock sphere surrounding her disintegrated into small rocks and rubble as the blast instantly destroyed the sphere and continued onto the wall next to Takai and Takeda, creating a massive hole in the wall.


She dropped from the sphere and landed on all fours on the ground and roared at the three of them before turning toward the exit and running toward the other two presences she had sensed. One of them was emitting a certain type of strange chakra...something that she had only encountered once before.






"The question remains if that will be enough to stop the three of us!"


Dai took the offered solder pill without taking his eyes off of the three enemies in front of him. He was about to focus his chakra into his hand to create a chidori when he heard a loud roar echo throughout the tunnels behind them.


That doesn't sound good.


Dai turned to Kaneda and whispered to him so that their newly regenerated enemy couldn't hear, "If you can hold them all with your jutsu I think I can use my lightning destruction to take out at least one of them. Then the odds should be more in our favor."

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((Sorry, I guess I lied. Alright the fight with Takai will be over after Hunger's and my next post.))


Takai looked like he had gotten the best birthday present ever as he laughed at the destruction Karela was causing. He watched Karela run off and laughed even harder.


"Takeda, look at me!" Yoroi pleaded. "I need you to help me defeat Takai. Do it for Asuka...hell, do it for yourself!"


"Takeda can't do anything to stop me and in a few minutes you won't be able to either. Don't you get it, I've won."


Takai began advancing towards Yoroi with a grin so wide it took up half his face.


"You wanted me to fight you, well you got it."


Takai suddenly stopped his advance as he was hit with an ice ball. Takai turned around to see Takeda slowly rising to his feet. Takai quickly ran over to Takeda and began smacking him around like a play thing. Takeda was thrown into a wall where Takai continued beating him. Takeda started coughing up blood as he dropped to his knees.


"You're finished." Takai said as he grabbed Takeda's throat.


Takai started to laugh when he noticed something strange. Irregular breathing movements were coming from Takeda like he was gasping for air, but he wasn't...he was laughing? Takai suddenly angered by this and squeezed harder.


"What's so funny tough guy?!?!"


"You" Takeda manged to let out


Takai released his grip and threw a punch right at Takeda's face. To his surprise it was caught and Takeda counted with an uppercut which sent Takai to his feet. Takeda continued laughing as Takai glared up at him.


"It all makes sense to me now, oh how stupid I was."


"Just what are you blabbing about?"


"I was trained by my parents because they sensed something about me, something that separated me from most. The first trainer I ever had I killed because of my power. My mother created this mask for me so that I could contain my power."


Takai snickered at this, "You're bluffing."


Takeda removed his mask and dropped it to the ground. A large white aura quickly surrounded Takeda as he began to make his way towards Takai whose grin had now faded.


"All this time I used my power solely for protection, I viewed everyone and everything around me as fragile. I always kept my emotions under control and never let them get the best of me. Now In see why you're so powerful, its because of me. See now I'm presented with a very rare opportunity to finally let my emotions get the best of me, to finally cut loose because I know you can handle it."


Takeda took an offensive stance and looked over at Yoroi.


"Alright Yoroi, let's send this hell-spawn back where he belongs."

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((@ Chevron 7 locke: Yes, Chibaku Tensei is a gravity well ability that does create a rock sphere and traps things inside it.))


"Alright Yoroi, let's send this hell-spawn back where he belongs."


Yoroi grinned, his confidence renewed by Takeda's newly revealed power. "Let's!" With that he took off, running straight at Takai with all of his might. He knew that this would not be his moment but Takeda's, the chance for his comrade to confront his past and save the world from a great evil. It would be the Amekage's role to set Takeda up for that moment....


...and he was more than happy to do so.


"Bansho Tennin!" Yoroi yelled, extending his left arm. As Takai was pulled towards him, he then thrust with his right arm and shouted, "Shinra Tensei!" Due to Takai's power, it was only enough to stagger him, yet that was all that was needed. Yoroi launched straight at Takai, throwing a series of kicks and punches.


"This!" he shouted, kicking Takai across his right cheek. "Is for!" Another kick across the left cheek. "Insulting!" A punch to the gut. "Riko's memory!"


With the last two words, Yoroi used Takai's chest as a step-ladder to jump into the air. He began to do a flip. Halfway through he was looking down towards Takai and his right hand was extended.


"SHINRA TENSAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!" he roared, the pair of Rinnegan glowing more brightly than ever before, a vocal overlay of his two predecessors in his voice.


The resulting gravity wave possessed the same level of power that Pein had used to obliterate Konoha, but was concentrated into a single small area: Takai's location. It would probably not be enough to kill the monster and would be Yoroi's last attack in this battle, but it would not be something that Takai could easily recover from.


