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Did Bastila leave the Order before TSL?


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I am almost all the way thru KoTOR2 but have only seen that one example of Bastila in the battle in the tomb where she appears as one of the foes. Is there any other info on her in KoTOR 2 that is canon? havent heard or seen a peep about her so i just wondered.

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^^^Then you have chosen a non canon outcome for K1. That first meeting w/ Atton, be mindful what you say. Play through a new game differently--or go back to the before that first conversation with Atton... AFTER you beat this game and branch off into different choices from there.


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If you chose Revan as having been lightside in either case the holocron on korriban would be destroyed. Otherwise you see Bastila's recording in the korriban tomb from the holocron. Canon is that you see Bastila in a cutscene after Exile speaks with Carth which is only Revan having been LS male. LS female, Carth is concerned for female Revan instead. This occurs after destroying the ravager.
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Let's bear in mind that Jedi celibacy was not an absolute rule at this point in history, it was only a rising trend that seemed to be becoming the norm (especially on Dantooine, but it may not have been universal yet). Just forty years previous, at the time of Exar Kun, Jedi were freely marrying and having families.


That said, I don't think Bastila would have necessarily have needed to leave the Order in order to bear children. Sure, it would have been greatly frowned upon by the Masters back at the conclave on Dantooine, but who's to say that she didn't relocate to somewhere else where marriage may still have been the norm?


Also, I don't think the father necessarily has to have been Revan. She may very well have eventually moved on with her life, and may have even believed Revan to have been gone forever, or dead.

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  Zerimar Nyliram said:
Also, I don't think the father necessarily has to have been Revan. She may very well have eventually moved on with her life, and may have even believed Revan to have been gone forever, or dead.


This is true, but unlikely at this point. Satele Shan (carrying Bastila's surname) is believed by the Sith to be Revan's descendant. Perhaps they are assuming incorrectly, but I think it's more likely that Satele did come from Bastila and Revan's lineage.

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  Zerimar Nyliram said:
Let's bear in mind that Jedi celibacy was not an absolute rule at this point in history, it was only a rising trend that seemed to be becoming the norm (especially on Dantooine, but it may not have been universal yet). Just forty years previous, at the time of Exar Kun, Jedi were freely marrying and having families.


Non absolute, yes, but still in rather strong effect. Regardless who Arren Kae actually is/ends up being, it is still recounted that she was banished from the order...though I can think why that would be is b/c it was an extra marital affair.


That said, I don't think Bastila would have necessarily have needed to leave the Order in order to bear children. Sure, it would have been greatly frowned upon by the Masters back at the conclave on Dantooine, but who's to say that she didn't relocate to somewhere else where marriage may still have been the norm?
BioWare may well be playing this note for ambiguity sake, however, we have evidence the intent behind the romance plot in K1 was to actually be that contrived--that Her and Revn DID "do that thing". It was never quite fleshed out that strongly, though.


Now with the recent release of the TOR comic, they seem to be hinting at that as well. I'm going to remain in my thoughts trending this way but it is by no means conviction. If you can refute the evidences of what the plot writer said about his intentions for the romance plot in K1 AND the recent comics seemingly speaking to that end, you might sway me.


Also, I don't think the father necessarily has to have been Revan. She may very well have eventually moved on with her life, and may have even believed Revan to have been gone forever, or dead.


We'll see. It's ambiguous for now, and only time will tell for sure.

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Oh yeah, I guess I hadn't considered the possibility that Revan and Bastila conceived a child before he left for the Unknown Regions. That would mean that when we see Bastila in The Sith Lords, she would have already been the mother of a five-year-old child. I kind of like that, actually.

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Do we know how much time passed between Revan defeating Malak and Revan leaving the known galaxy? He had to have enough time to think about the state of the galaxy with Malak gone, remember more of his past (Trayus Academy), and leave instructions for everyone (Carth, Canderous). I think there was plenty of time to take advantage of Bastila's Twilight-obsession over him before he left.

