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Star Wars: Fighting for Peace

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Isaac stood there in the doorway of the cockpit and simply looked at Lyna. This girl obviously did have a lot to learn, but somethings she needed to learn the hard way. Through experience, the typical Trial and Error. He could feel the pressure of the air push upon his arms as he raised them to cross them over his chest.


"You should not just limit yourself to being just a clone of a dead person." Isaac said as he lowered his arms and walked towards the co-pilot seat. "In stead make a name for yourself. You can go find answers by defeating Sethos, and talking to Cade Skywalker. But then what? what will you do? You are not a clone, you are now a living breathing human. Your destiny is in your own hands."


Isaac eyes scanned over the control panels. If anything this adventure would surely be an interesting one indeed.

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"You should not just limit yourself to being just a clone of a dead person." Isaac said as he lowered his arms and walked towards the co-pilot seat. "In stead make a name for yourself. You can go find answers by defeating Sethos, and talking to Cade Skywalker. But then what? what will you do? You are not a clone, you are now a living breathing human. Your destiny is in your own hands."


Lyna looked down and smiled. "Thanks, Isaac. Ya know, for someone with words of wisdom, you could be like a teacher to me. But I'll definitely keep in mind what you said."


She sat on the pilot seat and contacted Rav. His hologram showed up. "Any location as to where he's at?" Lyna asked him.


"He's located on Zeltros. Looks like he still resides there. Told the lad Midnight would be there too," Rav replied with a grin, referring to Lyna's alias. "I also told my boys to be at the docking bay to load some shipments. When you strike there, he'll surely be there as well."


Lyna nodded. "You have my thanks, Rav." And with, she cut the transmission off. "Grab a seat, Isaac. We're headed for Zeltros." As the young woman punched in the coordinates for Zeltros, Cyan jumped on Lyna's shoulder, ready for an adventure.

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Xan couldn't help but chuckle as Tandra and Quaver had their little conversation. At least they were somewhat enjoying themselves. He'd have to hope that this tribe would have some useful information to point them in the right direction. Or at the very least, he could take one of tribe members and get himself a bargaining chip to make Lyna come to him. It wasn't exactly the best of thoughts, but he had a job to do.


The ship was now nearing Ossus. Within a few minutes they would land on the surface. Xan hit a button to use the intercom in order to wake up the others.


"Mrs. Honso, its time for you and your boy to get up."

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Isaac's eyes just watched his right hand as he slide over the top of the chair. It was cold and metallic, but it was common in ships. With the tip of his tongue protruding slightly he ran over his drying lips drying to revitalize them with some moisture. After a while Isaac noticed that the corners of his lips were slightly turned up, and when he wondered why he realized it was from the girls remark of him being something like a teacher.


"I suppose..." Isaac said trailing off as he looked out the window before him "But there will be lessons where words can not suffice. Only experience will do."


Shifting in the chair Isaac started to lean more on his left elbow and the side of his head on the back of his fingers. Things were definitely starting to get interesting, more interesting then they had been previously anyways.

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((Gonna do a little timeskip, if that's okay.))


"I suppose..." Isaac said trailing off as he looked out the window before him "But there will be lessons where words can not suffice. Only experience will do."


Lyna smiled. "True that." And with that, Lyna started up the engines, with the Justice lifting up from the docking platform. When the ship was finally in the air, the Justice flew off into space. "We'll be at Zeltros in no time," Lyna annouced, activating the hyperdrive. The Justice entered hyperspace in one flash.


(Moments later)


That night, four smugglers working for Rav were unloading some shipments in Zeltros' docking bay. "Gotta be on the lookout for... Midnight, the boss called her," one Bith said.


"How do we know she won't beat us to death?" a male Human asked.


One Nautolan laughed. "Afraid to get beat up by a girl, lad?"


"Aww, quit yer whinin'!" a Shistavanen whispered, "As soon as the girl gets here to "steal" the shipments, Reaper will show up. Just chill. We'll be fine." The smugglers continued to unload the shipments on another Cargolift vessel.

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Reaper was watching from the shadows within the docking bay of the city, where Rav's men were loading smuggled cargo into the vessel. Using the binocular mode of his helmet, he watched and studied the cargo.


