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When Asuka landed next to them as well, she looked at the figure standing there.




When she heard that, Asuka pulled out her Katana right after Karela spoke. She stood in front of her friends boldly. "You a punk, you know that? Killing innocent lives. Turning people into... God-knows-what! You evil, evil squid." She tightened her grip on her Katana, glaring up at Gatoa.

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"Thanks for you inputs on the subject. I really do appreciate it."


Yoroi nodded. Dai's view on the subject was closer to reality than his own dark experiences.


As he and the others followed the Hokage, Yoroi wondered himself if he would ever find love again as he had with Riko....


The aged, deceiving face grown with silver hair tied in a pony tail.


"Gatoa..." Naruto acknowledged.


"I've been looking forward to this for quite a while Gatoa. You have so many crimes to answer for."


"You a punk, you know that? Killing innocent lives. Turning people into... God-knows-what! You evil, evil squid." Asuka tightened her grip on her Katana, glaring up at Gatoa.


Yoroi stepped forward. "I haven't met you before, Arashi leader. Understand this: I don't care what ideological views you may have or life experiences that have lead you to become what you are."


Without both a handsign or words, the Six Paths appeared behind Yoroi.


"I am here to destroy you, completely and utterly. Be assured that I will not hesitate to perform this task."

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Gatoa listened to the empty threats and confidence born from ignorance. They have no idea what they were dealing with. He stepped forward, walking onto the platform the very team were standing on.


"I must welcome you all, for you are about to experience a revolution. The dawn of a new age. You shall be welcomed as my guests of honor.


"I haven't met you before, Arashi leader. Understand this: I don't care what ideological views you may have or life experiences that have lead you to become what you are."


He saw the six pathsof Yoroi appear right behind him. He smirked darkly at the orignal Yoroi infront of him standing with the others. "Your overconfidence will be your undoing."


Glowing Chakra began to form in his hands, then grew upward along his arms. "Kakuhan Rasshu!" He flicked his hand, then sliced the air with his arm. The chakra that ran along his arm extended into a whip, and lashed towards the Six Paths. The contact sent a gravitational force powerful enough to blow them away.


"You should never fight something that you dont understand..."


"Then help us understand, Gatoa!" Kaneda snapped. "Why leave traces of your destruction to any village you encounter? Why abduct people and harvest their chakra in an inhumane fashion. Just who exactly are you?!"


"No doubt you have encountered the souls we collected, and our method of harvesting their chakra." he crossed his arms. He smirked, and chuckled. "Very well. Before our conflict can set course, I shall enlighten you."


"You remember our first encounter, dont you? The Tomb of Warlord Makatu within the land of the Waterfall? The housing area containing the spirit of the Ten Tailed Beast? Or to be accurate; a ten-tailed beast."


Naruto's eyes widened. "There's more than one?"


"Only one family of them, their very presence lingering within a dimension humans will never venture through. Only two of them have ever escaped into the real world." he turned to the gigantic glass sphere containing the white chakra. "You just so happen to be looking at the first to ever succeed."


Kaneda stared at the sphere, swirling with the mass amount of white chakra. For a split second there, Kaneda thought he saw a demonic reptile-like face form within the spinning mass.


"Long before the age of Shinobi could dawn, the previous civilisation dealt with the Ten-Tailed Dragon bijū; by sealing only fragments of its spirit within specific objects powerful enough to sustain them. In this case, our encounter within the Tomb at the Land of the Waterfall was only one piece to an unsolved puzzle. After that, the Arashi pursued several locations which we believed contained the rest of the fragments; hence our nature to invade villages."


"But why capture prisoners and conduct experiments on them?!" Naruto demanded.


"All Arashi members have a specific purpose within the organisation. Each one with a unique ability, which follow the paths we desire. Some of our members have been captured, and even manipulated to serve us by reprogramming their minds: memories, personality, even feelings. You're friend Karela is among one of the experiments we conducted: One which resulted in failure."


Kaneda clenched his fist as he heard those words. "Karela isnt some toy you could just throw away!" he muttered with closed teeth. Purple chakra began steaming from Kaneda.


