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Heavy Midnight


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By now, the stadium had emptied. The show was over, it seemed. Valentine looked down at lifeless stadium with empty seats and the cleaning crew. The police and forensics team arrived to examine the large hole through the wall that lead to the sewers.


Valentine, whats the current situation. the voice through his earpiece queried.


"Forensics have arrived. They are currently examining the the a large hole through the wall. They're currently wondering what size force could possibly cause that type of damage."


"Any victims?"


Valentine stared throughout the stadium. His eyes suddenly suddenly glew red as he squinted. His infrared vision had served him greatly. He looked across to see a weak heat source. "Hold on."


He leaped a great distance and landed behind post made of support beams. He saw a pile of ash - with tiny specs of a glowing ember. He single blobs of red on the concrete floor. He wiped his finger across it and extracted what remaining cells by licking it.


human blood he thought.


"We have one human victim. Vampire, no doubt - he converted the remains to ash, to make it difficult to identify the body."


"Looks like its the same guy we've been tailing for the past few months."


"Looks like it. I'll see if I can extract some surveilance video footage, before the forensics team can swipe them."


"Be on the lookout, Valentine. AWO agents have been spotted in your area. I want you to see what they are up to, once you've copied the surveilance video footage."


"Affirmative. Over and out."


Valentine looked up at the moonlight. "This is gonna be one long night..." he thought.

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"Don't worry, he'll be fine. I'll come find him after I get you back home and make sure he's still breathing. You have my word."


Moxie smiled and replied, "Thank you, sir. I appreciate this..." Deep inside, she was still scared of these events. What was of her friends? Would she ever live normally again? Then again... what was "normal" anymore?




"Quick! If there is any way to reach her, you must tell me! We have to contact her if we are to make sure she is safe!"


Sonya nodded. "Yes sir. You can contact her on her cell phone. I'm pretty sure she has it with her."


Davy and Rosalyn agreed.

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Running along the roof tops of the buildings he listening closely to the steps of the werewolf following after him. Once it started to get closer Ashtin would pick up his pace. The park had to be up head, it was one of his favorite feeding grounds. Foolish children sneaking out late at night, getting lost, or caught in what they believe to be romance. All things he considered useless and foolish.


That girl... what is it about that girl?...


It started to bother him that even though he should be worrying by his own survival his thoughts kept traveling to the that human female, Moxie. As he drew closer to the park he heard a scream of another, different female. Then suddenly it came to him, the familiarity of Moxie to him.


However she looked different now, older, little more wiser. Feeling a small grin form on his face as slowly the memory of that night came back to him.


In the past...


Ashtin was stalking some humans in the park, and feeding when he heard the small whimpers in the distance. Dropping his lifeless food to the ground he stood up straight and licked the stray drops of blood off of his lips. There a few feet away stood a terrified little girl. Both standing there looking into each others eyes, something about this girl struck a familiar cord. Slowly he walked closer to the trembling human girl looking at her with curious eyes. Soon he stood over her looking down at her, then slowly he knelt down onto one knee.


"What are you doing out here this late..." he asked.


The girl responded to his inquiries the best she could. Soon she found where she lived and returned her. That was the first time he allowed Moxie the pleasures of life. At that time he hopped she wouldn't waste it like so many of her kind seemed intent on doing. Leaping away form her window sill he disappeared into the night.


The Present


"Still you remind me of her..." he said to himself a slight laugh in his voice.


Suddenly he heard a loud howl in the background and a fist slam behind him sending him flying forward and off the side of a building into an ally way. As he fell he turned himself to face on the on coming ground, then landed on his feet smiling. The smell of the park was near, and he brought a rush through Ashtin, the smell of the humans that were roaming the park made his hunter growl and echo through him. In an attempt to keep his hunger under control he continued to run towards the park, hoping that the werewolf would scare away the humans still in the park.

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Koran was now more beserk than ever. His eyes were a fierce red and his fangs had a certain glow to them. As his rage began to go up he started moving quicker. He leaped into the air with his powerful legs and began to follow the vampire from tree to tree. He dove back down at the ground to find himself infront of the vampire. He hollowed up to the moon before charging at the vampire. He dove at the vampire with his claws aiming for the vampire's throat.


