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"The clones will be inside of the elevator, while we remain hidden on the roof of it as it goes downward."


Karela stared at her copy which was staring back at her. Even as she stared she couldn't help but think that the clone's eyes were a bit off.


It's nothing. It won't be noticed if they're ambushed by Arashi. Besides, shadow clones usually vanish after only one hit so I doubt it would really matter.


She turned to the Hokage and smiled slightly. "This is a good plan and all, but what happens if the Arashi somehow find us on the roof? What happens then?"

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"This is a good plan and all, but what happens if the Arashi somehow find us on the roof? What happens then?"


Naruto smirked. "Well, then... I suppose we'll have to deal with them ourselves. The deal is, if they fall for our trap, and unknowingly deal with the shadow clones themselves, we use the opporunity to cut the wires holding the elevator. The sheer force of the dropping elevator should be enough to deal with the ambush. If they even suspect we're on the rooftop, we seal the manhole on the ceiling with Explosive Tags; in which case, if they try to reach the roof, they'll be met with a big suprise with more than what fire crackers could deal."


"Worse case scenario; if they do somehow reach the rooftop, unscathed?" Kaneda pointed out. Naruto rubbed his head.


"Well then... I guess we'll have to deal with them the old fashioned way, now wont we?"


Kaneda reacted with a slouched posture and a heavy sigh. "I hope this plan of yours works!"


Everybody, including the shadow clones entered the elevator shaft. Naruto, being the tallest of the group, reached a hand up and slid the lid of the manhole away, so that they could have access to the rooftop of the elevator. "After you..." Naruto grinned at everyone.

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"Well then... I guess we'll have to deal with them the old fashioned way, now wont we?"


"I guess so." Karela muttered. The Hokage seemed eager to fight, more eager to fight then she was even.


Dai took notice that the Hokage seemed especally eager to fight. He got closer to Karela and whispered to her. "Does it seem to you that the Hokage seems more...eager to fight then most of us? I'll be honest, it's worrying me."


"I Know...it seems a bit strange doesn't it? Don't worry though, if he gets in trouble I'll be there to pull him out of it."


Dai nodded and then moved up to the top of the elevator and was followed by Karela who took a long look at the Hokage before climbing up.

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Inside of Takeda's soul, Takai was grinning from ear to ear. He was grinning for a number of reasons. He was grinning because he had escaped death once more. He was grinning because of Takeda's new found power. He was grinning at Naruto's sudden lust for battle. He was grinning because soon there would be destruction. Most importantly he was grinning because he he had a plan.


Specter followed Karela up the ladder who was soon followed by Takeda. Upon reaching the top Specter approached Karela.


"Hey kid, you got a quick sec?" he asked with something on his mind.

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((Sorry if I'm doing his wrong...))


Asuka stood there, away from the group. She looked down at pulled up her skirt a little. A knife was hidden and holstered around her upper leg. "This will be for me. And me only. If I screw up..."


She placed her skirt down and looked up. She then sat down, meditating with her eyes closed. "I hate my father. For what he did to Uncle. For what he did to me. How can I break this generational curse? How? Why couldn't they just let me die or go in an asylum?" All Asuka could do was meditate, trying her best to clear her mind.

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"That clone is nothing like me," Yoroi muttered as he watched the movements of Naruto's copy. "Way too jumpy."


He joined the others, employing standing meditation. Power. It is the means to achieve an end. The definition of morality is not what means a man uses, because all means are the same. The definition of morality is how that means is used to achieve what end.


I want to be remembered as a man whose means were used for darkness to create a better future. This world is not for me, but for the future generation. They shall know a reality that we Shinobi died for, and it will be up to them to make their own meaning.


A Shinobi is not measured by how he lived but how he died...and what he died for.

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((Help fight the good fight :)))


Takeda watched as Specter walked over to where Karela was. He looked over at Asuka who had just started to meditate. He had trained so hard to get her back and thanks to Takai once she finally returned to ignore her he blew her off. He took a deep breath and walked over to her. He sat down next to her and took her hand. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to rest even if it would only be a few seconds.




"Sure Specter, whats on your mind?"


Specter looked over at Karela and wondered just what would happen next.


"You know after all of this is over my family will be avenged and I will still be here. I haven't thought of what I'm going to do with the rest of my life..but then something happened. When I look at you I remember that I'm not just a shinobi hell bent on revenge but a person. I almost forgot I had a real name, Honso Hasashi. I know you've been living on your own for some time and I'd like to change that. What I'm trying to say is it would be an honor to have you join the Hasashi family."