Definatly the proper size to fit smuggled weapons. After dealing with Midnight, he thought he would check the thug holding the datapad to ensure it was within the best interests of the Fel Empire, and nobody else. Rav wasnt one to be trusted.


But he was more interested in the profile of Midnight, and her resemblance to Lyna. A lost relative? A lookalike? or even an imposter. Or it could be all part of Rav's ellaborate scheme to claim the bounty on Reaper's head. There were all sorts of possibilities, which caused him to have second thoughts of going through with this.


Reaper continued to watch from the shadows. There were a number of ways Midnight could infiltrate the docks.

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Mrs. Honso. Mrs. Honso? Who is this woman, and why is--Oh. It's me. Groaning inwardly as the reality of her situation dawned on her once more, Tandra Kerthain rubbed her eyes, still heavy with sleep. It's too early...


Quaver, however, her newly-dubbed "son", was wide awake and ready for action. He'd been that way ever since he was a toddler, needing very little rest in order to survive. Perhaps it was his hyperactive nature, or perhaps this state of being was an adaptation he'd made in order to adjust to life at the medical facility. No one had liked him there, or even tolerated his presence very much, and so Quaver'd had to be ready for anything and anyone that would do him harm. His senses had become ultra-heightened.


"Come on, Mom!" he cried, tugging at Tandra's arm. "It's showtime!"


Tandra shook her head. "Time to go through with the charade, you mean. I still don't like this. What if the Ysanna see through us and think we're fake?"


"If we're good and pull off our act to the best of our ability, they won't. Remember, Tandra: the best actors are ones that don't constantly realize that they're acting. Put yourself in the shoes of the real Mrs. Honso, and you'll do fine."


She tousled Quaver's hair again, and he did not resist. "Thanks, kid."


"You're welcome. And, one more thing...no 'medium-type' stuff, okay?"


He meant trying to contact Lyna, even for the sake of the Ysanna tribe.


"Trust me," Tandra grumbled. "That'll be the LAST thing on my frazzled mind!"

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Moments later, they arrived near Zeltros' docking bay. Hiding her ship in the shadows, Lyna turned to Isaac and smiled. "Here's how it's gonna go down. I'm gonna sneak in the docking bay where Rav's men are "loading" the shipments on a Cargolift vessel. Then, I'm gonna attack them in "surprise". Hopefully, Cade will be there to try and "stop" me. Get it?" She smiled.


"Anyway, you can assist me, if ya like? Just don't kill Rav's men. Make it look good." And with that, Lyna got up from her seat, exited the Justice, and headed to the docking bay...


"This is the last shipment, boys," the male Shistavanen said, grinning to them. "See? Told ya that Midnight gal wasn't comin'."


"Well think again, hotshot!" a voice yelled. They looked up. It was Lyna aka Midnight, standing on the ship that hung on to the metal rope. "Kark! It's Midnight! Quick, boys, blast her!" The smugglers took out their blasters and shot at Lyna, missing on purpose.


Midnight jumped down from the shipments and used the Force to Force push them into a wall. She then landed on the docking bay, laughing. "My gratitudes to Rav. These baby's will be coming with me instead of Fel's Empire!" She laughed maniacally. "This Cade should be showing up by now," she thought to herself.

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Reaper eyed the one called Midnight through his sniper scope. She appeared as exactly within the picture as Rav showed him. She definatly acted like her as well.


He watched as the guards were pushed away against the wall. As soon as they recovered and ran towards her, Reaper aimed and pulled the trigger. Two projectiles were fired; one each went through their foot. As soon as they were disabled, Reaper packed away his EDD Multitask Rifle and placed it on his back. It was time to find out who she really was.


He ran around the walkway surrounding the dock, so that Midnights back was facing him. He leaped from the ledge and landed on the dock, and pulled out his lightsaber. Acknowledging the fact that she was intune with the force, then it was time to conclude her identity once and for all.


"If you are who I think you are; then defend yourself, Doppelganger!" he spoke through his helmet. He activated his Lightsaber, and ran towards her.