"So you're saying the victims within those containers are your results of failed experiments?" Naruto pressed on.


"They have been repurposed, as in accordance to our needs. Chakra is an infinte source of energy. The human body will always generate chakra. Those containers enforce that law of nature. They continuously harvest chakra, while keeping them alive forcibly. That chakra is then delivered to that generator sitting behind you, and powers the entire complex. But thats not its true purpose: it purifies all the chakra delivered into it, by extracting a key ingrediant essential to resurecting the Ten-Tailed Beast."


"Chakra is an energy found within all living things. A life force, constructed by many elements. One particular element found, is essential to rebuilding the bijū. And we have almost collected enough to complete our primary goal."


((Long, I know. But if you read every word, it should cover any plot holes the RP has encountered :p Feel free to pick Gatoa's brains before we initiate the fight.))

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"All Arashi members have a specific purpose within the organisation. Each one with a unique ability, which follow the paths we desire. Some of our members have been captured, and even manipulated to serve us by reprogramming their minds: memories, personality, even feelings. You're friend Karela is among one of the experiments we conducted: One which resulted in failure."


Karela narrowed her eyes and growled. "The more you talk Gatoa, the more painful you're death is going to be. I'm never going to forgive you for what you did to me and what you forced me to do to the Hidden leaf Village!"


"Karela isnt some toy you could just throw away!"


Karela turned to look at Kaned and smiled. She was glad that Kaneda was sticking up for her. She then turned to Gatoa and the smile disappeared.


"I'm glad that my time as an Arashi agent ended in failure. I am Karela, and I will forever be loyal to the hidden leaf village."


She was about to jump at Gatoa when she felt a hand pull her back. It was Dai again. "Stop trying to take him on your own." He said quietly. "We need to go after him as a team. I know you want to hurt him for what he did to you and to the village but being killed in a suicide attack isn't the answer."

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Takeda stood there in awe as Gatoa explained to them his plan. At him mentioning Karela he got angered and was ready to join her in jumping him when he too felt something holding him back.


Please tell me you're not that stupid came a familiar voice.


He brainwashed Karela, he has to pay for what he's done.


Did it ever occur to you that its what he wants? That he'll just tire you all out and then finish you off.

No...but what makes you so sure?


You really are that stupid Takeda, step aside and I'll show you what I'm talking about.


Prove to me first that you mean well Takeda shot back as he heard a loud sigh.


He wouldn't explain all of this to us if he didn't have a reason behind this. He's trying to stall for time Takeda, as he said their goal was almost complete. Rather than waste time focusing on him we to either stop them from getting more chakra or find a way to reverse it if its possible.


And what if Gatoa tries to stop us?

Then we'll know just what he's capable of. If we attack him, he really has nothing to lose but if we attack what he's worked so hard to create he won't waste any time fooling around.


Within seconds Takai found himself looking through the world through Takeda's eyes. He tried to move one of his arms but nothing happened.


You have control of the head, that's it


Takai let out a small sigh and looked over at Karela.


"The weak one is right Karela, besides we don't need you messing everything up again," he said trying to anger her a bit."


He turned Takeda's head back over to Gatoa and chuckled.


"Not a bad plan, if I wasn't stuck I'd maybe consider helping you. Then again I noticed one problem with your plan, as well as you...you Arashi are weaker then us. I kept quiet back at the Temple but once you brainwashed Karela I knew there was a reason behind your actions. You needed our help to get the beast because you couldn't do it yourself. In fact you probably would had done your best to keep the Leaf Village out of the loop if you could have retrieved this yourself."


He looked back over at Karela and winked at her again just to see what she would do.


"As for little Miss Karela over here, I think you did that to stall us. We had found a man who could tell us how to get to your base, and my guess is you were far from ready with your plan here. Who better to stall us then someone with a beast of their own inside of them. You would have drained her for all the energy she's got if it wasn't the case," Takai stated boldly.

