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Survivors of Order 66 (RP)


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(She's not on the darkside, she's just slightly insaine. She honestly believes that killing off everyone associated with the empire is good.)




Dantra gave an irritated glance back at the annoying woman following her.


Why can't she leave me alone?


Dantra slowed her walk and grabbed the other woman and pulled her into the ally beside the cantina.


"Whatever you want to talk about, make it quick. There are stormtroopers that need killing and garrisons that need to be blown up."

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"I'm gonna stop her."



Tev stood quickly as well, but Kerla moved faster.


"Wait...." His words trailed off as he understood there was nos stopping her. He didn't know what the effects of this would be, but he hoped whatever she planned to do, it would work.


He followed her outside and stood off to the side as she confronted the Lethan.

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Gett looked up at the events that were unfolding infront of him. He watched the one storm out from the group. He heard another shout and she seemed saddened by her tone. All that was left at the table was the man who still seemed familiar to him. Eventually the man went after the other two. It was his duty here to eliminate jedi and to make sure they did not harm the civilians here. Gett stood up and followed after the man. He turned his head to see what looked like a mugging. He kept his hands on his blaster but he didn't point it at them.


"Is there a problem here?"

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While in the Twi'lek's grasp in the ally beside the cantina, Kerla gulped.


"Whatever you want to talk about, make it quick. There are stormtroopers that need killing and garrisons that need to be blown up."


Kerla breathed calmly, and looked at the female Twi'lek straight in the eyes. "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kerla Mison. But that's not the reason I came to talk to you. I wanted to say that--"


"Is there a problem here?"


Clone trooper! Kerla gulped. But then she remembered that she acted like a Smuggler. After all, she did look like one. She got out of the Lethan Twi'lek's grip, and placed her hand on her hip. "Naw. Nothin' wrong here, sir. Just chattin' with my friend here on how I'm gonna pay her back."


The young woman continued to smile, making it look good.

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"Is there a problem here?"


Dantra turned around and have the clone a glare filled with anger.


"No...sir. Nothing is wrong. I was just leaving, I have a meeting to attend at the garrison concerning some problems I've been having with Tusken raiders."


Dantra gave Kerla her best smile.


"No...keep your money...I was just happy to help out a person in need."


Dantra sent a message to the Jedi turned smuggler via the force.


If you keep following me...you will be drawn into the fighting and I would rather that not happen. Stay away.


Dantra smiled, waved good-bye to Kerla and then gave the clone trooper a small bow before heading off toward the imperial garrison.


There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no vengence, there is only balance.

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Gett looked to the girl that spoke to him first. She seemed harmless enough, and she looked like a Smuggler. He actually liked smugglers, he would often trade stories with them if he had the time.


"No...sir. Nothing is wrong. I was just leaving, I have a meeting to attend at the garrison concerning some problems I've been having with Tusken raiders."


Gett hated the stormtroopers. They weren't like his brothers, they wouldn't protect each other liked the clones did. He didn't want to get involved with the woman's business, especially if stormtroopers were involved.


"Very well then." Gett said as he walked past the man and the smuggler.


For some reason Gett got slightly curious. He walked back a few steps and faced the man.


"I'm sorry to bother you, but have I seen you before? You look very familiar to me."

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Tev raised an eyebrow at the Trooper, this could complicate things.


"I'm sorry, you must be mistaken. Must have me confused with someone else..."


He stared the trooper down, trying to convince him that he was no one he would recognize. Not many people would remember Tev, but maybe some of the troopers he helped may. Was this one of them? Tev didn't know, Clone Troopers looked very alike, both with and without armor.


The Force alerted Tev that the Lethan was moving.


He used the Force and tripped her, delaying her temporarily. He couldn;t let her fall down the Dark Path, he'd stop her, he and Kerla would stop her. It would take both of them.


He sent a message to the Lethan.


Wait. Let's talk this over before you go on a massacre we may all regret.


He looked back at the Clone.


"Yes, I'm sure you must be mistaken."

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Dantra felt something trip her up and she frowned.


Wait. Let's talk this over before you go on a massacre we may all regret.


