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90SK Retexture Project Stuff


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First off, Let me say that I am a huge fan of your work. Love your K1 robe mods. I downloaded your TSL Loot and Immersion Upgrade and followed the instructions exactly. However I cannot get any of the robes in the above picture or some of the others. When I use KSE they simply don't appear. Most, if not all of the armor downloaded fine and some of the robes. For some reason I can't get like the golden robes or armored tan ones. Any help you can give me? Thanks.

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^ Those models were removed from the mod, I think is what you're seeing. While I no longer have use of the abandoned RGB Marauder tunics, I will attempt to readd my versions of the movie style master robes to the current build of the mod.


You could even use this opportunity to distinguish Knight and Master Robes as different body models in baseitems.2da


Woah I don't know how I missed that detail VP, I will look into that further immediately.

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  • 6 months later...

I am planning a push to reincorporate robes on page 4 with robes on page 16. I am replacing the dancers outfit with the Jal Shey armors, making it the unique exile armor, having a skin variant for the received dancers outfit, and having one or two more unique variants. Replacing Jal shey slot with Deadmans robes ala page 4, unique jedi master robes. Also updating the armored robe mod as a separate mod, and releasing unique jedi master's robes separately with Deadmans's permission. Potentially reaching out to other authors to help complete what will be dubbed TSL Enhancement Alpha as the next incarnation of my content mod.


I want to add my custom merchant on onderon to NS since he fits better there. I will be making use of the hidden dock complex for a quest that will hopefully involve getting a unique puppet character for a selectable party member. Tie in with the merchant and something else I was working on.


Thanks to bullobrien, I am making a mod for selectable K1 Darth Talon.

I am also making a Darth Talon as Mira mod, which is what I'm working on right now.



Armored Robes ++++ enhancement rerelease this month

Darth Talon K1 selectable next month

Darth Talon as Mira possibly next month or the month after that





TSL Enhancement Alpha ~ will be working on throughout hopefully by May.

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All of this looks very interesting and I look forward to hearing more about it.


You mentioned moving your Onderon merchant to Nar Shaddaa. Will your TSL Enhancement Alpha fold all of your previous mods / ideas into it such as the extra bounty hunters on Onderon and the items from your Super Content Mod?


Will everything be TSLRCM compatible?

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  • 3 months later...

^I will be sure to make that possible.

Lots of updates forthcoming, I haven't had internet for a while so only now have I updated these, but I have made a great deal of progress since my last post.


I will update this post with photos

I would like to make a release within one to two days.

Need designated beta test volunteers, please let me know.

I am working with a new copy of Windows, I have to install a grip of stuff before I can go on, so be patient. There's a lot of cool stuff coming along here.

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^ Thanks, I am looking forward to completing more of these projects


TSL Loot and Immersion is fully updated


added a unique exile armor on NS

JS armors are available in green and black.

Dancers outfit is intact.

ZS armors are now heavy armors with built in combat damage.

Exile armband unlocks armor classes.**

N class robes are most enhanced, do not need uti files to function.

Shadow armor reappears

reworked encounters on Onderon

reworked scripting for NS item

reworked item descriptions




I am calling it a technical beta until I fully test it, but I've poured over these files and I can't see any gamebreaking issues apart from potential spelling or mismatches. I'll let you know soon.

Screenshots coming soon.

Starting work with Talon retexture soon.

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^ I know, wooo! :D

I had to reupload a few minutes ago due to more issues found. I must've been tired when I was finalizing. They should all be there now, the changes I made. I also rolled back a bit with the K1 robes, instead using the defaults and the updates for I robes.


The primary update feature here is smoother N class robes and JS/ZS + J type smoothovers. The JS and ZS armors coexist normally, That blue heavy armor is now the ZS standard, they have built in melee damage. JS armors are in green and black, available via random loot. J type slot (Revan robes) is used for a unique exile armor on NS, and the dancers outfit survived to be available as always.......


If you want to get the Star Forge robe naturally in game, remove pmbjm and pfbjm mdl/mdx and pmbjm.tga/pfbjm.tga from mod files.


Some NPC unique armor choices on Dantooine.

Mira's armor is now unique and cool with a pseudo restoration.

Some differences in the heavy armor updates.

Room for other robes mods!

Sith Tunic mod by 90SK is now compatible. Replaces heavy armor robe.


I & J class robes are open for replacement without too much forecasted glitching.


Please report issues with this mod here.

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^ Don't know yet but I still have work to do on the loot and immersion upgrade with verifying a fully working build. I am running off a clean computer so I have to play through whole TSL to check parts out.


The beta/final of loot-immersion mod is available, but it is untested. Since the other build had too many issues not to update, I am fairly certain this build is at least usable, but I will go ahead and up my testing timetable. The most needed area to test is Onderon, with the merchant and hangar encounter. The VO set was missing... now fixed, with alien VOs, but I must stress that I'm ready to be done with this particular project after all too long working on it by myself.

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  • 1 month later...

TSL Loot and Immersion Upgrade seems to be running smoothly, I noticed a few issues that I wanted to mention here






The all robes in Peragus clothing container important: needs to be changed from uti to utp.




Appearance.2da installation: required for shiny robots and Atton wearing Star Forge robe class items. Glitch: without the TSLRCM installed the patcher will not work correctly


Armored robe: might not be working correctly. If not, remove pm/fbjm.mdl/mdx and pm/fbj01 from override, for a normal star forge robe. A good way to determine this before getting too far in to the game is with the peragus container included in the extras.


Patcher: The K1 cloaked robe is currently not included in the pack but is listed with the patcher. I am very close to an update on this and I will announce when I have completed it.


Potential issue: I noticed I had forgotten to include VO files for merchant and bounty hunters on Onderon, so I combined the merchant and bounty hunters and changed the former to an alien VO set, however I have not been able to fully test it and am basically riding on technical knowledge for assurance, putting the mod in beta form still.


Due to hardware difficulties over the past few months it has been tough for me to do the type of full update to my mods I've been getting at. The next few updates I do will be on the other releases I have out and hopefully streamlining installation procedures.


As far as I know, the Sith tunics extra I included in the latest TSL Loot/Immersion release are fully functioning.


I have RGB's marauder tunics somewhere around here so if someone who remembers them is interested they're around.


Once I stabilize my hardware it will be easier for me to finalize some of these projects and maybe do a few more!

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