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Survivors of Order 66 (RP)


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Sorry, Kerla. I hope you don't mind...


Kerla smiled at Tev. "It's all right, Master..."


"Master De'silar relax, I'm not going to report you and your friend to the empire. There's no need to hide your friend. She's way to shy to be a smuggler, she's been staring at the ground this entire time. She would have been more believable if she was staring right at me with her hand on her blaster. If she really is a friend of yours, I'll turn the other way like I'm doing for you. With that in mind, what are you doing here on Tatooine? Its crawling with these walk in bucket heads the Empire calls stormtroopers."


The young woman glanced at Gett. Did he see that she was a Jedi too? Kerla's hands began to shake a little, nervously. Suddenly, she sensed a distubance in the Force. Something dark was on the planet. Something that wasn't good...

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Dantra attempted to gather the force around her again only to be shocked one again by Terla.


I have to keep her talking...


"Why Terla?! Why did you turn to the darkside? We were the best of friends!"


Terla snarled at her and shocked her again and Dantra screamed in pain.


"You left me on that damn planet! I was captured and tortured for weeks on end! We could have stayed together and escaped, but no...the wise Dantra said we had to split up...that we had to try and save everyone we could!"


"We are jedi! It was our duty to try and save everyone we could!"


Wrong Dantra! We had only been knights for a few days! We weren't ready for that! But enough of this...I've been tracking you down for nearly a month now...and you will pay for your cowardly ways!"


Dantra bit down on Terla's exposed lekku and jumped backward as she screeched in pain.


"I will not die! Not with the balance in the shape it is!"


Terla straightend and ignited her red lightsaber and Dantra ignited her violet one.


Dantra ran at Terla and swung her lightsaber down as Terla brought hers up to parry the blow.


I wish it didn't have to be this way...

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Tev looked at the trooper.


"Master De'silar relax, I'm not going to report you and your friend to the empire. There's no need to hide your friend. She's way to shy to be a smuggler, she's been staring at the ground this entire time. She would have been more believable if she was staring right at me with her hand on her blaster. If she really is a friend of yours, I'll turn the other way like I'm doing for you. With that in mind, what are you doing here on Tatooine? Its crawling with these walk in bucket heads the Empire calls stormtroopers."


He raised an eyebrow at Gett.


"You have me confused, trooper, you seem to be with the Empire, and I'm surprised you haven't shot me, which I'm thankful you haven't. But still, you speak as if you are against the Empire. What side are you on? Truly?"


Tev took a step forward and leaned his head to the right in a interrogative gesture.


He noticed something else, Kerla's hands were shaking.


He tried his best to reassure the situation.


This will work out, everything will turn out okay...be at peace, be calm...


Something else also caught Tev's attention.


A dark presence nearby.

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This wasn't supposed to happen...This shouldn't have happend! She was my best friend! How could it have come down to this?


Dantra force-jumped backward and landed on the roof of one of the larger buildings that seemed to litter this dust cursed town.


"Terla...we were once the best of friends! How did it come down to this?"


"You left me behind to be tortured! What happens to you now is your own fault!"


Terla jumped up into the air to try and land next to Dantra who had already force-lept back to another building.


"You need to stop this! We are going to attract imperial attention!"




Dantra was already jumping backward as Terla's lightsaber was thrown toward her at incredible speed.


Dantra took a quick glance downward to see that one of the stormtroopers she had missed in her attack was pointing her out to his fellow stormtroopers.


This will not end well.

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"You have me confused, trooper, you seem to be with the Empire, and I'm surprised you haven't shot me, which I'm thankful you haven't. But still, you speak as if you are against the Empire. What side are you on? Truly?"


"Just because we all participated in Order 66 doesn't mean we all believed in it, us ARCs especially. I probably would have shot you had you been a different jedi. Being you were the jedi to stand up for us, we all owed you one and this was me returning the favor. Truly I'd like to fight on the other side but than I'd have to kill my own brothers and I can't do that. Believe me though if every clone were to defect from the Empire than I'd be all for taking them down. You both need to get out of here before the stormtroopers see you. I can get you both wherever you need to go but you have to trust me."


Gett touched the vibrosword that was resting on his back. He looked back over to Tev but was stopped short by a transmission.


"This is Tk-034, we need backup. I repeat we need back up. We have a twi'lek and a cloaked jedi and need more men."


Gett shook his head slightly and sighed.


"That twi'lek jedi that almost killed me, is she a friend of yours?"

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Tev looked at the trooper.


"That twi'lek jedi that almost killed me, is she a friend of yours?"


He clenched his teeth.


"Not really....we're not on the best of terms...at least, that's the way she left us..."


He hooked his lightsaber to his belt.


"But either way, we need to help her, if not from whoever is attacking her, then perhaps your other Stormtrooper friends."


He began walking through the hole in the wall, but not before scooping up a small datapad that had been on the ground.

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"But either way, we need to help her, if not from whoever is attacking her, then perhaps your other Stormtrooper friends."


Kerla nodded. "Agreed. Let's go." And with that, she followed Tev through the hole in the wall. She then saw that he held a small datapad. That might be a clue...


"Whatever that dark presence was," she thought to herself, "It's attacking that Twi'lek woman. We gotta help her, whether she likes it or not."

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Dantra jumped above Terla's lightsaber as it arched through where she had been standing a moment ago.


"You need to stop this! I can help you Terla! Please...let me help you!"


"You will not speak like that! What do you know of helping anyone but yourself?! Your actions speak louder then any words Terla!"


I don't want to kill her...I didn't want this! But the Balance...the balance...must...must it?


"It was so easy to find you Dantra...you slaughtered every trooper you could find couldn't you? You wanted to make them suffer, you wanted to make them pay!"


"The...Balance demanded that...I...That I..."


