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Skin for female Drexl


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i was playing around with Andargor's Holowan Cloakworks via Chainz.2da's hak pad, and I came across this model:




It doesn't have a skin... for the xbox, it randomly shifts through skins so that's why it looks like that.


But has someone, or can someone make a skin for this model? It's in the game, (appearance.2da row 517 I believe) and it's named C_DrexlF.


EDIT: Apparently a request like this was made a VERY long time ago, asking the same thing. I haven't seen a skin yet though, so must no one must've followed through with making it.


Drexl Skin

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EDIT: Apparently a request like this was made a VERY long time ago, asking the same thing. I haven't seen a skin yet though, so must no one must've followed through with making it.


Drexl Skin


There is a skin for that Drexl model made by "General Kenobi" in the Combat Simulation Arena 4 mod, if I remember correctly. No idea how accurate it is for what one of those creatures are supposed to look like though.

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There is a skin for that Drexl model made by "General Kenobi" in the Combat Simulation Arena 4 mod, if I remember correctly. No idea how accurate it is for what one of those creatures are supposed to look like though.


Yep. I was resourceful and searched the forum.. however, the links that he provided in the forum didn't work, and I PMed him just yesterday to see if I could get it.


Oh wait, it's in the combat sim arena 4? Alright, I'm going to dl it and check it out.


@Cryptic: It only has flying animations. It doesn't seem to be able to attack very well... it just violently flaps its wings at you and does damage. It's probably just for ambient useage like the flying Brith on Dantooine.



UPDATE: I found the texture and added it to the game (Sorry stoffe, I haven't tried your combat arena yet, but it looks pretty sweet. Perhaps later)


Here's what it looks like:


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Kudos to General Kenobi for making the skin, and consequently providing a pseudo UV map template. He did a wonderful job, even if the texture and/or color isn't accurate.


There's this shot from Tales of the Jedi comic which indicates that their skin is a dark purple shade.


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as far as the texture of their skin, who knows? The drawing has a bit of detail, but that won't likely help all that much. There is of course the in-game drexl larva to use as a reference.

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Looks far more menacing than a Shyrack, even without the texture(okay, maybe not so much). It does this "fly-up" animation, which leaves the normal 3rd person view entirely. The other "Drexl Boss" is similar, only it is vertical, and uses the "stomp-walk" sound like the Drexl larvae. However, the animation doesn't play, and it flips backwards when you try to walk.
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Looks far more menacing than a Shyrack, even without the texture(okay, maybe not so much). It does this "fly-up" animation, which leaves the normal 3rd person view entirely. The other "Drexl Boss" is similar, only it is vertical, and uses the "stomp-walk" sound like the Drexl larvae. However, the animation doesn't play, and it flips backwards when you try to walk.


YEAH! That's what I'm talking about! I found the Boss too, but like you said, it has no animations, so naturally it isn't as useful as the smaller one which actually moves.


So in terms of 'restoring' this back into the game, there are two things we have to do-


1. Make a more accurate skin (of course with all due respect towards General Kenobi)


2. Put it in a module and have it fly around!



Of course, easier said than done...

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I could see a few of them being controlled on the sky ramp fight by the Sith. On the Moon isn't there something about the mandie's haveing driven them off for now?


The Mandalorian that says that is referring to the Zakkeg, not any species of Drexl. And as to the size of these things, they really wouldn't fit in many areas of the game, aside from the few open spaces, such as the Jungle Landing Area, Possibly Inside the Sith Tomb On Duxn, the Plains on Dantooine, etc.

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The Mandalorian that says that is referring to the Zakkeg, not any species of Drexl. And as to the size of these things, they really wouldn't fit in many areas of the game, aside from the few open spaces, such as the Jungle Landing Area, Possibly Inside the Sith Tomb On Duxn, the Plains on Dantooine, etc.


Well, since they pretty much only live in the Dxun/Onderon wilderness, I was going to have them flying around either in the jungle, or way off in the distance on Onderon. Probably the jungle. I figure if they could be seen from Onderon, the citizens might panic.

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Well, since they pretty much only live in the Dxun/Onderon wilderness, I was going to have them flying around either in the jungle, or way off in the distance on Onderon. Probably the jungle. I figure if they could be seen from Onderon, the citizens might panic.


I could see them on Onderon too. Might be a good thing having one of them guard the entrance to the Palace atop the Sky Ramp. But if the thought was to have several of them, it would get slightly annoying to get rid of them, since the novelty of "Oh, damn, look at that", would likely wear off by the third or fourth one.


The main thing I thought of when I saw them, would be either what originally was trying to take the Shield down in the palace, or what one of the Sith Lords in Freedon Nadd's tomb could summon.

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Sounds good, but honestly the attack animation kind of bothers me. If we make it look good, then perhaps it could work, but otherwise I think it'd be best to avoid it as much as possible.


EDIT: I do like the idea of a drexl being summoned in the Sith tomb though...

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  • 5 months later...

after getting a PM from Varsity Puppet, I am on the job. I decided to use the drexl larva skin as a base, and all I needed to do from scratch was the wings. I'm just about ready for a screen shot (before the end of the weekend).


I also noticed that the Boss Drexl has almost the same uvw map (with just a few added spikes), so my tga will work with both. Since the boss doesn't have any animations, is it possible to attach some from another creature?

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Well, I promised some screen shots, and I am here to deliver. The first one is the vanilla drexl larva with his mommy, and the second is the green ambiant drexl in all her glory. The third and forth are the new purple versions of both.

wipdrexl1.th.jpg wipdrexl2.th.jpg wipdrexl4.th.jpg wipdrexl3.th.jpg

You can really see the translucent wings in the last shot (a touch of alpha1 transparancy).


I didn't bother with any screen shots of the boss drexl, since he just stands there like a statue. Also, his tail isn't visible since it clips into the ground. He does make for an impressive statue though. The new tga I've made will work for both the ambiant female, and the boss.

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That is fantastic!


I don't think I really need to say this, but that is far beyond anything I could have hoped to ever accomplish myself. (yes, I seriously thought about trying to make my own skin).


I am pretty positive the flying Drexls are purple. If you search google images (or read the tales of the Jedi comics), they are depicted as purple, though I did find one that colors 'em tan.


I suppose a bit more of research is deserved on this part, but HOLY SMOKES, I don't know if you can even improve on that.

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Glad you like 'em :^:


yeah, I've read the Tales of the Jedi comics where the drexls are shown. But, just because a colourist used purple there, doesn't mean that every single one of them is the same colour. I like to think that they are like flying horses (albeit with claws and stingers, and they'll eat you just as soon as carry you :xp:), and since horses come in many different colours, so should these guys. Maybe on different parts of the planet, they have different colours? :giveup:


At any rate, I've made three new skins, and it is just a matter of 2da editing to put 'em all in the game. I'll even do up a quick TSLPatcher for ya.


Now, if only someone with lots of animating experience could volunteer to fix the boss model :D

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