Dantra turned toward the trooper and smiled sweetly.


"The heat must be getting to me."


Dantra then turned to the older jedi and flashed him a smile, then sent him a message via the force.


I will only warn you once today. Stay away...or I will draw my saber against you. This is not about vengence, this is about balance. Stay away...or else.


Dantra nodded to both jedi, gave the trooper another respectful bow and then ran off toward the garrison.

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"Are you positive I haven't seen you before. Even your voice sounds familiar to me. Perhaps you're a survivor I've rescued, or a local I've met."


Gett was positive he met this man somewhere. He knew he wasn't crazy, Gett never forgot someone he met who was important. He remembered the name of every ARC and Clone Commando he fought along side with. He even remembered the names of all the jedi and Mandalorians too.

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Suddenly, the Clone's characteristics and manner of speaking began to become familiar.


He had indeed fought with this clone somewhere in the galaxy.


Why did they have to run into eachother right now, though? There was no telling onto what dangers Tev had brought upon his fellow Jedi by being here. Well, it was the will of the force.


He decided to try a new tactic.


"Perhaps we have met before, but I do not know. Please, my friends and I must be on our way."

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Shawn sat at the desk waiting for a response from his silence partner in the battle. As the other man stood there Shawn turned to the desk he was sitting at and started rummaging through the drawers of the desk. And in the bottom third drawer he found what he was looking for, his com link. He took it from a bounty hunter who was on Shawn's trail. With out the help from his friends the hunter eventually gave up the pursuit and left.


Shawn turned it on and fiddled with it. He knew that doing this might lead them into some more danger but he was willing to take that risk.


"Uhmm, can anyone read me on this thing?" Shawn said into the com link.

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Audax opened his eyes and felt sweat was dripping from his muscular body. He was in a small room, with just a bed and an old armchair as furniture. He was just dressed in his pants and boots, but he saw that the rest of his clothes lay on the armchair.


He stood up and walked over to the armchair. He was trying to remember what had happened. He put on the tunics and tabards and buckled the belt over them. He reached for his robe, when he noticed his lightsaber was gone. Now the memories of the battle came back, and his previously relaxed body was now tense. He quietly slipped on his robe and walked over to the door. He used the force to open it.


He saw that the two Jedi stood in the other room, one of them talking into a commlink. He saw that his lightsaber lay on the desk. He grinned and pulled it to him with the force. He activated it.


"Don't move, Jedi!"

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"Don't move, Jedi!"


Shawn heard from behind him, com link still in his hand. Apparently Audax wasn't going to give up any time soon. As Shawn grinned a little looking at Audax he heard a noise on him com link.


"Hello? Is anyone on the other end of this comlink? Hello?" he heard on the other end of the com link then back up at Audax.


"Yeah, I'm Shawn Kir'lince currently residing on Narr Shaddaa." He said into the com link.


Then he turned his gave up a little to Audax and smiled. "You know this is honestly a waste of time for you, serving Darth Vader. There is more power to be found in the light then the dark."


Shawn sat there ready to grab one of his lightsabers at a moments notice and defend himself.

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"Right then, carry on with your business."


Gett stood there for a few seconds when he heard a ringing in his helmet. It sounded like static for a few seconds until he actually heard a voice.


"Uhmm, can anyone read me on this thing?"


"This ARC trooper Gett, I read you loud a clear. What is your situation?"


The man didn't sound like a fellow clone, maybe he was a stormtrooper. However he could also be an imperial officer in which case was good that Gett picked up.

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Audax laughed coldly.


"Power?" he asked, his voice sounding a little crazy. "This is power!"


He streched out his left hand towards the Jedi and blue lightning shot from his fingertips. He tried to get around his enemys force guard, but it was in vain. He stopped.


"What power is there in the light, the Jedi were utterly destroyed by Lord Vader," he said. "He is too powerful, you don't know his power, Jedi."


Audax raised his lightsaber again and lept out towards his foe.

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Dantra dropped the comlink on the floor, where the other jedi were sure to find it.


