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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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Héhéhéh, well I did write up my way of texturing.

Not sure if I can tell you anything new SS.


As I was a fan of the Box UVW map, I now turned to the Planar and the handy way of just rotating it. Then copy and paste it all over the place to speed things up.


Though I think perhaps the most interesting bit for you might be the Clone and Align tool.

If you got lots of the same objects; like crates and whatnot about your map, you don't need to go and texture them one at the time. Or copy it again all the time :)



Anyway here's a linky to the tutorial; I packed up my example max scene, so you can have a look yourself how I cut up models. Its Max 9 so I hope it works with the other versions, I think Max 2008 and 2009 should be fine. I doubt if Max 8 will open it...


I also included my textures I used, you'll just need to redirect Max to the folder to use them. No doubt it'll give a warning message about it, just use the Browse button ;)



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The area looks good so far, TG. Just curious, how many sides are on each one of the bridge/walkway supports?

I used 10 sided for the rail and the rail supports. As for the actual walkway, I just used a simple box (a hexahedron, so its 6 sided :p)


I haven't been able to do anything on my area, I had to go on vacation (away from a computer) for my sis's B-Day (shes a total of 6 years. Around that age I stopped being the ADHD posterchild :p)


@Q: I recall you mentioning Emitters in the Scrapyard games thread. I was thinking that my area would be a sort of floating city. (think Cloud City. Maybe this is an archetype?) Could you tell me how emitters work, if they work in KOTOR/TSL, and how to give them the effect that they are 'anti-gravity devices.' (my idea is kinda like the accelerators on the Ebon Hawk/Millennium Falcon.)

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Any new screens SS?

Eh, not yet. :(


@Q: I recall you mentioning Emitters in the Scrapyard games thread. I was thinking that my area would be a sort of floating city. (think Cloud City. Maybe this is an archetype?) Could you tell me how emitters work, if they work in KOTOR/TSL, and how to give them the effect that they are 'anti-gravity devices.' (my idea is kinda like the accelerators on the Ebon Hawk/Millennium Falcon.)


What I've done in the past (just a few emitters) is found one in the game similar to the one you want. Then, you change the fields and just mess around with it until you get what you want. Of course, I'll need to email you KAurora 3.

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@TG: I'll see what I can do, can't say I'm expert really, what I did for Scrapyard was copy the effect from other modules :p


The smoke came from the Ebon-Hawk, I just enlarged it.

Any image of what the effect must look like... its like sparks or small particles flying out you want ?


Anyway I'll have to refresh my memory, been awhile since I did any emitter.


Got ninja-ed by SS :lol:

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Any image of what the effect must look like... its like sparks or small particles flying out you want ?

I don't have a pic, but my idea is like... a miniature (as in size and effects) version of the flames that shoot out at you outside of Peragus.

Kind of like what you imagine a jet would have as boosters, but golden. I'll see what I can do by copying and pasting from the Peragus model.


Of course, I'll need to email you KAurora 3.

Yeah, I might need that if I'm going to be putting areas in game soon. :p

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Wow haha, I just got my first solicitation to model an area for another modder :) Canderis wants me to make a nar shadda upper level for "rich" people to mirror the slums. I dont think I even have the skills to be asked to model for someone else... I doubt ill do it.


Does anyone else here get depressed in texturizing? I was so motivated in modeling the area. But now as i am detaching endless peices and adding textures, I look at all that remains and just get bleh :(

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I haven't done a lot of area texturing, but I know that for modeling weapons, I find the modeling part boring and the texturing makes me more motivated. I guess its because I like to see my creations come to life, so to speak.

Now the detaching part can get repetitive. Fast.

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I love modelling and texturing, the detaching part can take on forever it often seems :-s


Texturing makes the place more alive and real for me :p


Not much done today, wend to the beach , yihhaaaa, I'm half burned and crisp hahahhahahahahahaha :lol:


Great weather for a day :)

God I love the sun and booozzz



Men and boobzzz :p:p:p:p

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Well I'm going to double post and spam some shots of another test run with my newest area.


Me and GM have running tests with the AuroraDLights to see what can be done differantly and better. So far no luck, they keep going on and off.... frustrating.


Anyway I settled on a mix; dark blue sun light set in the .are and used 3 AuroraDlights ( big radious). Looks like 2 or 3 is the maximum the engine well render at the same time.


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yeah, I'm just lucky to have 2 weeks off: Easter break/vacation.

So I spended the first week on relaxing, hanging around and modding some.


This week though I better get in gear and do some real work... school... argh,yuck.

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your lucky Q. I only got one week, and I spent half of it doing other stuff (Wednesday and the first half of thursday at a theme park for my sis' b-day, Sunday and Monday spent at relatives, and I was supposed to have this monday off as well, but Wisconsin decided that it needed moar snow and made it so that we missed too much of school that we had to make up days on days we would normally have off)


Wow that was a big parentheses. :p

And, as for a more minor model, I decided to try out a Anakin Episode 3 hilt, which I will include in the finished anakin mod. To get the curve just right, I had to add an excessive amount of polys. (I tried it with a 12 sided, but it wouldn't work, so I used an 18 sided, which worked rather nicely.) Final count is 631 (in editable poly. I'm still trying to figure out why edit mesh's poly count seems to double the count in poly)


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You can't see it, but I did add a button to the other side of the hilt. I just didn't add the 'bunny ears' thing on the Graflex hilts. I just think they are plain ugly.


EDIT: @Q: Don't forget about that cliff/rock surface tutorial that I asked you to do a while back. :p

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Meshes works with triangles, Editable Poly works in triangles to, but hides this for you.

Making you believe it works with sqaurres, rectangles.


The thing is Editable Poly is the updated and new version of Editable Mesh.


Just remember that most games to today work with mesh, I think thats more to do with how game engines render out their images.

I think its easier for an game engine to handle the Mesh, perhaps its simpler in its data structure.


Anyway its just good for us to know when you switch from Poly to Mesh it +- doubles and that counts as your REAL count for the game.


I'd say if your within the 1000 - 1500 you have a detailed weapon model for the games like K1 and TSL. And then I hope you got the detail on the right places, no use to have five rings of polys on the straight piece of tube where the hands come =/

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