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GamePro Cover for May 4th features Force Unleashed 2


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let the baseless theories and speculation run rampant...I prefer not to speculate myself...I find it to be a waste of time. I will likely play the game when it comes out...at some point and then I will lay down my judgment.


Personally...neither theory is "believable" imho...but then as I swear LucasArts has a dartboard with which they decide plot elements and canon retcons...I find it amusing and disturbing at the same time.

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I've already thought of some of things you pointed out, but I'm not going to push that those types of theories for the time being. Like they may rewrite the rules about how long it takes to grow a clone now and that they can now successfully clone a Jedi.


But if you want to think about things; if he truly is a clone, then why do the writers talk as if Starkiller is now older and more mature?


Or why does Starkiller have memories of Juno? You would think Vader would be smart enough NOT to insert those types of memories in a clone.


Is this the best way the writers can logically explain how Starkiller is still alive and how he escapes? If you want to look at a minor thing, why does he carry blue lightsabers instead of red if he's supposed to serve Vader assuming he's still a clone?


I do agree something seems out of place with this whole thing, but I'm not going to bank on it for the time being that we're going to get a twist in the story and we learn he really is Starkiler later in the story.

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Yeah I agree 100% with you Shem.


But still I'm not gonna bank on it either since I might be completely wrong and he ends up being a clone after all(please Lucasarts don't do this to me..) and everything I pointed out had no meaning at all.


No doubt I'm getting the game within the first week or so though I just can't wait to see how the plot ends up and how the new gameplay elements are :]

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What's the problem of him being a clone? It's the only possible (non-surreal) explanation that can make you play as Starkiller again on this second game.


Non-surreal? How's it non-surreal if clones have grown for the assumed 6 months since the first TFU and he's the age he is now as a clone? 6 months for him to be 20-something years in age physically? 6 months for him to "have the sense of being a more powerful force" than the first game? I'm not saying that it being the original Starkiller is non-surreal, but it's definitely more realistic(Starwars wise) since the same basically happened to Revan in the KotOR games. Who knows, maybe they're using that as a base, that Starkiller was "killed" but brought back to life with a reprogrammed identity but he still has memories of his past but is told he's a clone. Kinda like Revan, believes himself to be a Scout, Soldier, Scoundrel, or whatever but has memories of his past still and later finds out he was Darth Revan. Nobody knows except Lucasarts and GL himself.

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Some of the reactions I'm seeing about making Starkiller a clone is exactly what I thought would happen. I figured that one day this game would have a sequel because of the success of the first game well over a year ago, so I thought it would be fun to think of a way to bring Starkiller back in original form:




I would have thought that the writers would be smart enough to know that it would be very dangerous in terms of the success of the sequel to not use a clone when the idea was ever brought up.


Now, if they do make it a story twist that the original Starkiller thinks he maybe a clone is one thing that would redeem this idea, but again don't count on it since there is still a lot of information about this game we don't know about.

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I would have thought that the writers would be smart enough to know that it would be very dangerous in terms of the success of the sequel to not use a clone when the idea was ever brought up.


Please reference my dart board theory above :)

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