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Dai shouted in suprise as the vine of one of Naito's clones grabbed him and lifted him up into the air.


Alright...Chidori is too slow against this opponet. That leaves me with Lightning destruction and Lightning pulse. Lightning pulse should do the trick in this situation as it doesn't use up as much Chakra as lightning destruction.


Dai focused the electrical chakra in his hands and then began grabbed the vine with his free hand and let the electrical chakra run through his hand and into the vine.


I really hope this works.


He turned his head around as he heard another roar echo through the tunnel. He nervously looked at Kaneda before turning back as yet another roar echoed through the tunnel.


She's getting closer. And she sounds angry.

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Kaneda is sensing a confrontation between him and the now unleashed Karela. He stared back at Naito and glared.


"Time to finish you off! This has been going on for too long!" Kaneda approached Naito, not before releasing a prison of tentacles around him for Kaneda to gut up with swift sword.


It eventually became too much, there were simply too many vines. No matter how fast or strong he was cutting them up. It eventually formed a tomb around Kaneda, the walls gradually building up and moving in.


Kaneda performed a series of handsigns. "Lightning Release: Shield of Justice!"


A sphere of electrical chakra formed around Kaneda, protecting him and bracing against the eternally growing tentacle walls. He didnt want to use too much chakra, as it would drain him and Kaneda would find it difficult to revert back to his normal state. There wasnt much he could do until the shield wore off. He was stuck.


Minutes passed. Slowly, his chakra was nearing its depletion. If he wanted to continue surviving, he contemplated on tapping into his Yin Seal to replenish himself with artificial chakra. "Dai... Tategami... I could really use some help!" he whispered.


"Ask, and you shall receive!" Kaneda heard a voice outside the tomb.


Suddenly, the floor beneath him began to rumble and crack. The blueness of the ice below him had turned red.


The tentacles released Kaneda from imprisonment. The first thing he noted was the Ice floor had looked like it had been hit by an earthquake. Pieces were floating on the water, like an incomplete mosaic. The second thing he noted was Tategami - in his Werebeast form.


"Tategami?! What just happened?"


"We lost contact with you and Karela. We eventually found our way here, and released you by leveling the terrain using my Inverted Meteor Storm suprise attack!"


"I guess I owe you one!" Kaneda smirked. "Thanks!"


"Be watchful, Kaneda. Karela is nearing us. And she's on a feral rampage!" Tategami announced.


Naito stood across from them, on a seperate piece of large ice floating on the water. Crossing his arms, he watched the discussion between Dai, Kaneda and Tategami.


"Good. More of you! My statistics will be heavily rewarded..."

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"Be watchful, Kaneda. Karela is nearing us. And she's on a feral rampage!"


Dai looked back down the tunnel and nervously shook his head as another roar echoed down the tunnel again, this time so much closer then before.


"I really hate to bring this up but...judging by how loud and close those roars are, I'd say that she's almost here. If we get out of her way maybe she can take care of the clones and the original Naito for us."


"Good. More of you! My statistics will be heavily rewarded..."


Another roar echoed from the tunnel but this one was much closer. Dai turned to Naito and his clones and narrowed his eyes. "You know...On second thought if we were to each gang up on one of the clones at the same time we could probably finish this much quicker."

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((good idea :) ))


"You know...On second thought if we were to each gang up on one of the clones at the same time we could probably finish this much quicker."


Naito stared at his last remaining clone, whom was still fighting Dai. He then turned his attention to Tategami. Then to Kaneda. He smirked, and repeated the same series of handseals he performed earlier. He created 2 more clone of himself, bringing a grand total of 3 Dopplegangers and the Original Naito.


"I'm interested in putting this Friend of yours to the test." he spoke, then turned his attention to Kaneda. "As for me, the original, I want to take care of you myself. You intrigue me!"


Kaneda continued to glare at Naito, across the bed of water standing on the blocks of floating ice. "In that case, I better replenish!" Kaneda tapped into his Yin Seal mark, behind his neck. A glowing purple tattoo-like pattern formed around his neck and his face. He mixed the energy in with his own chakra to create artificial chakra; pumping through his veins and replenishing himself back to his original strength before Naito entrapped him within that tentacle tomb.


I can only use this technique twice! he thought to himself. Hopefully I'll avoid using it again


He leaped across the floating blocks of ice to his opponent!