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Yoroi rose to his feet. "So I take it you are a gravity user then," he commented to Gatoa after Takai had finished his speech. His Rinnegan were glowing more intensely than they had ever before. "It is one of the supreme forces in existence. I should know."


He stepped next to Takeda, facing Takai. "You and I will settle business later," Yoroi sneered, then turned to face Karela and Dai. "Dai is right, but not to worry. We'll all have the opportunity to land a few attacks on this poor excuse of a man."


Yoroi then addressed Gatoa again. "So just as with the Ten Tailed Beast of the Rikkudo Sennin, the Ten Tailed Dragon was in pieces. And just like the Akatsuki you have been reassembling those pieces. But I must wonder: How do you intend to control such a thing? There are only four jutsu capable of controlling tailed beasts on such a magnitude. They are the Sharingan of the Uchiha, the Wood Release of the Senju, the Seals of the Uzumaki, and the Rinnegan. Unless I am mistaken, you have none of those."

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Asuka came beside Takeda and whispered, "Takeda? Whatever happens... I will always love you." She smiled at him.


Then she stepped up. "Yeah, yeah, blah, blah! Can we start with this fight now? I'm eager as a beaver to take down this geezer! And Gatoa... you are so gonna regret what you did. Especially with my father. Yeah, that's right. After this little charade... you are so gonna get your buns kicked by the Naruto Team!"


((Yeah. That's what she calls her team. :p ))

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[/b]"Not a bad plan, if I wasn't stuck I'd maybe consider helping you. Then again I noticed one problem with your plan, as well as you...you Arashi are weaker then us. I kept quiet back at the Temple but once you brainwashed Karela I knew there was a reason behind your actions. You needed our help to get the beast because you couldn't do it yourself. In fact you probably would had done your best to keep the Leaf Village out of the loop if you could have retrieved this yourself."[/b]


"You're assumptions are reasonable... and quite correct. Though we have existed for about a century, we simply couldnt spare enough resources to perform the extraction: we were conducting other vital opperations that were compulsory for our organisation. So we had to borrow a little "muscle" to act as our distraction. Afterward, we evolved as an organisation by studying the wonders of the ten-tailed beast: Our numbers grew, our resources developed and advanced. And it all thanks to you; for you have provided a stepping stone for us all."


""So just as with the Ten Tailed Beast of the Rikkudo Sennin, the Ten Tailed Dragon was in pieces. And just like the Akatsuki you have been reassembling those pieces. But I must wonder: How do you intend to control such a thing? There are only four jutsu capable of controlling tailed beasts on such a magnitude. They are the Sharingan of the Uchiha, the Wood Release of the Senju, the Seals of the Uzumaki, and the Rinnegan. Unless I am mistaken, you have none of those."


Gatoa began laughing. "Control? Why would we ever want to ensalve such a magnificent deity?" He presented his hand towards the glowing sphere. "Such a beatiful thing is too worthy of exploiting. No... The Ten Tailed Dragon recognises the planet as a precious sanctuary. It eliminates those who thy believes a threat to its sanctuary. It recognises us as its followers; tools it can use to shape the earth as it sees fit. Although its spirit is near regeneration, it requires a shell to roam around in. I have volunteered myself, to form an entity with the beast. And once we become one, The Arashi will become an unstopable force to pose order on the planet. We will commit genocide against the human race, and rebirth it. Starting anew with the mistakes we have learned from!"


"Yeah, yeah, blah, blah! Can we start with this fight now? I'm eager as a beaver to take down this geezer! And Gatoa... you are so gonna regret what you did. Especially with my father. Yeah, that's right. After this little charade... you are so gonna get your buns kicked by the Naruto Team!"


Kaneda gave himself a facepalm, and breathed a heavy sigh. "That was a bad mistake..."


Gatoa looked strangely at Asuka. "I see the arrogance of your father still lives on in his bloodline. He always was the typical fool!" His expression turned into a serious face. He performed one unrecognisable handseal, then thrusted his arm forward with his fingers forming into a claw. "Chosen Sufferer of the Wrath"


Trailed needles of chakra unleashed from his hand and launched to his direct target: Asuka. The needles attached to strings of chakra pierced right through Asuka, without producing pain or any negative sensation. Gatoa raised his arm higher, which caused Asuka to seemingly float in mid air. "I can see non of you will listen to reason. You are willing to undo our work. And for that: you must die!"