As Yoroi fell, he felt his eyelids grow heavy and time seemed to slow down. While he had told Takai that by dispelling his Paths he would gain six times his chakra from three months ago, in truth he had spent the vast majority of that power.


I leave him to you...Takeda....

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((Thats entirely up to you, I guess :p And I know what you mean; its hard to be an evil character, because you have to live with so many immoral choices you've made. Hence why I always been a lightsided Revan :D BUT ANYWAY, thats well beside the point... >.> ))


((Thanks, PK. :^: BTW, this is what Chokichi kinda looks like: http://animehistory.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/chara28.jpg))


Asuka departed the embrace slowly and sadly looked up at her Uncle. "Why'd you have to die? Why, Uncle?"


Chokichi smiled at his niece. "Asuka... I sacrificed my life for you and your mother. Your father could never do the same." Asuka looked down and thought of it. That was very courageous... but she was still bothered of it.


"Asuka. Come with me." They walked over to a well. The water below glowed with pureness. "Look down at the water. What do you see?" Chokichi asked her.


She looked at the well's water. She shook her head, slightly confused. "I see nothing, Uncle." The elderly man placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "Keep looking. Look deeper with not your eyes... but your heart..." With this, Asuka did as she was advised.


All of a sudden, she could see Takeda and Yoroi fighting Takai. "Master! I have to help him!"


"He isn't your real Master, Asuka."


The young girl looked at Chokichi. "Wh-what are talking about? He took care of me... and trained me... and--"


"And lied to you," he interrupted. "Takai wanted to use you as a tool against your friends. He tricked you into doing something terrible and becoming what you aren't. Look deep within your soul, child. I would never teach you the Dark jutsu. Every time I see you... you have a split personality of your father. Asuka... listen to your heart. And look deep within the people you care the most. Your friends need you. Please. Don't let me down. Don't let the people of Konoha down. Don't let Takeda down. You must open your eyes, Asuka. Open your eyes..."


Asuka gasped, and awoke from her dream... or at least she thought it was a dream. She staggered up, and glanced around. Going to a puddle, she looked at herself. "Oh God..." she whispered, "What is wrong with me?!?" She looked into her own eyes. They were still yellow and black. "I'm a monster..."


The young girl got up at ran away from the battle and to who-knows-where...

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Takai was completely taken by surprise at Yoroi's ability. Once again he had underestimated his opponent and was now suffering the consequences. After taking a beating from Yoroi's fists and feet, Takai was about to strike back when he was hit hard with another one of Yoroi's gravity based attacks. This time though Takai would not be able to instantly heal himself. Instead he was left with his clothes torn and blood pouring from his chest. Takai roared and began to make his way to Yoroi. He was cut off by Takeda who was moving just as fast as Takai would at full speed. Takeda hit Takai right in the face which sent him flying towards the ground. Takeda didn't waste any time letting Takai get up. He continued hitting Takai until he had let out his rage. Takeda lifted Takai by the throat and placed a palm on Takai's bloody chest.


"You wanted immortality, and I shall give you it." Takeda said with his eyes now glowing white.


He began to freeze Takai from the inside out. He watched Takai howl in pain but before his final moments he smiled that signature smile of his. Takeda dropped him to the ground and rushed over to his mask. He quickly ran over to Yoroi.


"Yoroi are you alright?" Takeda looked up to see Asuka had now disappeared. "Come on Yoroi we gotta help the others."

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"If you can hold them all with your jutsu I think I can use my lightning destruction to take out at least one of them. Then the odds should be more in our favor."


"I will give you all the time you need!" Kaneda spoke with a transformed gruff voice. "I'm going to enjoy this!"


One of the Naito copies outstreched his arm an unleased a speeding collection of pointy tentacles towards Dai. Just before it was about to impale him, Kaneda reached his sword and sliced across the branch of deadly tentacles. It fell off Naito's arm, wriggling on the floor like a headless Anaconda.


The two of the Naito clones dashed towards Kaneda with amazing speed, and began a full house assault of deadly Taijustu moves on him. Kaneda managed to dodge and block every single attack, but he felt they were holding back on him.


The second Naito clone used a combination of fists and whipping lashes of tentacles, which always seemed to end up either being cut off by Kaneda's sword or simply avoided.


The original Naito just stood back with his arms crossed, amused by what he saw. Kaneda grabbed one of the Naito clones during an opening for attack. He leaped up in the air, not before kicking the other clone in the head in order to leap further in the air. With great strength, he threw the Naito clone and sent him through the layer of ice which caused it to split and crack.


Kaneda landed on the ice again, awaiting for their next move, now that they had a chance to recover.

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"I will give you all the time you need!"


