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Heroes vs. Villans Remix music


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Hello guys,


I haven't seen this in the news nor on any thread here so I thought I'd post about it.

There is a free album out on the internets featuring game heroes music and opposing them to villain music, or something. Well after watching the intro trailer on their webpage you'll notice that two familiar characters appear. I don't want to spoil though since I loled at the sudden change of music style from the otherwise all Japanese themed game music, save God of War and T.M.N.T.


Oh and why not download the whole thing since it's free (and pretty good!)?

I especially liked the heroes music of the vs. battle I'm referring to.


Some general info about the project.


'Heroes vs. Villains is a free album from both the Bad Dudes and OverClocked ReMix, bringing opposing hero and villain themes together as remixed by "opposing" Bad Dude and OverClocked ReMix artists. The OCR peeps took on the hero themes, and the Bad Dudes, appropriately, handled all the villains.'

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Just posted this on the main page (although I noticed it before I saw your post here), the whole album's excellent.


The TMNT games are Japanese-made, incidentally. And isn't God of War Japanese made? It's Sony certainly.


It is true that many Western games don't have a straight villain, and if they do he probably doesn't have a cool theme tune. Even in the LucasArts pantheon, apart from LeChuck, what single evildoer has a catchy theme? Darth Vader doesn't count.

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  The Tingler said:
The TMNT games are Japanese-made, incidentally. And isn't God of War Japanese made? It's Sony certainly


Oh right, the games are made by Konami. Still I'd argue that the music probably isn't Japanese originally anyway since the animated series (which I remember fondly) was made a bunch of years before together with much music. Tough I really don't know what I talking about since I only played one turtle game, and I can't even remember its name, or any music.


God of War however is made in the US, and thanks to the all-knowing wikipedia I can list the composers as: Gerard Marino, Mike Reagan, Cris Velasco, Ron Fish


Love the name Ron Fish.


Oh, I don't know if it counts since I know LucasArts didn’t make the character, but I really loved Marquis De Singe. Catchy name, cool personality and pretty good theme. Probably my favourite villain in all games that have some connection with LucasArts, save some KOTOR-dudes and that robot guy with the cape.

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  Thrik said:
I think it's because I've heard more than a few rock/metal renditions of the MI theme so it fails to do much for me any more. The LeChuck one seems to tweak more nostalgia strings too. :D


I like that the LeChuck theme decides to suddenly become an NES cover of the theme, then a Genesis(/Megadrive) cover of the theme, then a 70s Stevie Wonder cover of the theme, briefly in the middle. A good surprise.

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