He aimed his hand towards the very edge of the platform, which in turn Asuka was practically dragged in mid air and towards the edge. He eyed Takeda. "If you were to attack me, what do you suppose would happen to poor dear Asuka if I lost my grip?" he smiled in a sinister fashion.

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Asuka struggled against Gatoa's Chosen Sufferer of the Wrath while floating in mid-air above the edge of the platform. The young girl looked at her friends. "He's bluffing! He won't do it! Don't worry about me, guys! Save the Leaf village! Save the world!" She then glared at Gatoa with angered tears. "This is exactly what we're talking about! When this is over, you're gonna be the one falling off this edge, you old, son-of-a... arrrgh!!" Asuka said with frustration on the last sentence.

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"Who better to stall us then someone with a beast of their own inside of them. You would have drained her for all the energy she's got if it wasn't the case,"


Asuka turned to Takai and shook her fist at him. "You be quiet. I'll deal with you after Gatoa is dead."


"The Arashi will become an unstopable force to pose order on the planet. We will commit genocide against the human race, and rebirth it. Starting anew with the mistakes we have learned from!"


"More the reason you have to die Gatoa." Karela said quietly. "You...actually believe that what your doing is the right thing to do."


"If you were to attack me, what do you suppose would happen to poor dear Asuka if I lost my grip?"


Karela watched as Asuka was dangled over the edge of the platform. There were at least seven different ways that she could kill Gatoa at this moment but he would most likely drop Asuka.


"Don't worry about me, guys! Save the Leaf village! Save the world!"


Karela grinned. She had just remembered that Specter could create portals. In the event that Gatoa dropped her, Specter could save her.


"Hey Specter," she whispered. "If he does drop her do you think you could be ready with a portal?"


She then turned to Yoroi and Dai. "I need you two to cover me." She said as she pulled out another handful of kunai and wrapped them around her fingers as she dropped into a battle stance.


Dai nodded as a aura of blue elctrical chakra formed around his hand. "Prepare yourself Gatoa. I plan on making you pay for what you did to the Hidden leaf and for what you did to Karela."

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Takai enjoyed the response he got from Gatoa. Had he not been stuck with Takeda he would have volunteered for the position as well. He couldn't do anything about it now, so he would have to help the group kill Gatoa so that he didn't steal his dream of carnage. Upon watching Asuka get closer to Takeda, Takai gave up control and Takeda was back in charge of his head again. Her words calmed him for a few seconds. He was then greeted by a loud drawn out sigh from Takai as Asuka referred to the group as the Naruto team.


Everything seemed to move so quickly for Takeda. One minute they were all in a fighting stance and the next Gatoa hit Asuka with something he had never seen before. He watched in horror as he lifted her up in the air just by moving his arm up. He felt so powerless as Gatoa moved Asuka towards the edge. An unexpected urge came over him as he clenched his fists. He felt the need to crush Gatoa and beat him into the ground until he was no longer recognizable. Whitish blue chakra began to steaming from Takeda just as the purple chakra had done with Kaneda.


He had already lost his parents to one maniac, he wouldn't let this one take someone else he cared about. His body began to tighten up as he continued to to think about all that had happened to him. His eyes began to glow white and ice started to from under his feet. It was then he was hit with Gatoa's words and brought back to reality.

"If you were to attack me, what do you suppose would happen to poor dear Asuka if I lost my grip?"


His mind played the words over and over again until he realized what he was about to do. He almost let his anger get the best of him and would have done something he would have regretted. He stopped whatever his body was doing and nearly fell to the ground. His once angered eyes now showed fear's truest colors. He wanted to do something, but he didn't know what to do. He felt something in his throat as his heart began to race.


"Hey Specter," she whispered. "If he does drop her do you think you could be ready with a portal?"


