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Star Wars: Fugitives

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"Drayden? Drayden Blackthorn?"


A humanoid approached him from behind. He had sensed it, but he knew from the way the creature was walking that it didn't intend him any harm. No, this had to be another contract. For some reason, he inwardly cringed at the idea.


"You've found me, what do you want?" Drayden grasped the handle of his vibrosword on his back, only briefly, and then waited for the humanoid's response. The footsteps behind him stopped, and then Drayden turned around, fully prepared to cut the humanoid down.


"I give you moneysss, yesss? And you take out thissss targetsss." It was a Chiss. He offered Drayden a datapad which was glowing. Obviously it had the location of his target on it. Observing the thing, however, Drayden quickly began to notice something funny about this particular datapad....


Drayden took it anyway, sensing that this was just another crazed man out for blood who couldn't actually take care of it himself. He was too busy thinking, and he wanted to get this over with. So many distractions....Just take the datapad, conclude business, and go.


He would regret the decision.


"Go to sleepssss, assassin," the Chiss grinned. The datapad was now glowing much brighter, and from the tip of it came a hissing sound and Drayden saw a chemical emanating from it. Sleeping gas.


Drayden pulled out his sword and managed to get a cut in before sleep began to take him. It was situations like this that he really hated. They weren't going to kill him, or else they would have done it already, and they wouldn't have the chance to if Drayden woke up again. But, still, as Drayden's eyes closed, he mentally hit himself for being so ignorant.


But there was always tomorrow....

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"Jolee! I knew it was you the moment I saw Chandria's sketch. I'm sorry you might have had some unpleasant difficulties with her. She is still too rash and impatient for my taste. However, I didn't call you here to talk about her! How are you, and how have you been doing since our travels with Lord--Revan?"


Jolee crossed his arms in front of him and sat down in his chair with his saber hanging from his belt. I can't trust her.


"Not much Bastila. Been stuck on this station for nearly seven years. No one even tried to look for me."


Jolee uncrossed his arms and looked at her. "You must sense that something is wrong Bastila...Something is wrong with the Jedi you've been training. They're more...extreme. Cold."


Ebon Hawk


"Query: Why did you reactivate me? Are there certain hostilities you want terminated? I can do so."


Juhani turned to make sure they were alone. "No...I want you to watch over the Exile. I..feel that something is wrong...That something or someone is chasing her. Be her guard, her shadow if you will. Simply watch over her and perhaps I'll let you come with me when I confront Bastila."


HK's eyes flashed with excitment. "Hopeful Inquiry: You plan to terminate the smug Jedi meatbag? And you will include me?"


"Of course. She abandoned both of us...and it's only fair that you confront her as well. I can't battle her alone HK. I'll need your help."

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((Played long chess game with Litofsky tonight. He rocked, and so did I! He won. :))


"Cold?" asked Bastila. "If by that, Jolee, you mean that they are becoming emotionless, isn't that what the Order has always taught? Vengeance. Anger. Emotion. These are the paths to the Dark Side, and that was the painful lesson I had to learn from scratch when I was being tortured by Lord Malak. I gave in because I let my emotions and my pain control me instead of my rational mind.


"I don't want my Knights and Padawans to have to learn the same lesson so harshly, and so I'm teaching them to deny themselves the feelings that would have made them 'warmer', so to speak. The galaxy has changed in seven years. Agents of terror, whether or not they're allied with the Sith, are everywhere. If we cannot trust our judgment and not let it get clouded by emotion, how are we ever going to stop them? As for 'being extreme'--one must risk all to achieve all. I push my students to the limit. Is that wrong?"




"No," replied Chandria Par Sakhar. "No further word. Although--you probably won't believe this--my superior knows the old man who was trying to assist you earlier! The Force works in mysterious ways, doesn't it?" On the other end of the comlink, she smiled. "By the way, if you do want to meet in person, I'd be willing to come and see you if you have definitive proof of the Exile's whereabouts sometime. We can both help to back her to the wall."


