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Day of the Tentacle 2?!

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Have any of you seen this site yet? It is day of the tentacle 2 rumored to come out. There isnt a realese date but I am hoping that they will keep working on this thing. There is a video on youtube or on there website showing real gameplay. I personaly think it would be best if Teltale Games take over the Maniac Mansion series just like they did with sam and Max or Monkey Island. I like teltale games but I think it would be best if Lucasarts continued all of these titles. But the bigest market with lucasarts is star wars so it would make sence if they gave the uncontinued adventure games to teltale. Give me you opinions on this!


EDIT: Sorry I forgot to add that this is a fan made game and is not assosiated with Lucasarts in anyway.




Check out the 3D DOTT thread and the DOTT Forum thread and our



Q:Is it in anything besides German?

A: Yes its going to be released in German then English. To change the language on the site use the lever to the right.

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Q: Is this by Lucasarts?

A: NO. This is just a Fan Made Game.

Q: Is it realy going to be released or is this project dead?

A: Yes it will be released and no this project is alive and going well. Most of the forums are in German but translated they say its going well and will be released in germany soon and then the U.S.

Q: Is there going to be a demo or trailer?

A: Yes there will be a Demo only released to the creators and project team. Yes there is a trailer located on ther website under MEDIA.

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Maniac Mansion 3!??!?!


I wouldn't hold my breath, but if Secret of Monkey Island SE and Tales of MI do well, we might see it.


Ya but this is a fanmade so theres no telling. I am pretty shure they will go through with it. there are many fanmade maniac mansions. Theres a website with all maniac mansion and day of the tentacle fanmades. I will try to find it and give you the link.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tim Shafer will probably ultimately be the one who decides to continue a sequel game of Day of the Tentacle. I've always clamored for the story of Day of the Tentacle 2: Purple Tentacle's Revenge, just to follow the title similarities of the Secret of Monkey Island series.

The next generation adventure type game of this sort will probably be 3D or third person.

2D point and click interface is probably ancient history though I wouldn't mind seeing or playing either way.

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Tim Shafer will probably ultimately be the one who decides to continue a sequel game of Day of the Tentacle. I've always clamored for the story of Day of the Tentacle 2: Purple Tentacle's Revenge, just to follow the title similarities of the Secret of Monkey Island series.

The next generation adventure type game of this sort will probably be 3D or third person.

2D point and click interface is probably ancient history though I wouldn't mind seeing or playing either way.


Well This is a fan made and I made another thread on a episodic DOTT if you want to check it out. DOTT's graphics have always been like your watching a 2d cartoon. I have never (and probably everyone else) thought that the graphics could be better (Now days they could but when it was still pretty new) or that it should be in 3d. But The graphics are the same old 2d graphics (In the fan made) but of course less pixely. I was kinda doubting that if they continue the series (Or if Telltale does take it off lucasarts hands they will continue it episodic) they would be in 3d. But I was also doubting Sam and Max in 3d. But I think that Sam and Max are easier characters to make the transition from 2d to 3d and as for DOTT The characters would be kinda hard to put in 3d especialy since they are more cartoonish characters.

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Ticker History:





27.07.2009: Fine tuning of the team-demo

27.07.2009: Fine tuning of the team-demo

27.07.2009: Imported new graphics into team-demo

26.07.2009: Included new graphics into team-demo

26.07.2009: Reworked some dialogues

26.07.2009: Reworked some comment texts (Look at, etc.)