Specter nodded his head and gave Karela a thumbs up. Not only did he have his portal ability but he could also teleport to her if he needed to. He knew he could save Asuka without any problem. However, he found himself more concerned to how Takeda was taking what had just happened.


What had seemed to go so fast was now moving so slow. Time felt like it was ending to Takeda as he looked back up at Asuka. In fact the situation was so dire that Takai even kept perfectly quiet. He turned his gaze to Karela, who seemed to be planning something. He put his hand on her shoulder and stared at her with a look of horror. The same look he had shown her when he was still trying to deal with the death of his parents.


"Karela..." it was all he could let out.

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Gatoa began laughing. "Control? Why would we ever want to ensalve such a magnificent deity?" He presented his hand towards the glowing sphere. "Such a beatiful thing is too worthy of exploiting. No... The Ten Tailed Dragon recognises the planet as a precious sanctuary. It eliminates those who thy believes a threat to its sanctuary. It recognises us as its followers; tools it can use to shape the earth as it sees fit. Although its spirit is near regeneration, it requires a shell to roam around in. I have volunteered myself, to form an entity with the beast. And once we become one, The Arashi will become an unstopable force to pose order on the planet. We will commit genocide against the human race, and rebirth it. Starting anew with the mistakes we have learned from!"


"And you are insane in so many ways," Yoroi muttered under his breath.


He then froze as Gatoa lifted Asuka over to the edge.


"Hey Specter," Karela whispered. "If he does drop her do you think you could be ready with a portal?"


She then turned to Yoroi and Dai. "I need you two to cover me."


Specter nodded his head and gave Karela a thumbs up.


It took a moment for Yoroi to respond. He was beginning to shake in anger, something that never happened before. Whether it was his concern over Asuka or some sort of effect the Rinnegan was having, he had no clue.


"I'll cover you, Karela," he spoke in a somewhat strangled tone. "But if you guys are going to do something, please do it quick."

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""He's bluffing! He won't do it! Don't worry about me, guys! Save the Leaf village! Save the world!"


"Bluffing? You honestly believe I am doing this for pointless drama?" Gatoa spoke through a deceitfully calm face. "I will break all of you."


He toyed with Asuka by making it look like he dropped her, while pulling her back up level. Kaneda could feel exactly what Takeda was feeling: useless in regards to what was happening. Then he overheard Karela's proposal to Specter and the plan to save Asuka via the warp portals. He then turned to Takeda, then Naruto.


Naruto stared at Gatoa with such hateful eyes. "You disgust me..." he shut his eyes. Then when he opened them, his eyes became different from the blue shade Kaneda remembered. They glew with a yellow glow. The iris' became horizontally slit-shaped, like a frog. Naruto had entered Sage Mode.


Naruto turned to Takeda again, and nodded at him: indicating a proposal to use their transformations.


Kaneda began concentrating his chakra. He began emiting an aura of purple chakra. His muscle mass slightly increased. Spiky-blue fur began growing along his back, arms and legs: the threads of each hair piercing through his clothing. His eyes turned silver. Kaneda succesfully transformed into his Werebeast form.


"You're path of destruction ends here Gatoa, cus' your going down!" he launched himself towards Gatoa, who still kept his grip on Asuka. His expression was didnt seem impressed with the fact that he was facing three opponents who undergone a transformation. When Kaneda came close in proximity with Gatoa, he launched a powerful fist towards the man's stomach... but it was expectadly blocked. Kaneda grinded his teeth whilst glaring at Gatoa while he hand was caught by him.

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Karela looked over at him and smiled uneasily. She didn't know what Takeda was trying to say but she guessed that he was concerned about Asuka. "Don't worry Takeda. I'll get her away from Gatoa and back to safety."


She then turned to Dai and Yoroi and began whispering. "You two, keep Gatoa busy while I grab Asuka."


Befroe she could do anything she watched as Kaneda launched an attack at Gatoa only to have it blocked. It Figures that this won't be easy.

