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Star Wars: Fugitives

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It turned out that Tysyacha wasn't quite ready to come back to consciousness yet. Gamorreans weren't the smartest aliens, as was mentioned before, but they sure could pack a nearly-lethal wallop! As for the rest of the crew...Niera was trying to help the Exile rejoin the world of the living (or at least the functioning), and Juhani was off fighting her own battles. Only T3-M4 and HK-47 seemed to know what was really going on at the moment. The former, taking a huge risk, beeped at the latter and said that a foreign device was now located in the hyperdrive. What was it, and why wouldn't it work? The assassin droid strode over toward the area.


"Surprised Exclamation: Why, this is the so-called UMBRA device that is prized by the Republic military and the Exchange alike! How in space did our Master manage to procure this?" T3, dwoodling, said that he had no idea.


"Statement: This ought to initiate the radioactive anisotropy in no time." Giving the hyperdrive a ferocious kick, HK gave the UMBRA the impetus it needed to start working. With a barely-audible whirr, the device cloaked the Ebon Hawk in shadow so that it was fully invisible. Of course, it was still a solid object, but no one could happen to see it now.


"Victorious Interjection: Excellent! I knew that was all I had to do..."

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(sorry, I'm just thinking that Niera cleaning up an unconscious Exile would be more awkward and creepy than sexy. If the Exile woke up, on the other hand, I would probably be able to get the effect your wanted better.)


Realising that the Exile wasn't getting up, but the stench was still pretty bad, so she started to undress her, hoping that if she started cleaning her off, she'd wake up. Though, it didn't occur to Niera that she should clean herself off first, since she probably smelled worse.

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A dim sensation of the touch of gentle hands and sweaty, smelly clothing finding its way off her body made the Exile come to her senses at last. "Hmm?" She tried to open her eyes, but the pain she felt in her throbbing temples made them slits. "Niera?" She was sure it was the Twi'lek, and she was also sure she was in a tiled environment: the refresher shower!


"I don't think I can move much," she said, wincing against a fresh onslaught of the migraine that had come about via being headbutted by the Gamorrean who had thrown her into the garbage chute. "Still...am I dreaming?" A small smile came to her lips. If this was how she was going to die, then she'd die a happy (and clean) exiled Jedi! "You...rescued me. Thank you so much..."


Just relax. Don't try to move too much. You hurt all over. Surrender...

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As Niera ran her soapy hands all over the Exile's naked body, she realised just how attractive Tysy was, for a human at least. She as just as, if not more well-endowed than the dancers back on Nar Shaddaa, and with curves to match. "How are you feeling? You probably can't tell, but I ended up in the same garbage pit as you, and while wearing less. If you're feeling better later, perhaps you could return the favour. I know you're a Jedi, but out of curiosity, have you ever been with a woman before?" Niera asked, feeling now was as good a time as any.

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"I expect a full report on the advantages of this TIK over the conventional execution. I need to go now, Grand Master."

The Chancellor stormed out of the building, his two bodyguards struggling to keep up.

[Tysy, how can I introduce my character to the main story? I want to rp with the others too. :)]

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(Get expelled from chancelor-ness, that'll do it.)

Finally, after a few millenia of waiting, or at least thats what it felt like, Sam'kil was recharged enough to enter the Real world.

"Kreia, I'll see you again later." Sam'kil said.

Upon opening his eyes, he found himself in the Ebon Hawk.

"Brilliant, nice lighting, great modifications." He thought.

Cloaking himself, he made sure to avoid Juhani at all costs. Stepping into the Med room, he found it was in use as a shower, occupied by a Naked Exile adn a Twi'lek wearing a Metal bikini.

Before leaving the awkward situation, Sam'kil whistled the way someone does when he see's an attractive girl. Stepping out, he saw HK-47, who looked his way. Sam'kil breathed in and held his breath, which was of no use, he had no real lungs to use.

HK stepped by him and didn't notice him.

PHEW! Now to get that info from the Exile wwhen she and the Twi'lek are done.

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((Juhani will find a way to meet up with you guys later. Right now she's busy holding off the crimelord's men while you escape into hyperspace.))


Juhani watched as the Hawk too off into the sky, most likely T3 was piloting the ship as it was swerving slightly.


She turned back around and brought her lightsaber down on another Human thug who had just attempted to blast her, then she quickly jumped back as a large Weequay brought an axe down on her last position.


