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The Good Idea/Bad Idea Game


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Good idea, because any moron that loved twilight because of its genius in literature (Haven't read it--just going off opinions and revue by trustworthy intellectual friends!) deserves to at least be made to retract those words before the intellectuals go blowing off some nuggets. (Though I wouldn't mind the bloodbath! :dev9:)


Using an induction heater for a copper vapor laser that has a quartz discharge cavity tube. (Need help? http://repairfaq.org/sam/laserfaq.htm It should be between HeHg and Dye laser sections--if you don't mind reading a bunch.)

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Excellent idea--in fact I believe there already are watches which do that. And camera watches, and laser watches, and all sorts of other fascinating gadgets--sorta like the old show Dick Tracy--around long before James Bond I might add.


Using xenon as an active medium gas in a pulsed multigas laser.

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Bad idea, I'm assuming there's a reason for the name.


Based on the video below, replacing elections with a system in which all the candidates are stuck in a giant microwave, and the last one standing is appointed to the position.

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Great idea: ultimately nobody is left standing. And no politician is trustworthy anyways.

BTW, I'm sure I could troubleshoot what went wrong with it. Hell anyone could--it isn't really rocket science. Though off hand I would estimate it's kind of obvious as the thing probably overheated or overdrew current (from abnormal contents to be processed :rolleyes:) and blew a fuse in the mains. That or the Triac/SCR switcher got toasted. Microwaves, though lethally dangerous, are not all that complicated to troubleshoot and repair. http://repairfaq.org/sam/micfaq.htm


Eating a bowl of cluster bombs and spreading a jelly fish on your toast.

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Bad idea: If I fart while you try, YOU'LL be the one to end up on fire.


Getting on the GMOD idiot box professor's bad side if you don't want to hear the most annoying sound in the world. (hint to those not in the know: just watch a few episodes on YT to get an idea what I'm talking about. :p)

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