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playing a game? choose the right operating system

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ok this is a fact about ur operating system when running games one with vista it takes up to 20-40% more rescources to run applications so u it is just harder to run games along with its big lag of non backwards compatibility of games. (works with some some not at all ones i played with it sucked just dog lag).


windows 7 has no backwards compatibility as well so that sucks to also you must have a xp mode pre installed for it to work on a xp type status which is rly for small buisnesses.


XP XP XP XP!!!!!: best has all good sides of those down sides hahahaha so i wont say them. best choice because u actually use ur power wisely and not take crap up not needed (money you save using this os i have tried and asked professonials).


the others are great os's just not for gaming


any arguments start here. :cool:

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This is very subjective - people use their pcs in very different ways. The hardware I have and programs I use mean that a 64bit Vista/Win7 environment is best for me. XP 64 bit pales in comparison, and was only ever designed as a business platform - it never really took off to tell truth, and its driver support is woeful.


Some other points:


*XP is limited to older shader models and directx9, older ATI cards aren't even getting directx9 updates anymore. Those who buy new DX10/11 cards are not using their card to their full potential.


*Some versions of XP are no longer supported.... such as media center edition, tablet pc edition. They will get basic security fixes but nothing correcting or updating compatibility glitches that newly arise


It all depends on what hardware you have, what games you want to play. If you're running at sub 1600x1200 and play a bunch of old games, you might as well stay on XP.


Also, as most people who are dedicated to older games will do, dual booting is easy to set up - gives you the best of all worlds ;)


the others are great os's just not for gaming


Someone with a directx11 card on a no longer supported media center platform trying to make a game from 1998 run would always say that of course!! ;)



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haha so since i got a radeon 5750 is that the reason i cant play age of empires rise of rome collectors edition for long why it has errors in game and ends it. because it wont support direct x9?


The new cards are designed to be backwards compatible to a degree, but glitches are inevitable, especially on the older titles that are pre DX9.


AoE/Rise of Rome is a 1998 title, so is most likely sporting DirectX 6 under the hood. I remember when DX6 was all new and shiny and exciting - I think that makes me an old fogey ;)



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Wanna hear something funny? My beloved Baldur's Gate series, or any Infinity Engine game, for that matter, actually runs better on Vista and 7 than it did on XP. No compatibility mode or nothing. :p

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Wanna hear something funny? My beloved Baldur's Gate series, or any Infinity Engine game, for that matter, actually runs better on Vista and 7 than it did on XP. No compatibility mode or nothing. :p


I can verify the same for Jedi Academy... it freakin' flies. Though I haven't tried any other games with the quake III Arena engine. Of course I do realise that someone with a GTX 295 in xp would probably get luverly performance too, but the main point is that there are no compatibility glitches when going from xp>kernel 6.x - unlike KOTOR for example.



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well like then what is the problem is my build to fast is the gpu to fast or powerful for the game can it not keep up? i can put the error code up later if u request it. like you see i get into game and play for like 10 mins like about time u bronze or late tool age then it goes to of game saying error on aoe shows aoe icon so it is aoe.

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well like then what is the problem is my build to fast is the gpu to fast or powerful for the game can it not keep up?


there's already a thread for this, so why continue it in here too?


if you've tried the compatibility mode options with no luck, you're next step depends on how attached you are to a 12 year old game ;)



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haha lovethe game man idk about you, so ur saying if that doesnt work i have to go to a lower powerful computer?!? wow.


yep, or sell/swap your 5750 for something older... or


You could probably pull a pc from a junk heap that would run it better :p Legacy computers for legacy games :)



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yep, or sell/swap your 5750 for something older...


You could probably pull a pc from a junk heap that would run it better :p Legacy computers for legacy games :)


I wonder how it would go virtualised in vmware - which has dx6 emulation nowdays. It'd probably crash on the GPU drivers side of things like KOTOR does



I think that Darth Sasuna is confusing "backwards compatibility" and what that concept means. XP, IIRC, does no better with compatibility modes for WIN2K/ME/98SE/98/95 than does Vista or Win 7. XP is not "backwards compatible" better than Windows Vista or 7 for a game developed during XP's heydey - it is simply compatible, made at the time that OS was prevalent. It is true that Vista/7 do not always perform as well as XP for software developed expressly for XP - that I find self-evident.


I feel your pain, DS... we all do. The games we love best are often the ones we remember from our youth, when we had more time to delve into the storylines and flat-out more time to play.


Pick up an old 6800 for $30 and call it a day. Save or sell that ATI - you can always hold on to it, for the day you want a 7 system that can play the new games the way they should be played, compatible with today.

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well my mobo has a on board card but i believe it still happens though it is lke a 4000 somehting not sure exactly


If you have an onboard GPU, you may be able to switch to it/disable the PCIe card for a session in the BIOS and boot up. That will save you the hassle of pulling the card.



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AOE requires 1 MB of GPU memory, so memory isn't an issue :xp:


It could be Direct X 5.2, although I think its more likely an ancient version of OpenGL.


AOE runs fine on my computer though, (Age of Kings)


so what download directx 5.2 or 6? but i got the latest one out just checked, so wouldnt that cover it?]



hey also i tested my onboard graphics card so idk same problem i know it is the os, i had same os on laptop worked fine.

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