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Asuka smiled. "Finally! Some action!" When she saw Kaneda transformed into his Werebeast and attempted to punch Gatoa, which kinda failed, the young girl sighed. "We screwed. We're all gonna die!!"


Suddenly, the spirit of Chokichi, her uncle, appeared before her. Only she could see him. "Asuka."


"Uncle Chokichi..." Asuka said sadly, looking up at the ceiling.


"My dear child. You must listen to your heart and mind. Trust in your feelings. The feelings of your friends... also known as your family. Do not let the Darkness of this world be within you... for it is your weakness. Look towards the Light. And have faith..."


After this, the old, ghost ninja disappeared. Asuka smiled with tears falling from her cheeks. When she looked down at Takeda, Kaneda, Karela, Naruto, Dai, and Yoroi, you could see tears of happiness in her eyes. "We can beat him, guys! We can foil his plans! Believe and have faith! Don't give in to Darkness! Don't give up! We are family. And family... family don't give up!"

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Takeda was reluctant at first to activate his seal again. However, Naruto was a great Hokage and Takeda trusted him. He made the necessary hand seals to create the seal and within seconds Takeda was a man made of ice once more. He watched as Kaneda charged Gatoa only to have Gatoa grab his punch. He then watched Dai leap into the air with with a chakra infused fist. While this was going on Karela was making her way towards Asuka.


Takeda closed his eyes for a few seconds, but that would be all the time he needed. A wise friend of his once told him to wait for the opportunity to strike, when the enemy lets his guard down. In his mind he created a still image in his head of what was occurring. Gatoa currently hand one arm holding Asuka in the air, and the other had Kaneda's fist. Dai was coming down on Gatoa, which meant given Kaneda's position that the most logical way to avoid the attack would be for Gatoa to move backwards. Takeda also factored in his hold on Asuka. Takeda opened his eyes with the plan in mind.


Takeda looked over to Specter who was watching Karela. Takeda tapped Specter on his shoulder to get his attention. He whispered in his ear and Specter nodded creating the necessary portals. Takeda jumped feet first through the portal and ended up behind Gatoa. He locked his arms with Gatoa's and placed his hands on the his neck. Takeda tightened his body up and tried his best to gold him in place.

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There was a long moment between Kaneda and Gatoa, as he held onto his fist while glaring at each other. He looked from Asuka and back to him. He released his grip on her, letting her seemingly fall into the void of revolving machinery, before he could realise Specter had intended to use a portal to save her.


Next minute he felt a strong chill wrap around his body, as two arms formed of ice held a grip around his arms and neck. With as much reaction time as possible, he lifted his legs up in the air and kicked Kaneda in the chest with both feet. With the launching force created, Gatoa raised his legs further upward which caused Takeda behind him to fall on his back. He then placed his feet on Takeda's stomach, and launched himself up into the air: releasing himself from the grip. Whilst doing a flip, he landed safely between Kaneda and Gatoa.


Kaneda quickly recovered and clashed fists with their opponent. They both launched themselves up in the air, dancing with their fists and kicks to cause a certain degree of harm. Gatoa was strong, fast and intelligent; a considerable equal and perhaps more.


Naruto joined in the battle above, exchanging lightning-fast moves with Kaneda towards Gatoa - amidst the slow momentum they created before even landing on the floor. Gatoa kept up with the both of them: his sensory and instincts were obviously high. Naruto produced the final blow by tapping into his knowledge of Frog Kata. Powering up his Senjustu, the invisible aura around him increased. He landed a palm in Gatoa's stomach, causing a powerful blow and landed back onto the platform on his back.


Gatoa quickly recovered and jumped back into action. He ran towards Takeda and exchanged deadly moves with his fists!

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Karela watched in horror as Gatoa dropped Asuka down into the machinery below.


"Specter!" She shouted. "Portal! Now!"


She then turned her attention back to Gatoa who was now running toward Takeda and began to think clearly now that Specter had been alerted to Asuka's fall.


Alright...he's obviously strong enough to go toe to toe with both Kaneda and the Hokage at the same time. So that means I'm nowhere near his level right now. But...those two aren't the only ones who have special abilities.


