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US Census 2010


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As I'm sure all of my fellow Americans have heard the 2010 U.S. Census is upon us.


For those that have no idea what I'm talking about the census is what the government uses to gather data about it's citizens.


This year there has been some concern from some parties that the census is becoming too intrusive while the census bureau maintains that the questions asked are gathering needed data and that answers are required by law. The required by law part has been questioned as well with each side citing U.S. Code and the Constitution of the United States.


While I personally believe that some of the questions are a bit curious, I have answered them and will mail my form back. I'm interested in what others may think about the census. Thoughts?

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I agree in general and found it a little suspect that you'd be fined $100 per every question not answered. It's a prod for "more data or more money".


"Are there any illegals in your household? How many? How long have they lived there? Do they pay taxes?" Yeah right, like I'm going to answer that when I could keep evading--or if I am a slum lord like I'm going to be honest about how much I pinch my "labor force" so they could ding me.


"What race are you? What is your skin color? How long have you lived in this country (Like my social security and my driver's license don't *already* tell you that...wtf?) What political party are you currently affiliated with?


What? You gonna raise my taxes just because I am who I say I am? Monitor me for anything I say that could potentially be anti government sentiment? (ZOMG this guy loves his guns-TERRORIST! OH NOES! Shooting rampage!)


Give me a break.

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found it a little suspect that you'd be fined $100 per every question not answered.
You do understand that it cost money to hire people to come to your door and fill out the form should you not compete the mail out. Hiring and training census workers is reported to cost us taxpayers an average $57.00 per household. A cost that could have been saved if the 28% that did not mailed the form back mailed it back. So if someone is too lazy to be bothered to fill out the form, then I have no problem with this convenience charge to help offset the cost compared to a .44 cent stamp.
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I agree in general and found it a little suspect that you'd be fined $100 per every question not answered. It's a prod for "more data or more money".


"Are there any illegals in your household? How many? How long have they lived there? Do they pay taxes?" Yeah right, like I'm going to answer that when I could keep evading--or if I am a slum lord like I'm going to be honest about how much I pinch my "labor force" so they could ding me.


"What race are you? What is your skin color? How long have you lived in this country (Like my social security and my driver's license don't *already* tell you that...wtf?) What political party are you currently affiliated with?


What? You gonna raise my taxes just because I am who I say I am? Monitor me for anything I say that could potentially be anti government sentiment? (ZOMG this guy loves his guns-TERRORIST! OH NOES! Shooting rampage!)


Give me a break.



Well...the language for the fines is in the law if I understand what I've read correctly. US Code Title 13 Section 221 states:


) Whoever, being over eighteen years of age, refuses or

willfully neglects, when requested by the Secretary, or by any

other authorized officer or employee of the Department of Commerce

or bureau or agency thereof acting under the instructions of the

Secretary or authorized officer, to answer, to the best of his

knowledge, any of the questions on any schedule submitted to him in

connection with any census or survey provided for by subchapters I,

II, IV, and V of chapter 5 of this title, applying to himself or to

the family to which he belongs or is related, or to the farm or

farms of which he or his family is the occupant, shall be fined not

more than $100.

(b) Whoever, when answering questions described in subsection (a)

of this section, and under the conditions or circumstances

described in such subsection, willfully gives any answer that is

false, shall be fined not more than $500.



Now do I think they will actually fine anyone...I doubt it but I don't know for sure.


@mimartin: I think, based again on what I've read, is that some are refusing to answer because they don't believe the government is entitled to ask some of the questions or feel the information provided could be used against them somehow even though it is supposed to be illegal for the Census Bureau to do so.

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The question regarding Hispanics in the household provided me with a WTF moment for sure, but otherwise I found the questions no more invasive than before, and I filled it out and mailed it.

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You do understand that it cost money to hire people to come to your door and fill out the form should you not compete the mail out.


Actually yes I do, and the father of one of my friends actually did census work.


I just kind of was surprised they took to such a coercive tactic this time--sure there have been penalties but I do not ever remember it being quite like this.


Hiring and training census workers is reported to cost us taxpayers an average $57.00 per household. A cost that could have been saved if the 28% that did not mailed the form back mailed it back. So if someone is too lazy to be bothered to fill out the form, then I have no problem with this convenience charge to help offset the cost compared to a .44 cent stamp.


That's fine you don't have a problem--I was merely taken aback by this...Or are you saying you have a problem with my initial reaction? :dev10: And before you continue, yes I know this all has costs, though this year higher than in previous years IMO.

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