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Charlie Sheen sacked from Two and a Half Men

Taak Farst

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Plus I don’t blame him for asking for a raise, do you know how expensive it is today to have two porn stars at your beck and call?


No, I don't. Do you have the figures for all to see? I think I'm interested cuz I have no better way to spend my millions. :xp:


As to Charlie, I guess his downward spiral will be more entertaining than his last role. Too bad for for the rest of the cast and crew that relied on that show for a paycheck.....but that's showbiz in all its ugliness.


It was fun to pretend to be that crew in the forum games. But it looks like your character lost it. What will Allan do without his dear brother? :(


Waste of a perfectly good white boy.


Deeeamn son. That's right, take it to the man! :devsmoke:

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That was actually the first scene that came up when I plugged 'perfectly good waste of a whiteboy' into YT, b/c I couldn't remember Cusack's name. Actually found the name of his movie (Better Off Dead) in one of the comments under the Men At Work clip. Been a long time since I saw the M at W, didn't recall that line being used in it.

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