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Considering Malak's name of Alek Squinquargesimus, I think Revan might also have an embarssing last name and not want to inflict it upon his child. Then checking Wookiepedia, I found out that there are planets like Quelii that don't use surnames for people and use the name of the town they were born in with their given name. Revan might not even have a last name.


As to Bastillia, she was still a padawan and could leave the Order without problems. Another famous padawan around that time also left the Order and was not considered a Jedi by ANYONE: Zayne Carrick.

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  Gurges-Ahter said:
Do we know how much time passed between Revan defeating Malak and Revan leaving the known galaxy? He had to have enough time to think about the state of the galaxy with Malak gone, remember more of his past (Trayus Academy), and leave instructions for everyone (Carth, Canderous). I think there was plenty of time to take advantage of Bastila's Twilight-obsession over him before he left.


IIRC, it is mentioned somewhere that it had been 1 year since the destruciton of the star forge and that Revan was leaving.


Not positive but I think T3-M4 carries a message specifically telling you about this. May be dependent on what you chose for K1's outcome.

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  ShinDangaioh said:
Considering Malak's name of Alek Squinquargesimus, I think Revan might also have an embarssing last name and not want to inflict it upon his child. Then checking Wookiepedia, I found out that there are planets like Quelii that don't use surnames for people and use the name of the town they were born in with their given name. Revan might not even have a last name.


As to Bastillia, she was still a padawan and could leave the Order without problems. Another famous padawan around that time also left the Order and was not considered a Jedi by ANYONE: Zayne Carrick.


You know, i dont think Bastila could leave the order without any kind of controversy. I also doubt her rank as Padawan was still in effect after the battle of the Star Forge. She would definitely be given the rank of knight. I dont consider the title to be much of an issue though. Considering the amazing power Bastila possessed, it would very likely cause a great deal of turmoil within the order Order if she just choose to leave.


I think Revan did everything he could to secure her safety before he left for the unknown regions. Revan probably knew what was coming better than anyone, so he gave Bastila all the knowledge she needed to avoid the Sith. This probably lead to her leaving the order in the end; and after what transpired in the years after the Jedi Civil War it proved to be a very wise decision. After all, she is still around at the time of KOTOR II.


I think Bastila knew things that no other Jedi knew. Probably because of her close relationship with Revan. Exactly what this was is another question unanswered.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, if we're going with the "canon," try this:


"You're redeemed? Great! The Sith are broken now, so we won't have as much need for your Battle Meditation. You will still serve as a....wait a minute? You're WHAT? And the father is WHO?! We cannot permit this. Hand over your lightsaber."

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Just for reference, have we ever had a canon Jedi who had to leave the Order because of a relationship?


Personally, I don't see any reason to believe Bastila ever got pregnant at all. It seems obvious to me that she had a sister that Revan screwed and knocked up in a completely unrelated set of circumstances.


It also definitely took place before the amnesiac Revan was re-trained during the events of KotOR, but after he lost his memories.

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  TKA-001 said:
Any others?


EDIT: Wasn't the reason for her exile more related to her role in Revan's development as a Jedi?

No, it was more for her getting pregnant by a married man, Echani General Yusanis.


Also, regarding Satele's surname of Shan...Anakin's father was never around either, was he? So he was given his mother's last name. (Probably a bad example, but bear with me here.) It's a common occurrence in divorce cases for the children's last name to be changed to that of the parent that is designated the primary caregiver.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  DAWUSS said:
Just a random thought, and I'll admit, has little solid backing.


Anyway, is there a chance that Bastila actually left the Jedi Order before the events of TSL? It would explain why she never went to the Conclave of Katarr and became snack time for Darth Nihilus, why Kreia (and the Exile) never added her to the gathering of Jedi (either the EH or DE, though she would have less purpose in the latter), among other things.


