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[K1]Hard-Core Buff

Qui-Gon Glenn

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Hello -


While sifting through original BioWare source trying to figure out how they did some things, I stopped to look at k_def_buff.


If you are not familiar with this script, it is applied to all of the enemies you face in the game, after your PC is level 12+.


There was a missing part of the bonuses for enemy jedi - they were supposed to get a bonus to their CHA as well as WIS and DEX, but only WIS/DEX were applied. I fixed that. This alone should make areas of the game substantially harder in my opinion, as now our enemy Jedi will be able to use LS buffs without as much penalty, leaving them more FP for pwnage.


Also, the default buffs occur at level 12-15, and then 15+. I changed this, making those two ranges more buff (I laugh a little every time I type that word) and adding a third tier, 19+, for more difficulty.


What I need are a few volunteers to test this thing for me; you will need to have some saves with your PC at various EXP levels. Ideally, a tester would play through a level and a boss without my script, then play it again with my script, and see 1) if it is a noticeable difference, and 2) it is not now impossible to defeat a Kath Hound!


So, please, experienced players, PM me if you would do me this favor! If it works out, we will have a new HardCore experience, and with Canderis' "A leveling fix" we might achieve a challenging game!


Assuming this works out, this will be the very brief WIP for this project, which I will call:


Get Hard Core Buff!


Well... so far a little interest, but no nibbles. For those of you familiar enough with scripting to compile on your own, I give you the script. It just needs to be compiled and tossed in the override... as you already knew :p


//:: k_def_buff
//:: Copyright (c) 2001 Bioware Corp.

// QGG - for fun, I am going to alter bonuses significantly, and release it as a stand-alone hardcore mod add-on... if it does anything noticeable that is
//     - the alterations to original bonuses are in parens, the bonuses for 19+ are new! 
//     - additional bonuses could be added easily, cranking the difficulty further

/*  Buffs the target object based on the level of
   the main PC.

   Jedi (class) will get the following:
   Player Level 12+: +4(6) to Wisdom, +4(6) to Charisma, +50(75) Force Points, +50(75) Vitality Points. 
   Player Level 15+: +6(8) to Wisdom, +6(8) to Charisma, +100(125) Force Points, +100(125) Vitality Points.
   Player Level 19+: +10, 10, 150, 175  --> This is brand newsky *** QGG ***  

   Beasts (subrace) will get the following:
   Player Level 12+: +6(9) strength, +60(90) Vitality points. 
   Player Level 15+: +10(12) strength, +120(150) Vitality points.
                    ( 14, 180 )

   Droids (race) will get the following:
   Player Level 12+: +6(9) Dexterity, +60(90) Vitality points.
   Player Level 15+: +10(12) Dexterity, +100(120) Vitality points.
                    ( 14, 160) 

   Scoundrel, Soldier, Scout (class):
   Player Level 12+: +4(6) Dexterity, +4(6) Strength, +50(75) Vitality points.
   Player Level 15+: +6(8) Dexterity, +6(8) Strength, +100(150) Vitality points.
                    ( 10, 10, 175)

//:: Created By: Preston Watamaniuk
//:: Created On: April 8, 2003
//:: Modified By: Qui-Gon Glenn
//:: Modified On: Jan 17, 2011

void main()
   int nCharLevel = GetHitDice(GetFirstPC());
   int bValid = TRUE;
   effect eStatA, eStatB, eStatC, eFP, eVP, eLink; // eStatC made for the Charisma attribute that was not being bonused
   int nVP;

   //Apply the effects based on the type of creature.
   if(GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDICONSULAR) > 0 ||
      GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDIGUARDIAN) > 0 ||
      GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDISENTINEL) > 0)
       //Set up the effects based on the character level
       if(nCharLevel >= 12 && nCharLevel <= 14)
           eStatA = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_WISDOM, 6);
           eStatB = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_DEXTERITY, 6);
           eStatC = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_CHARISMA, 6); //not in the original, although laid out in the description
           eFP = EffectTemporaryForcePoints(75);
           nVP = 75;
       else if(nCharLevel >= 15 && nCharLevel <= 18)
           eStatA = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_WISDOM, 8);
           eStatB = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_DEXTERITY, 8);
           eStatC = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_CHARISMA, 8);
           eFP = EffectTemporaryForcePoints(125);
           nVP = 125;
       else if (nCharLevel >= 19)
           eStatA = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_WISDOM, 10);
           eStatB = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_DEXTERITY, 10);
           eStatC = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_CHARISMA, 10);
           eFP = EffectTemporaryForcePoints(150);
           nVP = 175;
           bValid = FALSE;
       if(bValid == TRUE)
           eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eStatA, eStatB); 
           eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eLink, eStatC);
           eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eLink, eFP);
   else if(GetSubRace(OBJECT_SELF) == 2) //SUBRACE_BEAST
       if(nCharLevel >= 12 && nCharLevel <= 14)
           eStatA = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 9);
           nVP = 90;
       else if(nCharLevel >= 15 & nCharLevel <= 18)
           eStatA = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 12);
           nVP = 150;
       else if(nCharLevel >= 19)
           eStatA = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 14);
           nVP = 180;
           bValid = FALSE;
       if(bValid == TRUE)
           eLink = eStatA;
   else if(GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) == RACIAL_TYPE_DROID)
       if(nCharLevel >= 12 && nCharLevel <= 14)
           eStatA = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_DEXTERITY, 9);
           nVP = 90;
       else if(nCharLevel >= 15 & nCharLevel <= 18)
           eStatA = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_DEXTERITY, 12);
           nVP = 120;
       else if(nCharLevel >= 19)
           eStatA = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_DEXTERITY, 14);
           nVP = 160;
           bValid = FALSE;
       if(bValid == TRUE)
           eLink = eStatA;
       //Set up the effects based on the character level
       if(nCharLevel >= 12 && nCharLevel <= 14)
           eStatA = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 6);
           eStatB = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_DEXTERITY, 6);
           nVP = 75;
       else if(nCharLevel >= 15 & nCharLevel <= 18)
           eStatA = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 8);
           eStatB = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_DEXTERITY, 8);
           nVP = 150;
       else if(nCharLevel >= 19)
           eStatA = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 10);
           eStatB = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_DEXTERITY, 10);
           nVP = 175;
           bValid = FALSE;
       if(bValid == TRUE)
           eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eStatA, eStatB);
   if(nVP > 0)
       nVP = GetMaxHitPoints(OBJECT_SELF) + nVP;
       SetMaxHitPoints(OBJECT_SELF, nVP);