Dai watched with the amazement evident in his eyes. He couldn't believe that Kaneda could take on this many opponets at once. He quickly brought himself back to the task at hand and looked directly at the original Naito and narrowed his eyes.


"Well...since Kaneda seems to be keeping your copies busy I guess that means its down to you and me."


Dai brought his left hand down and began to focus his electrical chakra into and was about to start running at Naito when the realization of the roar that he had heard earlier finally hit him full force.


Karela isn't here...but if she transformed while fighting Asuka and Takai and if she sensed Kaneda's werebeast form and decided to investiagte...


"Kaneda!" He shouted as he heard another roar echoe through the tunnel behind them, "I think we have another problem heading this way!"

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Asuka sat there, not far away from the battle. She was deeply wounded, but not physically. Emotionally. She looked down at her hands with tears. "Uncle? What would you do?" She glanced back.


They needed her. They needed her help. Friends needed each others backs. They are the only family she's got...


Asuka suddenly shook her head. "I can't do it. I can't..." The young girl took out her dagger and stared at it for a few moments...

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"Yoroi are you alright?" Takeda looked up to see Asuka had now disappeared. "Come on Yoroi we gotta help the others."


"Uhhgh," Yoroi groaned, his head swimming. He opened his eyes, but everything was hazy. "Three Chibaku Tensei and a full power Shinra Tensei...I might as well have had twelve bottles of sake...."


He eventually got up as his vision regained focus. "Takeda, go after Dai and Kaneda. I'm going to follow Karela and keep her from completely loosing it, even if I have to use another Chibaku Tensei. And don't worry, I'm the Amekage...I can handle it."


Yoroi began to run off, then stopped. "Takeda...you did well. You have no idea how proud I am to call you a comrade."


And then he was off again.

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"I think we have another problem heading this way!"


"You dont say!" Kaneda grunted, while still keeping himself busy with the Naito clones. He could sense Karela's sudden change in power, and her presence approaching Kaneda and Dai's proximity.


Sharp, pointy tentacles thrusted from the fists of the Naitos. Whipping and lashing around Kaneda. At some points, Kaneda wasnt able to dodge them because they left him with improbable situations where he could dodge. He received minor cuts and bruises, but they were but a mere nuisance to him. He thrusted and swung his blade through the Naitos; but when even cut in half, they always seemed to regenerate or attach themselves back together with the flesh tentacles. So far, the only known weakeness was exposure to electricity.


The Naitos began to evade Kaneda. He was only given one choice, as the other was rushing towards Dai. Dai, whatever you're about to do, you better do it quickly! Kaneda thought.


With great speed, Kaneda rushed towards the other Naito and began attacking him. The clone repelled his sword attacks with the usage of sacrificial yet regeneratice tentacles. With enough momentum, Kaneda performed a series of handsigns.


"I have a little suprise for you!" he exclaimed. Once again, he performed the Wind Release: Flying Kunai Storm attack. He threw the disk directly above the clone, so as to make him look away. "Hmph! That same attack? You're even foolish than I thought!"


He grabbed Kaneda, who seemed abit unresistant. The Naito clone waited for the disk to fire the continuous projectiles of chakra formed knives. As soon as they made impact on the Ice, Naito leaped up in the air, while grabbing Kaneda by the throat with his tentacles. He threw him aside where the Kunai Storm made its impact... At least, he thought it was Kaneda.


Kaneda shattered into several pieces like broken glass. That didnt seem right. Naito looked above him to see raging figure holding a sword up high. How was this possible?!


Kaneda infused his blade with cackling electrical chakra, and sliced his Katana across the Naito clone. He then performed a speeding combo of sword attacks: enough to slice Naito into pieces. The electrical surge created from his blade ended up crumbling the pieces into black ash.


Kaneda landed back on the ice. That was one Naito down!


((To explain what happened, Kaneda used the Kunai Storm attack to distract the Naito clone, giving him enough time to use the Substitution Technique made from ice. By the time Naito turned his head back, and threw the Ice Copy away, Kaneda appeared above him and pretty much sliced his slithery arse into pieces >: D. In the anime, they always explain what happened >.> ))

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"Takeda...you did well. You have no idea how proud I am to call you a comrade."


Takeda nodded his head and smiled for once. He had finally defeated Takai with Yoroi's help and could now help his friends. He could sense his friends were not too far away, however the now transformed Karela was on her way towards them as well. He started running down the hallway and shouted out to Yoroi.


"Yorori, Karela is heading towards Kaneda and Dai I can sense it."


As he spoke he could feel the earth shake under him with each step Karela was taking. Even though Takeda was further way he could feel the effects.

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"You dont say!"