Bad turn of phrase. Then again, Tysyacha Dvyx was a murder suspect...




T3-M4 sidled up to the Exile, beeping anxiously. He sounded as if he were in need of repair or a memory wipe, but the distinct pattern of beeps and whistles he made meant one thing only: incoming data. From Bastila Shan, or at least one of her underlings. She had many of them at that Temple of hers.


"Excuse me," she told Niera. "I think I need to speak with T3 for a moment. Something sounds wrong in the chassis. I won't be long." She waved.

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"I don't want my Knights and Padawans to have to learn the same lesson so harshly, and so I'm teaching them to deny themselves the feelings that would have made them 'warmer', so to speak. The galaxy has changed in seven years. Agents of terror, whether or not they're allied with the Sith, are everywhere. If we cannot trust our judgment and not let it get clouded by emotion, how are we ever going to stop them? As for 'being extreme'--one must risk all to achieve all. I push my students to the limit. Is that wrong?"


He narrowed his eyes at her. "So your planning on turning the Jedi into mindless automotons. If they can't feel warmth bastila...if you won't allow yourself to feel it, then where is your humanity? What happens to your compassion Hmmm?"


Ebon Hawk.


Soon...the time of our reckoning will be at hand. I will make that schutta pay for leaving me alone on that cesspit...for not even looking.


She felt her anger and despair rolling in waves through the force.


She turned to the droid. "So tell me...what are some of the best ways to kill force users? Or painfully incapcitate them? Either one suits my needs."


The droids eyes flashed with happiness as he began his explanation.

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"No, no further word. Although--you probably won't believe this--my superior knows the old man who was trying to assist you earlier! The Force works in mysterious ways, doesn't it? By the way, if you do want to meet in person, I'd be willing to come and see you if you have definitive proof of the Exile's whereabouts sometime. We can both help to back her to the wall."


"Hm..the Force..." That raised some questions in Gelvik's mind, but he'd ask those when he saw her in person.


"Well, it won't be long before I have definitive information. Not long at all actually. I like the idea of teaming up to 'back her up into the wall,' as you said. She's definately a fugitive, and I would enjoy your help taking her down, Chandria. Once I have the info, I'll give you a call, and we'll meet up at the designated coordinates, wherever they may be. So, be on the ready okay?"


He reloaded his rifle and checked his powered-armor. He was set to go and find the Dock Authorities. He had to be so heavily-armed because often, the Dock Authorities were little more then Crime Bosses...you couldn't really trust them, at all.


"Alright, I've got to get moving...I look forward to seeing you."

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"Aye, aye," replied Chandria. "Remember, we 'take her down' alive."


She switched off the comlink and wondered how the old man was doing in Conference Room C with her "superior". Even though the Jedi spy was a little worried that the meeting might not go as planned, she wasn't at all worried that either one would suddenly turn into a homicidal maniac. That was what the Jedi Exile had done once she'd started sneaking around and tailing the Exchange on Eriadu. She'd heard Garrun Thax and Yorran Thul, the spies, talking Exchange business and hadn't realized they were Jedi operatives. Maybe they had even been talking about killing someone to get something.


Nevertheless, the Exile had struck first, killing the spies and sending the real Exchange members into a panicked and fleeing mode. Mission accomplished? Hardly. The Exchange members were still alive, but the Jedi spies were dead.


In a way, Chandria would be relieved when the Exile was captured. Yet...




"What do you mean, I'm trying to turn my students into mindless automatons?" She pursed her lips. "That's not my intention at all, and if you believe it is, then you severely misjudge me. If I wanted an Order full of droids, I would have had some custom-built to carry out the work of the Jedi. I'm only saying that emotion can get in the way of proactive steps in fighting evil. For example, if I had not given in to my emotions, I wouldn't have made so many foolish missteps in trying to redeem...well...he was, eventually, but I fell to the Dark Side because of the passion for him I was trying to hide.