   if(bValid == TRUE)
       ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eLink, OBJECT_SELF);

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^^ PM sent :)


Ideally, test it in an area with difficult enemies or Dark Jedi/Sith as well as an area with a droid or beast battle.


Also, this mod will do nothing, at this time, to make opponents more difficult until your PC is level 12. If it works well, I can change this easily to increase difficulty earlier in the game. Ergo, do not test with a character less than level 12!!!!!


EDIT!!!!! This is for KotOR, not TSL. TSL does this a different way, using autobalance.2da. If you would like a mod that alters TSL in a similar way to what I am doing, with more specific attention paid to the Darths, I recommend Achilles Game Balance Mod. See his website.

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Ok, I am sorry for the bump, but this is going nowhere, and I cannot test it properly by myself, as I need at least another corroborating or dissenting opinion as to whether this little mod is measurable in change of difficulty.


I know around Holowan these days there are more modders than actual players... the games are slowly dying it seems in front of my eyes... but surely there is someone around playing K1 with a level 12+ character, right?


Sorry so whiny... :D


Also, I am going to ask the title be changed to this thread, to reflect WIP status, perhaps that will bring more attention.

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All right I tested it and it definitely makes it harder. Now when I face Malak on the leviathan it isn't super easy and I'm actually glad Bastila comes to save me. The effect doesn't seem to effect kath hounds too much though.

Ok good. Thanks!


I have noticed that the beasts aren't getting the boost we would like either... I need to look at their default scripts.


Malak and Dark Jedi in general have been significantly harder, on the Star Forge it might be a little too much... tried that yet?

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I have just looked at the original k_ai_master.nss.


It has nothing to do with buffing your opponents in its un-edited form.


Talchia, in his HardCore mod, simply added buffs into k_ai_master, possibly not realizing that the k_def_buff already does the exact type of buffs he wanted.


The difference between Talchia's mod and this one is that Talchia's mod buffs NPC opponents at PC levels 8, 12, and 16, whereas this one currently does buffs at 12, 15 and 19. I am going to add a buff zone for level 8 into this script, increase some of the stats a tad more, and call it a day... In my opinion, this should be a more effective Hardcore mod than Talchia's, only because it actually uses the existing game resources in their intended way.


So, in the next day or two, I will release this, after increasing the 15+ and 19+ buffs to closer to what Talchia did. Looking at the boosts, I understand now why it was and still is referred to as HARDCORE.... +20 bonuses to anything is ridiculous! Double what I thought would be "hardcore" enough... so maybe I will release two versions, HardCoreBuff and HardCore "Talchia Style", - exactly Talchia's bonuses.


All credit to Talchia for the idea, and his readme for telling me what his k_ai_master version was doing... buffs of the same exact sort as what k_def_buff does natively!


From Talchia's ReadMe:


|| KOTOR Hardcore MOD V1.0 by Talchia ||


Attribute Change List:



Level 8+:

Jedi: Wisdom +6, Dexterity +6, Strength +6, Forcepoints +25, Hitpoints +50

Droid: Dexterity +6, Hitpoints +50

Beast/Creature: Strength +6, Hitpoints +50

Other Classes: Dexterity +6, Strength +6, Hitpoints +50


Level 12+:

Jedi: Wisdom +10, Dexterity +10, Strength +10, Forcepoints +50, Hitpoints +100

Droid: Dexterity +10, Hitpoints +100

Beast/Creature: Strength +10, Hitpoints +100

Other Classes: Dexterity +10, Strength +10, Hitpoints +100


Level 16+:

Jedi: Wisdom +20, Dexterity +20, Strength +20, Forcepoints +100, Hitpoints +200

Droid: Dexterity +20, Hitpoints +200

Beast/Creature: Strength +20, Hitpoints +200

Other Classes: Dexterity +20, Strength +20, Hitpoints +200


EDIT: This is done, and I think one version will be good enough. For any discussion of this topic, and for a download <after approval> please go to the TUCE thread

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