At least I helped them get away.


Ebon Hawk


Jolee could sense the specter even as his mind struggled to bring him back from his long rest.


There's something on the ship. Something that shouldn't be here.

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Sam'kil paced around the Ship, nodding to HK or T3, out of a habit from when he was alive.

The old black man he hadn't noticed until now got up.

"Jolee?" Sam'kil said. He stopped pacing and let his technique of hiding his identity fall. Before he continued, he looked around for a lightsaber that would try to slice through his chest.

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((I see everyone ignored my bit about the device being a fake....:D))


Drayden had sneaked onto the ship just in time. His cloak had kept him hidden quite well, and it appeared that he had not been detected. Below him he felt the ship taking off, and around him he sensed the Exile and the others all taking off to do their different duties. Now that he was on the ship, he needed only to find a place to hide. He did not want to show himself until he could contact the Exile in secret. He wanted to help, and it wouldn't do to have any of the others on-board kill him before he could do so.


Slipping away into shadow, he headed for the cargo room of the ship, which was unnocupied for the moment. There was even food there, as Drayden soon discovered, and he helped himself to a quick snack before sitting on top of one of the containers there and drifting away into his thoughts.


What a crazy adventure he had gotten himself into.




After a good few minutes of resting, Drayden finally got up and reactivated his cloak. He didn't really know why he was getting up, but he needed to move around. This ship was restless.


Suddenly, he picked up a presence. A strange presence. Something in the Force was rippling, but he didn't know just quite what it was. It was over in one of the sleeping quarters of the ship.


Sneaking over towards the section of the ship he felt the disturbance in, he saw a strange blue figure. It was the Force Ghost again. And he was talking to a black old man, who had the distinct aura of a Jedi.


If he's a Jedi, he's sure to detect me. Maybe this Force Ghost could help me....


Making sure to gesture to the Force Ghost, Drayden then slipped away back into the cargo bay before the old man could see him.


Perhaps things were going to be trickier than he thought....

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(OH... My bad, ignore the 'Him getting up part then'. HaHa, Ataris, like my butt wasn't already in a deep enough fire...)

Sam'kil saw the gesture made by the stow-away and followed him into the Cargo Hold.

"What is it... Drayden (Mind reading). I've probably got more important things to do... Sure, I'm a fricking ghost, like I got important crap to do. Whadya want?" Sam'kil asked in the friendliest way possible.

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The Exile, absolutely saturated with dripping soapsuds and hot water, found her strength renewed once more. Niera had not only rescued her; she had cleansed away all the fear and shame she had felt at being knocked out by the Gamorrean thug back at Adon Rha's warehouse. Now if only she could remove the blood from Tysyacha's hands, and her hidden tally of bodies...


She lathered up her own hands, whispered sweet words of thanks gently into Niera's ear, and began her watery work. Niera tilted her azure head back in total and unconditional surrender, just as she herself had done. The Exile was more than pleased to scrub every part of her, including the areas that made Niera's lekku twitch when washed. Tysy finished with...her first kiss in ages.


"Niera?" she whispered. "If all this goes south, and I'm caught or if Bastila captures me...will you wait for me? Please? It will be eight years at least!"

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"I'll do everything I can to keep that from happening, but if it does, I can spring you out of any prison the Republic's got." Niera explained, trying to comfort the Exile further, though still being honest. "You humans are such good kissers."

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The Exile giggled. "You Twi'leks aren't so bad yourselves!" Smiling with pleasure, the two engaged themselves in a diligent and dreamlike second round of mutual lathering. Once they were done, dressed, and back in the cockpit, Tysyacha saw they had a very inconvenient little problem:


"Kark! We need more fuel, and yesterday. Let's land over near that space-lane service station before we leave this odiferous planet for good." The others agreed--what good was space travel on inadequate fuel?--and thus they maneuvered the Ebon Hawk down into the station with ease. While an attendant helped to refuel the ship, Tysy thought she'd go into the commissary and pick up some long-lasting comestibles in case anyone got hungry on the journey to--wherever they were going. Then she saw...


...well, she wasn't sure what she saw. She was only sure of what she sensed, and there was a powerful yet non-threatening presence in the Force near her. After picking up the satchel with her purchases, she went to investigate. Whoever was making himself or herself visible to her had power...