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"If you are who I think you are; then defend yourself, Doppelganger!" he spoke through his helmet.


Hearing those words made her wonder if he figured her out yet or not. Well, it was a good think she had her Red Goggles on. As he ran towards her and she stood there with her back facing him, she grinned and said, "I knew you'd come." Lyna took out both lightsabers in a flash and quickly turned around to block Reaper's blow. She had the original Lyna's lightsaber and a defeated Sith's lightsaber as well.


"Well, well. Reaper, isn't it? I've been looking for you. Oh, and if you think this is about Rav... it's not. It's just you and me, hotshot." She began to engage in a duel with him, using every skill she had.

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Xan landed the his ship near the old jedi temple, after he spotted it. He hopped out and motioned for Tandra and Quaver to do the same. He took out his two blaster pistols and began to move.


"Stay close, and be calm. Remember, were suppose to be here," he said to the two.


He walked up the stairs and through the door. It would only be a matter of time before they found the tribe...or the tribe found them.

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"Wow..." murmured Tandra, gazing up at the ivy-embalmed structure. "A Jedi temple, now left to rack and ruin..." As dead as this edifice seemed, some life still pulsed within it. According to the middle-aged woman's mind, either the spirits of the dead inhabited this place or a concealed tribe did not want anyone else to discover them. Hopefully, the Ysanna were still here and in the realm of the living, and that was why she beckoned Quaver nearer.


"What's so amazing about this crumbling wreck?" he grumbled, rolling his eyes. "The last time I checked, the Jedi didn't have much use for preteen pyromaniacs." As right as he was, his blood still ran cold. "Look--up ahead. Stay quiet. They may or may not attack us." Indeed, there were figures coming toward them, and that was what made Quaver's blood run cold.

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Xan too saw the figures that Quaver had pointed out to the group. He stopped moving and raised both his blaster pistols. He wasn't sure who these people were, but he couldn't take any chances. If they were the tribesmen he was looking for than they would respond to their tribe name. If they didn't...then Xan would have to kill these people quickly.


"Are you members of the Ysanna tribe? If you are, then we have business to attend to, if not than don't take another step. If you do, I start shooting."

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Reapers Lightsaber clashed with Midnights. It was clear she was both Force Sensitive and trained within Jedi Arts, or something similar. He eyed both colors of her sabers. One was orange, and the other was red. That was not normally a good indication.


Reaper unleashed a combo of swipes and spinning attacks against Midnight. He performed a mid-air cartwheel so as to swipe his saber down at Midnight - expectadly was repelled. She was well trained. As he landed a few meters away from her, he unleashed a current of force lightning. "What would she do in those situations?" he thought to himself, as if conducting a survey on her. He wanted to be absolutely positive in his hunch.

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Isaac watched as they approached the planet below, the one Lyna was calling Zeltros. He listened to her words half heartedly not really wanting to get involved in her little side trip. If this was something she needed to do for herself then let it be. But there were bigger and more important things to be done, then close old wounds. Staying in the co-pilots chair Isaac listened to Lyna's foot steps walk away, and then watched as she her make a scene. The whole display was some what impressive if not a little on the childish side.


After a few moments another being appeared and engaged in combat with Lyna. Isaac assumed the act was a ploy to leed that being out of hiding. Standing up slowly he arched his back and felt some vibrations down his spine as it poped releasing small air pockets with in the joints. Leaving Lyna to fight her own battles Isaac walked around the ship, examining each room, and corridor. As he walked down one corridor running his fingers lightly against the right hand wall he found a loose metal plate. His eyes looked upon it as his fingers played with it loosening it more.


With both hands Isaac pulled the plate off and set it down upon the ground. It was a hatch leading to some electrical work. This was a good place for what he had, might cause some minor delays in sending coordinate information, but nothing that place the others behind. Reaching under his robe to the back of his belt he had hidden a small tracking device. A small click was heard as it detached from his belt and another was heard as it magnetized to the inside wall left of the hatch opening. Setting the hatch in place more securely this time Isaac continued down the corridor looking over the ship.


After some time Isaac was leaning his back against a wall near where Lyna had excited the ship and waited for her return, and he assumed the being she was currently fighting would be in tow.