26.07.2009: Advanced programming of team-demo

18.06.2009: New background drawed

17.05.2009: Finished concept art for background

21.03.2009: Drawed new character graphics

21.03.2009: New SFX created

01.02.2009: New background drawed

19.01.2009: Doing some tests with Visionaire 3

19.01.2009: Included background animations

19.01.2009: Included reworked Bernard-animation in team demo

19.01.2009: Included Dr. Fred-animations in team demo

19.01.2009: Reworked a background animation

19.01.2009: Drawed new background animation

19.01.2009: Reworked a animation of Bernard

19.01.2009: Drawed new animations for Dr. Fred

19.01.2009: Reworked a animation

19.01.2009: Drawed new animation

18.01.2009: Drawed new animation

16.01.2009: Drawed new background artwork

16.01.2009: Build-in new animation into team-demo

14.01.2009: Build-in new animation into team-demo

14.01.2009: Reworked a animation

13.01.2009: New animation drawed

11.01.2009: Wrote on story

06.01.2009: New music composed

05.01.2009: New animation drawed

01.01.2009: Wrote on story

31.12.2008: Reworked some dialoges for demo

30.12.2008: Reworked some dialogues

30.12.2008: New german Dr. Fred-speaker

30.12.2008: Some little translations from german into english

30.12.2008: Fixed some bugs in team-demo

29.12.2008: New animation included into the team-demo

12.12.2008: Speech samples included into team demo

12.12.2008: New speech samples recorded

02.11.2008: Build in the new SFX into team demo

02.11.2008: Taking-SFX created

26.10.2008: Speaking animation \"Front\" of Dr. Fred was drawed

17.10.2008: Reworked a old animation

05.10.2008: Build SFX into team demo

01.10.2008: Build Frontend for the ticker

01.10.2008: Produced a SFX

23.09.2008: Reworked background artwork

19.09.2008: Drawed new background artwork

18.09.2008: Drawed new background

14.09.2008: New artist joined the team

13.09.2008: Reworked background

10.09.2008: Fixed bugs in team demo

08.09.2008: Detailed test of the team demo

07.09.2008: Wrote on the story

05.09.2008: Build new backgrounds into team demo

05.09.2008: Reworked backgrounds

03.09.2008: Drawed some object graphics on backgrounds

02.09.2008: Imported new background graphics into team demo

01.09.2008: Drawed some object graphics

01.09.2008: Fixed graphic error

30.08.2008: Drawed new animation

30.08.2008: Fixed a sound-bug in team demo

29.08.2008: Reworked a old background

29.08.2008: Fixed bugs and some graphic errors

29.08.2008: Collected some bugs and wrote ToDo-list

29.08.2008: More tests of the team demo

27.08.2008: Summarize some story ideas

27.08.2008: Fixed bugs of team demo

27.08.2008: Wrote story

26.08.2008: Made some new story ideas

25.08.2008: Drawed some object graphics on backgrounds

25.08.2008: Fixed some bugs in demo

25.08.2008: Drawed some object graphics

24.08.2008: Send new test demo to team members

24.08.2008: Adjust some graphics

23.08.2008: Fixed many bugs of the team demo, some graphic adjustments

23.08.2008: Fixed some bugs

23.08.2008: Looking for bugs of the current team demo

22.08.2008: New englisch translations

21.08.2008: Adapt dialogues of team-demo

21.08.2008: Finshed some dialogues for demo and wrote list for translation

21.08.2008: Fixed a graphic error

21.08.2008: Build in new scene graphics

21.08.2008: We collect the names of our members, for the Outro

21.08.2008: Speaking animation "Right" of Dr. Fred was drawed

21.08.2008: Build some SFX into team-demo

20.08.2008: News -> Ticker started

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  • 8 months later...

hi there!


as i see, a ROTT (return of the tentacle) thread already exists.

at first i am glad to see, that our project seems to be interesting out there ... so i gets a bit international. ;)


i am one of the graphic artists. i just want to inform you about our quantum jump, the demo version is almost ready 2 go!

a few months ago, i have made a kind of promotion video hoping to get some help.

we are working hard day by day, but our small number of members (especially graphic artists) constricts our fluent and efficient work.




would be nice to hear from you.

if there is anyone of you who wants to take part: we would welcome you!


greetings from good ©old germany

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  • 1 month later...

hey guys,


we have some news for you:

about two weeks ago, we've started the first test runs for a new engine. today it's official: from now on, we'll work with the wintermute engine.

as some of you maybe already know, we were using the visionaire engine.

the visionaire-team did a great job and we'll miss their support in any case.

visionaire is an easy to use programming software, which also allows greenhorns to develop their own games.


especially since the last few months, results get better and better.

it's our goal to bring you the best adventure gaming experience. just to make that sure, we immediately count on the wintermute engine.


enclosed you can see a brand new ingame screenshot of bernards journey through ... whatever. you'll find out in the full version. ;)




visit us:



mail us:


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

long time no see.

this time, we've got a making-of video for you. it's a bit fast, but i think it would be more exhausting to watch somebody drawing for two or three hours.

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have fun!

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  • 1 year later...


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