"It is my duty to help my students rid themselves of such base passion. Compassion is not always about being charitable or loving your enemies. Sometimes, to have compassion on your allies, you must do everything you can to protect them and help them protect themselves. Would you go into battle without weapons, with your hands bound behind your back? Of course you wouldn't, and that's what passion, fear and anger can do to you."


She didn't like arguing with Jolee. However, she knew it wasn't pointless...




"What's up, T3?" Tysyacha reached out through the Force to sense if anyone was listening in on the two of them. No one was at the moment, so it was safe to continue. "Let me check your chassis and see if we've got problems."


She opened a panel on his chest and pressed a secret "playback" button.


"Good morning!" chirped a light-haired male. "Master Shan says she's now two thousand parsecs away. Reports are coming in all the time, and she says in three days, she wants to eliminate the distance." On the holovid, he shook his head. "I don't know what any of that means, or is supposed to mean, but that's what she told me to tell you. She's kind of busy right now. Terance Larp signing off." Cringing, Tysyacha asked T3 to check her personal ledger.


"Two thousand?!" My, she's moving fast. At this rate, I'll be locked up in a matter of days, not weeks, unless her bounty hunters miscalculate or she suddenly decides to call them off and go after me herself. "T3, we only have ten thousand right now! If she keeps 'increasing the distance...'"


T3 warbled sadly, and Tysyacha gave him a huge hug. What to do now?

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"I'm only saying that emotion can get in the way of proactive steps in fighting evil. For example, if I had not given in to my emotions, I wouldn't have made so many foolish missteps in trying to redeem...well...he was, eventually, but I fell to the Dark Side because of the passion for him I was trying to hide."


He held up a hand to silence her. "Passion doesn't lead to the Darkside. Passion can lead to fear...and then anger which can lead to the darkside but passion in itself won't lead you to the darkside."


"Would you go into battle without weapons, with your hands bound behind your back? Of course you wouldn't."


"Hello? I have force powers here...I don't think I would need any weapons. Young people these days...so forgetful."


He casually looked over to the side of the window that showed the night sky. What was that? It felt like a wave of anger...despair...all of it rolling briefly through the force before being contained. Someone is trying to hide their presence.


Ebon Hawk


Juhani had finished her discussion with Hk for the night who was now off patroling the ship and checking for escape routes. Juhani...was looking for the exile.


Where is she? I think she would be happy to know I repaired that old droid of hers and got his mind working properly again.


-ster Shan says she's now two thousand parsecs away. Reports are coming in all the time, and she says in three days, she wants to eliminate the distance."


Juhani's heart caught up in her throat and a massive wave of anger began to ripple away from her when she heard the name 'Shan'.


Bastila...so the exile knows something about her. I will get her when she is sleeping. She will either surrender the information...or I will drag it from her head.


Juahni turned and stalked off toward the cockpit

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Darkness. Drayden was used to it. But this wasn't the darkness of the understreets of Coruscant. He couldn't see anything, and the rush of the wind and background noise of the understreets was gone. In its place was a low humming. Normally it would have been soothing to him, but this time it only agitated him.


He was on a ship. This was going to be an easy matter, then, if he was able to get out of the room he was in. Luckily, the door opened promptly at that moment, and Drayden was able to get a look at the Chiss yet again, who was holding a heavy rifle. They were far enough from each other, however, that it was likely Drayden would get shot before he could make a move.


This was going to be difficult, then. Even common thugs could be dangerous if you weren't careful. So he had to take this slow.


"Don't move, assassinssss. Let me tell you where you're goinssss, yessss? I'm going to give you to the hutssss, and then I'm going to get me some moneyssss. Sssso move it, assassinssss." He was nudging the gun threateningly.


Drayden decided to move, taking notice that the gun was now much closer out of his peripheral vision. He kept walking, silently building the courage to....


