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Request for modders for my Expanded Galaxy mod


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This is going to be a (hopefull) fairly large mod, that should be really fun to play. However, I am a very new modder, but this idea has been in my mind for a while. I have a basic plotline, but I need real people to help me with that, and I need people to do scripting or whatever (put the mod in place).




This mod is going to start on the way to ________(Korriban?) On the way, Revan and the Ebon Hawk will become captured by a Republic Hammerhead ship taken over by Mandalorians. The character will then choose 2 others to follow him/her onto the ship to find out what happened (all they know is that they are on a "Republic" ship). As they make their way through the ship, they discover that this ship has been taken over by mandalorians, that they are in hyperspace headed for the planet Concord Dawn, and that they're gonna have to fight the way off the ship. So there is a lot of fighting, getting drops, opening storage containers, defeating a mini-boss, and by the time that they get back to the hangar, they find that they are in orbit above Concord Dawn (don't know what that is? Its the homeplace of the Fett clan, look it up on wookiepedia.) They also find that they are in complete control of the ship, so now for the rest of the game, you access the galaxy map from the control room in the Republic Ship, and once in orbit, get in the Ebon Hawk to land. This is most likely going to conflict with the Leviathan, so this mod should take place after that. Also, again because of comflicts, before you land on Rakata Prime, you are going to leave the ship in orbit for the Republic Fleet to pick up. Anyway, that is part one. Part 2 happens when you land on the Bounty Hunter planet of Concord Dawn.


Part Two


You land the Ebon Hawk on Concord Dawn, and start to explore. As you wander, you discover that it is anarchy. 3 characters are battling for control: A ruthless bounty hunter, the self-proclaimed Mandalore, and the grandson of Cassus Fett, ______. The main plot of this planet is to assign one of the 3 as "leader/dictator" of the Fett clan and Concord Dawn. To do this, you must find the one you chose, make you his friend by doing a mission, and eliminating the other two. You will get dark side points for killing the Fett. Each warlord has a "base" where you find him. Fett is at the Fett homestead, "Mandalore" is in a sand-person/rakatan village, and the Bounty Hunter is in a lavish estate crawling with guards, tortured slaves, and people for his pleasure.





Lets see...there is a very nasty sewer home to some ruffians and misfits.

Thats it




A basic shop that is in one of the buildings of the town, sells basic republic material.

A very expensive shop run by a lone soul outside town, selling stolen goods of mass destruction (a.k.a. very expensive and somewhat overpowered items).


Part 3 is another planet.

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Thank you for offering your help. Te Mirdala, do you mod? Also, I chose the grandson of Cassus Fett instead of grandaughter because I wanted the grandson to be married, and have a son thats another Fett. If it was the grandaughter, the last name of her and her son would not be Fett. Also, you never hear of female mandalorians....


I'm still working on it, but Part 3 is going to envolve the icy world of Rhen Var, Ulic Qel-Droma's ghost, and a trip to the land of the dead...

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Ok, you can help with the skinning, and if you could do a better job than me a dialouge writing (hopefully), you can take charge of that.


And about writing, you could also help come up with some good sub-plots/mini-plots because all I've got is the big one thought of.

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Part 3


After getting off Concord Dawn, you find that this new starship has enabled to go to other planets, including the icy world of Rhen Var. There, he finds that Ulic Qel-Droma has his tomb there and muss pass through his temple to make it to the Sith outpost on that planet. However, as he opens Ulic's tomb to find rare and powerful items (like in most mods) he blacks out, and finds himself in the Netherworld of the Force (where dead jedi and sith go). He talks to Ulic, and finds himself with two choices. He can listen to Ulic, or hastily lash out and defeat everything that is left of him. If you listen, he tells you about the Sith outpost more than the republic did, and you then travel through the bridge between worlds as a force ghost until you complete the mission of destroying the base. However, if you choose to defeat qel-droma, or choose to never meet him, then you destroy the base in the regular way, bashing your way through guards. (After you destroy the base as a force ghost, you get as much xp as you would fighting them individually). After you make the base go boom (as a force ghost) you travel back to ulic where he rewards you and gives you back your body. If you destroy it as a human, you just walk back to the Ebon Hawk. (Since you've already raided his tomb).