Why would she leave the Order? One possibility: Satele Shan. If this individual is a direct descendant, then Bastila had a child, and that could be a legit reason for leaving the Jedi Order.


Weak premise, I know.


I support the idea. Katarr was far too important to leave the issue behind for her, and other Dantooine Masters went there right? so, there must have been a VERY important reason for her to to leave the meeting behind. Maybe it was Satele Shan, maybe she was already at Coruscant wondering herself if she should leave the Order or maybe she was just too tired of hiding from the Sith? :raise:


Finally, she could have given up in her search for Revan by then, after years of uncertainty :nod: ... right??

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know I'm dragging up this thread once more after it's been dormant for a year but I had a few things I'd like to add. After reading the whole thing, I would like to make a few brief comments on it.


1. Alot of Jedi escaped the holocaust on Katarr so I don't see why Bastila needs an elaborate story as to why she wasn't there. I can't seem to find my source at the moment, I beleive it can be unearthed in wookiepedia, but only about 60% of the order was lost at Katarr, leaving the remaining 40% to be hunted down and assassinated by Nihlus and Sion.


2. If you want to say it was a coincidence that Bastila evaded the assassins as long as she did, keep in mind she was in the ending scene of TSL speaking with Carth about helping keep the Republic safe. She likely spent her exile working with Carth on the new Sith menance, waiting for Revan's return and thus benefited from the protection of the Republic military.


3. I personally believe that the new Shan character is indeed a direct descendant of Bastila and possibly Revan. I believe this for no other good reason than it makes good sense from a story point of view. Bastila is a character we all like and can relate to and drawing a link between the storyline of Kotor and the new MMO would be smart.


4. I have personally felt that the Lost Jedi included Bastila as well as the disciples of the Exile and perhaps even a redeemed Atris. I had always assumed that if this were true Bastila would most likely become the first head of the newly reformed Jedi Council. Mostly because she would be the most qualified and accomplished Jedi who had survived the Great Purge.


5. I don't think having a child with Revan would disqualify Bastila from serving in the order. It is not a crime for a Jedi to have a child, only attachments are forbidden. If she chose to raise the child then I seriously doubt she would be able to continue within the order. But nothing says she couldn't give the child to a loving home, and with Revan now gone, she could very well have freed herself from any dangerous attachments.


Just a few thoughts on a year old thread...

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  • 4 months later...
  Allronix said:
Well, if we're going with the "canon," try this:


"You're redeemed? Great! The Sith are broken now, so we won't have as much need for your Battle Meditation. You will still serve as a....wait a minute? You're WHAT? And the father is WHO?! We cannot permit this. Hand over your lightsaber."




  Allronix said:
Arren Kae was kicked out for getting pregnant with Brianna.


  TKA-001 said:
Any others?


EDIT: Wasn't the reason for her exile more related to her role in Revan's development as a Jedi?


If Arren Kae and Kreia are one and the same, hard to say. If not...then I suppose each had their individual reasons for getting kicked out.



  Darth GSJ said:
I know I'm dragging up this thread once more after it's been dormant for a year but I had a few things I'd like to add. After reading the whole thing, I would like to make a few brief comments on it.


1. Alot of Jedi escaped the holocaust on Katarr so I don't see why Bastila needs an elaborate story as to why she wasn't there. I can't seem to find my source at the moment, I beleive it can be unearthed in wookiepedia, but only about 60% of the order was lost at Katarr, leaving the remaining 40% to be hunted down and assassinated by Nihlus and Sion.


You mean there's some hope for Jolee Bindo afterall? :D


Well, that would be interesting.


Anyway, fate had it for Bastila to live, regardless. That much is certain.


2. If you want to say it was a coincidence that Bastila evaded the assassins as long as she did, keep in mind she was in the ending scene of TSL speaking with Carth about helping keep the Republic safe. She likely spent her exile working with Carth on the new Sith menance, waiting for Revan's return and thus benefited from the protection of the Republic military.