((Alright Chev. I grant you permission to control two of Naito's clones. One against Dai and the other against the Transformed Karela :) We better conclude this battle soon, so I'll leave you with two more posts to finish your battles against Naito. The same applies for me. ))

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"I'm interested in putting this Friend of yours to the test."


Even though Dai was busy fighting the clone he couldn't help but chuckle darkly at that. Someone seems a bit overconfident in his abilities.


As the vines from the clone kept getting closer he was forced to pull out his Kunai knife to cut through them but it wasn't enough. Soon he was surrounded by the vines with no way out.


I can't beat him...no matter what we do he keeps on regenerating and creating those duplicates of his. At this rate I'll be out of chakra in minutes. Looks like I only have one chance.


Dai began to focus his chakra into his hand and then ran at the wall of vines surrounding him, finally breaking through and electrifying the vines. He was just about to reach the clone when another smaller wall of vines appeared in front of him.


It looks like I only have one trick up my sleeve and it probably kill me as well as the clone.


He allowed the vines to grab him by the leg as they pulled him toward the clone. He waited until he was close enough that he could pull off his final attack.


Looks like this is it.


Right as he reached the clone of Naito he pulled out a Kunai covered in explosive tags. He quickly buried the knife up to it's hilt in the clone's chest and braced himself as the kunai blew up.


Dai had a brief sensation of flying through the air before hearing another roar and then seeing four feet as his world went black.


The clone slowly looked down at the hole in it's chest before begining to topple forward before a ball of pure green chakra slammed into and vaporized the body and a good section of the wall behind it.


A roar filled the room as the transformed Karela slowly stepped in and began to charge another attack, all while staring at both Kaneda and Tategami.

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"I, uh, I hope you weren't planning on using that," he commented, walking over and sitting next to Asuka. "Takeda would never forgive himself if something happened to you. He really, really cares about you Asuka. We all do, no matter what happens."


Asuka sadly looked down, shaking her head. "I feel so ashamed, Yoroi. For everything I've done. Now Karela's gone crazy again... and it's all my fault! I just feel like... like..." She began to cry.


"Asuka...don't. We can still save you Asuka, all you have to do is trust us. Please Asuka, don't give up."


The young girl sadly looked up at Takeda with saddened tears. "You sure you don't wanna get rid of me? For betraying you... even if it was against my own will? I can never forgive myself for hurting you all..."

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"You sure you don't wanna get rid of me? For betraying you... even if it was against my own will? I can never forgive myself for hurting you all..."


Takeda stared into Asuka's tear stained eyes and for a moment wanted to cry with her but as soon as he was ready to let himself go the image of Takai flashed in his head once more. He laughed at Takeda and pointed at him.


It's all your fault


Takeda ignored the image and wrapped his arms around Asuka.


"Get rid of you?!? Asuka I would never dream of such a thing. You're back now and that's all that matters to me."


Takeda was suddenly hit with an idea as he stared into Asuka's eyes once more. He let go of her and looked over at Yoroi.


"Yoroi! During your first fight with Takai he stole your technique and my body duplicated so I should be able to duplicate Takai's attacks if he used my body to train for the Dark Jutsu." he looked back over at Asuka. "Which means I should be able to drain the dark jutsu out of you."

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"Yoroi! During your first fight with Takai he stole your technique and my body duplicated so I should be able to duplicate Takai's attacks if he used my body to train for the Dark Jutsu." he looked back over at Asuka. "Which means I should be able to drain the dark jutsu out of you."


Yoroi nodded. "That might work, though I can't say for certain. He didn't remove my jutsu from me, he merely copied it. However, you should be able to remove any Dark Release Chakra--"


The ground shook and the hallway was filled with Karela's roaring. "Oh, great. How big of a Chibaku Tensei do I have to make?" the Amekage complained.


He then turned to Asuka. "Listen to me, Asuka: You are only human. Not only that, you're a very lucky one. You have more close friends than I could ever hope for. Right now you are the wealthiest person in the world because you have our greatest treasure! Remember that!"


Yoroi ran off towards Karela's location. Good thing I have decent recovery. I'm still really low on chakra, so at the most I can use the Six Paths technique, a Chibaku Tensei, and Shinra Tensei a few more times.


He come up on the entrance to the chamber that Kaneda, Tategami, Dai, and the transformed Karela were in. With them were several clones of a man with fleshy tentacles sticking out of him.


