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Mod Complications


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First of all, I forgot where this belongs, as I have been away for a long time. Anyway.


I have a problem likely caused by my use of multiple mods, and it is that the Revan's Flowing Cape (By SithSpector) never goes away when I equip/unequip different armors. My character continues to look like the Revan with the Flowing Cape unless I equip an Ithorian or Mandalorian armor (that changes the appearance). When I equip a regular armor, like combat armor, my appearance goes back to that of Revan.


Here are my mods:


Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge

Darth Revan Mod 1.3

Fast Feats

K1 Force Pack

Four Force Powers

Yavin IV (TSL Patcher Edition)

Recruitable Kay (with 1.1 patch and 1.1 hot fix)

Enhanced Shadowlands

Restoration of Black Vulkar Base

Taris Lower City Restored

Taris Under City Restored

Weapons of the Old Republic

LordDeathRay's KOTOR Improvement Mod

Realistic Visual Effects

KOTOR Weapons Improvement Project

Revan's Flowing Cape


This problem occurred because the Darth Revan Mod 1.3 includes a lightsaber that changes the player's appearance to Revan when he equips it. Since SithSpector's mod overrode the Regular Darth Revan model, that is why it has the flowing cape.

Still, even when my character has absolutely nothing on, he looks like Revan (even when he has that lightsaber unequipped).


Does anyone know how to fix this problem? I have no earlier saves that go back to before this problem arose.

Any help would be appreciated :thmbup1:

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I have had this problem before, but what happens when you start a new game then add the cheat giveitem g_a_mstrrobe 08 or something like that? Does it still happen, if so remove both mods and then put Revan's flowing cape mod and do the cheat again. Because I think for some reason those two mods conflict.


Hope this helps.

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First of all, I forgot where this belongs, as I have been away for a long time. Anyway.


I have a problem likely caused by my use of multiple mods, and it is that the Revan's Flowing Cape (By SithSpector) never goes away when I equip/unequip different armors. My character continues to look like the Revan with the Flowing Cape unless I equip an Ithorian or Mandalorian armor (that changes the appearance). When I equip a regular armor, like combat armor, my appearance goes back to that of Revan.


Here are my mods:


Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge

Darth Revan Mod 1.3

Fast Feats

K1 Force Pack

Four Force Powers

Yavin IV (TSL Patcher Edition)

Recruitable Kay (with 1.1 patch and 1.1 hot fix)

Enhanced Shadowlands

Restoration of Black Vulkar Base

Taris Lower City Restored

Taris Under City Restored

Weapons of the Old Republic

LordDeathRay's KOTOR Improvement Mod

Realistic Visual Effects

KOTOR Weapons Improvement Project

Revan's Flowing Cape


This problem occurred because the Darth Revan Mod 1.3 includes a lightsaber that changes the player's appearance to Revan when he equips it. Since SithSpector's mod overrode the Regular Darth Revan model, that is why it has the flowing cape.

Still, even when my character has absolutely nothing on, he looks like Revan (even when he has that lightsaber unequipped).


Does anyone know how to fix this problem? I have no earlier saves that go back to before this problem arose.

Any help would be appreciated :thmbup1:


Nice list, I have most of those in my override as well, You should try thr Carth Mission mod when they join your party, They become Jedi!!

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Your appearance.2da is messed up. Go thru your list of mods tslpatchdata or "For Override" folders and find all of the mods that contain an appearance.2da. You will then need to either manually merge them with K-Tool or just start a fresh override by trashing it and reinstalling your mods. I suggest leaving out the mod that had a saber change your appearance, or make two overrides: one with that mod and one without.

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But is there anything I can do to change my appearance for this specific save file, and as long as I never equip the saber again, be able to use my previous armors.

Are you sure its an appearance.2da thats messed up? I made sure to install all of the mods that didn't use TSLPatcher first, and then later go through and install the ones using TSLPatcher. There was no record of an error in any of mods except for one global.jrl (that I know about, can fix, and will cause no problems).

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Look at the revan saber mod specifically. Compare it to the vanilla appearance.2da from your game disk using k-tool. Make a copy of the current appearance.2da you have in override and save it somewhere else. Open kotor tool and go to your appearance.2da in your override and delete the lines added by the saber mod. That might work. If not, put your backup appearance.2da back in override, replacing the failed attempt at editing. Then we will try something else.

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For the Darth Revan mod, the Appearance.2da was never edited. The mod consists of 3 .utm files (for Suvam Tam - adding to his inventory), 6 .uti files (For the six items added O(3 sabers, gauntlet, robes, and belt)), and 1 .rim file (to add in the modifications to the Endar Spire). Nothing is said about the appearance.2da file.


/noob question/ How can I change my appearance in KSE? [/noobquestion/


EDIT: How can I change my appearance, yet still be able to change it through conventional means (by equiping and unequiping different armors)?


EDIT 2: Ok, I figured out how to get it to work, and found out what appearance I had originally. Tip: if you ever download these mods, do not under any circumstances equip the saber.

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Ok, completely unrelated to the previous problems, but theres another problem:


The game completely crashes whenever I activate the kolto harvester on Manaan. It doesn't matter which option I choose, whether to destroy it or feed the toxin, as soon as the cutscene is over, the game crashes with the message "Knights of the Old Republic has stopped working".


Any ways around it, or any suggestions as to what caused it?

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