Suddenly, the exit ramp opened and the Chiss hit him so hard with the gun that he fell out onto the ground. His head hit with a harsh impact, not to mention the rest of his body, and it took him a few moments to recollect his senses. Then he noticed where he was. It was a landing pad. But he wasn't on Coruscant anymore. No, he knew this planet. He was on Nar Shadaa.


Time to move.

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Vengeance. Anger. Emotion. According to Grand Master Bastila Shan, these were the tools of the Dark Side, or at least definite pathways toward it. Yet these were the sensations the Exile felt all of a sudden, coming from the direction of the cockpit. Juhani. She's heard something. Maybe she just heard my conversation with T3. If so, all is not lost, but then again...


Does she think I'm in league with Bastila? On her SIDE, for Force's sake? Something's not right here. I have to tell Juhani the truth, or else she's never going to trust me--and I won't trust her. As for Niera--maybe later. She went toward the cockpit, passing HK-47, reactivated and ready for action.


"Jubilant Exclamation: It is a pleasure to see you alive, Master!"


Tysyacha grinned, but ignored him for the most part. She had serious business to attend to. Once she saw Juhani, she signaled for the Cathar to follow her. She led her to the cargo hold, where her dvyxplanochniy waited. With a snap-hiss, she detached the blades and gave the hilts to Juhani--one for each hand. Then, very slowly, she knelt at her feet.


"I have something to tell you," said the Exile, almost whispering. "I'm...a murderer. As I searched for Revan, or tried to earn some credits to go search for him beyond the Outer Rim, I worked in a salvage yard on Eriadu as a slagbreaker. Unbeknownst to me, at least at first, the yard and its foundry were controlled by the Exchange and its 'front men'. I saw two of them, a Rodian and a human male, one hot and blustry day not too long ago. I was exhausted from work, but not too exhausted to forgo following them."


She swallowed hard, tasting precious little saliva. "They were talking about killing people, Republic officers in fact, to get their hands on the very same UMBRA device that Niera said she could procure. They were making plans. I heard all the details, and what's more, they soon joined up with some other thugs from the Exchange in order to elaborate. I was so furious that, overcome by rage and heat and the desperate pangs of a powerless pawn, I leapt into action and struck them both dead with my saberstaff, sending the others into a blind panic. They ran, and I ran in the opposite direction, leaving the bodies behind." A tear surfaced. "The two I killed were spies.


"Jedi spies, that is--Garrun Thax and Yorran Thul. I only found this out after the fact, when the Grand Master of the Jedi Order summoned me for questioning. Apparently, there were eyewitnesses, but not too reliable. After my interrogation was over, Bastila said I had three choices: confess, be tried, or run. If I chose to run, however, I would have to pay her credits and continue to pay for as long as I was fleeing justice. I--chose that path!"


She laid her hands on the buttons to ignite the blades. They sprang to life. Tysyacha then took Juhani's own hands in hers, so that the silver pillars of energy lay diagonally across her neck, intersecting at the delicate carotid artery. "Bastila Shan is blackmailing me, as well she might. I'm a killer. Death is preferable to the guilt and the shame and the endless recriminations. My dear Juhani, vengeance is yours. Take it. Then you can vanquish Bastila."


Tysyacha closed her eyes, preparing for the final blow--checkmate.


Before she did, however, she thought she saw two Twi'lek eyes watching...

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"Bastila Shan is blackmailing me, as well she might. I'm a killer. Death is preferable to the guilt and the shame and the endles recriminations. My dear Juhani, vengeance is yours. Take it. Then you can vanquish Bastila."


"I refuse."


Juhani deactivated the saber without a second thought after listening to the exile. "What happend to you was an accident. There was no way of knowing that the two of them were spies. What Bastila is doing is wrong...Jedi do not blackmail like she is doing. Bastila has fallen. She fell a long time ago."


Juhani grabbed her hand and made her stand up.

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Lying on the landing pad like this, Drayden finally noticed that his vibrosword was missing. The weight and the ease with which he was able to bend told him that. Reaching his hand down to his boot, he quickly grabbed the vibroknife hidden there and then waited until he felt the heavy rifle against his back.