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((Right you are, my friend. ^^ Oh! I'm still doing the Legacy and Midnight RP's. Just to let you guys know. :D ))


As the young woman continued to meditate, she felt someone's hand touch hers. She looked over. It was Takeda. Maybe he wanted to meditate with her, before the battle began. Asuka smiled quietly, and closed her eyes again.


"Takeda? I just wanna say... thank you. All of you. For not giving up on me. I'd do anything to protect my new family. And... I don't want you to especially get hurt because... I love you." The young girl blushed after saying that.

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Kaneda stood still, ontop of the elevator. He looked at nearly everyone else with with a strange glance.


"Why are they meditating at a time like this..." he muttered under his breath. "Especially ontop of an elevator rooftop?"


Soon everybody else got on. One of the clones hit the button, and the elevator began moving downwards. Naruto began his backup plan of smearing explosive tags on the manhole of the elevator ceiling. Soon the whole thing was booby trapped.


In his mind, Kaneda wasnt at all suprised with Naruto's eagerness to fight. Afterall, back then when he was Kaneda's age, he always looked forward to participating in battle. This eagerness was what made Naruto a well respected Hokage, because he is willing to die for the protection of his village, no matter how great the challenge.


There was one slight problem with Naruto's plan however; the elevator didnt run on cables. It was more so using cogs and gears, which ran along each side of the elevator. The moving gears was what helped the elevator move up and down. But he knew Naruto would work his way from that.


The elevator made a sudden halt. It stopped a few levels below where they once were. Kaneda reached for his blade, and grasped onto the hilt to be ready...

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"I know you've been living on your own for some time and I'd like to change that. What I'm trying to say is it would be an honor to have you join the Hasashi family."


Karela's eyes were wide open. She was suprised by Specter's offer and considered if for a moment. She would have a family...a small one to be sure but still...the offer intrigued her.


"I...I need to think on that specter. I'm not going to say that it doesn't appeal to me, it really does. But I sort of like living on my own. I get to do what I want, when I want too. I just need to weigh the pros and the cons before I decide."


She stumbled a bit as the elevator came to a halt. That's not good. I thought that we were going up.


Karela pulled out a handful of Kunai knives in each hand and waited patiently for the enemy to appear.

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((alright Skywalker, quick recap. Kaneda and Dai managed to defeat Naito in that great hall. Everybody has assembled in that great hall, and planning the next phase. Everybody has split into teams to deliver parts of the bomb to various locations throughout the Arashi facility. You're with Naruto's team, which pretty much consists of everybodies characters, save Tategami. They are now in an elevator shaft. All clear now? :) ))


Kaneda listened to the noises from down below in the elevator chamber. There was the sound of noises and thrashing going on, whilst at the same time the sound of puffs and slight explosions - implying that some of the clones had been dealt with. Or, atleast it seemed that way.


He looked up the elevator shaft, and spotted something peculiar; blades were raining down towards the elevator shaft.


Kaneda performed a series of Handseals. "Lightning Release: Shield of Justice!" He outstretched both his arms and massive sphere of electrical chakra surrounded the team, protecting them from the raining Kunai knives.


"Looks like we're in for a treat!" Kaneda exclaimed, as he continued to look up, and saw a squad of Arashi members floating downwards towards their target.

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"Looks like we're in for a treat!" Kaneda exclaimed, as he continued to look up, and saw a squad of Arashi members floating downwards towards their target.


"I like treats," Yoroi mused, "but unfortunately, I'm on a diet. Shinra Tensei!"


To his surprise, the Arashi were already throwing down more knives and his attack served only to counter theirs.


And I can't just attack again due to the 5 second interval of my Rinnegan abilities. Damn it! We're only going to be effective at close range, which means that--


"Someone has to fight them at close range," he noted to the others, then turned to the Hokage. "Unless you wish to take them out, Hokage-dono, I nominate myself for the job."

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"I...I need to think on that specter. I'm not going to say that it doesn't appeal to me, it really does. But I sort of like living on my own. I get to do what I want, when I want too. I just need to weigh the pros and the cons before I decide."


"Take all the time you need," Specter replied.


Specter pulled out one of his swords when he noticed the elevator stop.




"Takeda? I just wanna say... thank you. All of you. For not giving up on me. I'd do anything to protect my new family. And... I don't want you to especially get hurt because... I love you."