"Right, things have really fallen apart here!" Yoroi announced. "Samsara Art: Six Paths of Yoroi Mitarashi!"


The Six Paths appeared around him once more. "So how do you like your defeat cooked, Arashi? Six Paths, Shinra Tensei, Chibaku Tensei, or Statue of the Outer Path?"

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Tategami stared back in horror at the sight of Karela. "Just as I thought..." he muttered. "She's reverted to her tailed-beast trance. "All six tails are exposed! Yamato still hasent even arrived yet!"


He turned his attention back to Naito - he was just lucky enough to dodge a fury of puncturing tentacles. Snake - Dragon - Rabbit - Tiger


Tategami breathed a burst of powerful flames through his mouth towards the target. The tentacles expectadly dropped dead into a pile of ash. But they easily regenerated within seconds. The Naito clone was up in the air, supported by tentacle stilts that grew from his body. He attacked Tategami ferociously, while the two of them fought on the block of ice.


Tategami began to gather chakra within his hand. He then carefully ran up the supporting tentacles of the Naito clone. As soon as Tategami formed the Rasengan, he mixed his fire chakra for a devastating effect. Fire Release: Flaming Rasengan!


He climbed up the tentacles until he reached the host. His attack was suddenly cut short, when a grasp of tentacles wrapped around his wrist holding the Flaming Rasengan. Naito stared back into Tategami's eyes. He smirked. "Nice try, old man! But surely you can do better than that!" he punctured Tategami's hand with the needle-like tentacles. He only gave a yelp at the sharpening pain.


Kaneda held a steady competition with the real Naito. Both of them had managed to dodge each others attacks at an incredible speed. Naito formed his tentacles together and launched a huge log-like stake at Kaneda.


Kaneda simply leaped up in the air and landed on the tentacle stake. He ran across it and fused his electrical chakra with his blade. Vines began to house around him as he ran, eyeing him. As soon as he ran to the source, being Naito, he struck his blade. He was suprised to see his blade had finally hit something, though it wasnt for the better.


His blade had clashed with another, wielded by Naito. But it looked more organic. Driven by instict of his senses, Kaneda instead swept his blade in a 360 degree motion to sever the tentacle trunk and the surrounding vines.


He leapt and landed on cat feet atop of the nearest floating ice. Naito's Blade was formed from his own flesh, but somehow he converted it into a strong bone-like material. The blade was attached to his wrist, as if it was still a part of him.


"Try whatever techniques you wish!" Kaneda muttered. "You better hope it' save your sorry ass by the time this is over!"

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"Just as I thought She's reverted to her tailed-beast trance. "All six tails are exposed! Yamato still hasent even arrived yet!"


Karela growled at him as she prepared to fire another shot when a pair of vines grabbed her by her hind legs and pulled her up into the air. She howled in suprise as she was yanked up into the air and then looked down to see the other Naito clone grinning up at her. The grin quickly became a look of horror as Karela formed another chakra ball in her mouth and was quickly dropped to the floor as the vines let her fall as she released the ball which took out a good portion of the wall above and behind the clone.


Vaporize it...Destroy it...Need more power! Only one tail left to release...


Karela landed on her feet and ran at the clone who attempted to bring up a wall of vines which Karela tore right through before slamming the clone into the wall with a single smack from one of her tails.


The clone fell to the floor in a heap and only had time to let out a single shout before a ball of pure chakra slammed directly into it, vaporizing it on the spot.


She slowly turned to Kaneda and Tategami and began to form another attack when her legs suddently buckled underneath her and she hit the floor with a groan of pain.


I'm starting to take back control child. Your damaging your body beyond repair by staying in this form. And if you die then so do I.


No...No...NO! They need to pay!

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((I just realised I gave an inaccurate description of Kaneda's werebeast form. Editing :D ))


Tategami used his powerful hand to release the clones grip of his own hand, which had been previously punctured. He then took a hold of the flesh-cables leading to the Naito Clone, and began swinging him around like he was rag doll. He threw him up in the air like a discus.


Tategami charged up his Werebeast Chakra, and launched himself up in the air following the clone. He unleashed a series of deadly blows and scything attacks from his fists, the clone helplessly trying to defend itself using its tentacles. Tategami then threw him down into a block of ice.


Snake, Rat, Snake, Tiger "Katon: Haisekishō (Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning)"


Tategami spewed out whisp of a smoke-like cloud, which surrounded the clone. He waited until the clone recovered, then ignited the cloud with the Dragon Flame justu. He wasnt finished yet... he began gathering Werebeast chakra within his hands.


