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Monkey Island: Behind the Scenes


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  MrHarper said:
Just a random addition to the storyline: George Lucas will replace Elaine Marley. One of the three trials will be to steal the idol from George Lucas's mansion, even though it's his company. Lucas will be kidnapped, and Ron goes after him because he desperately wants to work for his company (LucasArts) but he keeps saying no. Ron will have trouble talking when Lucas is around, because he can't believe he's in the presence of 'the guy who made Star Wars'. I've thought of some hilarious dialog for this scenario, so it seems to work best. Who will replace the Swordmaster and what 'insult game' will be played is still unknown.


How about Ron steals some Star Wars prop, like the Yoda puppet, or a lightsaber? Maybe the random insult people who you find on the road look like jedi? Or how about instead of dressing as Fester Shinetop, the villan (whoever he is) looks like one of the guards from THX-1138?

If we're going to have George Lucas, we'd better take advantage of that.

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What sample background were you after? I'll give it a go. I can also help with various other things such as writing, but no programming :p


Also, I'd like to make a suggestion if I may. I think that you should focus your efforts on a smaller-scale game. Maybe just a few rooms long. If you try to make a game that's as big as SMI, it probably won't get finished. A good thing to do is to think of some objective your character needs to complete, and plan the story out around that. Looking up some things about story structure would help. I'd suggest something small like "Ron needs to mail his finished game to his boss but it's been accidentally sent upstairs to the obnoxious business man Jim LeWard and he has to get it back" (well, maybe not that, but you know :p)

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  MrHarper said:

I was thinking a crowded and messy office for the demo background. :)


This is just a rough, 30 minute concept sketch coloured in photoshop. I figured it would be simpler to do a rough sketch first so that you can easily share ideas and whatnot. The finished version will have a lot more detail to make it look messier (and some people too I guess... although I'm no sprite artist so maybe MonkeyMania can take care of that :p).




Remember that this is just a sketch... the proper version will have better colours and possibly chairs that are big enough for humans to sit on :p


Also, does anybody know what size image I should be making for the final background? I'm pretty clueless :D

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