A Heavy burden had just been lifted off of Takeda's shoulders. to actually hear those words was not only very calming but made Takeda incredibly happy.


"I'm really glad to hear you say that Asuka, because I love you too...I always have and..."


Takeda was cut off by the elevator stopping. Unlike the others he didn't have a sword but he wish he did now. Suddenly a white version of Takai's sword was in his other hand. He stood up letting go of Asuka's hand in the process.


What's wrong, don't you like it?


How did you...


Create the sword? Simple my jutsu combined with yours, besides you wanted me to help right?


Yeah well don't do it again




Specter looked up at the shield that now surrounded the group and over to where the arashi members were throwing the knives. He teleported outside the shield and opened a portal in front of it. He teleported over to the other side of the wall where the arashi members were and placed a portal there as well. He teleported back into the shield in order to watch his handy work.


"That should redirect the knives and buy us some time."

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"Unless you wish to take them out, Hokage-dono, I nominate myself for the job."


Karela looked up at the approaching Arashi shinobi and smiled a bloodthirsty grin.


Payback time.


"As kind as it is for you to offer Yoroi...I think I'll handle this one. I've been itching for revenge against all of them."


Karela threw all ten of the Kunai knives up at them and then jumped up as she jumped from wall to wall and then she created a spinning blue ball of pure chakra in her hand in midjump.


Lets see how much they like getting hit by a rasengan

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((All clear. Not only do I not watch Naruto, but I will never understand it. No offense to the fans of it. :p Anyway, thanks, PK. :D ))


Asuka stood up, readying her weapons. She was happy that Takeda told her his feelings as well. When all this was over, if they survived, Asuka hoped and prayed that they would live peacefully together somewhere, where no one could bother them.


The young woman grinned, and stood in defense stance with her katana. "Ready when you guys are," she whispered to the others. A cocky smile crept up in her face.

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(( :eek: :eek: :eek: .... get out of my RP :mad: HAHA, nah just kidding. You're doing pretty well for someone who doesnt even watch the series.))


Kaneda continued holding the electrical barrier around the team, as the storm of Kunai knives continued to deflect from the shield.


"Someone has to fight them at close range," he noted to the others, then turned to the Hokage. "Unless you wish to take them out, Hokage-dono, I nominate myself for the job."


"As kind as it is for you to offer Yoroi...I think I'll handle this one. I've been itching for revenge against all of them."


"You have a better chance against them if the two of you worked together!" Naruto replied.


While Yoroi and Karela dealt with the squad members upwards, the raining kunai knives ceased temporarily. Kaneda disabled his shield, but it was during that moment when he heard a large thump behind him.


He turned around to see a black coated figure had landed on his knees of the rooftop of the moving elevator. Kaneda eyed something crawling out from each of the man's sleaves. Two shining blades had emerged from the mans arms.


The man went for the Hokage first, but Naruto had managed to dodge the swipes from the flurrying twinblades. He pulled out a Kunai knive to clash against one of the blades. During that brief moment, Kaneda unsheathed his Katana and launched himself towards the Man of Blades. His sword clashed with the grinding metal of the Arashi Assassin, creating sparks from the conflict. The Man of Blades looked back at Naruto while he was busying defending himself from Kaneda. To his shock horror, he saw a spinning ball of blue chakra formed in the Hokage's free left hand.


"RASENGAN!" Naruto announced, as he pushed the powerful spinning orb against the man, which sent a shockwave that knocked him away from the crowd.


The man lay there on the rooftop, with the blade of his right arm partially destroyed upon the impact of the Rasengan. This wasnt over yet...

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"You have a better chance against them if the two of you worked together!"


Karela paind him no heed as she slammed her Rasengan into one of the Arashi members stomaches sending him flying into a wall. She looked down just in time to see one of them land on the elevator and try to fight the Hokage.


I don't believe it. He honestly thinks that he can take on the Hokage.


Karela jumped off the wall and then shot downward as she formed another Rasengan in her hand just as Naruto destroyed part of the blade coming out of his arm.


"Rasengan!" She shouted as she hit the Arashi member at full speed with the Rasengan directly in the center of his stomach.


"Dai!" She shouted, take care of the ones coming from above!"


Dai nodded and formed a Chidori in his hand and jumped upward, narrowly missing one of his targets because it moved out of the way.