Just as the blazing fire surrounded the Naito clone, instantly melting the ice below him, he managed to dive in the pool of water to recover from the burns. Underwater, he swam towards a nearby Ice Block. As he leapt back onto it to return to the battle field, he saw Tategami's dominating figure standing infront of him, his eyes glaring white as he looked down upon the clone. Within each of his hands was as swirling ball of purple chakra.


"I've had enough of this..." Tategami muttered. The clone enraged unleashed his tentacles towards Tategami; but missed. Tategami appeared instantly behind him. He drove the balls into the clones spine. "Were Art: Rasenrengan!". The clone was completely atomised, along with the remaining tentacle.


"That takes care of the clones!" he turned his full attention to Karela...




Kaneda clashed swords with Naito; sparks being generated from the clashing of the two blade, as Naito's own Sword was made from a bone-like materlial as hard as steel. The battle continued, lasting for minutes. And even upwards towards the ceiling when Naito used his tentacles to elevate himself upward while Kaneda followed by leaping from the trunk-like tentacles.


While in the air, Kaneda quickly performed a series of handseals. "Wind Release: Flying Kunai Attack!" he released a swarming family of Chakra blade towards Naito. Naito repelled each of them with his bone-blade, and flew towards Kaneda's direction.


Kaneda landed on wall, and leaped towards Naito with his blade at hand and ready. Naito drove another stake of tentacles as thick as a large tree trunk. Kaneda instead landed on it and ran directly to the souce, striking and swifting his blade in attempts to even leaving a scratch on Naito. His attacks were repelled away with the usage of defensive tentacles.


Kaneda landed on an ice block, and looked ahead as Naito made a gentle landing on the water whilst standing on it. Naito smirked. "A little tougher than you thought huh?" he began walking towards Kaneda on water, while the young Werebeast recovered from himself.


"You must know; I am about to give you a great gift. You would make a valuable asset to this organisation. Look at this planet! We have raped this earth to the point where its taking its toll upon us. The human race has a chance to start again. Join us, and rid yourself from this life as a new era begins!


"Yeah..." Kaneda replied. "Life is quite shocking, isnt it?" he smirked. His hand was crackling of wild electrical chakra. Naito's eyes widened. Kaneda dunked his hand in with the icy cold water. The electrical current lead towards Naito, instantly paralising him and tormenting him with the shocking pain. Kaneda increased his Chidori current with more and more power. Naito began whaling and moaning, and gradually degenerated into a pile of ash that floated in the water.


Naito, along with his spawned children, was finally dead. Kaneda quickly shifted his attention towards Karela, whom had once again reverted to her Tailed-Beast form. All seven tails had been exposed.


"I have to help her!" Kaneda muttered.


((Just so you know, Kajiki is still alive. But we wont be fighting him again; infact we'll be using him to map the base.))

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((Just so you know only six tails have been unleashed. She's currently trying to release the seventh tail but I'll make sure that she won't.))


Karela continued to growl and snarl to herself as she continued to battle her tailed beast for control of the chakra.


Give it to me!


Sorry child, but right now your body is at it's maximum tolerance. If you release one more tail I'll be released and I really don't want that. As long as I'm sealed inside you the other Bijuu can't detect me but I can detect them. And that gives me an advantage over them.


Karela snarled again and attempted to rise to her feet yet again only to hit the floor again.


Think child! It was the one known as Takai who said those things about you! Not the others. Now you can either surrender control of the chakra back to me or I can forcibly take it back. Your choice.


Thats right...Takai...Asuka...Takai...his words hurt me so badly. I never thought words could hurt so bad. Kaneda...I'm so sorry...


Karela howled and roared as the tails slowly began to slowly disappear as they began to retract back into her body as the tailed beast inside her finally took back control.


((Sorry PK. I can always edit my post if you really want to fight it out with her.))

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"Get rid of you?!? Asuka I would never dream of such a thing. You're back now and that's all that matters to me."


Asuka looked down and smiled sadly. It was good to be back...


"Yoroi! During your first fight with Takai he stole your technique and my body duplicated so I should be able to duplicate Takai's attacks if he used my body to train for the Dark Jutsu."


"What...?" She whispered to herself.


"Which means I should be able to drain the dark jutsu out of you."