With a move that he had wished he had practiced more, he reached back and slammed the vibroknife into the Chiss's hand. Drayden's assumption had paid off. The Chiss staggered back and dropped the weapon, rather than firing it, and then remembered to look at Drayden.


He realized his mistake too late. With a practiced stroke, the vibroknife cut into the Chiss's neck, instantly causing him to drop. It was over.


Wiping off the vibroknife on the Chiss's clothing, Drayden slipped it back into the compartment in his boot and then headed back into the ship.


He didn't really care about the ship. He knew that he would not be able to fly it since he had not hacking experience. But he wanted his vibrosword and blaster back, and it didn't hurt to try flying the thing anyway. How else was he supposed to get off this crazy rock?


Things were made simple for Drayden. This was obviously no experienced thug that had captured him. Drayden's weapons were lying against the bulkhead in a small room off to the side, in plain view.


Slipping the blaster back into his belt and sliding the vibrosword back into his baldric, Drayden made a brief 360 and then made off for the cockpit.


When he reached it, his worst and yet completely expected fears were true. The console was obviously locked, given that the displays actually said so, and more to the point the console was outfitted with a now flashing biometric hand-reader. This ship wasn't going anywhere.


Coming back out onto the landing pad, Drayden first noticed the foul smell of the planet. He hadn't noticed it before, but now his experiences on Nar Shadaa were all floating back to him. Looking around, Drayden didn't see much of anything nearby. Except....


Up on the landing pad by the nearest control tower he noticed something very out of place. It was a thing he had rarely seen before, and it inspired some kind of dread in him just the same. And he knew it had no place here.


It was a Basilisk War Droid.

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As Tysyacha stood up, she realized that her legs were shaking so hard that she almost lost her balance and fell into Juhani's arms! Recovering her composure, but only barely, she said, "Thank you. My life was in your hands, and you gave it back to me. You are a true Jedi, not one of Bastila Shan's enslaved and brainwashed thralls, and I'm glad to see my confession was not wasted. It shall be the only one I'll ever make. Only the two of us--that is, three, counting Niera--need to know.


"However, if you help me, you will be aiding and abetting a fugitive from justice. Are you willing to take that risk? Bastila may not care anything about true justice, but the Republic certainly will if I'm caught. Are you...willing to keep my secret safe?"

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"Remember, we 'take her down' alive."


"Right, no problem there."


He then deactivated his comm as well, and walked out of the Basalisk.


The Nar Shadaa streets were extremely crowded, but the numerous people and aliens made room for the heavily-armed Mandalorian.


The nearby control tower wasn't far off, and he made his way there fairly quickly. He opened the door and walked inside.


He loudly announced, "Who here is the dock authority?"


The other men in the room where visibly intimidated, and a small man raised his arm up slowly.


Gelvik walked towards the control panel behind the man, and pushed him aside.


He immediatley began to search the database for the Ebon Hawk's docking codes, which would then lead to their destination.


Finally, he found it, and the destination surprised him.


He activated his comm, "Chandria...I found where they're going...you won't even have to move...if this is correct, they're heading towards Telos."

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"However, if you help me, you will be aiding and abetting a fugitive from justice. Are you willing to take that risk? Bastila may not care anything about true justice, but the Republic certainly will if I'm caught. Are you...willing to keep my secret safe?"


"I stopped caring about the law...A long time ago. And besides, we can turn this against Bastila. She let you go when it was her duty to capture you in order to gain credits. I am quite sure that she broke a big law when she did that."


She smiled a slightly insane smile. "Besides...I doubt that she'll be able to do anything when her head is seperated from her shoulders."

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Taking his time, Drayden cautiously walked along the long path to the control tower. The Basilisk interested him, and since he needed to get to the control tower to find a way off of the planet, he had an excuse to check it out.


