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Star Wars: Fugitives

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(Wait, so I'm Dead?!?! Wait, there's things you forgot! Such as this... A certain life preserving force technique?)

Several days into the future...

Sam'kil sat up, not only had the Blade missed his heart, he'd again been kept alive by some unseen person using the force.

"Dang, Ti- He- I need a doc." Someone came forward. A presence that felt almost not real.

"You've beeen wounded, Sith, and I've kept you alive. No doubt your familiar with the situation." The man said. " Here, I'll heal you..."

The cauterized wound filled itself in, the burning pain fading away.

"That was uncomfortable. Though not knew to me. All the same, I owe you one." Sam'kil said.

"Yes you do. You need to find the Exile, She's essential to saving the Order, as are you, R-... Sam'kil." The person said.


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((Darth Betrayal. I'll try to find a way to fit him in. Or maybe Tysyacha can.))


((@ Jedi_man. Nope. Actually you're supposed to be dead now. No coming back. No revival. Your gone for good. Sorry. If you refuse to accept this I will be forced to cut your character up into little pieces so there will be no way he can come back.))

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(JM, you character was stabbed in the heart, and buried. I doubt he could survive that, and I'm going throw something else in there just to get the point across)

Before Tysy started burying the bounty hunter, Niera stopped her, and took out one of her blaster pistols. "Let me make sure he's dead." She stated, and shot the corpse in the head. "Carry on." She then said to Tysy.

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Drayden watched the scene before him. It was sobering, but not surprising--the sad truth was, Drayden had all too much familiar experience with this kind of gruesome act. He may have deserved it, too, which only made Drayden feel more miserable. He himself probably deserved much, much worse. But perhaps there was a way he could redeem himself.


Approaching the body, which was only a few meters away from him, he scoured it for anything that might be of use to him. He didn't exactly know what he was looking for, but....


Wait, yes, there was definitely something worth having at this moment. A stealth generator. No one would ever know why he had not used it before his death. But it was Drayden's now, and hopefully it would be put to good use.


Slipping on the stealth belt and activating it, the light around him distorted and then he was able to see again. Strange device, but it might do him some good.


Following the others, who had gone and left twice already, he could now detect their presences even with their stealth belts on. How peculiar.


But all the while, his attention was focused on the Exile.

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(Hmmm, well then... Still something to keep me in.)

Sam'kil woke up with a strange feeling.

Whats wrong. everything looks false here!

That's because your a Force ghost.

Who's that?

I'm of no importance, but you've still got a purpose in the other world.

Okay, how do I leave here?

Thats a quest of your own. I'll be seeing you, Darth.

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((Yes, I can, although...Perhaps your Force Ghost can drive a certain false Jedi insane? Anyway, back to our regularly-scheduled roleplay adventure...))




"Supreme Chancellor." A statuesque brunette beauty, seemingly unruffled by the vicissitudes of time and aging, greeted the mysterious male before her. "I am glad to meet you at last. Congratulations upon your new governance of the Republic, and may the Force guide you to greater victories." Bastila Shan smiled. "Of course, what I mean by 'greater victories' are victories against crime, corruption, and man's lower nature, the beast inside all of us. The Dark Side makes us all evil by nature, and it is up to us to try and eradicate that evil. Some give into it, of course, but those who do are either weak or utterly depraved. It will be up to you--us--to see all criminals brought to justice."


Bastila furrowed an eyebrow. She didn't like it that the man's face was so utterly unreadable. Even using Jedi Mind Tricks would not work on this one. Pity! However, she sat back down at her desk and waited for his response.






Juhani, Niera, and Tysyacha, with their Stealth Generator belts activated, crept toward the sprawling warehouse complex of one Adon Rha, a slimy, unhygienic, and completely-womanizing crime lord. Their objective: to locate and commandeer for themselves one ship-cloaking device by the name of UMBRA. Their timeframe: an hour, at most, for their window of opportunity would be a short one. Their enemies: Adon Rha and his many thug guards...


"Here we are." Tysyacha turned to Niera. "Do you sense Rha anywhere close?"

