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Star Wars: Fugitives

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"Not only are we being followed," replied Tysyacha, "but I can sense through the Force that whoever is following us isn't going to let any of us get out alive. Some people are killers by chance," said the Exile quickly, "and some are killers by choice. I sense that the one who's chasing us right now is one of the latter." Glancing hastily toward the cockpit dashboard, Tysyacha saw that the ship was not prepared to make a hyperspace jump. Bad news.


"Who's good at flying ships besides T3?" she asked, her eyes darting from Juhani to Niera and back again. "One of you should take over--sorry, little guy--and perform some top-of-the line evasive maneuvers if you can. That way, if that creep in the other ship starts firing on us, we can dodge the blasts. That will also give us time to jump to hyperspace if we need to. The other one? Come with me, and we'll man the laser turrets together. The Ebon Hawk has been in many a dogfight, and she's always survived. Move out!" The Exile suddenly broke into a run. "Follow me, top gunner!"

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"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean...there are millions of bounties, many of which are Jedi..."


Gelvik had a strange feeling that he wasn't the only one interested in the Exile's bounty.


The Mandalorian felt that this man could be hostile, he blinked in his helmet, immediately activating most of his armor's weapons and gadgets. He wouldn't go without a fight, if that is what this man wanted.


"I have to leave now...so if you don't have any other questions, I'll be on my way."

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((Grrrr Cyborg. You ruined my sparring match. :D))


"One of you should take over--sorry, little guy--and perform some top-of-the line evasive maneuvers if you can. That way, if that creep in the other ship starts firing on us, we can dodge the blasts. That will also give us time to jump to hyperspace if we need to. The other one? Come with me, and we'll man the laser turrets together. The Ebon Hawk has been in many a dogfight, and she's always survived. Move out!"


"I am not well suited to flying. However I have maned the gun turrents from time to time. I'll take top gun."


"Follow me, top gunner!"


Juhani followed the Exile as she ran to the turrents. "If you can open up a com link to his ship I might be able to slow him down."

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"A risky move, but I like it!" At the gun turret station, there was also a holocomm station--just in case some stalkers or thieves were tailing the Hawk in another ship, her pilot or crew could demand unconditional surrender of the other party, or at least complete withdrawal from the area, before the laser cannons started firing on either vessel. Tysyacha activated it:


"This is Tysyacha Dvyx of the Ebon Hawk, along with her crew. Either stop stalking us and withdraw completely from this area of space, or we will be forced to conclude you are hostile and open fire." She waited tensely.

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"A risky move, but I like it!"


Juhani looked at her and nodded. I do hope that she realizes that I intend to cut off our pursuers oxygen the second his or her face appears on the screen. It may not be the best solution but I have a feeling it'll work.


Wait...if Bastila is blackmailing her...then why would she send a hunter after her? I'm quite sure she still wants more out of her.


"If this is a hunter Bastila set on you then he might not want you. Not if you are still paying her credits. It maybe that he simply wants to make sure where you are when you run out of credits so he can easily capture you."

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"Even so..." She turned to Juhani at the gun turrets. "Have you ever played shakhmaty before? The object of the game is to capture your opponent's king piece, yes, but the more pieces of your opponent's that you capture, the better chance you have of doing so. If this one is a pawn of Bastila's, I suggest we take him--or take him out. That will teach our Grand Master Jedi friend it doesn't pay to mess with either of us--or anyone on the Ebon Hawk."


Her blue eyes were steel. "I'm running, but I won't run like a coward from this worthless excuse for sentient existence. Do...what you're thinking of doing."

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"I think it's pretty important we know who this thug is working for, and we can't interrogate corpses. The more we know, the better." Niera suggested, trying to see if she could switch the Ebon Hawk's active weapons to the ion cannons, if there were any.

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((Captain Buzz Kill at your service Chev))


"This is Tysyacha Dvyx of the Ebon Hawk, along with her crew. Either stop stalking us and withdraw completely from this area of space, or we will be forced to conclude you are hostile and open fire."


This was the exact opposite response Psycho wanted. He would love to open fire but he couldn't. Something clicked inside his head though, he had an idea. He activated the holocomm and looked around. His golden mirror like visor looking at the Exile.


"Save your threats for someone whose actually afraid of them sweetheart. I don't mean you any harm...for now. Your good friend Bastila wants me to make sure you don't go anywhere without her knowing and if I'm a real good boy she said she'll grant me freedom," Psycho laughed loudly at that. "So in reality I don't care, I'm staying my course. If you want to open fire fine, that just means I'll hit you with everything I got."

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Tysyacha whirled around toward Juhani after turning off the comlink. "These are the laser cannons," she said, gesturing to the four large ones, "and these are the ion cannons," she continued, moving her hands toward the eight smaller ones. "Maybe if we fire a laser blast series as distracting shots, intending to miss all the while, we can fire the ion cannons and this criminal psychopath won't be able to tell the difference in the heat of battle. Yes?"