The biggest event that happened on his way to the control tower was the slight breeze, caused by who-knows-what. As he approached the entrance to the control tower, he made sure he had a good grip on his blaster before he entered.


Inside, there were very few people, and there was not much going on there. Drayden figured that what he wanted must be higher up the control tower. Spotting a lift, he walked over to it and pressed the "up" control. No one in the room looked at him. Things were going well for him so far.


On the next floor, which he assumed was the one with the landing pad, his thoughts were confirmed. Everyone's attention was focused on the presence in the room, a Mandalorian.


This must be who owns the Basilisk.


"Chandria...I found where they're going...you won't even have to move...if this is correct, they're heading towards Telos."


The Mandalorian was obviously on a mission of some sort, probably a bounty. The thought strangely sickened Drayden. But then, a question formed in his mind, and his curiosity got the better of him. Knowing full well how fast he could draw his weapons, Drayden confronted the Mandalorian as he turned from the control panel he was at.


"Drayden Blackthorn," he said, firmly and yet quickly. "What do you know of Bastila Shan?"

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"I'm in this with you. I may be in the clear once we get into Republic space, but you won't be, and you'll need the help of someone who's been on the wrong side of the law more than once. Someone like me." Niera replied, keeping a reassuring look in her eyes. "I've dealt with corrupt businessmen before, but never a corrupt Jedi. This should be interesting."

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Chandria Par Sakhar dropped her comlink straight into the refresher latrine.


Good thing she had just finished using and flushing it!


Once she had wiped it off, she almost shouted, "What?! You can't be serious! If you are, then this is a quicker breakthrough than I ever thought there would be in this case! If the suspect is headed for Telos, then she and whoever's with her, including utility droids, will have to land on Citadel Station if they don't head for the polar regions or former Czerka research sites. When her ship lands, which it will, we at the TSF will take her into custody, and you'll get the two million credits you're after. Brilliant!"


She was so excited that she truly couldn't believe her ears. Success! Maybe Bastila will be so pleased with me that she'll finally promote me from a TSF officer on this backwater station to a real Jedi--a Jedi Knight! Police work is my dream, and it has always been my dream, but as a girl...


Chandria Par Sakhar had wanted to join the Jedi, but she lacked the Force.




Bastila Shan sighed. "I didn't summon you in order to get into an argument, Jolee. You have always been one of my dearest comrades. I called you to see if you wanted to come to the Temple on Coruscant to teach the students there. It's so hard to find both knowledgeable and reputable people these days who know how to take all the ramifications of a situation into play. However, if you still believe that I and the Jedi are wrong, then I will withdraw the offer immediately. Are you with me or against me, Mr. Bindo?"






A slow smile spread across Tysyacha's face. "Indeed...Jedi Knight."


She winked at Juhani. "Perhaps now we can fight that duel I wanted to propose? You're going to need more than a geriatric assassin droid to keep you at the peak of your performance." Her face was flushed with excitement.


Tysyacha turned to Niera next. "Agreed. What's our next move?"

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"What?! You can't be serious! If you are, then this is a quicker breakthrough than I ever thought there would be in this case! If the suspect is headed for Telos, then she and whoever's with her, including utility droids, will have to land on Citadel Station if they don't head for the polar regions or former Czerka research sites. When her ship lands, which it will, we at the TSF will take her into custody, and you'll get the two million credits you're after. Brilliant!"


Gelvik himself felt very pleased with this job. He left the Control Tower and began his walk back to his ship.


"Well...as you said yourself, the Force works in mysterious ways...I'll be there very soon, the Basalisk's hyperdrive is much faster then the Ebon Hawk's. Be prepared, let's not start counting the profits until the job is done....the Exile is still a force to be reckoned with."


He had heard a distinct joy in Chandria's words. He could imagine she could get promoted for this, so he understood that, alot of good things would happen if they managed to capture the Exile. They'd have to be at the top of their game in order to capture this Jedi.


He reached his Basalisk and began to activate it.