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Part 3


After getting off Concord Dawn, you find that this new starship has enabled to go to other planets, including the icy world of Rhen Var. There, he finds that Ulic Qel-Droma has his tomb there and muss pass through his temple to make it to the Sith outpost on that planet. However, as he opens Ulic's tomb to find rare and powerful items (like in most mods) he blacks out, and finds himself in the Netherworld of the Force (where dead jedi and sith go). He talks to Ulic, and finds himself with two choices. He can listen to Ulic, or hastily lash out and defeat everything that is left of him. If you listen, he tells you about the Sith outpost more than the republic did, and you then travel through the bridge between worlds as a force ghost until you complete the mission of destroying the base. However, if you choose to defeat qel-droma, or choose to never meet him, then you destroy the base in the regular way, bashing your way through guards. (After you destroy the base as a force ghost, you get as much xp as you would fighting them individually). After you make the base go boom (as a force ghost) you travel back to ulic where he rewards you and gives you back your body. If you destroy it as a human, you just walk back to the Ebon Hawk. (Since you've already raided his tomb).


Now that's a story! I really like it! Rhen Var: Since there is a tomb there I think reskinning one of Korriban's modules would be good:)

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Now that's a story! I really like it! Rhen Var: Since there is a tomb there I think reskinning one of Korriban's modules would be good:)


Umm...Only a little. Since it is not a SITH tomb, its a Jedi one (wookiepedia helps), I was thinking of a combination of new modules (if we can), unused modules that team Hutt unearthed (the temple of the scarlacc on the deleted modules pack from knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com) and the rakatan temple. I would only like to use one of Korriban's modules in the tomb, since empty sarcophaguses would be odd...


Also....I have some very detailed pictures in my sketchbook of how the planets/starship will be put together using different modules. I'm still working on it, but its looking like the 3 will use the following amounts of modules from certain areas (unless we use custom modules):



Stolen Republic Ship: 2-4 modules from The Endar Spire and The Leviathan

Concord Dawn: 20-35 from Tatooine, Korriban, Rakata Prime (inside), Taris (inside), Dantooine (sanded up) and The Leviathan

Rhen Var: 10-20 from Dantooine (iced up), Tatooine (deleted temple and big open areas), Rakata Prime (iced over and inside temple), Korriban (tombs and cave area), and Manaan (Underwater to pose as a Sith base under the ice).


You certainly did your research! I could make some unique items for Ulic's sarcophagus. I could also provide a VO for him if you like. But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.


Thank you. It has taken a lot of research to prepare this mod together, because I HATE inaccurate mods, the Yavin IV planet mod that was full of inaccuracies. Also, I want to get as many VOs as I can, so then the player isn't stuck just reading because of lack-there-of/twilek. I also do want unique items in this mod, as the regular items are to boring.


I believe that the Rhen Var plot is more thought out than the Concord Dawn, so, and suggestions for either would be appreciated. I think the Concord Dawn is going to have waaaay more sub-plots, because as a planet, it is less organize (on Rhen Var, there is nothing TO organize). A sub-plot for Rhen Var would be nice, because I keep drawing up a blank.

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You might want to combine your double posts before RedHawke gets here.

If you've ever played the Clone Wars game (the old one for xbox) you'd be able to more fully understand the layout of Ulic's tomb. Before you got to his final resting place, there was a large chamber full of coffins arranged in a circle. When you entered the room, some spectral guardians would escape from the coffins and begin letting each other out (about 50 to 100 guardians total). If you attacked one spectral guardian they would all burst out of there coffins and attack.

Maybe you could do something like that with Jedi and Dark Jedi holograms.

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First of all, if you know anything detailed about Ulic, you know that he turned back on his sith ways right before he died. There would be jedi, not sith. How do I combine posts, and why is Redhawke coming bad?


