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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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Now now, don't go to negative. Its your first try at this.

It takes some practice to get good results :p


Here's what I'm been doing the last weekend.

Was able to catch some shots, though the walkmesh is bugged.


Will need to redo the sucker I think, not looking forward to that.


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Your texturing skills are, good enough :)

Just don't use to many differant coloured ones.


I think you'll have noticed that most planets have a strong color theme:


Like Korriban: Reds, oranges, a faint yellow ( bone like), some black accents here and there.


Manaan&Taris: Blue tints, blueish greys...


Since you're making something of Taris, I'dd say stick to those textures. To make it feel coherent.


On the K2 & K1 thing: K2 has more scripting powerz; is a bit less strict on the 3D thing.

I prefer the GUI of K2 more; so I like to mod for that game.


But those are, well minor differances to me really.

So I like to do stuff for both ^_^

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I am having issues with entrences for the buildings you can enter. I downloaded you make a door tutorial, but am a bit confused. Since I have not made the doors on alot of buildings yet, I cannot texturize them until that is done.


How do you know how wide/tall your entrance should be? When i make the connect lines to make the door, and then extrude an entrance, how do you know its the right size?

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Have you and Quanon every thought to colaberate on your projects? Meaning, he helps you model and finish Shely, and you work with him on his projects? Or would you both prefer to do your own thing?


I wa sjust thinking about all of the bigger projects in WIP status, and if you systematically attacked em with all resources getting them done faster :)


And no dont lie to me ;)

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Well to be honest I'm not that precise on my door things myself :lol:

Bit of a messy modeller myself to be honest.


Don't you got a save before you started making the holes for the doors ?

Not that I'm a saint in that to, but its good advice, save often.


Or look into the backup folder of Max.


On the colaberation thingy:


The major thing is you would need to layout how to approach the building of the areas.

Set a sort of standards to create a coherent look and feel; to say it in pro language a pipeline.


I find already difficult to make a plan for myself to approach my projects, its often: lets go with the flow. Plus one of us would have to be named "leader" or "chef" of things.


And I never like that, its good to destroy friendships. Plus there's the major time differance between the 2 of us.


Realtime communication is best :)


Not to think we would have to match our styles, its no gurantee if you put 2 artists together you'll get a better work of art, then that they would make each their own.

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I see I see. I agree with alot of what you said Q. I dont necessarily think someone would have to be "leader". Could just be people who want to make something together.


I was only asking because I was wondering why you guys did not tag team major projects with all of the skills you have. Like you both tackle Q's secret project, and then you both jack up Sleheyron :)


And no I do not have a back up lol. I will have to redo some buildings. Damn these doors

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Yeah, I once said I'dd help SS, but never got to it.

Got tangled in other projects and stuff, then SS showed of great screenshots :)


Area modelling is slow, you can try and rush it all you want :lol:

Redo are part of the job to.

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Well, since I told SS that I am working on some areas, I might as well have some pics to back that claim up. The other day Canderis was bugging me about an area model, so I took pity on him. I decided to do my own version of his little area that he made in Sketchup. Here is what I have so far:

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DStoney's ebon hawk modding resource made making the landing pad much easier. :p

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Héh, who led Trigger in here :snear:


Joking :lol:


Welcome to the club TG !


Whats canderis doing in sketchup ?



@Disbeliever: 22.000 is a good number, its not to excessive :p

In kotor it'll be about 44.000. But since we cut things up in parts

the game doesn't need to load it all in one huge chunk.


And its a area model, a big one I might add.

If it was just a small room or a sword I'dd say you're doing something wrong.

Had fun texturing it ?


O_o reminds I said I would write up some tips about that... I keep losing track of stuff... not good.

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