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One of the targets that Dai had missed managed to land feet first onto the moving elevator. He stood up, facing everybody in an intimidating stance. He looked over at the body of his fellow bretherin.


"Hmph... pityful." he sneered. A blade formed from each of his sleaves. He took a battle stance to ready himself. "To bad my brother hadent upgraded to a more stronger, agile material."


The blades were well polished and looked-after, the razors looked very sharp and deadly. The other man of blades begun with a spinning attack, which caused a rip through Kaneda's tunic. Blood was oozing from a stinging wound on his arm.


He blocked the next attack with his Katana, before realising that the mans other free blade was about to strike at him. Naruto stepped in and used his Kunai knife to block the attack. Though it managed to stop the attack, the blade seemed strong and sharp enough to cut Naruto's knife in half. Naruto looked stunned at his broken blade, before swiftly dodging the next swiping attacks made by the more keener Man of Blades.


Kaneda noted his movements: this one seemed to use his main attacks with one arm, while the other was mainly used for both defence and suprise attacks. Hitting him from behind was near pointless, if it seemed that this Man of Blades had eyes on the back of his head and could use his other blade to defend himself. He was obviously alot more trained that his other counterpart.

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((Asuka asked a question, PK. Just a reminder. :) ))


Asuka decided to protect Naruto. She believed it was the right thing to do.


"You guys go! I'll hold this guy off! GO!!" she yelled, blocking the Man of Blades flying blades with her katana. "I will prove myself to you all! I will!" Asuka grinned at the enemy. "C'mon, you Arashi tick! You want death? I'm here to give it to ya!"

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((I know... I thought it was a rhetorical question :o:D And "go where" exactly? We're still down an elevator shaft lol))


"C'mon, you Arashi tick! You want death? I'm here to give it to ya!"


"Heh..." The Man of Blades replied. "I like your attitude!"


He took a swung of his blades around the girl. He was meerely toying with her though. Afterall, he loved to play with his victims before executing them.


He continued to swing his twinblades around Asuka, giving her many opportunities to dodge and avoid. Eventually he grew bored. "Now its time to get serious..."


He slid his blades away and performed a series of handsigns to quick for the eyes to read. "Fire Release: Blazing Augmentation"


His blades returned in the open air, this time they were engulfed with flames. Naruto leapt up behind him with another Rasengan, but the man quickly turned back and knocked the ball of spinning chakra quite literally out of his hands, Naruto barely managed to survive with his arm intact, as it only received a fiery cut. He had to ignore the pain for now, and deal with this kretin. He seemed suitable enough for Naruto's suprise attack nobody else was even aware of...


Only a few of the Arashi members managed to land on the Elevator itself, but they were being dealt with by the others of Naruto's team. Kaneda was keeping up with the pace of his opponent though Taijustu. So far, these oponents they were facing seemed to be meere pawns, compared to the Two Men of Blades. He wondered if these people were the result of succesful indoctrination, and the Arashi found use for their limited potential by using them as pawns.

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((Oooh, okay! :p No problem. And yeah, I didn't know what I was doing. :lol: ))


"Stop... toying with me!!" Asuka exclaimed. But after the Arashi became serious, he made his handsigns and had flames engulf his blades.


The young girl glared and readied her weapon. "You think fire's gonna scare me?!" Asuka let out a battle cry and ran towards the Arashi man with the fiery blades.

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Karela looked at this new opponet with something that she rarely showed: Admiration for an opponet. Most of the time she would simply attack an opponet but this one was...different. This one could actually pose a threat.


I guess I don't really have a choice at this point. This one is actually dangerous.


Karela took a deep breath and then found herself looking at a gigantic black cat staring down at her.


I take it you need some of my chakra?


I would appreciate it, yes. This one is very dangerous and I don't think I can beat him without you.


Very well. Take as much as you need. Just remember, don't take too much at once. We don't want to have a repeat of what happened earlier do we?


Karela took another deep breath and then found herself back at the battle going on in front of her. She could feel her Bijuu's chakra flowing through her, mixing with her own natura chakra.


She grinned at the man with the flaming blades as her eyes took on a dark red color and her teeth took on more of a sharp apperance.


"I've been looking forward to beating down all of your Arashi punks." She growled angerly. "I despise everyone of you...I've been dreaming of revenge ever since I was turned away from you. And I think I'll take you down next." She growled again.


Karela ran at him with lightning fast speed and brought back one of her fists as she prepared to punch the man in the back of his head.

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