"Don't mention it," was all Jericho said. Seeing that the werewolf had not went after them, Jericho slowed his pace to a walk. He cut through the trees before finally emerging in front of Forest Hills. He set the girl down and looked around to see if anyone was watching.


"Can you get yourself home from here?"


John still didn't trust this guy but there was nothing he could do at this point. He looked over at Sonya.


"Why don't you call her up? After all she is your best friend."

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Ashtin stood there looking at the werewolf now charging at him. The creatures claws ready to rip Ashtin to pieces. Smiling Ashtin stood there his hand moving to his back grabbing hold of his STI Sentinel Premier Handgun. He drew it quickly as the werewolf came closer then jumped into the air right over the werewolf. As he was flying through the air over the werewolf, he could feel the cool air surround his body. Aiming his handgun as he fell to the ground he fired off one single bullet and watched it fly by the werewolves head.


"I really don't want to hurt you." Ashtin said standing straight up pointing his gun at the werewolf.

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Koran looked at the vampire. He watched the bullet fly by his head and took that as a sign that he wanted to kill Koran. In this stage he had no control over his brain and could not process the vampire had missed on purpose. He let out a roar and charged a second time. This time he aimed himself at the vampire's mid section.

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((so uhh.... when will we have daylight?))


Standing there Ashtin waited for the last possible second and dove right through his closing grasp and in between his legs. Quickly he drove his fingers into the ground to stop him from sliding to far back. He had to think of something quick, something to calm down this enraged beast. Ashtin had met several werewolves like this, who were new so the transformation drove them mad. In the end they either learned to control themselves or had to be put down.


From the smell of the werewolf he was still basically young and new to the transformation that was taking over his body for the night. Perhaps another chase would do the werewolf good, ware him down. Ashtin turned around and started running again through the park.


Just have to keep going... Waste time for the sun to come... Ashtin thought to himself as he was running faster then the normal human eye could see.

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It didnt take long for Valentine to sneak into the security main office and copy the footage of the last few hours onto his USB stick - which was tied to a string around his neck.


As soon as he went back outside, the police and forensics were still around. Moving in the shadows, he leaped from one wall to the other, until he got atop of the tallest concrete wall. Outside of the stadium, the metalhead fans stood around worrying.


One group he noted in particular; he recognised one of faces as his sworn enemy.


"Conrad Stevenson?" Valentine growled under his breath. "What the hell is he doing here? - Hmm?" He suddenly noticed a bag beneath Valentine. He knealed down and unzipped it. He stood staring at a Longbarreled Sniper Rifle with an added Infrared scope. Valentine zipped the bag abck up with gloved fingers - unsuprised who it belonged too.


He looked back down at Stevenson. "Nevermind. Dont answer that question." It did seem unusual for the head of the AWO to go on one of their hunting trips personally. But if this was the way he worked, then Valentine didnt want to pass judgement; especially if he left his Sniper Rifle alone.


"Might as well trail this guy, and see where he leads me..." Valentine muttered to himself.

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((We'll have daylight soon. Right now, for them, it's now 3:50am.))


"Can you get yourself home from here?"


Moxie looked at Jericho and smiled. With a nod, she replied, "Yep. I can. Thank you, Mr. Jericho, for taking me back home. Um... take care." And with that, she was on her way.


As she was walking, she kept thinking about Ashtin. To her... he seemed... familiar...




"WELL! Number? I need that?"


Sonya glared slightly at the officer. Why was he acting so anxious all of a sudden? Usually, policemen took their time and didn't need to get excited, unless that person did something...


"Why don't you call her up? After all she is your best friend."


"Good idea." Sonya took her cell phone, dialed Moxie's number, and placed it on her right ear. "C'mon, Moxie, please pick up..."

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Before Jericho went to check on Ashtin he had to make sure of something first. He ran over to Moxie and pulled out a card.


"That's my number. If something like this happens again, don't be afraid to give me a call."


