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full conversion idea

Darth Darkus

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this is not a request but more something like suggestion or an idea and everyone who wants to participate or just wants to add an idea is very welcome...


how about making a Mandalorian wars KotoR? there are quite some characters in KotoR and TSL that fought in the MW and as far as I know there are quite some planets used in KotoR where the MW took place....

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If I may offer my 2 cents...


This forum is littered with attempts at Total Conversion mods, and there has yet to be a succesful one, all have failed. The best thing in terms of modding when you start out it to start small and figuer out the basics and gradually grow up into bigger and bigger mods. For example Silver Edge's Brother Hood of Shadow (and Solomons Revenge) both add "only" 4 hours or so of gameplay, and both took several years to complete.


You may well be best familiarising yourself with many of the mods at KotOR Files; http://www.kotorfiles.com - But any good mod takes a considerable ammount of time. My Force Fashion mod, took 4 months, and Force Fashion which I'm currently working on has take nearly a year - they only edit exsisting and add Jedi Robes to the game. A lot of mods that are done quickly, are quite frankly crap.


So my suggestion is start and small and build up, and if you do decide to do a Total Conversion then it will take several years, and to be honest, there may well be easier and more upto date games to use...

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perhaps if it were done as playable flashback sequences, rather than an actual full game conversion.

perhaps slowly revan is regaining memories of the wars, having visions of his past battles at different locations, as your playing through the regular game.


this way it wouldn't all need to be done at once, but could be delivered in parts/updates/versions over time as they are completed.

kind of like a serial of episodes so to speak.

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If I may offer my 2 cents...


This forum is littered with attempts at Total Conversion mods, and there has yet to be a succesful one, all have failed. The best thing in terms of modding when you start out it to start small and figuer out the basics and gradually grow up into bigger and bigger mods. For example Silver Edge's Brother Hood of Shadow (and Solomons Revenge) both add "only" 4 hours or so of gameplay, and both took several years to complete.


You may well be best familiarising yourself with many of the mods at KotOR Files; http://www.kotorfiles.com - But any good mod takes a considerable ammount of time. My Force Fashion mod, took 4 months, and Force Fashion which I'm currently working on has take nearly a year - they only edit exsisting and add Jedi Robes to the game. A lot of mods that are done quickly, are quite frankly crap.


So my suggestion is start and small and build up, and if you do decide to do a Total Conversion then it will take several years, and to be honest, there may well be easier and more upto date games to use...


I had a similar idea once... a Mandalorian Wars mini conversion, (even in the form of dream sequences) but quite frankly TCs just aren't worth it.


Now, eventually, SOMEONE does have to make a proper TC for TSL, but I think it should be a new unique story.. not a half-assed attempt at adapting some galactic event.


Not trying to put anyone down, but it's how I feel on the matter.


EDIT: Let me rephrase myself slightly. Even somewhat making a TC is not in any way half-assed. However, reusing modules may take away from the uniqueness and appeal of the TC.


There we go.

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That is not true, there is Trex's The Jedi Masters mod which was acually very good.


No, your wrong.


The definition of Total Conversion is; "A total conversion is a mod of an existing game that replaces almost all of the artistic assets in the original game, and sometimes core aspects of gameplay, in some cases creating a game in a completely different genre from the original." - So no, Trex's the Jedi Masters is not by definition a Total Conversion Mod, and while it was undoubtly a labour of love and had a lot of work put into it and has potential, it is not anywhere near the level of "very good" for KotOR mods; and being an Admin at KotOR Files may mean I know a thing or two about this...

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Technically, it did succeed, but jonathan7 knows what he's talking about. From what I've heard, it's just not complete.


Well, partly this is what one means by Total Conversion, the definition would be as so far as I understand it a Mod which creates an entirely New game, with new Charachters, and things like new voice actors, and pretty much all original assets such as that are removed. Doc V's mod is a true Total Conversion. What people really mean in this thread, and what Trex's is a "partial conversion mod" - that is a mod that looks to add new parts to additional game play, and because Trex's mod contains Bastila etc I would argue it is a partial conversion mod. And there are many partial conversion mods out there which are superior in quality (such as BoS and BoS:SR).


I also, as I always aim to, articulated myself in a particular way;


This forum is littered with attempts at Total Conversion mods, and there has yet to be a succesful one, all have failed.