Asuka raised her eyebrows. "What are we waiting for? Let's do it!" She smiled. Before Yoroi went off, he spoke a word of wisdom to her.


"Listen to me, Asuka: You are only human. Not only that, you're a very lucky one. You have more close friends than I could ever hope for. Right now you are the wealthiest person in the world because you have our greatest treasure! Remember that!"


Asuka smiled after Yoroi left. "Thank you. And you guys are the greatest family I've ever had..." She then looked at Takeda, and smiled through tears. "Takeda... there's something I've always wanted to tell you..."

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((nah thats fine. Sorry for the minor absense: my computer computer crapped out on me and I had to reformat it. BTW, I've changed my mind about Kajiki. We can work around it :) ))


Kaneda watched as Karela made a roar, and her tails begining to retract. He leaped towards her, over the seperate blocks of ice. Before she could fall over, Kaneda grabbed her.


He looked at her with glowing white eyes, as she transformed back to her human state.


"Why does this always happen to you?" he muttered. "Its not like you asked for this in the first place... I too know how it feels like to have a monster growing inside of you."


Tategami waited, and stared at the other end of the hall, where there was another doorway up a small flight of stairs. Presumably where their passageway met.


Yamanaka and the others soon entered through the doorway. Tategami reverted back to his normal state. One of the squad members was dragging a body behind them. Yamanaka smirked.


"We found him on our way here. He held up a good fight, but obviously he didnt pull through as well as he thought."


They dropped the body on the platform of the stairs. Tategami leaped over there to examine the body. Just an ordinary member - dressed in the typical black robed uniform.


"He's barely alive!" Tategami pointed out, using his senses. Yamanaka smirked.


"But highly useful to us. Let me work my magic." Yamanaka knealt down beside the body, and placed his hand on the mans forehead. He closed his eyes, as if downloading the mans memories into his. Over the course of 19 years, Yamanaka had learned to read people's thoughts without the use of tools. But he still required the presence of other shinobi in order to do so.


Soon Yamanaka opened his eyes, a satisfied look in his face. He took out a large scrolled piece of parchment and began performing a series of handsigns. Then, he placed both palms on the parchment.


Ink began to flow through the scroll. A map of the entire complex had been formed.

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"Why does this always happen to you? Its not like you asked for this in the first place... I too know how it feels like to have a monster growing inside of you."


Karela shuddered slightly. She felt very cold for some reason. Transformations usually took a lot out of her but she had never actually felt cold like this before.


"She's not a monster Kaneda." Karela whispered. "There's just something about your werebeast chakra that she doesn't like."


A single tear streamed down her cheek before she managed to get ahold of herself.


"Takai said things. He said horrible things about me. And Takeda...He said something that hurt even worse. He said that if Takai continued taunting me...he said that I would kill everyone."


She looked up at Kaneda and smiled sadly as she got up on her own two feet and looked down at the ice and then back at Kaneda again. "I'm lucky that I was cut off from that chakra before I did any real damage to anyone."


Takai also said that I would never be loved...that one I can believe. No one, not even the Hokage has ever known love because of the creatures inside us.


Don't blame me for that. It's not my fault that you can't seem to find a mate.

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Yoroi looked on as Kaneda held Karela in his arms. "Well we're all safe for now," he remarked quietly. "No need for the Paths."


As the Six Paths dispelled, he used his Rinnegan to examine Karela's chakra network. He could see the Seven Tails within. The chakra body like any other tailed beast was monstrous, but the mind behind it was intelligent and cool-headed.


"I'm lucky that I was cut off from that chakra before I did any real damage to anyone."


So the Seven Tails stopped you. Thank God for that, I did not want to have to use another Chibaku--


Yoroi's thoughts were interrupted by a spasm throughout his entire body. He dropped to his knees and violently coughed up blood. The moment he stopped, an enormous wave of fatigue hit him, one more powerful than he had ever experienced before.


He looked up at Kaneda and Karela. "I'm...so...sorry," he gasped, before falling face forward into darkness....


((Not to worry, he's just unconscious. He'll be around again for the other fights. :D ))

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"Takai said things. He said horrible things about me. And Takeda...He said something that hurt even worse. He said that if Takai continued taunting me...he said that I would kill everyone."