Dai turned his head and frowned at him. There was no need to be sarcastic, even if it was in the middle of a battle .


He turned his attention back to the original Naito and began to focus electrical chakra into his hand again and smirked as he looked at the original one.


"Now...It's down to you and me. And rest assured, if you kill me, Kaneda will most likely kill you in return."


Dai turned toward one of his clones and began running with his chidori at nearly full power. It was actually begining to hurt his hand.


Lets see if his clone can handle this! he thought as he jumped up into the air.




Karela turned down another tunnel and slowed to a stop as she saw a familiar figure sitting directly on the ground, holding a dagger. Even though Karela was nearly insaine with rage and confusion she knew what Asuka was planning.


No... Can't let her do it


One of her tails snaked out from behind her back and knocked the dagger directly out of her hand and she stared down at Asuka with eyes that were as red as blood.


"Dooooon't." She growled at Asuka. The words were barely understandable but the message was clear: Asuka was not to die this day. She didn't know why but for some reason asuka had to live.


Karela was still staring down at Asuka when the momentary sense of calmness vanished and the eyes were again filled with bloodlust and rage. She turned back down toward the tunnel and roared with insaine rage as she ran down the tunnel tracking Kaneda by his werebeast chakra.

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Asuka was taken by surprise when the transformed Karela knocked the dagger away from her. What even surprised her was that Karela warned her not to do anything stupid. Like suicide...


Asuka stared up at the blood red eyes with tears before they left. Asuka staggered to her feet, and sobbed. She leaned against the wall. "WHY?!!" she yelled sorrowfully.

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Yoroi had heard Karela's growl. "Don't what?" he asked aloud.


He ran towards the direction of the sound, only to see Karela's Tailed Beast form run off.


"Chibaku--" he began, only to immediately drop to the floor and cough up blood.


Damn. I wonder how many years I've lost from that battle. And in this condition I'm pretty much useless.


He heard the sound of crying. Asuka was leaning against the wall, tears streaming down her cheeks.


"There you are!" Yoroi said in relief. "You know, I actually ended up inventing a brand new jutsu just to--"


His eyes then noticed the dagger on the ground.


"I, uh, I hope you weren't planning on using that," he commented, walking over and sitting next to Asuka. "Takeda would never forgive himself if something happened to you. He really, really cares about you Asuka. We all do, no matter what happens."

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Takeda continued working his way down the hallway which seemed to go on forever. With each step he took he couldn't help but feel like Takai was following him. He could hear his so called "brother's" psychotic laughter echo down the halls. He continued moving though regardless of this odd feeling. He finally caught sight of one of Karela's tails and was ready to run after her when he saw Yoroi sitting next to Asuka. As he looked into her eyes he could see the girl he cared for as well as the thing he hated.


You can't save her, the image of Takai speaking those words flashed into his head.


Takeda ran over to Yoroi and Asuka. Whatever happened in that fight back there must have freed Asuka from Takai's control. His eyes darted to the floor where he saw blood, and a dagger. He looked back up to Asuka.


"Asuka...don't. We can still save you Asuka, all you have to do is trust us. Please Asuka, don't give up."

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The original Naito stood completely stationary. His arms still crossed, watching with a sinister smile; as if this whole fight seemed like a show to him.


The Naito clone against Dai ran towards him. Predictably, Dai charged up a Chidori move and prepared to run straight towards him with it. The clone outstreched an arm and slithered his tentacles around Dai's limbs, so as to make it difficult for him to complete the Chidori attack. He held Dai up in the air, and slowly edged a tentacle towards his neck, crawling up his arm.


Kaneda walked towards the original Naito, purple chakra emiting steaming off of his body. Continuously glaring at their opponent.


"Why are you so happy? If those clones of yours share the equal amount of power as you do, you mustn't be very strong at all then!"


Naito's smile turned into a grin. "Indeed. They are a duplication of my strength, speed and stamina. Quite the contrary, no matter how insignificant my power is to you, it is still labelled a potential hazard. The problem with my clones is that they lack the same amount of intelligence as I possess."


"If thats the case, than you must have already known they are no match for us!" Kaneda barked. "Whats the use in creating them if they cant even defeat us?"


"I can already predict that friend of yours will easily slay my clone with the power of his electrical ninjustu. My clones are idealy disposable, because they are meer shocktroops to me. They havent the proper intelligence to fully grasp control of my full powers. But, the primary advantage of this is that I can see what they see. Our memories are connected like a wireless neural network. This enables me to study you properly in battle, without having to battle; killing them is of little value to me aslong as I'm granted with the information I need. I am able to find your strengths and weakeneses, enabling me to exploit them to my advantage!"


((Tategami is coming to the rescue :) ))

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