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March/April '10: I did what!?!?!?

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If you've seen the movie, Hey Dude, Where's My Car, you remember it began with some friends getting drunk, and spending the rest of the movie retracing their steps trying to find the car.


Well here it is. Writer and I got our heads together and suggested, 'I did what last night' followed by 'All right, now what do I do about it?'


Go to it.


JM12, give them a bit of extra time.


Oh yeah, a pity I was one of the Winners last month because I have such an idea...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since we are into May no and ther have been no takers, I am officially closing this particular challenge. Also I will be making adjustments to the challenges and some changes in order to get a hopefully substantial amount of entries. Keep watching for a brand new challenge.



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