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"Not in the way you sense things, but yes, he's close. We should split up now. Adon was always an idiot when it came to security. He prefers a personal touch, meaning he's typically the only one watching the security cameras. If he's not doing that, noone is. As soon as we separate, you two should make your way to the hangar and do your job. I'll keep him distracted as long as I can, but if that fails, I can pack one hell of a punch." Niera explained. Her most recent parting with Adon was on moderately good terms, but this one definitely wouldn't be.

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"I would not be here today if not for you, Grand Master Shan. Your support has really helped me in obtaining this post. I would refrain, however, from trying to use mind tricks to manipulate me. I am not completely uneducated to the Force. I was an apprentice once, you see."

Arken Phoenix smiled. He lifted Bastila's lightsaber with the Force and put it back in the holster.

"Now, if you will excuse me, duty calls."

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Bastila suddenly slapped her right hand over her mouth, pretending she was coughing, but she was actually starting to snicker instead. She'd had a sudden picture flash in her mind: the Supreme Chancellor squatting over the unitaz, or the latrine in the refreshers! However, that was definitely not the kind of "duty" to which he seemed to be referring at the moment. She straightened up fast, because she wanted to show the Chancellor something.


"Before you go, sir, would you like to see the latest advancement in quick and humane executions for the same kinds of criminals we're trying to stop? It is called the TIK Machine, standing for Trap, Immobilize, Kill."




Juhani, Niera and Tysyacha separated. The Twi'lek smuggler, parting from her companions with a sly wink, headed toward the heart of the warehouse complex. She knew that Adon Rha would be hunched over his infrared terminal, watching the security cameras obsessively. He'd never really known how to "delegate" any work task except beating people up, which he'd left to his numerous human, alien, and mechanical droid guards. As for Juhani and the Exile, they slunk toward the hangar, which housed many transport ships. Most of the ships were boxy, clunky and without defense mechanisms, but there were a few that looked just as sleek and lethal as the Hawk.


"I suspect the UMBRA's in one of those," she said, "but which one?" She counted mentally. "There are at least fifty ships in this sprawling garage."

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Sam'kil looked at the door in front of him. Literally, an old, handled door made from wood, right in front of him.

"Is this it?" Sam'kil asked.

" Well, you found your door, good for you. It usually takes longer." Said his mysterious Benefactor.

"Haven't you found your door?" Sam'kil asked, then continued "Theres no reason for you to stay here."

"If I left, who'd direct the people to their own door? Bye Bye now." The cryptic old crone, who was missing her left hand and wore her hood to cover her white eyes, said.

Sam'kil had no chance to respond, as he was pulled through the door, and suddenly in the middle of a lot of machinery. Upon stepping out of the wires and metal, he found he was in a ship.

Sam'kil jumped out of the ship, and looked at the outside. The red hull was nicely offset by the white of the metal, and the carbon scores ofcourse.

Sam'kil looked at himself, he looked normal in his eyes. Not blue like many Force ghost he'd seen had been. But if he was one, he could transpor thimself anywhere.

"Lets try then, first, to Juhani." He said.


Sam'kil was right next to the Exile, who was sneaking about in a garage.

"Hmmm, what are we doing?" He transplanted the words into her mind.

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"I suspect the UMBRA's in one of those, but which one?"


Juhani thought for a moment while looking at the ships. "We have to think like the crimelord to figure that out...Now...what kind of ship do you think he would try to smuggle his goods out on...one of those sleek ships that are bound to draw attention...or an old ship that wouldn't draw much attention? I suspect that UMBRA is located on one of the older ships."


She turned toward one of the older ships and was studying the engines on it when she heard...an echo of someone's voice.


"Hmmm, what are we doing?"


Why won't he stay dead?! Filthy Bounty hunter...Even death won't free us from him.


She turned to the exile.


"Tell your friend that I know five different methods of getting rid of a force-ghost. Either he leaves us alone...or I get rid of him...for good."


She turned back to the ship again

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A very bored Psycho took the silence as no one was going to answer, or they just didn't want to talk him; big surprise there. It was going to be a long trip, and already he felt that it would take longer.


"Well if you two are done being...."


Pyscho was thrown to the ground. His vison was blurred, all he could see were two lightsabers; it was his vison from before. He could feel the heat from the lightsabers this time. The sparks shot off in different directions as the two warriors dueled to the death. Pyscho watched the woman fall down for a second time. His eyes met the small boys this time. He backed up in horror as his vison began to return to the ship. His back was now on the wall. He looked up as if he was still there.


