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Help with Kotor (was: begin the HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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a. Do you have a PC or console version of the game?

b. What mods do you have installed?

c. Do you have a previous save that you can go back to?

d. Please specify in more detail what's going on so we can picture what you're seeing.


I need this information to determine which forum to move this to.

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  scavangerman34 said:
i DID un and reinstall the game. and i did go to an earlier save.... HAAATE!!!

Well, K1 is quite stable compared to K2, so I am not sure you are going to be thrilled with K2 if you HAAATE k1 so much.


Have you updated your game to 1.03? Try that, then if you are still having the issue, post your diag like Jae told you to do, follow the link she provided.


Otherwise, flail all you want, it will be very hard for us to help you when you provide only frustration.

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