Kaneda's fur raised when he heard this. "But you cannot take what he said to heart! Your whole life, Takai never met you in person; even though he was within Takeda. Back in the days where we were considered to be the new Konoha 12, we learned all about you and never had we judged you for who you were. Heck, at the time I didnt even know you were a Jinchuuriki. But that doesnt change how I feel about you."


Kaneda could suddenly sense the loneliness within Karela heart that to him were translated into a language he understood. He reverted back to his normal state. His blue hair shortened back to its original length. The spiky fur around his arms that pierced through his clothing degenerated. His eyes turned back to normal. He wasnt quite sure what to say at this point, given from his feelings for Karela.


He looked over at Yoroi, who had suddenly collasped. He leaped over to him.


"Yoroi!" he nudged. He rumaged through his bag for a soldier pill, then paused as he sensed his current condition. He grumbled. "He isnt in the proper state to consume a soldier pill... He is unconsious." he looked back at Karela. "Where are the others? What happened to Asuka and Takai?"

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"What are we waiting for? Let's do it!"


Takeda smiled before extending out his left hand, just as Takai had done with his body. He took a deep breath and tried to duplicate Takai's actions.


"Dark Release: Inhaling Maw!"


Two small overlapping squares appeared on Takeda's palm. He concentrated on only taking the dark jutsu out of her, nothing else. He stared into her eyes to see if it was working. After several seconds he saw the blackness disappear from her eyes and the yellow irises went back to normal as well. For a few seconds Takeda's eyes went black and he could feel a familiar presence inside of him. He quickly shook it off and lowered his left hand.


"Takeda... there's something I've always wanted to tell you..."


He smiled at her knowing what she wanted to say. He was ready to reveal something to her as well when he felt the ground shake once more as well as Takai trying to take control.


But I killed you...

Well duh, but consider this my backup plan in case something were to go wrong. I put part of my soul into the dark jutsu when I gave it to Asuka and now that you drained her of it I'm back right were I started.


"There's something I want to tell you Asuka...but now isn't the time. Our friends need us Asuka and I can feel Takai's presence inside of me once more. Let's save this after we stop the Arashi once and for all, it'll give us something to look forward to."


He hoped Asuka would understand, especially the Takai part. He didn't want him gaining any leverage over him.

Oh don't worry about that, see my new goal is to take over your body for good and I can't do that if you die. I'll play hero with you...for now.


Somehow that didn't make Takeda feel any better as he continued walking.


"Where are the others? What happened to Asuka and Takai?" Takeda heard as he rounded a corner. He looked to see a much more chaotic battlefield than the one he just left.


"We're right here Kaneda...even Takai. Are you guys alright?" he asked walking over to them.

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"We're right here Kaneda...even Takai. Are you guys alright?"


Karela looked up at them and then narrowed her eyes at Takeda before turning her back to him and then turning her attention to Dai who was out cold on the floor.


She examined the bruises on him and took a quick look at both of his arms.


"Dai's lucky none of his bones were broken. He has bruises all over his body. He'll be sore for quite awhile but he'll live."


"Dai..." She said quietly next to his ear. "Dai wake up."


Dai didn't move.


Karela sighed and then brought her hand back and then smacked him across the face as hard as she could. Dai groaned in pain and slowly got to his feet. He glared at Karela.


"Although I feel I should thank you for getting me up and going again I feel that I should also tell you to never do that again."


He rubbed the side of his face where he had been struck. She hits hard. Note to self: Don't ever make Karela angry.


Karela pointed over to Yoroi who was still laying on the ground. "I think Yoroi used up a bit too much chakra. You might want to take a look at him."


Dai nodded and hurried over to Yoroi and began to go to work on him with his medical techniques. Karela just turned towards the wall and continued thinking.


No matter what they say...I know that eventually the Hokage and I will both die alone. Jinchuuriki will always end up dying alone.

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Takeda raised an eyebrow as Karela glared at him for some reason. He didn't know what he did to her but she was mad at him. Come to think of it he couldn't remember her being pleased to see him since her return. Her lack of emotion towards him when he saw her back to her normal self, the glare he got from her just after Naruto's speech, and now this. He didn't like his friend being mad at him without knowing what he did. Did he say something to her when Takai took control of him? Just like that he remembered what Takai said to her back at the fight, could that be it? He walked over to Karela after Dai got up to help Yoroi; she was just staring at a wall.


"Its good to know Dai's okay, but what about you?" he asked her. "Takai said things that weren't true about any of us," he added in.