Now...it is time for the rightful balance to be restored to the galaxy.


Dantra walked into the garrison and smiled as the stormtrooper receptionist looked up at her.


"What is your business with the empire today citizen?"


Dantra ignited her violet lightsaber and smiled as the man's eyes widened.


"My business is bringing balance back to the galaxy, the balance you and your minions have disrupted with your purge."


Dantra flicked her lightsaber forward and a hole appeared in the man's chest. Dantra dropped into a fighting stance as she heard panicked shouts from the stormtroopers who had heard her saber ignite.


Let balance be restored.

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Tev looked on as the trooper left. He couldn't help but feel that somehow he had met the trooper somewhere, but it was of no matter. The trooper was on the other side now.


During this bit of excitement, Tev had lost sight of the Lethan.




He could sense it. She was at the garrison. And now of all days. The Force had given him this strange feeling in the morning, but now he understood. The Twi-Lek would be taking many unnecessary lives. Not just stormtroopers, but innocents. Giving in to dark feelings had its reprecussions. The Lethan was going to run into hers.


But Tev needed to stop her.


He raced off towards the garrison.

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Dantra dispatched the last of the group of stormtroopers that had gone against her and then reached out through the force.


Innocents? Here of all places?


Dantra looked ran down the halls of the garrison until she found herself staring at a holding cell filled with...stormtroopers?


Strange...I sense no malice, no anger, only fear and confusion.


Dantra shrugged to herself and walked up toward the cage door.


"Tell me...why are you locked up?" Dantra asked, adding a healthy dose of force persuasion behind her words.


"We...refused a direct order from our commander. We were supposed to take out a group of Mosture farmers who refused to pay taxes to the commander. We tried to desert and were eventually captured."


Dantra nodded slowly.


"I see...If I let you go, will you be able to find a safe place to retreat to?"


"I suppose so...but first I gotta ask: Why are you even helping us? From what we were told, the jedi are now enemies of the empire."


"I may be opposing the empire, but I know when someone has a good heart free of malice. You are not guilty of upseting the balance."


Dantra flicked a nearby switch and the force-field went down.


The stormtroopers ran out of the force cage and Dantra smiled to herself as she felt them leave the base. The Balance has been maintained. Now...time for me to make my escape.


Dantra gathered the force around and lept out the window, shattering the glass as she went.

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After his conversation with the Clone Trooper, Kerla saw that Tev ran off to find the Lethan Twi'lek. She thought on going, but remembered the warning the female Jedi gave her. But then... was it the will of the Force telling her that she needed to help her fellow Jedi?


The young girl shook her head and smiled. She could use a little bit of adventure. So, without hesitation, Kerla ran off after him to stop the Twi'lek.


Coming to the side of Tev while running, Kerla looked at him and smiled. "I'm ready to help you, Master. As Jedi, we help one another."

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Tev saw Kerla run up next to him.


"I'm ready to help you, Master. As Jedi, we help one another."


He smiled and put a hand on her shoulder.


"You are absolutley right. The Lethan shouldn't be too far now. Let's stay close."


He continued running and reached the garrison a few minutes later. The Stormtrooper manning the front desk was dead, his insides disintegrated by a lightsaber. The Twi-lek's handiwork.


Tev sensed something down one of the hallways.


"I think we should head down that way." He said, pointing out the hallway to their right.


He began moving that way, hand on his lightsaber.

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(CQ or Skywalker, I need you to pick up the communicater she dropped on the ground earlier.)


Dantra looked up in suprise as her force-senses went off in her head.


They found me already?! I need to find someplace to hide...to retreat to for the time being.


Dantra pulled out one of the datapads that she carried and entered an entry on the datapad.


Stop Chasing me!


I know what I am doing is right and before you even ask, I know who has a good heart, and who has a heart filled with malice. Before you question my sanity talk to the group of stormtroopers who I let live because I sensed the good in them. The Balance must be restored with, or without your help.


Dantra nodded. This would do it.


She tossed the datapad up through one of the windows and heard it hit the floor of the room.


I hope they find it, maybe then they'll stop chasing me.

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