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Double Crossing The Exchange?

Darth Payne

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After reading a kotor fic lately i've been wondering if there is any way to make a mod that lets you double cross the exchange.


Such as when you deal with the Rakhgoul Serum, instead of having to choose either only the DS option or the LS option you can choose a third option marked as (Lie) when you talk to Zax.


Doing so would give you a double dose of LS points on the same side quest.


Can this be done?

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Hmm... interesting... I'll have to figure out how to change Zelka's dialogue so that you can still give him the rakghoul serum after giving it to Zax.


It will probably be a global variable, or maybe an inventory check. If you're going with the two vials route, you'll have to change Zax's dialogue, so that if you're not going to double-cross him then you give him both vials (or none, if you're going LS). If you are going to double-cross him, then just write a script that destroys one of the serum's from your inventory, and keep the other one for Zelka. Here's how I would structure the options for Zax:


1) Here is all of the serum I found.

2) (Lie) Here is all of the serum I found.

3) NO! I love life and all of its runty little children. Let's go save all the nice children in the Undercity...

4) I'll have to think about this.


So 1) and 3) would trigger the same reaction from Zelka, but you would then add some reaction for 2), which would be something along the lines of: "Oh my, aren't you a fiendish devil? Here, have some LS points". I would keep the LS points for double crossing the Exchange the same as if you just sided with the doctor, but have the former get some influence (or some money). Or perhaps the former could have some sort of persuade check on it? Otherwise there's no real reason not to do it.

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Uhm... I really do hate to burst your bubble, but it's not simply a script and dialog edit >< It requires editing the Global Variable too...


But I did think of one thing that could happen... you could find a "Fake Rakghoul Serum" and give it to Zax, like you can do with Shaardan on Korriban, by giving him one of the other swords... basically it would be a non-usable antidote pack ahah.

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Uhm... I really do hate to burst your bubble, but it's not simply a script and dialog edit >< It requires editing the Global Variable too...


But I did think of one thing that could happen... you could find a "Fake Rakghoul Serum" and give it to Zax, like you can do with Shaardan on Korriban, by giving him one of the other swords... basically it would be a non-usable antidote pack ahah.


Assuming that there is a global variable. It could just be an inventory check, but I'd have to make sure.

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