"Train hard Lyna." Isaac mumbled to himself his eyes closed as he just stood there listening "It isn't often others get a second chance to do what they should of done the first time."

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The leader of the makeshift scouting party, a hooded man of middle age, stepped forward with hands raised in a gesture of surrender. "We are indeed Ysanna," he replied, "but if this 'business' that you wish with us involves the forfeiture of our lives, know that the Force will come to our inevitable aid." He signaled for his followers to stop behind him and let him take the initiative.

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Xan lowered his aim but he didn't put away his pistols. He needed to get some questions answered, and if this didn't work than Xan would not be happy. He had to somewhat put some faith into this Ysanna tribe, as they were his only good lead to finding Lyna. He pointed to Tandra and Quaver with his thumb.


"This is Tandra Honso and her son Quaver. They are Lyna Honso's aunt and cousin. We need to speak with Chieftess Ysanna immediately."

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The hooded man gazed at Tandra and Quaver and frowned. "Strange. We have known Lyna Honso for years, and yet she never told us about either of you." He stepped closer to them. "Would you mind telling me who you are?"


"We are as he says we are," Tandra replied softly. "If you doubt us, we'll soon prove that we were just as much a part of her family as you were, being the tribe that mentored and supported her. If you let us speak with the Chieftaness, we would be most grateful, and be on our way besides." She folded her hands in front of her, and Quaver gave a sincerely earnest nod.


The man's brow furrowed. "If you must know, Lyna Honso is dead, and has been ever since she was slain by Darth Sethos. What is that you humans say to force someone to leave? 'Get lost'? Yes, that's it. Get lost, intruders!"

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Xan shook his head as the tribe members were beginning to get angered by their presence. He hadn't come all this way just to be told to get lost. He raised the blaster pistol in his right hand, and aimed it at the one who spoke.


"Look buddy, I have a job to do. That's getting these two people to see the chieftess. Now you can take us there, or I can slaughter my way there. I'll let you choose, and I strongly encourage you pick the first option. I've had one hell of a day, and you don't want to see me lose my temper."

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The hooded man stepped back quickly and raised his hands in surrender once more. "There is no way I will risk my own life, and that of my tribe, in a lethal standoff," he blurted out. "The woman and her son--if he IS her son--can see the Chieftaness, but they will have to speak with her alone. Is that clear?" Seeing that Xander neither moved nor spoke, he beckoned Tandra and Quaver forward. They both obeyed, moving toward him and the rest of the Ysanna tribe. None of them dared to address them as they moved toward an enclosed ivy garden in the middle of the decrepit and crumbling temple.


The Chieftaness of the Ysanna was waiting there, her body sunk down in blissful relaxation upon one of the larger boulders. When she saw her tribe and the two visitors they escorted, she stood, her eyes fearful and wary.


"Greetings, strangers," said the robed woman, about ten years older than her male colleague. "I am the spiritual and political leader of my tribe, called the Ysanna. We live here within the ruins of this sacred building, meditating upon the Force and calling it to guide us as we live our daily lives. What is it that you want from us? Do not lie, for the Force will reveal your deception if you do." The Chieftaness gazed straight into Tandra's eyes. "Speak, if you dare."


"I search for Lyna Honso," Tandra replied. "I am her aunt, and my son is her cousin." She closed her eyes, praying that the Chieftaness had been bluffing.


The Chieftaness' eyes widened. "How could you not have heard? Our sister was slain by Darth Sethos, and if you were truly her relatives, you would have known thus!" She sighed. "Why have you both come to torment us?"


Tandra took a deep breath. "We believe that she has been cloned, ma'am."


"Cloned? How is that even possible? If it were true, she would have tried to contact us--wouldn't she?" The Chieftaness shook her head. "Pah! More lies."

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((I'm back for sure! Those final exams were crazy. But now... I'm on Winter Break! :D BTW, Halana Ysanna aka the Chieftess, is Lyna's grandmother. The five real cousins of Lyna living with her are Myzu (24), Saluna (22), JoJo and Jomo (17, twins), and Tino (7). They are the Children of Light who protects the Ysanna and the Jedi artifacts. :) ))


Using Force absorb to absorb the lighting, Lyna looked at Reaper. "Listen to me! If you'd just let me explain everything in a civilized matter, none of us will have to die tonight! Please!!"