"I'd suggest you get the TSF ready to give them a warm reception. I doubt the Exile would simply walk into custody....I'll be there very soon."


Somebody caught the Mandalorians attention.


"Drayden Blackthorn, What do you know of Bastila Shan?"


He turned to face the man.


"Gelvik Verokin....I know nothing of Bastila Shan. What are you talking about?"


His hand rested on his blaster-rifle, being approached by a random person and asked a question regarding a Jedi that Gelvik had heard little about, was often, not good.

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"I didn't summon you in order to get into an argument, Jolee. You have always been one of my dearest comrades. I called you to see if you wanted to come to the Temple on Coruscant to teach the students there. It's so hard to find both knowledgeable and reputable people these days who know how to take all the ramifications of a situation into play. However, if you still believe that I and the Jedi are wrong, then I will withdraw the offer immediately. Are you with me or against me, Mr. Bindo?"


"First of all, don't ever call me Mr. Bindo. It's just a foolish mistake on your part. And...I'll think about that teaching position. Just give me a few days."


Ebon Hawk


"Indeed...Jedi Knight."


"It's been a long time since someone's called me that. A very long time indeed."


"Perhaps now we can fight that duel I wanted to propose? You're going to need more than a geriatric assassin droid to keep you at the peak of your performance."


"If you think you can handle my level of sparring then your welcome to duel with me. Be aware, I've been training my body and my connection to the force for seven years straight. If the duel becomes too much for you, simply deactivate your lightsaber and I will stop."

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"I believe this meeting is concluded, then," smiled Bastila. "I look forward to your answer." She stood up and left the conference room, without any aura of duplicity surrounding her. Bastila knew, and Jolee knew Bastila knew, that she needed him on her side. After all, Jolee was a Jedi, albeit an errant one. She needed all the allies she could get. If he taught as a Jedi Professor Emeritus at the Temple, perhaps in time she could...


No. Not now. He needed to make this choice of his own free will, and not of coercion.




"Let me hear Niera's answer," responded the Exile, "and then we will duel. Niera? What have you heard about the device we're after, and what's more, what have you heard about the other people--the ones who were with the spies I killed--who were trying to plot to kill Republic officers to get it? You may not know, but they could prove clues."

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A bored Psycho sat in the hunk of junk ship the jedi had given him. He felt like it had been days since he had been following the Exile. His mind began to drift to his old killing days. The feeling of taking another's life always made Psycho smile. He was under direct orders not to kill the Exile which saddened him. He could at least destroy that annyoing little droid that follows her around and kill her crew. Bastila said that Tysyacha had to be brought back alive, she didn't say anything about everyone else. The only thing he had to do was wait for the Hawk to land. What better way to make something land quicker when its being chased.


This outta do the trick


Psycho hit the thrusters and the ship shot through space. He began to gain on the Ebon Hawk. He hoped his ship would show up on their radar now.

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"As you said, the technicians were all killed after the prototype was made, which means there's only one in existence, and it's in the hands of the Twi'lek in charge of the project. Fortunately, I know him through erm, unrelated means. If I can distract him with a little 'reminder', the two of you can try to steal it right out of his ship. Of course, we'd make even more enemies, but with the UMBRA, we'd be able to escape them easily." Niera explained, checking on the ship's sensors. "This isn't a good time for this, we're being followed."

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((Thanks, sorry about that! :D))


Drayden noticed the Mandalorian's movement towards his blaster. But he wouldn't have a chance to shoot him before Drayden did should the need arise. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that.


For some reason, Drayden just had a feeling that this Mandalorian had something to do with the recent bounty, and had ties with Bastila Shan. But he couldn't be sure. So he tried the direct approach.


"I'm interested in this bounty posted on some Jedi. What do you know about it?"


In truth, Drayden had no idea why he wanted to know, but from what he thought about Bastila he felt he should try and figure out the details of this bounty. The Jedi....They had all changed under her influence, and some strange force compelled him to ask.

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