You want some my chakra don't you?


Yes. I think it's the only way I can go toe to toe with Gatoa. This man needs to be stopped whatever the cost.


An aura of red chakra began to form around Karela as Bijuu chakra began to flow through her body. She was borrowing just enough chakra to remain just one level below her one tailed state.


She ran after Gatoa and then threw both handfuls of Kunai at Gatoa's back. "It's time to pay for your crimes Gatoa!"


Dai turned to Yoroi and motioned toward the battle zone. "I say we join the others. Are you with me?" He asked as his hand was surrounded by electric blue chakra as he created a chidori.

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Dai turned to Yoroi and motioned toward the battle zone. "I say we join the others. Are you with me?" He asked as his hand was surrounded by electric blue chakra as he created a chidori.


Yoroi nodded. "My thoughts exactly," he replied. He had been waiting for the right opening in the battle and now that Asuka was safe he wouldn't have to hold back.


He saw Gatoa locked in a taijutsu battle with Takeda, and Karela attacking him from behind with several kunai. This was a problem for using either Shinra Tensei or Chibaku Tensei, but was perfect for another attack.


"Bansho Tennin!" Yoroi announced, trusting out his left hand. Rather than pull Gatoa to himself, he instead pulled the Arashi leader back into Karela's kunai.


"Six Paths!" His copies appeared, then began pouring elemental chakra into his right hand. "Elemental Sword of the Outer Path!"


Yoroi began stepping towards Gatoa. "Karela, let's combine our strikes!" he shouted over the battle noises.

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It didn't take Specter more than a second to react to Asuka falling. He shot one portal on the ground next to him and the other under Asuka. As she passed through the portal he grabbed onto her arm to stop her from moving. Specter released his grip and removed the portals.


"Are you alright kid?" he asked Asuka.


Takeda let out a loud groan as Gatoa used him to launch himself up into the air. He rose to his feet and looked up at the sight above him. Both Kaneda and the Hokage were fighting Gatoa in the air with great speed. He watched in amazement as the Hokage managed to land a powerful hit on Gatoa. Before he could even say anything Gatoa was back on his feet and was coming right at him. Thankfully his seal allowed him to move just as fast as Kaneda could in his Werebeast Form. Takeda was able to keep up with Gatoa's attacks and return some himself. During his fight he saw Karela come running at Gatoa and throw her kunai knives. He leaped backwards to put some distance between Gatoa and himself. He himself began to charge up a large ice ball just in case Gatoa came at him again.

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Asuka screamed when Gatoa let go his grip. She thought it was the end for her. However, a portal formed under her. It had to be the work of Specter! She got out the other portal when he helped her up.


"Are you alright kid?"


Asuka smiled at Specter. "Yep. Thanks to you guys. Now... let's see if I can help defeat Gatoa as well." The young girl got up and walked to where Gatoa was and stood a few feet from him. She began to do handsigns and formed water in her hands, which was the Tearing Torrent. She threw the water at Gatoa in high speed. "This'll cleanse your dirty spirit!"

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"Bansho Tennin"


Before he could realise it, Gatoa was pulled in by a powerful vacuum created by Yoroi. He then realised he was being pulled into where the Kunai Knives were being thrown at. Perfect Trap. With what little time he had, Gatoa concentrated the chakra within him, then released.


"Shinra Tensai!" he was disconected from the force of the vacuum, and the Kunai knives where blown away by a shockwave he created. He stood back up as he landed on his knees. The opponents were surrounding him. He stared at Yoroi, who appeared to generate a Broadsword created by chakra of different colors.


"You impress me. Not only do you wield the power of the Rinnegan, but the ability to manipulate gravity just like me." he complimented. "Even though I may not possess the power of the Rinnegan, or any dojustu for that matter, you will find me to be a worthy adversary."


"This'll cleanse your dirty spirit!"


"Huh!?" He looked behind him to see a powerful water blast hit him directly. It was almost a similar feeling of falling down to a bed of water; hard as concrete when you make contact.