((NOTE: This is where I'm going to have Litofsky's character join. He wants to, and he's going to play a very important role in Midgame/Endgame!))

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As Arken walked out of the Republic Prison with two of the Senate Guards, two thugs blocked their path. The Senate Guards approached them, one of them saying, "Excuse me, citizens. Please make way for the Supreme Chancellor." The next events happened quickly. The two thugs brought out red lightsabers in perfect sync, chopping the bodies of the two Senate guards in unison. The two lightsaber-wielding thugs then approached the Chancellor.

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Hi, everyone! Litofsky's decided to make an appearance (don't expect it to be long; I'm just here to move the plot along!) in Fugitives. At any rate:


* * * *


"Who thought that a planet with pink clouds smell so bad?" Jedi Master Alan Tutura observed as he aimlessly- ostensibly!- wandered the Bright Jewel GroundPort. The Master tread lightly, and kept his worn face hidden with a mahogany cloak about as ancient as he was. Tutura scratched at his white beard, scanning the empty port for signs of his prey.


"No, prey is the wrong word. Victim, then?" he pondered silently, guided only by the intense moonlight that seemed to guide his path. She could not hide her presence for long, and the Force radiated from this one as light did from a supernova. Or was it a black hole?


"A fellow human (for this was the only word to describe her actions!) required help, and the Force would lead him to her as surely as the moon follows the sun.


* * *


The bird sat faithfully in its perch, protected by one inorganic lifeform. Its masters slept peacefully under- rather, in- its dark wings unfurled in a permanent metallic pose. The ramp to the Ebon Hawk dare not touch the ground on a planet whose sole inhabitants were crooks, thieves, and the wretched of the galaxy, and thus, it was of no consequence to Master Tutura to use the Force to ease into the ship. His only regret was that the hinges creakedso much!


Perhaps it was the creaking of the loading ramp's hinges that awoke Tysyacha from her uneasy sleep. On the other hand, it might have been the presence of a new Force-user on board her ship. However, if it had been Jedi Master Tutura hypothesizing as to the reasons of Tysy's awakening, he would have placed his entire credit supply on the fact he was causing such a ruckus that a herd of Alderanian Elephants would have run from him!


Rubbing her eyes, Tysyacha emerged from the starboard dormitory, searching for the intruder, her lightsaber acting as an impromptu source of light.


Her questions as to the nature of the Ebon Hawk's invader were immediately answered by a protocol droid in desperate need of a memory wipe. A series of crackling electric jolts and high-pitched drones later, "Gorramit, droid! Did you ever have the word 'subtly' programmed into your vocabulator?"


The immediate flash of light from its artificial source forced all parties involved to momentarily avert their gazes, lest their corneas be destroyed under the concentrated flash. When, at last, their eyes had adapted, the situation was almost comical: T3-M4 and the assailant had become entwined, with the intruder's leg being caught between the droid's 'legs.'


A few uncertain blinks later and a smile later, "You must be Tysyacha! Please, lower your blade. We have far more important things to discuss." The rattling of a shakhmaty board gave truth to the man's words, and the lightsaber's blades slunk back into their sheath.


Observing her hesitation- or, was she merely tired?- Master Tutura prompted, "Come now, surely you sense that I only wish for a friendly game of shakhmaty. You'll see that I'm quite friendly, breaking and entering aside."


As her senses returned to her, Tysy joined the elderly man as he attempted to set up the board, placing each piece in its perspective spot. It was a silent activity, and the opening moves- pawns advancing to their inevitable slaughter.


Other pieces, however, were more eager to shed blood with their archaic metal spears and swords, and thus pawns were not the only pieces to shed their blood- was it all in vain, Tutura wondered, as a piece colloquially termed 'bishop' slaughtered a 'knight.'


A rather blunt way to being a conversation, but effective nonetheless: "Who are you?"


Tutura smiled, then frowned as he lost his bishop to a retaliatory strike from a 'rook.' "You of all people, Exile, should know that a name is not so important as the man- or woman!- behind the mask."


Tysy looked from the board and its rapidly deteriorating situation- she had lost both of her knights and bishops, and- was, rather- losing her rook to an attacking pawn. Compared to her opponent's loss of only one bishop, one rook, and one knight (the numerous slaughtered pawns remained forever unknown!), she was on the verge of collapse.


