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Newbiemodder's Korriban Expansion

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I found the ship, yet I have no idea how to find- or who Jett is... And yes, I have all three keys and Belloq doesn't give me any dialog options; just says: "Be careful out there."

Anyway, I currently have TSLRCM 1.7, Hotor 1.5, Bao-Dur's Charged Armor, Your Korriban expansion (obviously), a few re-texture mods, warp/cheat armband and Ultimate Class Robes.

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Edit: I think I may have figured it out why belloq didn't talk...it may have something to do with the conditional. I used a == for the journal quest in the script when I probably should have used =>...see the spoiler for quick solution


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Ok...not sure what happened with Belloq, have never had or heard of a problem before...basically, you take the keys to belloq and he translates them and combines them into one master key to allow entrance to the tomb...I guess you could use the cheat code...giveitem key_thulsa, just make sure you are in the valley module where belloq is to get it


You need to do more at the shuttle module...did you deactivate the force fields, fight the guards...go thru the door towards the sactuary.


did you also notice the patch in this thread regarding HOTOR? If not you will need it.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, just wanted to drop a line and say that I just played through Korriban Expansion again with no problems...except one I dont think has to do with HotOR...

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NM, is it an intentional thing where in Thulsa Gaul's tomb, the room to the right where the stone sith statues(that you fight) are is unescapeable?? Or am I just a retard and didn't do something right?

I pulled on the chain and couldn't get out..so I went back a save and kept Jolee and Iacen outside the room so when I got trapped I could just warp through the door..


Anyway,..HotOR 1.6 is totally compatible with NM's Korriban Expansion and you no longer need the compatibilty patch.

One other thing though..

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NM, when Kreia is readded to the party she isn't gimped Kreia anymore :)


Ok Im off..


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  Kuai-Donn Jorn said:

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NM, is it an intentional thing where in Thulsa Gaul's tomb, the room to the right where the stone sith statues (that you fight) are is unescapeable?? Or am I just a retard and didn't do something right?

I pulled on the chain and couldn't get out ... so I went back a save and kept Jolee and Iacen outside the room so when I got trapped I could just warp through the door.


Anyway, HotOR 1.6 is totally compatible with NM's Korriban Expansion and you no longer need the compatibilty patch.

One other thing though ...

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NM, when Kreia is readded to the party she isn't gimped Kreia anymore :)


what? which room to the right of sith statues?? :raise:


I didn't have major issues with the pull chain, a message

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"This pull chain will allow you to return ..." should show up. Nevertheless, if you choose to stay inside the next pull of this chain will leave you outside the tomb without asking you again to stay inside, meaning that if you didn't "talk" with you know who ;) you won't, ever.

and yeah, amazing! about Kreia, she's full handed after rejoining the party, I couldn't have noticed 'cause I've tweaked her appearance quite a bit :roleyess: ... so thanks for that bit of info.


that's it, for now ... :thmbup1:

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  GeorgNihilus said:
what? which room to the right of sith statues?? :raise:


I didn't have major issues with the pull chain, a message

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"This pull chain will allow you to return ..." should show up. Nevertheless, if you choose to stay inside the next pull of this chain will leave you outside the tomb without asking you again to stay inside, meaning that if you didn't "talk" with you know who ;) you won't, ever.

and yeah, amazing! about Kreia, she's full handed after rejoining the party, I couldn't have noticed 'cause I've tweaked her appearance quite a bit :roleyess: ... so thanks for that bit of info.


that's it, for now ... :thmbup1:




what? which room to the right of sith statues?? :raise:

the room WITH the Sith statues that come alive and attack you...is what I meant.


Ok well, I didnt get that message...:(

When I playthrough again with new character I'll check it out.



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Ths sith statue room....The door is locked, but should be able to be opened with a mine or grenade if I recall correctly...you should be able to set a mine...run away and the mine should explode and the door open...if not, there must be a conflict or glitch somewhere.


I did not know that regarding Kreia...thanks for the info...I'll check into it.

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Ths sith statue room....The door is locked, but should be able to be opened with a mine or grenade if I recall correctly...you should be able to set a mine...run away and the mine should explode and the door open...if not, there must be a conflict or glitch somewhere.



Oh yeah,...hehe. duh.:thmbup1:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Believe it or not, I have never actually played through this whole thing.


My game crashes after almost loading the "Sanctuary" module - after you find the ship and defeat the Sith Templars.


This is what started to appear right as it crashed (it has been brightened):


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I have these major mods installed:



Korriban Expansion

Cathalan (ugh)

Enhanced Merchants

Full Force Mod

VP's Module Tweaks

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Ugh...no idea...for some reason this particular part of the mod is where many have said they have a problem. I recall having some problems with this particular area when it comes to the npc's there and equipping them with helmets and stuff. Caused all kinds of troubles for me. Seems to conflict with some mods...I think it may have to do with the on_enter script and a particular npc. PM me your email and I'll send you a simpler onenter script which hope will work


EDIT: Looking at it though....it looks like it may be a texture problem or conflict of some kind....that stretching is coming from the red cirlces on the walls. In your pictuer the red circles in the hallway are wrong...they should be entirley that red webby texture from Malachor......your have brick part to it which should not be there...interesting

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Kuai-Donn Jorn said:
What? no HotOR?!?


Zhaboka you traitor! just kidding


Hahaha, I did my last TSL playthrough with HotOR and enjoyed it very, very much.


For anyone with the same problem as me as posted previously in the thread, Newbie's best suggestion was to try the mod with a clean install and no other mods. We couldn't figure out any quick fixes for the Sanctuary problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all-


I recently noticed that some custom placeable statues were not included with the packaged up mod. Nothing major, just cosmetic. I packaged up the models in a zip...just drop them in your override. No other adjustements need to be made.


Here's the link: http://www.gamefront.com/files/21192290/nm_models_zip


if that link is out, try this one: http://www.mediafire.com/download/bdnid0ek5sfvram/nm_models.zip


Here are some pic's if interested:


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Excellent! :cool: and I just noticed the couple of them in the 'back' (by the entrance) of the throne room BEFORE staring at the spoiler screenie again ... gives definitely a more frightening/intimidating aspect to the room.


even better, just a drop to Override, no need to edit modules!! :lol:


thanks again :thmbup1:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently installed this over TSLRCM 1.7 + Unofficial Fix + USM Compatibility + USM + a few other mods and the installer complained about there being a existing global.jrl (Probably from TSLRCM) But I thought the installers could just edit pre-existing ones. Anyways I plan on fixing it with the jrl merger.

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  • 7 months later...


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