Gatoa naturally fell on the floor. His coat completely drenched. He stood back up and looked at Asuka. "Not bad. I would have never expected something like that come from you."


He grasped a hand over his wet cloak. "What say we bring things up a notch?" he pulled the cloak away to reveal a body marked with tattoos of symbols with unknown meaning. Gatoa crossed his arms in the air, breathed in, and performed a series of handseals.


"Reflection of the Multiplied Spirit!" His tattoos began glowing with a blue light as he said those words. Suddenly, Gatoa was standing in between two copies of himself. Those copies began multiplying. And multiplying. Until the entire circular platform was bordered with the numerous copies of Gatoa.


Naruto eyed everyone of them. Each Gatoa was exactly identical: mirroriing the movements of each other. It was impossible to tell which was the real Gatoa. "He's able to produce that many clones?" Naruto analysed.


"Incorrect!" every one of the Gatoa's had spoke. "But technically speaking, we are a form of illusion."


Kaneda eyed the copies, one of them nearest to him. He wondered why they all were not attacking the team all at once. He ran to the nearest, and swiped his sword across. He swiped it again. And again. Sure, the sword went through him; but he wasnt exactly hitting anything either. It was a like a holographic projection.


"I dont get it!" Kaneda spoke confusingly.


"Then allow me to demonstrate"


Suddenly, a rush of force sped across right through into the platform bordered with Gatoa Holograms. It was a blur with a trail of visible motion behind it. It was so fast, even Kaneda's instincts wasnt enough for him to dodge the blur rushing straight through him. The feeling was like getting his body smacked hard into a metal collumn. It knocked him down, but Kaneda brough himself back up.


"Now I understand what he's doing..." Kaneda thought quickly outloud. "These projections are like a neural network. He is transfering his soul from one to the other, attacking us while in the process of doing so."

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"Karela, let's combine our strikes!"


Karela nodded in agreement as she reached for more Kunai only to find that her kunai holster was empty.


"I'm out of kunai Yoroi!"


"These projections are like a neural network. He is transfering his soul from one to the other, attacking us while in the process of doing so."


Karela looked from one Gaota to another as she tried to figure out where Gatoa would strike from next.


He's good. Those are some powerful and unique techniques that he has. But he overlooked one thing: I'm one of the jinchuuriki of the leaf village and I don't go down easily.


Karela slammed both of her hands down on the ground and the top of the platfrom began to bubble slightly as her bijuu's chakra spread through it. It wouldn't be enough to hurt anyone, but with the amount of chakra going through the floor it might be enough to take out the Gatoa illusions.

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Kaneda observed what Karela was doing when she planted her hands on the floor. He could sense the chakra being transfered from her and visibly see it bubble from all over the platform. There was some logic behind this stradegy: even though the illusions wont receive any damage given their projective nature, it will still gradually weaken Gatoa slightly when he transfers himself to the other projection.


"Karela, concentrate the chakra around the border of Gatoa projections. That way, we wont have to worry too much about losing health."


Gatoa transfered himself again, and again. Crossing through the circle and causing damage to random team-mates. Naruto readied himself, his Sage Eyes were glowing with eagerness and concentration. When Gatoa attacked again, this time Naruto was ready! He moved just as soon as he spotted a fast blur of a human figure, swiping his hand upward. The aura of his senjustu managed to hit Gatoa, causing him to slightly slow down. But Gatoa managed to retreat to the nearest projection, keeping his opponents waiting for the next set of attacks.


"It all takes correct timing and accuracy..." Naruto suggested to his team mates. "Keep your eyes open!"

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"Karela, concentrate the chakra around the border of Gatoa projections. That way, we wont have to worry too much about losing health."


"Got it!" Karela said as she focused more and more of her bijuu's chakra into the platform, this time redirecting it toward the boarder of the platform where the illusions were standing. This time however, the chakra was at a much higher level. It was at a level where it could serverly injure even a high level ninja like Gatoa.


"Show your face Gatoa! I dare you to show me your face and fight me!" She shouted as she formed a rasengan in her hand.

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