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JC's Toolbox


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Hello. At last, I've finished it: an assortment of tools for Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords that I've made from scratch. Some I made for me, some I made on request, and some I made just for fun. There are eighteen items in total in this the first version.


So, what does this do? Well, it depends on the tool. One is a container for all the others; the others are... more varied. I've grouped them into general functions; most launch a computer screen and allow you to select further options from there. Among these are a party manager, a script executor, an item creator, a stat modifier, a camera viewer, a character animator, a character cloner, and a warp console. Others have instantaneous effects, such as the teleporter and the door opener/closer. Still others have temporary effects, functioning much like a passive Force power, but without costing you anything; among these are a key that opens any door you approach, a shield designed by someone who thinks the best defense is a good offense (i.e. it kills anything that comes near it), and a mysterious technique that makes everybody dance. I have also included a portable workbench and portable lab station. Furthermore, there are some optional mini-mods included. A rather exhaustive readme is included, but to get a really good idea you have to try for yourself... just make sure you save first! Seriously, this can really screw up the game.


There will be updates and I am taking requests, though I ask that you read the aforementioned lengthy readme in full before sending any.



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Nice work, JC! I look forward to using this for modding in future. :D

Good luck. :)

Dont know if im missing something but how do i initiate all this in game...i did read the read me

As soon as they are in your inventory, they will appear as armbands in the action menu. No need to equip anything. Most of them will appear in your inventory as you progress through the game, but a quicker way is to cheat "giveitem jc_items" and use Bao-Dur's Remote to create all the other tools.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The folder, though you could do either. I recommend the folder as it's better for organization - over 2,700 files.


That's something that only works for K2, incidentally. K1 can only read things directly in Override, as far as I'm aware. K2 can read stuff in folders.



I'm Downloading it right now.


Great job!

Thanks. Enjoy! :)


can you make a tool for KOTOR?

I'm working on it, but it won't have as many features due to the game's limitations.


Actually, I'd be interested in any suggestions for the names of the items that are named after party members. I have no idea what to do for Goto's or Mira's. I think I have a handle on the others, though I haven't decided whether the holocron will be Bastila's or Jolee's.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 4 months later...

my goodness Carter :bow: ... this is not only a modder must-have ... downloading ...


well now ... I do need to read this Readme before proceeding ... anyway ... on a quick look, any other overwrites of vanilla files apart from spells.2da, dude??


thx ... quite impressive I have to say ... :thmbup1:


P.S. if that dancing tweak does work ... don't know how I'm gonna make it up to u ... :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a few scripts, but they're not vital as they only serve to place some items into the game. You can always cheat them in instead.


And I thought I'd point this out before anyone notices... there is a typo the latest version. One of the updates was to fix some of the item icons so they don't override ones that are already used in the game... but I forgot to reflect that in the installation files. So you'll have to copy the icons manually in the meantime; they're the ones that start with "ip_". I'll fix it in the next release, of course, but that doesn't warrant one on its own, and I've already started working on some new functions anyway.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks a lot for this JC :thumbsup:. I'll be putting a lot of it to use for making mods. Right now, I plan on using the animation features to help with screenshots for player portraits.


And I thought I'd point this out before anyone notices... there is a typo the latest version. One of the updates was to fix some of the item icons so they don't override ones that are already used in the game... but I forgot to reflect that in the installation files. So you'll have to copy the icons manually in the meantime; they're the ones that start with "ip_". I'll fix it in the next release, of course, but that doesn't warrant one on its own, and I've already started working on some new functions anyway.


it seems that ip_pltuseitm_122.tga and ip_pltuseitm_123.tga are missing, but ip_pltuseitm_252.tga and ip_pltuseitm_253.tga do exist in the tslpatchdata folder. So, what are they supposed to be called when I put them in the override directory?

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