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So what is your favorite TOR planet and why?


What is your favorite TOR planet?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite TOR planet?

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Dromund Kaas is by far my favorite planet. I love the jungle setting and arriving at Kaas City for the first time, seeing this massive city, not unlike Coruscant, but in my opinion a far interesting place, is just amazing. There's also quite some interesting quests to do here, including one with ties to Revan.


I also picked Corellia. The developers outdid themselves building Coronet City. And the tubes, the tubes!

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A simple reason, but I found it quite nice. It felt all majestic with all the snow and mountains, and the story and missions for Consular class made it seem like it was where I should be..? if that makes sense.

Late one night I went and explored the entire map and found some really interesting places..found the Sith Base way up north and felt like I was trespassing...:D

Still my favorite but I still havent seen Voss, or Ilum ..or Belsavis..

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I gotta go for Alderaan. And even though I haven't seen some of the others yet, I don't think they'll beat Alderaan. Mountains, snow, blue streams, roaming nerfs, wildflowers--add to that the cute medieval-style music, the royal 'houses', the awesome taxis, and that really nice cantina with the outside balcony--I want to vacation there! It's definitely a resort place. Even the 'cocktail' they sell at the cantina is called 'Holiday Special'. (Good stuff, by the way.) :D I'm hoping that there will be an update that maybe adds in a ski slope game there. Or maybe a speeder slope game. ;) When I hit level 50 with my smuggler, I'm letting her have a holiday on Alderaan for a bit, just exploring things that I might have missed. Maybe I'll find something surprising. :)

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