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"Save your threats for someone whose actually afraid of them sweetheart. I don't mean you any harm...for now. Your good friend Bastila wants me to make sure you don't go anywhere without her knowing and if I'm a real good boy she said she'll grant me freedom."


Juhani's eyes narrowed. "I guess we don't need to figure out who he's working for now."


"Maybe if we fire a laser blast series as distracting shots, intending to miss all the while, we can fire the ion cannons and this criminal psychopath won't be able to tell the difference in the heat of battle. Yes?"


"Fine. But it would have been easier if you would have just left the com open, then I could have killed him by now and we'd be safe."

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Whap! Tysyacha slapped herself on the forehead. Part of playing shakhmaty well was learning not to make any truly stupid moves--that is, not making any moves that were glaringly and obviously stupid. She had just made one. However, that didn't mean that this pawn could not still be taken. All she had to do was open the comlink and taunt the pursuer even further.


"I wasn't trying to make you afraid of my threats. I was trying to warn you." She gave a sharp downward signal with her hand toward Juhani, meaning Now!

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((This should hurt your character enough to let us get away into Hyperspace, Cyborg. It needs to be realistic.))


"I wasn't trying to make you afraid of my threats. I was trying to warn you."


Juhani watched her opponets head fill the sreen and she extended her hand and began to constrict his wind pipe. Filthy criminal scum...shouldn't be allowed to live.


She watched in enjoyment as his head arched back and his hands went up to his throat in desperation.


"Are those coordinates in yet?! This is starting to take a toll on me."

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"I wasn't trying to make you afraid of my threats. I was trying to warn you."


Psycho couldn't think of anything to come back with. He wasn't backing down or anything like that, it was just he was being choked to death. Instinct told him to grab his throat to throw the person off of him. Within seconds his brain kicked in and he remembered this was the work of a force user. His breathing became lighter and the movements were in an odd pattern. Was he wheezing, gasping for breath? No he was...laughing? The ship was beginning to spin inside of his mind which was calling out for air but he was laughing. With his right hand he pulled out a tonfa and stumbled onto the control panel.


"Well played jedi, well played." He said coughing up a little blood now.


His legs had gone numb, he had to do this quick. With the last of his strength he stabbed the holocomm with the tonfa. The screen went away and he felt release on his neck.


"Hey...who let these dancing wookies in here?" Pyscho asked the ship as he fell to the floor.

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The Exile turned the comlink off, yelled an affirmative response to Niera down the ladder hatch to the gun turrets, and then grabbed Juhani. "Hold on!" The Ebon Hawk suddenly lurched in that acute, powerful, and sanity-shaking way that meant only one thing: a hyperspace jump. At the gun turrets, the jump was even more bone-jarring, and that was why both the Cathar and the human female had their eyes shut tight as the Twi'lek performed the necessary throttle and calibration of the coordinates. This meant a change in plans...a very drastic, completely unpredictable change.


"We're not going to Telos after all," said Tysyacha, her face blanched white, once she and Juhani had met up with Niera back in the cockpit. "If the psychopath came from there, that means Bastila either is on Telos, or she knows we're going there. In the moment before we jumped to hyperspace, I saw that ruddy planet in my mind's eye. It was full of white pieces, white pawns, ready to capture me. I saw myself as the Black King. Telos is full of hunters, just like Coruscant. We can't go back to Nar Shaddaa, and if we do venture to Citadel Station, the TSF would certainly take me into custody."


The other two stared. "They've surely seen the holonews reports. Listen. I know a place that is far, far away from Telos and that I know intimately. It's a moon of the planet Onderon, by the name of Dxun. According to the ship's fuel tank display, we have just enough to get us there. Even though Dxun is covered by dense jungle, there are clans of Mandalorians gathered there. I know their leader. If I must, I shall surrender myself as a servant to him for a time in order to earn enough credits to get more fuel for the ship. In the meantime, we can hide--truly hide--among predators no novice would dare fight." Her expression was sad, hunted, desperate. "Our move was forced."

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"Telos is full of hunters, just like Coruscant. We can't go back to Nar Shaddaa, and if we do venture to Citadel Station, the TSF would certainly take me into custody."


Juhani narrowed her eyes. "If there are hunters there...then we should make them the hunted. I can handle anything they can throw at us. Besides...If Bastila is on Telos then that is where I am going."


"If I must, I shall surrender myself as a servant to him for a time in order to earn enough credits to get more fuel for the ship. In the meantime, we can hide--truly hide--among predators no novice would dare fight."


"No one is surrendering themselves to anyone as a...servant. I've lived that life...you don't want to live it. Believe me. I think I know a better place where we can hide...someplace with many allies."


She turned the both of them.


"Have either of you two ever heard of Kashyyyk?"