Well, whatever she did, she had to be rather incognito and not attract attention. It's perhaps worth noting on the dark side path at the dantooine enclave, Kreia is hesitant to say that you killed all the Jedi because she can't tell for sure. Basty was not sticking around long after K1 ended, if that was also a dark side scenario. So it's fair to say Bastilla survived no matter what.


3. I personally believe that the new Shan character is indeed a direct descendant of Bastila and possibly Revan. I believe this for no other good reason than it makes good sense from a story point of view. Bastila is a character we all like and can relate to and drawing a link between the storyline of Kotor and the new MMO would be smart.


I'm pretty sure that one sith guy confronting Satele Shan on dantooine in the crystal cave told her she has Revan's blood. It's all in the TOR web comics (in process currently of making print as we speak) if you want to check it out. There is no denying it. Revan and Basty... did the nasty.


4. I have personally felt that the Lost Jedi included Bastila as well as the disciples of the Exile and perhaps even a redeemed Atris. I had always assumed that if this were true Bastila would most likely become the first head of the newly reformed Jedi Council. Mostly because she would be the most qualified and accomplished Jedi who had survived the Great Purge.
I believe there was also something about that chronicler apprentice somewhere having made it. Dorak's former padawan. The green Twi'lek.


Could be mistaken, though.


5. I don't think having a child with Revan would disqualify Bastila from serving in the order. It is not a crime for a Jedi to have a child, only attachments are forbidden. If she chose to raise the child then I seriously doubt she would be able to continue within the order. But nothing says she couldn't give the child to a loving home, and with Revan now gone, she could very well have freed herself from any dangerous attachments.

Just a few thoughts on a year old thread...


That is the subject of debate. Personally I'm not sure either way. Does it really matter? Their offspring flourished regardless...


  dernhelmyu said:
MMMMMMMMMMMM.Bastila,with fries.....how delicious....



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  GTA:SWcity said:
If Arren Kae and Kreia are one and the same, hard to say. If not...then I suppose each had their individual reasons for getting kicked out.

Kreia specifically says that Arren joined the Mandalorian Wars after her birth was found out. Nothing about it causing her exile (or that she was exiled at all, just that she decided to leave).

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  • 1 month later...
  DAWUSS said:
Anyway, is there a chance that Bastila actually left the Jedi Order before the events of TSL? It would explain why she never went to the Conclave of Katarr and became snack time for Darth Nihilus, why Kreia (and the Exile) never added her to the gathering of Jedi (either the EH or DE, though she would have less purpose in the latter), among other things.


Why would she leave the Order? One possibility: Satele Shan. If this individual is a direct descendant, then Bastila had a child, and that could be a legit reason for leaving the Jedi Order.


To be honest its all really in a grey area. As much as I enjoyed seeing her-for a very short time-in TSL, I found it kind of odd.


First off-according to the cannon version-Kotor 1 ends with the Sith Fleet dieing(like the galactic empire/episode 6) and the Jedi rebuilding. Kotor 2 starts off with like very few Jedi and more Sith. I'm curious what happedn between these two games???


That's what I mean by "being in the grey area" there are like 10% answers and 90% questions when regarding Knights of the Old Republic, sadly :(


  cire992 said:
I have to double-check this, but I'm pretty sure Luke's last name is Skywalker, not Amidala. So... yeah. If that chick from the TOR comics has anything to do with Bassie, then someone's got some real creative retconning to do.


No offense, but there are some women would rather have their childs last name as their own for various reasons:

-boyfriend/husban has left or died

-not entirly sure who the father is


Revan had no last name, nor could he remember his life before he fell to the dark side. Although, I get the feeling that maybe Kreia knew his former idenity!


One of the shows I watch: Stargate Atlantis, this one girl has a child, knows who the father is and yet named the child with her last name. Depends on the situation.