I would arge Trex's mod is unfinished - and surely a succesful TC will be finished, but my phrasing was such that merely finishing does not neccaserily mean you have produce a "succesful" TC - by succesful I am talking about a mod which is very close to the standard of the original game in terms of execution.

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hmm I liked the idea of doing kind of "episodes" or Flashbacks... that could come out pretty cool.... and I am aware that is is not easy to do, that's why I tried to invite experienced modders and skinners so we eventually might work out a basic concept to start with and see where it get's us....

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Problem 1 is that it's hard to get these "experienced" modders interested in these kinds of projects.


Problem 2 is that the really experienced modders are few in numbers. There were a fairly large number to begin with, but lo and behold they got tired of modding. It's perfectly understandable.


Problem 3 is that even if you were going to try to recruit modders, it's generally more likely to happen if you have credibility as a modder... the only way to do that is to make mods


well, that's all my input for now.

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you're absolutely right! but this is not a request or recruiting office... it was just an idea I had and if anyone would've liked to pick it up I would have been happy to participate as much as I'm able to.... I also didn't know that there already were projects on this topic 'cause the only FC stuff I always found was movie conversions... and don't get me wrong I love all six of the movies but there are enough games about them... no need for any movie FC, imo....


oh and everyone that can give me tips about modding or skinning is kind of experienced in my eyes!

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Hmm, another attempt at a big project...


J7 gave good advice, well good imput on the matter.

If you want to do this kind of thing, it'll take more then a fan forum.


Perhaps you should ask advice from Logan23: he's doing this rather big mod.

Though I get the impression he's doing it solo with Redrob helping out on skins.


I'm doing some big mod projects myself behind the scenes with Glovemaster and we still haven't released one of them. They're are both on the back burner a bit due to personal situations and so on. EDIT: becaus of that its allmost 2 years in the works, so far and I don't expect it to be out in 2010 either. Making new levels, aiming at 8 or 9 takes a great deal of time. And asking another 3D modeller to help I can't, because I'm an *ss who has strong ideas I want it to have certain quality and look. Plus to avoid damaging good relations with my fellow 3D modders too, really I like my blokes :p


Anyway, you need to be somesort of leader and manager to keep a small group together and focused! Really, focus! To finish parts; else you'll end like Team Jawa, people working on all kinds of things, but no results, well little results.


Bit doom&gloomy perhaps, so I'll end with a positive note, that it can be done and done nicely. Silveredge did it on his own, just expect to work on it for about 2 to 3 years. :)


And don't take people who can write dialogue and give quest ideas... monkey with sigarets write novels they sell at train stations, you know ;)

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you're absolutely right! but this is not a request or recruiting office... it was just an idea I had and if anyone would've liked to pick it up I would have been happy to participate as much as I'm able to.... I also didn't know that there already were projects on this topic 'cause the only FC stuff I always found was movie conversions... and don't get me wrong I love all six of the movies but there are enough games about them... no need for any movie FC, imo....


oh and everyone that can give me tips about modding or skinning is kind of experienced in my eyes!


You've got the right idea Darkus. Stick around, and you'll likely witness the completion of a TC, or better yet become part of one.. or a smaller side expansion mod :D

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No, your wrong.


The definition of Total Conversion is; "A total conversion is a mod of an existing game that replaces almost all of the artistic assets in the original game, and sometimes core aspects of gameplay, in some cases creating a game in a completely different genre from the original." - So no, Trex's the Jedi Masters is not by definition a Total Conversion Mod, and while it was undoubtly a labour of love and had a lot of work put into it and has potential, it is not anywhere near the level of "very good" for KotOR mods; and being an Admin at KotOR Files may mean I know a thing or two about this...


I see, I suppose I should have thought about it that way. It did seem to be rushed with a lot of bugs. I can't wait to see if logan's comes out great! The Mandalorian Wars conversion would work better as dreams that canderous has.

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thanx for advice to all of you! I recently noticed some people are working on pretty cool conversions and big mods here so I'll just wait 'til their work is done to get me some more ideas and then I will start doing whatever my possibilties allow me to :thmbup1:


Well, you can train your abilities and improve them.

Its ofcourse more fun if you can this thing has a bit of an impact on the community. Then to do little mods, though often its the little gems that are the brightest and best.


So while you ponder some more, go explore item creating, mess about with some skins. Like that you start to get a feeling for all the differant tools involved. Sort of get your self at home and ease.


Though its fun, once and while to have this "dream" mod threads pop up; somehow we could create something large, but it would need a close team and some freelancers :p

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