"Mama!" He cried...like he had so many years ago.

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Chandria Par Sakhar was absolutely caught off guard. "What the kriff?" She stared down at Psycho. After a moment, she said the first words that had ever come out of her mouth that were truly compassionate toward the so-called "Agent One": "Are you okay?" She didn't want him to be hurt, or undergoing a mental breakdown. Both she and the Mandalorian needed him in order to help find the Exile. Chandria knelt down and elevated his head.




"Wait," replied Tysyacha. "He could be useful. Seeing as he is a Force Ghost, maybe he can help us check out the ships without being detected as well. Bounty hunter?" she asked, turning toward the ethereal form before her. "If you can help show us where the UMBRA cloaking device is located, aboard one of these ships, then I'll have a special mission for you afterward. You see--" and here she paused. Carefully, now. "There is a Jedi who calls herself a Jedi, but she's actually the most maniacal schutta that any of us have ever met. She's Bastila Shan--the Grand Master of the Jedi Order."


Her mouth had gone dry. "If you succeed in helping us, your next mission is to go haunt her. Make her think it's her fault that you died. Interested?"

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Something rolled down Psycho's face. He licked at it with his tongue; it tasted salty.


Was that a tear? he thought to himself.


He felt someone fix his head up, he looked to see Chandria's face staring at him. She had a look of concern for him, it felt nice, He just looked at her for a few seconds. His entire life he watched out for himself because no one else would. Perhaps he was still in shock from the vison or maybe there was more to this criminal. Either way the next words he spoke were words he would never dare say.


"No one's ever said that to me, no one's ever taken the time to once...t-thank you."


A sickening feeling came over him. He felt warmth inside of him instead of the cold hatred he had for people. For once he felt like he did when he was four, before the incident.

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Chandria pushed a button in one of the side panels of the ship. A tall metal thermosglass was suddenly filled with ice-cold water--real water, not the reconstituted condensation that typically passed for water out in space. She handed it to the strange creature who had suddenly thanked her for her kindness, and he took a long drag of the frigid liquid. "I don't mean to press," she said, "or be like Bastila--nosy and controlling--but do you want to talk about what happened? I know we're going to land on Ord Mantell in a matter of minutes, but we have time for the short of it, if not the long of it."


She waited patiently for his response. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

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Psycho took a long drink and finished water in one giant gulp. He began to regain some clarity of the situation but Chandria had left an impact on him. A slight restoration in humanity and the human inside of his armor. He looked up at her slightly curious as to why she wanted to learn more about him. However there are two terrible tales to this tortured soul. Perhaps telling at least one would hopefully help him to trust them, and for them to trust him.


"Which one," he said after a slight period of silence. "The one about my childhood, or the one that tranformed me into Psycho?"

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Chandria furrowed a delicate brow. "How about...the one that clocked you?" She had a sense that Psycho needed to get this story off his chest first. "What were you thinking about when you suddenly decided that getting intimately acquainted with the floor of the ship was your first priority?"

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Pyscho nodded his head and stood up from the ground.


"Very well. Well the first time I had this, Bastila told me it was a Force Vison. The second time it happened I remembered it was a memory I locked up long ago. My father was always traveling around so he wasn't around much, but when he came home my mother and I were always happy. She told me he was a hero who went around the galaxy helping others. Well one day he didn't come home, a cloaked figure did. The figure attacked my mother but she being a jedi was ready for this. She engaged the sith in a lightsaber duel. I went to go see what the comotion was but my mother quickly pushed me away with the force so the sith wouldn't think to come after me. My mother lost the fight and was killed. Being four at the time I thought my mother was tricking me and was just pretending to sleep but went I rolled her over I saw the fatal stab wound and looked down at her blood. I fell to the floor and backed away as you saw earlier. Being four without parents wasn't easy on me but it was only the beginning. From there I played a game of kill or be killed, it was the only way to survive. I'll stop there for now, the part where I become the actual maniac is much worse."

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Got it, check the ships, haunt Bastila, peace of cake. He put the words in her head, so as not to alert any guards. And shes not maniacal, just lonely.

Sam'kil drifted towards the ships. Unless someone here was really force sensitive, he'd be unnoticed. He noticed a sleeping man in one of the ships, and took control of his body.