  Kreia001 said:
Yes, i am sure your theory is right, cause look what wookiepedia says:


Satele Shan has been confirmed as a descendant of a main character from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Due to her surname, many fans believe that she is the descendant of Bastila Shan. It is also stated that she may be able to use battle meditation, Bastila's most distinctive ability.


It is not currently known whether Shan will play a role in the upcoming video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, because in a press release BioWare revealed that the story in the comic Star Wars: The Old Republic, Threat of Peace Act 1: Treaty of Coruscant will span the three decades between the Treaty of Coruscant and the start of the game. This possibly places Satele at an advanced age when the game begins.


Wikipedia isn't the most relyable source, you can't trust everything it says.


  DAWUSS said:
Maybe Revan was too big a target, and so the child took on the mother's last name.


I think this is more likely, story-wise. If there was a child, giving it her last name wouldn't be as much as a threat as Revan-plus we know of no last name or even former idenitity prior to his dark side fall =/


  Miltiades said:
I think he meant that if Revan was a target (of the True SIth or some other enemy), then it'd be safe to name not give his child his own last name, but use Bastila's. Doesn't seem likely, though, since Bastila herself would have been a target if Revan was one, so naming the child Shan wouldn't be very wise.


I agree somewhat here. The child-if there was one-would have to be given some last name. I get the feeling the creators/developers who came up with this character had no last name for revan so they just chose Bastila's.


That's the problem with EU, thousands of people with different ideas and not everything makes sense or is completed!


  Darth GSJ said:
I know I'm dragging up this thread once more after it's been dormant for a year but I had a few things I'd like to add. After reading the whole thing, I would like to make a few brief comments on it.


1. Alot of Jedi escaped the holocaust on Katarr so I don't see why Bastila needs an elaborate story as to why she wasn't there. I can't seem to find my source at the moment, I beleive it can be unearthed in wookiepedia, but only about 60% of the order was lost at Katarr, leaving the remaining 40% to be hunted down and assassinated by Nihlus and Sion.


2. If you want to say it was a coincidence that Bastila evaded the assassins as long as she did, keep in mind she was in the ending scene of TSL speaking with Carth about helping keep the Republic safe. She likely spent her exile working with Carth on the new Sith menance, waiting for Revan's return and thus benefited from the protection of the Republic military.


3. I personally believe that the new Shan character is indeed a direct descendant of Bastila and possibly Revan. I believe this for no other good reason than it makes good sense from a story point of view. Bastila is a character we all like and can relate to and drawing a link between the storyline of Kotor and the new MMO would be smart.


4. I have personally felt that the Lost Jedi included Bastila as well as the disciples of the Exile and perhaps even a redeemed Atris. I had always assumed that if this were true Bastila would most likely become the first head of the newly reformed Jedi Council. Mostly because she would be the most qualified and accomplished Jedi who had survived the Great Purge.


5. I don't think having a child with Revan would disqualify Bastila from serving in the order. It is not a crime for a Jedi to have a child, only attachments are forbidden. If she chose to raise the child then I seriously doubt she would be able to continue within the order. But nothing says she couldn't give the child to a loving home, and with Revan now gone, she could very well have freed herself from any dangerous attachments.


(Point 1)I agree on all these points. In the original trilogy, lots of people wondered whih jedi from the prequel films survived and were just hiding.


(Point 2)Don't forget that Kotor 2 was about the Exile. How do we know Bastila wasn't on a dangerous mission as well??? Perhaps some of the assassins did find her and she defeated them. I'm sure after fighting by Reven throughout Kotor 1 and after she must of learned how to take care of herself-even more!


Besides, Revan did leave to save the lives of those he cared for. Which I'm assuming he even trained them a some before leaving! He knew the threat and that he wouldn't return, he wouldn't leave them defenseless-if you get what I mean.


(Point 5)We've seen varoius cases where Jedi have children, its not like its unheard of or shocking. And there is a possibility she did have the child adopted out. It would make sense story-wise and also remove the threat to herself, Revan and the child!

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