Jericho turned around and took off in the other direction.


Hopefully I'm not too late.




Koran continued his chase after the vampire. His speed was starting to decrease at a slow rate but he kept going. He wasn't even sure why he was chasing this vampire, all he knew was that he had to kill him.




John stood there waiting with Sonya, Davy, Rosalyn, and this officer. He still was in shock as to what had happened in the stadium. He knew Moxie wasn't a talker already. He wondered how getting taken by a vampire would do to her mind.

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Ashtin kept running, darting in between the trees of the park. The smell of human life was strong in the air here, it was starting to make him crave food more. Shaking his head Ashtin knew he had to stay focused if he wanted to survive the night. Though killing the werewolf wouldn't be to much of a problem, he just didn't enjoy killing the young ones with the mental compasity of a rodent. Looking up he could tell the sky was still dark, but in the distance there was a haze of light.


Dammit... The only way this thing will stop chasing me is if the sun is up. And if the sun is up then I'm dust, literally.


At the other side of the park there had to be buildings or some kind of complexes where he could hide at least for the night. But until then Ashtin kept running through the park, thinking of some way to by time to widen the gap between himself and his hunter.

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"That's my number. If something like this happens again, don't be afraid to give me a call."


Moxie smiled. "Thank you!" she called out as he left. She turned back around to the direction of her house. Suddenly, her cell phone went off. Moxie took out from her pants pocket and answered it.




"Moxie?! Are okay?!" The voice belonged to Sonya.


The young girl stopped on the sidewalk. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. The vampire... I mean... the strange guy let me go."


Sonya sighed. "It's okay, Moxie. John told us everything. The vampire and what had happened. Are you headed home right now?"


"Um... sure. Yeah. In fact, I'll be there in about a few minutes." Moxie checked both sides of the streets. It was empty. She ran across and safely went to the other side of the sidewalk.


"Okay. We'll be over to check up on ya. 'Kay?"


Moxie nodded. "M'kay. Bye."


"See yaz."


And with that, Moxie was in the front porch of her house.

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If it wasn't a chase, it was now for Koran. He could feel the blood rushing through his body and great speeds. This made his head dizzy and he smacked his skull right into a tree. He took a few steps back and looked around but the vampire was no where to be found. He stuck his nose into the air and began to sniff for him. Sadly for him, he picked up two traces of the vampire. Unsure of where to go he took off towards the left hoping to find the vampire once more. For quite some time he kept running until he reached a town. He knew the vampire was somewhere in here, it would only be a matter of time before he found him.


Jericho was almost out of the woods when he saw something dash past him. He turned around a saw a very hairy thing dart through the trees. Jericho turned around and took off after the werewolf. He came back to Moxie's town and placed himself in the trees. As soon as that thing moved, Jericho would strike.

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"Well? Where is she? What has happened? Where can I find her? I have many questions for her."


Sonya squinted her eyes. "Sir, calm down. My friend's at her house. Safe and sound. We can take you to her. If that's cool."




Moxie passed the living room in her house. She glanced at the time on the wall. It was 4:30am in the morning. "God, I'm tired..." The young girl went up stairs, very tired and bummed out on last night's events. "Werewolves, Vampires, Agents... I've had enough for one day."


Hopefully, her aunt and uncle would check up on her. They might've went to bed already. Moxie was finally in her room. She threw her boots off, and put on her night clothes. Jumping on her bed, she stared up at the ceiling, thinking about everything...

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"Sir, calm down. My friend's at her house. Safe and sound. We can take you to her. If that's cool."


Conrad slowed down, suddenly remembering that right now he wasn't Conrad Stevenson, but a helpful cop...


He hated being a helpful cop...you never succeeded anything like that, at least, that's what Conrad thought.


"I'm..I'm sorry, must be the nerves....Yes, I would like it if you could take me to her...this situation needs to be handled immediately."