Hmmm, this is weird. It feels as if I've stepped into someones skin, literally, it feels wet and slimy in here.

Sam'kil urged the body up, but nothing happened. He opened his eyes, at which point the man did too. Whatever he did, the man did as well. He stood up and looked around. Following his instincts, he went for the smallest ship available, and found a small, cylindrical device, looking through his ghost eyes, he noticed it was emitting waves of energy.

He picked the object up, turned it off, and threw it into the open.

Sam'kil exited the body and made his way towards the group.

It is done, Tysyacha.

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Tysyacha was absolutely amazed at how quickly the Force Ghost of the bounty hunter had found the UMBRA device. Still, there was a nagging doubt in her mind as to the authenticity of the object he had found. Crime lords, or at least the less-stupid ones, often planted decoys of their most valuable goods in the path of anyone who was trying to steal or pay for them. Was their new find a decoy, or the real thing? There was only one way to tell.


"I think we're done here," the Exile said, "unless this is only a replica of the UMBRA device and we have to start all over once we test it in the Hawk. Follow me." She turned on her Stealth Generator belt and started to redouble back on her steps. However, she wasn't the only one cloaked in ion anisotropy to hide her presence! She suddenly felt a hand over her mouth...


A burly, smelly Gamorrean deactivated his Stealth Generator belt--and hers. "Where you think YOU'RE going?" he grunted in mangled Basic. Gamorreans weren't the smartest of aliens, but they were certainly some of the biggest and meanest. They were almost like sentient rancors, except that rancors had more brainpower. Tysyacha suddenly found herself grabbed by that same Gamorrean--and surrounded by at least ten of his friends, mean-looking Rodians and hostile Twi'leks and even a few snarling Humans.


Without thinking--only feeling--the Exile broke into a run. She was trying to find her way back to the Ebon Hawk, but in the heat of the moment, the maze of Adon Rha's warehouse complex was entirely too much. She heard the sound of lightsaber combat behind her--thank you, Juhani!--but she knew she wasn't safe. Not at all. More thugs came to chase her the more twists and turns she made in the midst of all the nondescript warehouse rooms, and soon a literal train of them was in hot pursuit. Turning the wrong corner for the thousandth time, Ty found herself outside--at a dead end on the third floor, with the yawning maw of an unhinged door opening to a colossal garbage pit. The pit reeked, and honestly, so did Tysyacha.


"GOTCHA!" One of the colleagues of the Gamorrean who had first grabbed her had a massive transparisteel pipe cradled in his arms. He abruptly cold-clocked the Exile, picked up her body, and threw her in the garbage pit.


Oddly enough, one of the last sensations Tysyacha had felt before she was knocked unconscious was the sense that Niera and Adon were nearby. Without even realizing it, she had sent a mental message to Niera via the Force: Thugs--help--garbage pit--lost--sorry--!!! She did not feel herself sink deeply into the mounds of rotten fruit peels, food containers, paper and glass, refresher-cleaning wipes, and all else smelly and decaying.


Was this the end? Garbage pits were often incinerated when they got rank...


((I'm intending for Niera to get her out of the pit, BTW.))




"This is the TIK Machine," Bastila purred, showing the Supreme Chancellor. "It has transparent walls for viewing executions, though I had them opaque during the last one. Would you like to see the holorecording of it?" Seeing his nod, Bastila flicked it on. "First the shackles and the waste-suction device attach themselves to the condemned. Then, the gas mask fits itself securely over the prisoner's face. Last but not least, the gas floods into the mask via the delivery hose attached to it. It's a mixture of every lethal vapor known to humans and aliens throughout the galaxy. One of the gases is bound to kill them." Again, she couldn't read the expression on the Chancellor's face...

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Juhani sliced another one of the Human's across the stomach with her lightsaber only to find a cortosis blade come up to block her strike.

Enough of this!


She lifted her hand and focused on the two humans who were trying to flank her and she growled in anger as one of their strikes cut her across the leg.




She let loose with a torrent of lighting that shocked the two men both figurativly and quite literaly. They must not have expected her to hit them with such a...cruel attack.


They both shuddered once and hit the floor, still twithing even in death.


She turned toward the other thugs and smiled a feral smile at them filled with bloodlust as she twirled her lightsaber.


"Who's next?"

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