"At any rate, know that I do not come to harm you. In fact, this will bet he only time we ever meet." Tutura's 'queen' departed from her carefully guarded haven and traveled to the field of battle instantly. "I know what sins you have committed, Tysyacha Dvyx."


'Gorramit!" Tysy could not help but think, considering that she was now in the stage commonly referred to as 'check.' Or, perhaps, was it that the power she had felt earlier had found her? She had not at all considered that she spoke because someone knew of- not a secret, perhaps- her shame.


Moving her 'monarch' out of the way, lest he be destroyed, the former-Jedi suspirated. "Murder. Of two innocents."


Another of Tysyacha's pawns fell under the onslaught of Tutura's marauding queen, placing the monarch in check one again. "It has come to me that, in my travels, that there are no innocents in this universe." It was the knight turn to move, and took another pawn with him in his rampage. With a hint of coldness in Tutura's voice, "But it was murder."


With no check to run from, Tysy's last rook moved from its respite, sallying force at an opposing bishop. It would die when it lay down its arms, but, perhaps, it would buy enough time for a stalemate. A tear slid silently down from its duct to the game board.


"It was an accident; don't my good intentions matter?" Her throat was tightening, but still she found enough room to talk.


The rook fell to a pawn. There was no mercy in shakhmaty. "The road to the Dark Side is paved with good intentions, my dear Tysyacha. You acted with feelings instead of thought, with anger instead of compassion. Check."


This was it: the endgame. Only her monarch remained, and the horde of enemy pieces were advancing at an unstoppable rate- one turn at a time. The monarch retreated, only to be checked by the opposing royalty.


The drips of tears were now silent streams, with the puffiness that denoted human crying making itself fully manifest. "What am I to do?" She looked down at the board, and not at her opponent, where a small puddle of water collected. She knew what came next.


Tutura's knight made the final move. "Checkmate," he announced in a stoic manner.


Standing from his seat, the Jedi Master announced, "You already know what you have to do. Just look inside yourself."


And with that, he was gone from Tysyacha's sight, but never her soul.

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Drayden leaped out at the man in a wild fury, his vibroword blazing out with intense force like he had never done before. But....the man, he was gone, with no sign of any kind of retreat at all....Drayden was shocked.


The vibrosword smacked harmlessly against the floor of the Ebon Hawk with a loud clang, and Drayden just stood there, taking deep breaths. Slowly, he began to stand back up, but the vibrosword dropped out of his hand and hit the floor.


Drayden had barely sensed the man, but he assumed that the man had every intention of causing her harm. But, whoever he was, he was gone now....


Still panting for air, Drayden turned to the crying Exile, who looked horribly stricken. And also very clean....


"Are you all right?" he asked.

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What followed afterwards was generally unknown to much people. The Grand Chancellor has left his cloak at the scene, leading people to believe that he might have escaped from the assailants. The two thugs were captured, and identified to be former Jedi who never surrendered their lightsabers. Some people who witnessed their clashes believe that Bastila was the one who sent the thugs.


Arken woke up. He struggled to open his tired eyes, but his efforts were met with failure.

"Do not try to burden yourself so hard by opening your eyes, Supreme Chancellor. You are safe - at least for the moment."

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"All right?" she said weakly. "I just played a game of shakhmaty with a--a man--who soundly defeated me. He meant me no harm. I suspect he was a Jedi." She shook her head. "He knows entirely too much about me, but I do not consider him an enemy. He--has led me to the truth of what I've done."


She gazed at the newcomer. "I am Tysyacha Dvyx, former apprentice of Dark Lord Revan, and a general in the Mandalorian Wars. I am also the..." That was it. She'd had enough of secrets, of lies, of trying to outrun both her past and her present at the same time. "I am also the murderer of two Jedi spies. I was on Eriadu, working as a slagbreaker in a salvage yard under Exchange jurisdiction. I thought I caught a group of them talking about killing some Republic soldiers to get the same UMBRA cloaking device that had just been installed on this ship. However, the two I killed were not Exchange, and the rest of the thugs who were fled the scene." She sighed. "Now that you know the truth about me, why don't you tell me about yourself? Are you a hunter?"

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Drayden smiled at the question. He thought about it for a moment.


"I was. But I don't think I could go back to that way of life. My only purpose was to find you, and now that I have, my future is closed to me. The only thing I can do now is listen to what you Jedi call 'the Force.'"