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Ashtin emerged from the park into a residential area. This place wasn't familare grounds to him. Ashtin made it a habit of staying away from small residential area's because people here would make a bigger commotion of a tragedy then people in the main city. Ashtin walked along the streets quietly, carefully returning his gun to his holster connected to his belt on his back. He walked around quietly, trying to think of a good place he could take residence for the morning since every nerve in his being was telling him that the sun was soon.


Times like this he wished he invested into a watch so he could keep track of the rising sun, but before all the resent events he was back at his home before the moon was completely gone from the night sky. He sighed softly examining the houses around him. The smell of the werewolf was in the air, so he was close. But the sun was just as much of a danger to a werewolf as it was to a vampire. With the rising sun, the werewolf become human again, and is more vulnerable. A vampire will simply dissapear off the face of existance.


Then he caught a familare scent, it smelled like the human girl, Moxie. Ashtin took off in a dash following her scent hoping he could reach her house in time. If only to use her basement as temporary shelter.

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Moxie closed her eyes, tears streaming down from both sides of her cheeks. Why was she crying all of a sudden? Something inside her was feeling upset. Yet... she felt relieved. She couldn't understand this sudden change all of a sudden...


She began to think about Ashtin. Somehow... just somehow... he felt famiiar to her. "Where have I seen his face before...?" Moxie would ask herself. She closed her eyes. Thinking. Thinking...


"Aww, fiddle sticks! Forgot to lock the basement like Uncle told me to do!" Moxie got up and ran out of her room. She then ran down into basement, to check everything. It was nice, not like your average junky basement. But it still had a few boxes and old antiques.




"I'm..I'm sorry, must be the nerves....Yes, I would like it if you could take me to her...this situation needs to be handled immediately."


Rosalyn smiled. "S'okay, officer. No harm done."


Davy nodded. "We'll take you to her, sir. Do you want to ride in our van or do you have a car?"

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"We'll take you to her, sir. Do you want to ride in our van or do you have a car?"


He looked around, for no reason then adding to the act of being an undercover officer.


"This may sound funny, but it may be better if I went with you in your van...it's more low-profile if you get my meaning."


Conrad checked the time, he wanted to run on schedule...this girl would have to give him the answers he needed...

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Ashtin didn't stop running as he followed Moxie's scent. Quickly he darted to his right down a driveway and into some ones back yard. Jumping over fences he could feel every nerve begin to burn as the sun began to slowly rise. The sun rising would mark his death, in a burning rage of painful fury.


This isn't good... her house better be soon. he thought to himself with slight discomfort.


Then suddenly he stops. He stopped so abruptly that the wind that was following in his wake pasted be him quickly, pushing his hair and cloths forward. Moxie's scent was strong here. He could feel her near by to where he was standing. His eye drift over to the ground to gaze upon a door. He hopped beyond everything that his sense of smell didn't lead him wrong.


"Moxie? You there?" Ashtin said as he started to bang on the door, with a great sense of ergency in his voice.

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Moxie was about to lock the basement door, when suddenly... a familiar voice was heard...


"Moxie? You there?" Ashtin! It sounded like he was in trouble! The young girl opened the door and gasped. "Ashtin!" She could see that the Sun was almost shown.


"Come inside, quick!" Moxie said, gesturing him in. She didn't want to see him die. Not here, not ever.




"This may sound funny, but it may be better if I went with you in your van...it's more low-profile if you get my meaning."


Sonya nodded. "M'kay, sir. Follow us..."


And with that, Sonya, along with her friends, walked to the Camper van.

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John shook his head and started walking to his car.


"I'll follow you guys, just try not to go too slow this time Sonya."




Koran ran through the neighborhood as quickly as he could. Bullets were sailing all around him as another vampire was chasing him. He continued through the streets, making his way through the homes as quickly as his legs would allow him. Suddenly he caught the smell of the other vampire and took off towards that, but not to fight. No this time he hoped the two vampires would fight each other instead. The smell was right near him now, he turned his head and saw the vampire with a girl. He gave a loud howl to alert all three that he was there.


Jericho cornered the werewolf in front of some home. He looked up to see Moxie and Ashwin. He kept his guns pointed at the werewolf.


"Fancy running into you both here."

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