The young woman struggled to hold off that much Force lighting, making her kneel on the ground hut still absorbing the lighting.




Cyan the binjinphant came to Isaac and sniffed him. She was wondering what he was really up to. The little creature squealed at him, as if trying to say something.

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"Listen to me! If you'd just let me explain everything in a civilized matter, none of us will have to die tonight! Please!!"


Reaper watched as she continued to absorb the lightning. Impressive, and to show this much resiliance against him was indeed a spectacle. He suppressed his energy, and let go. The lightning stopped.


Reaper switched off his lightsaber. He walked towards a crate and sat on it. He stared at her. "I'm sorry... I had to be sure. During your absense, I came to realise that you do not trully know someone: until you fight them."


He reached for his helmet and slid it off his head. A pale face with messy dark-blonde hair was revealed underneath. A scar visible was seen across his face.


"Its always nice to see you again, Lyna." he smiled. Then looked down at his feet. "I thought you were dead... we all did."

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Lyna knelt on the ground, looking up at Reaper sadly. She too looked down. "I wish I can say I came back from the dead. But I can't. The real Lyna did die. But me..." She sighed, taking off the Red Goggles and revealing herself, "I'm a clone of Lyna Honso. You see, her old friend, Lemia if you remember, asked a Kaminoan named Sig Tapps to make a clone of her deceased friend. It's been a year and... here I am."


She looked up at Reaper. "I wanted to find you. To feel something that the old Lyna felt about you. And... I'm also here to stop Sethos. To finish what she didn't." The young woman smiled. "It's great to see you though... Cade Skywalker."

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Xan smiled from underneath his mask as Tandra and Quaver had been taken away. He hadn't planned on being invited to the little party, so for it to have actually happened was a good thing. He had some plans of his own, now all he needed was to spring the trap.


Sethos had mentioned a group known as the Children of Light. There was the leader, who Xan would love to whip in a fight. There was the hot one, the twins, and last but certainly not least the small child. They not only protected the tribe, but the artifacts as well. Xan didn't really want the artifacts, but he knew if he went snooping around than they would come stop him.


Lyna trusted the small boy, Xan would trick him. Perhaps even promise to let the boy see Lyna...and the hot one could come too. The others though, he didn't really care about them. The other tribe members would be talking with Tandra and Quaver. He needed them to keep the others busy for as long as possible.


Lets see what these Children of Light are all about.

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"If you think I'm a liar, then that's perfecly understandable," Tandra Kerthain told the Chieftess of the Ysanna, "but I swear to you upon my very life that I am not." She took a deep breath, because she was about to take a terrible and possibly life-threatening risk. "It turns out that I'm a medium, having recently been confined in a medical facility for the mentally ill. No one else except my son here believes that I can speak with the dead, but I can."


Halana Ysanna raised an eyebrow. "Have you tried to contact Lyna, then?"


"Yes, I have. She wouldn't talk to me. Her presence in the netherworld of the Force vanished as soon as I tried to communicate with her. She seemed very frightened. Terrified, even. I don't know why, since I'm one of her relatives."


"Perhaps she sensed you were in danger," the Chieftess replied, "or that there was some dark presence surrounding you. It's not like Lyna to be distant from any of the members of her family, including you--if, indeed, you are not misleading me." Halana stepped closer to Tandra. "Listen. If Lyna Honso has been cloned, there should have been two presences in the Force."


"There were--a faint one and a distinct one. Neither the 'dead' Lyna nor the 'living' one would deign to say a word when I meditated upon them last."


Halana made a small motion with her hand. Myzu, one of Lyna's true cousins, stepped forward. "Woman," Myzu said, "you and your son must leave. Now."


Tandra's blood ran ice-cold. "Why?"


"Because you're lying, you filthy wretch--both you and he!" Without another word, Myzu sprang forward and drew his weapon on Tandra and Quaver.

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