The Balance...the balance is wrong.


Terla snarled at her. "The Balance is a lie Dantra! It's something that your mind came up with to try and cope when we lost everything! Each of us is alone in the galaxy, we each must forge our own path if we are to survive! That's what I learned!"


"Your wrong Terla! If we are to survive, then we must stick together, we need to watch out for one another! It doesn't matter how many people it takes to forge a path, the only thing that matters is that everyone walks the path together!"


Terla extended her palm outward and Dantra felt a massive surge of force energy hit her with a good amount of force.


I'll save you Terla...I swear I will.

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Tev sprinted out into the sunny, sandy, streets of the city.


And not too late as well. He could see the dust rising from the street, and two lightsabers battling eachother amongst it.


He nodded to Kerla and Gett to attack.


Tev activated his saber and leaped forward.

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Dantra was sent flying backward by the force-push, she quickly landed on all fours and dodged the lightsaber that struck where her head had once been.


Terla...you need to stop this, I can't kill you!


"How does it feel Dantra? To feel betrayed?...to feel hated?"


"I could never hate you Terla...You are my best friend in the galaxy, and I will save you, even if it costs me my own life."


"That's not what I asked! I asked you a question and you will answer it!"


"It feels...horrible. Like a piece of my heart has been ripped out and crushed."


"Now...you now how I felt when you deserted me...when you left me to die on that clone infested planet...this is just the begining Dantra! You are going to know what I went through!"


Dantra was about to respond when a familiar presence filled her senses and a familiar humming sound filled the air.


That other jedi...he came back to help me...even when I threatend to attack him? I had forgotten...what it was like to have someone help me.


"Master! Please don't hurt her!"


Terla snarled in anger and brought her lightsaber up to meet the older jedi's blade.

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Gett shook his head slightly and laughed. He encounters far too many jedi in one day and the problems just seem to be getting worse. He wanted to help the old master without getting caught. Quickly thinking he could say it wasn't a lightsaber duel but was just a fight he had to break up. He followed after the jedi master until they arrived at the scene. He pulled out his vibrosword and moved in after Master Tev and watched as the two met blades. He could swing but his honor prevented him from doing so. He watched the fight unfold between the two.


"Master! Please don't hurt her!"


Gett moved slightly closer to the twi'lek.


"Don't worry ma'am, just remain calm. We'll make sure we find who stole those credits from you." He said trying to show he wasn't going to take her or the other jedi in.

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"Don't worry ma'am, just remain calm. We'll make sure we find who stole those credits from you."


"What are you doing you fo-Watch out!"


Dantra force-pushed the clone out of the way just as a force-guided thermal detonater streaked toward him and exploded behind him."


"You should leave. You don't want to get caught up in this sort of fight."


Dantra brought her lightsaber around in a blocking arc just as Terla's lightsaber nearly cut through her hip.


"Terla...please...I just want you to listen to me...that's all I ask!"




"I'm sorry...I failed you as a friend Terla...I am so sorry..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tev stepped forward, lightsaber at the ready. He expanded his force presence, branching out into everything around him.


"We need not fight here, Sith..." He said as he made eye-contact with the Sith Twi-Lek.


He sent a massive wave of force influence with his words, with luck they would work.


There is no such thing as luck...only the force. He thought to himself, a small smile forming on his lips.


He looked to Kerla and nodded, giving the okay to shoot if necessary.


But something terrible dawned on Tev. Looking down at his lightsaber, he saw that there were several other stormtroopers here, asides from Gett.


He sighed, "....Fierfek."

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Shawn noticed the continue conflict within Audax. Slowly he clipped the com link to the back of his belt, then stretched his hands out by his sides trying to symbolize that he had no intention upon harming Audax.


"You should meditate, allow you training with the Order to guide you." Shawn said to Audax with some slight confidence.


The order wasn't dead as long as the students who once followed it continued to believe in it. Even if Shawn at times followed his own beliefs and ideals he still held strong unwavering confidence with in the order and those who followed it. Then Shawn remember something that Master Windu once said about the jedi fighting for peace is only a slogan, but they fight for civilization and justice, only civilization can create peace, and justice creates a strong civilization.


"Remember the three pillars of the Jedi's strength Audax. I know you still remember." Said to his confused friend.


The three pillars were, Self-Discipline, Knowledge, and The force.

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Audax' mind raced, he remembered the pillars, self-dicipline, knowledge and the Force. But he would not, could not, use them. The dark in him was too strong, with Vader's teachings controlling his mind. The Sith teachings tried to force him into attacking, but the Jedi's pacifism fought back inside his head. It was like armies battling it out inside his head, on one side the Jedi teachings, calm and sensitive, on the other side the Sith, passionate and fierce.


"NO!" he shouted, and looked up, while waves of powerful Force energy made the room shake. His clothes flapped around him and the hood fell off. His eyes had lit up, now shining with fury. The energy that came out off him made the ceiling crack, bits and pieces falling down, destroying furniture. Then large portions started to fall down, a rock hitting the Jedi in his head. A hole had opened in the wall, now was the time to escape. Audax grabbed his lightsaber, and was about to jump out, when he realized how much the Jedi had helped him, now, maybe, he would be able to stand up to Vader. He grabbed the Jedi's arm, pulling him out onto the streets. He barely made it, and sat down next to the Jedi.


"Pick me up now, R6," he said into his commlink, while standing up. He turned from the Jedi and walked a few steps, before stopping.


"Thank you," he said faintly, and ran off. His ship was flying low, with the boarding ramp open, enabling Audax to jump into it, which he did, and closed the boarding ramp after him. He walked into the ship, into his quarters. Taking off his robe, he ordered R6 to set coordinates for Coruscant. He was going to meet with his master, hopefully for the last time.

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