If you could show me some screenies of the tomb, that would help a LOT. Also, just a map of what the tomb looks like on the game. The only version of it that I know is what I have gained from playing the map on SWBF & SWBF2.

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I know that it would be Jedi, but the guardians attack you so I was just giving you some ideas.


To combine your posts, click the edit post button on the post you want to move up, and copy it to the post above it. Then delete the below post. RedHawke coming is a bad thing because double posting is a bad thing.


I'm here! What do I win? :xp: -RH


I am unable to post screenshots of the tomb, because my xbox broke a couple years back, but I might be able to find some pics on Wookieepedia.

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I was asking about screenies from The Clone Wars video games. Nice to see you here Canderis, if you will plz comment on my above posts, not that guy that posted screenies that would NOT be useful (no offense, payback, I will gladly take your help).

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Just to try it out I reskinned the Valley of the Dark Lords. What do you think about it?

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Of course I could change the Korriban background to Rhen Var if you don't like it.

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Umm, what is this for? I was thinking about using this module as "Mandalore's" camp on Concord Dawn, if you reskinned the doors to that of the sand people's. you give me your opinion. For Rhen Var, it would have to be iced over a LOT. If you could make it look like there used to be a roof that caved in, and those columns held it up (which means taller columns, or shorter statues), it would work well as his temple, as there would be room for many different chambers. If we choose to use it for Concord Dawn, we would have to take out the sith statues, but not change the setting.


Just and idea, but how about using a Foray-class blocade runner instead of a Hammerhead? Heres a pic, they WERE used in the battle of Rakata Prime:




To compare with Hammerhead:



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That was what I was thinking, but I was also thinking that the Hammerhead is too overused. It would also be more likely for Mandalorians to get a blockade runner than a cruiser...And we don't need many cinematics. We could used clips from the battle of Rakata, like above, just take out all the others...If you really think we couldn't use it, we can use the hammerhead :(

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That was what I was thinking, but I was also thinking that the Hammerhead is too overused. It would also be more likely for Mandalorians to get a blockade runner than a cruiser...And we don't need many cinematics. We could used clips from the battle of Rakata, like above, just take out all the others...If you really think we couldn't use it, we can use the hammerhead :(


I checked the movies. There is a movie where a blockade runner is destroyed(and the sith begin the attack). There is a movie where the sith are attacking and some blockade runners fireing, but that's all they do. The best movie I found is a blockade runner beginning an attack(then a Hammerhead is shown). So basically there are 3 movies with blockade runners and without the Star Forge. It's your choice:)

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Well, if we can get a blockade runner by itself (possibly firing) and then show the ebon hawk being pulled in a tractor beam, thats all we'd need. We'd also have to redo some of the going to/from planets once you get the ship. This would be that you see the Ebon Hawk leaving planet (the galaxy map will be removed and transported to the runner/cruiser). Then you appear on the bridge of the _______. You click on the galaxy map, there is a flash of light (there is no hyperspace video) and you are in orbit of the new planet. You go to the Ebon Hawk, and where the galaxy map used to be, there is a screen that says to go down to planet and go to ship. You click go down, and you see the correct entrance scene to the planet. Confusing, hard, but the only possible way. Since the galaxy map will be on the bridge, and there will be at least 2 more planets, there will be an entrance screen to the galaxy map, asking if you wish to go to Concord Dawn, Rhen Var, or one of the ones already listed. Better than simply opening a computer consol and selecting a list of planets, walking away from the consol, and without videos, being on the new planet (like most mods).

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Sadly there are no movies when a blockade runner is fireing. You can check them in your SWKOTOR/movies folder. The movies are

51--> Mostly a sith attack you can see some blockade runners here and there

50b--> A blockade runner begins attack(not fireing)

54--> The Republic fleet, and a blockade runner is destroyed


I could try to cut the videos and put pieces together but it would be better if you could find someone who can make BIK movies.

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