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Tell You I Will 3.01


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Hmmm...Jed, no no no, Gal, no not quite, Age o, nah not that either. Well really I don't have a favorite, but if I HAD to choose one and only one game to keep, and the rest I'd have to throw away, I'd most likely say Age of Empires: Age of Kings. (no not GB, for some reason, I just like AoK better)


EDIT: O ya a question hmm....



Why is it that it always seems to take forever to get somewhere but then once you get there coming back seems to take half that time? (well at least for me)

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cold, you can always put on more clothes, but can only take off so much...not that I'd mind w/ some people :D


*Fergie reaches through the internet and slaps Homer silly*


Fergie: Get your mind out of the gutter!


sorry....I...I won't do it again.... ;)


Micheal Jordan or Dr. J (both in their prime)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Hey I got busy...



I have no clue... around 17 Im guessing...


When in the world will I get my 1200 posts back?

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Originally posted by Redwing

A: I really don't know.


Q: Are there any non-'table-top' RPGs here?


HEY! Table-Tops are WAY better than Non-GMeds! EVERYTHING is the same, except for the fact that you don't decide the things like, whether you hit or miss, how many credits you have, or your Ability Scores. ( o ya and the answer is there were but they all failed so HA!)


A:Whenever you Bore the admins to the point that theygo crazy (I think)


Q:How come none of the Forum errors (the Post counts, and the rank mix ups) never effect me?

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tough one. especially when you put it like that.

i take it that with 'none of...never' you mean: 'why do all those errors never affect me' ?


The answer, my friend, is Murphy's Law.


Speaking of which, when will we see common sense kick in and an end to all those "I want my posts back" lines ?

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