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"I know enough of it to know that the Wookiees prefer not to be bothered," replied Tysyacha sadly. "They are more suspicious of strangers than any peace-loving species I have ever known. It is true that Czerka Corporation made them slaves, turning them into pawns for profit, but many of them fear that all humans, and all other smooth-skinned sentients, are at their core just like the slavers. It will be hard to convince them to harbor a murderer." A pause. "Do you know how many people I've killed? Hundreds and hundreds of thousands, not just two. I was the one who gave the order to activate the Mass Shadow Generator of my own free will. People say that Revan made me do it..."


Another pause. "Blaming such an act on Revan is an act of cowardice. The Wookiees will know of my past deeds, if not my present ones. If I present myself there, they will not take me in. In fact, they may choose to exile me to the forest floor, the Shadowlands, where only the strongest and most cunning survive. I would not wish that fate upon myself, or upon either of you."

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Psycho jumped up to his feet and looked out the view of his ship. The Ebon Hawk was long gone and he had no idea where to look next. He had destroyed the holocomm to the ship so he couldn't contact anyone either. All he had were his weapons and thanks to the talk he had with the Exile he now had to ability to communicate with her through her ship if he wanted to. Plans aside Psycho needed a new ship and the closest planet was Telos. He flew the ship into Telos's atmosphere and found a landing strip to land the ship on. A smile found its way on Psycho's face.


So the Exile wants to play hardball?!?! Good, now the gloves are off. The next time we meet I won't be as passive.

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"I know enough of it to know that the Wookiees prefer not to be bothered. They are more suspicious of strangers than any peace-loving species I have ever known. It is true that Czerka Corporation made them slaves, turning them into pawns for profit, but many of them fear that all humans, and all other smooth-skinned sentients, are at their core just like the slavers. It will be hard to convince them to harbor a murderer."


Juhani leaned very close to her face. "I think we have a friend there. A former companion of Revan by the name of Zaalbar is most likely cheiftan there...or at least he carries some weight. During the civil war Revan, Jolee and I managed to help the wookies get rid of a corrupt leader by the name of Chuundar. And after that we helped them drive Czerka away."


"We have been welcome there ever since that little incident. The wookies recognize the Hawk. And besides...I lived in the shadowlands with Jolee for nearly a year. His hut is down there and I think we should investigate it."

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This seemed like a rather good idea. After all, the Exile had been to Dxun--it was one of her old "haunts", and one of the sites of a great battle in the Mandalorian Wars. Kashyyyk would be much less of a conspicuous destination for her, if not for Juhani. "Your plan sounds better than mine," Tysyacha replied. "Besides, even though the Wookiees love peace and mutual cooperation with their fellow creatures--all of organic life--they are not above fighting, and fighting ferociously, for their allies." She turned to Niera. "Your thoughts?"

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"No matter where we go, they're going to go looking for us. Hiding isn't exactly productive. I recommend we try to find the UMBRA device. Even if it's something that will help us hide better, it beats just waiting to get caught." Niera suggested. Having heard about what had happened on Kashyyyk seven years earlier, it seemed like a fairly bad idea to go, even if they weren't friends with Czerka either.

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"We do need that device," Tysyacha said. "We need it more than ever. If we're not going to ditch the Ebon Hawk and leave her on some remote planet, or try to bail out in the escape pods and abandon her, floating in space, for some salvager to claim, then UMBRA is our best bet. All right. We find the crime lord's ship, the crime lord who invented it, and distract him so we can steal the prototype right out from under his nose. It's a good thing I have some special equipment stored in the cargo hold." She sped off and returned with 3 belts.


"Eriadu Shadowcasters. I bought them on the same planet where I killed the two Jedi spies, with my own meager slagbreaker's salary, in case I had to go on the run. I bought two extra in case I found any friends on my journey." A wink.


"I will also have you know that even as a Jedi Guardian, and later a Master, I spent all my spare time learning stealth. Thus, I can use the belt. Can you?"

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"Distracting him won't be a problem. Let's just say he and I hooked up a power coupling or two in the past, and he'll definitely be happy to see me again. Finding him is the real challenge." Niera explained, using a seductive tone and striking a seductive pose when she mentioned distraction. Putting on the belt, she added, "I'm a smuggler, I'd have to be an idiot to not know anything about stealth."

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"I will also have you know that even as a Jedi Guardian, and later a Master, I spent all my spare time learning stealth. Thus, I can use the belt. Can you?"


Juhani smirked. "I do not need one."


She quckly gathered the force around her and cloaked herself in it.


"I am very proficent in the art of making myself invisible with the use of the force. I do have to concentrate to hold the form and it exhausts me afterward but it is very useful. Especally among the more...'unsavory' beings in the galaxy."


She let the cloak disipate around her and she smirked again. "After this I presume we'll be going after Bastila?"

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