A thought occurred to him.


"I'm sure you've heard this before, but what you did wasn't your fault. Besides, Force knows that I've done worse."


Offering his hand to Tysyacha in a shake, he said, "I don't know where we're going, but I assume it has to do with this Bastila that posted a bounty on your head. Let me help. It's all I have left."

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((Alright...Shouldn't Bastila have noticed that Jolee was gone by now? It's been a few days I think.))


Juhani sliced her way through yet another Security droid on her way to the hanger. The building was crawling with guards and bounty hunters that seemed to have nothing else to do and truth be told, she was getting a bit tired.


But they are alive. My apprentice, the Twi'lek and Jolee are all alive. And If I die then Jolee can train her to see the galaxy in a different way.


Finally arriving at the Hanger she quickly ran up to one of the sleek fighters and forced open the cockpit and climbed inside, pulling it down after her.


Alright...How does one start one of these things?


The fighter shakily lifted off the ground and flew off into the open sky.


Ebon Hawk


Jolee eye's slowly began to open as his mind finally brought him back. He looked around the room, it was familiar.


The Hawk? I'm back on the Hawk?


"Damn it. I'm probably going to have to tell stories of my youth to the leader of this merry little band of crusaders now aren't I?"

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The Exile shook Drayden's hand, having the feeling when she did so that she was also giving his soul a shake--a wake-up call. Fortunately for the former bounty hunter-cum-ally-of-a-fugitive, it was not a rude or cruel one. Instead, what Drayden sensed, or thought he did, was a part of himself that was cool and hidden, like a concealed passageway within a sea cavern.


"I welcome you," she said. "As for Bastila, she is no mere obsessed pursuer who has put a bounty on my head. She is the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, and she's let power go to her head in a major way. She's not even acting like a Jedi. What kind of a Jedi would blackmail anyone, even a murderess?" She shook her head. "She thinks to make the galaxy good, and if people won't be good of their own free will, then she will force them to be."


She paused for a moment to let that sink in. "I, for one, am glad you're here."




Bastila Shan, in her private meditation chambers, looked every year of her full age and then some. She was haggard, exhausted, spent, and not yet defeated. Through self-starvation--eating nothing but carbohydrate wafers and water in the Temple comissary--she had rid herself of the primitive and unenlightened craving for food. Through eating little, she excreted little, and had almost rid herself of private filth as well. As for love? She loved not. Once upon a time, she had been in love, but now she only wanted justice.


Justice meant killing killers. Justice meant blackmailing those who had stolen, either property or lives. Justice meant torturing to extract needed information.


It was why she had slated the TIK Machine for Tysyacha Dvyx next. She had the feeling that the Exile was near, or would be near, very soon indeed. As for "Agent One"--Let him live, or let him be third to inhale the flood of gas. He made no difference. The Exile knew where Revan was, and if she would not disclose his location, it was nothing but that four-walled deathtrap...


Hard labor was too good for her. Bastila had known that since her questioning.


Something troubled her, however...where was the old man? He could have been her ally, teaching at the Temple while she took slow control of his mind. How had he escaped her notice? Had she gotten that tired, or that lazy?


Anger suddenly contorted her features. There was only one place he could be: the Ebon Hawk. He'd always had an unnatural attachment to that ship and its crew, but even he did not know where his former Master went!

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Juhani sat in the pilot's chair of the slick little fighter and took another look at the controls.


All figured out. Now time to head for Coruscant...and get rid of the filth that is poisoning what's left of the order.


She set the coordiantes for Coruscant and watched as the dots turned into lines in front of her.


Soon Bastila...Soon



Ebon Hawk


Is there even anyone else on board? My senses are most likely stil off from that damn crash.


Jolee knew his way around the Hawk. It was like a second home to him. He quietly snuck into the cockpit only to find that he was still alone.


So...the one who flys this thing gets a comfortable chair Hmm? I don't see anyone stopping me.


He lowered himself in the chair and allowed himself to finally relax since Telos. Damn fine chair it is. It's doing wonders for my back.

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Niera, bored with the discussion between Tysy and their newly discovered stowaway, decided to check on the cockpit, and make sure the ship was still on course for, wherever, when she noticed the old man who was supposed to be in the medical room. "I see you're finally up and about. Care explaining who you are?" She asked, cautiously keeping her hands close to her blasters.

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