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"Its good to know Dai's okay, but what about you? Takai said things that weren't true about any of us."


Karela slowly turned around and stared daggers at Takeda.


"Its not what Takai said Takeda. It's what you said when he was trying to taunt me. I'm going to say this Takeda, your words hurt alot more then Takai's did.


I'm actually not to sure about that. Takai's words about you never finding love hurt you nearly as bad as Takeda's did.


Shush you.


"Takeda, when were fighting Takai you shouted in front of everyone that She'll kill us all in a minute if you keep that up. You have no idea how much that hurt me, but I will say this: It really hurt me to hear someone I considered a friend say that."


She turned away from Takeda and began walking toward Kaneda, Dai, Yoroi and the others.

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"We're right here Kaneda...even Takai. Are you guys alright?"


Kaneda was relieved to see old familiar faces again. Takeda and Asuka walked right through the large doors entering the great hall full of broken ice pieces.


He looked over to where Karela was kneeling, when he head her smacking him in the face to wake him up. He couldnt help but chuckle at this scene. Takeda asked if Karela was ok, given from her experience with Takai.


"Takeda, when were fighting Takai you shouted in front of everyone that She'll kill us all in a minute if you keep that up. You have no idea how much that hurt me, but I will say this: It really hurt me to hear someone I considered a friend say that."


Kaneda was just simply left speechless. In his mind, both arguments towards this topic clashed equally with justifiable reasons. But he decided to stay out of this if necasary: it was their dispute. Not Kaneda's.




Minutes later, a large majority of shinobi had arrived at the scene. Most were assigned to remain behind at the hangar and stand guard for the Stingray Submersibles. Hokage Naruto walked towards Tategami, Yamanaka and the others - all gathered around the map created from the memories of the Arashi hostage.


"We have found highly sensitive areas ideal for placing the bombs in this entire complex." Tategami begun. "This entire place is powered through Hydrogen Gas. There are four generators, one each within four locations. We have also found what appears to be a reactor core of some kind, in the dead center of the base. Theoretically, if we plant a bomb within each of those locations; this place will crumble after the detonation sequence."


"But there is one slight problem. The way to each of those areas are protected by a fortified security system. The only way to unlock those doors, is to destroy the security mainframe; which is conveniantly placed near a steam-pipe big enough for any man to walk through." Yamanaka explained.


"So its a simple process of sending somebody through the steam shaft, and barging in through the mainframe..." Naruto rubbed his chin. "But the steam is a main issue: the heat will simply be too hot for anybody to survive through. We'd need somebody who is able to withstand it."


Tategami looked over at Takeda. "To what degree have you been able to transform using your Butai Affinity Seal?"

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Takeda just stood there, uncertain of what to say. There was nothing he could say to make it better, and letting Takai speak would be even worse just to prove a point. He only said what he said based on what he now knew about Karela and her past.


It really hurt me to hear someone I considered a friend say that


Her words continued to dance around in his head taunting him. If only she knew what he had done when she went missing. If only she knew the chaos he had caused and the innocent lives he had taken just to bring her back.


A very quiet Specter just surveyed the area. He had just arrived after a slight delay to find a very chaotic scene involving Karela transforming into herself. He raised an eyebrow as she pushed Takeda away, upset with something he said. He looked over at Takeda and saw the fury in his eyes as well. He just shook his head slightly and walked over to Karela.


"You look upset kiddo, is everything alright?" he asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.


Minutes later more shinobi arrived and Takeda listened in on the plan.

"To what degree have you been able to transform using your Butai Affinity Seal?"


"My body has been able to turn into ice for 17 minutes Tategami sensai." he replied.

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"You look upset kiddo, is everything alright?"


Karela didn't even look up at Specter. She continued watching Takeda as he talked with Tategami and the others.


"He really hurt me when he said what he said Specter. He said that I would kill everyone when I transformed. Is that really what he thinks of me? Does he really think that I'm some sort of monster?"


She looked up at him and then back at Takeda with a slightly softer expression on her face.


"Should I have given him the chance to explain why he said it?"

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"He really hurt me when he said what he said Specter. He said that I would kill everyone when I transformed. Is that really what he thinks of me? Does he really think that I'm some sort of monster?"


"He's you're friend Karela, he would never say anything to hurt you on purpose. I know he doesn't think you're a monster."


"Should I have given him the chance to explain why he said it?"


"You still have time to give him that chance." Specter said to her.

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