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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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Indeed, welcome Settoken.


Seeing as we have added another member to this rag-tag group of ours... perhaps it is time to rethink the name Triumvirate, as that means a group of three :D.


Perhaps we should be a Quartet... or a Foursome :D:D:D

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Haha, it's not that Triumvirate doesn't sound good, it does. It's just that it seems a little silly to have a Triumvirate of 4 people.... But alas, Guild of the Third Dimensions is perfectly fine. As long as we don't have to do a bunch of raids in WoW :p.

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Yea, at them moment, I am working on more on paper stuff, so I don't have many screenshots to show everyone. I'm also drawing up schedules for my team and for myself, getting deadlines for certain things. But things are still moving along quite well. I think I might even be able to release the demo of the mod sometime in June. Don't quote me on that though :).


How about you? How goes your contribution to Silveredge's mod?

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Nah, no raids in WoW. Lets call it 'Lords of The Third Dimension Guild' instead of 'Guild of The Lords of The Third Dimesion,' that's just too many 'of the's.' I haven't any updates on Revan or Sleheyron, however, I finally got all the animations into the Revan model, and they all are completely correct, with the exception of two of the double bladed animations. But work is coming along smoothly, and after it's all done in a week or two, it's full steam ahead on Sleheyron again.


Hey, how many of you guys are Christians?

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Or we could just be 'Lords of The Third Dimension' without Triumvirate.'


Edit: I've also posted a sort of arena colisseum that I'm working on for DarthRevan243. I've worked on it for about an hour or two, and I'm almost finished. I told him that I would do one area for him.


I'm Southern Baptist.

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Eh... I'm pagain :lol:


Don't believe in anything really, though I'm not atheist or 'religious hater' or anything along those lines, don't care to much about that.


@Doc: Great to hear you plan it out, do you also sketch out little plans for the areas you make ?


Work for Silver.. ack, I've been somewhat lazy these last weeks, haven't touched Max.

Still gotta finish this big paper thing for school, bléh.


@SS: "Lords of the Third Dimension" is good enough for me, unless we change it to Gods of 3D, 3D gods :lol:


Shouldn't be saying that to a Catholique and Baptist ;)


Anyway, cool to hear the Revan Cape is nearly done. And that Arena looks killer :p

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My religion is Catholicism because of my education but you won't often see me in a church...

I'm no fan of any style of dogmatism, and I celebrate my spirituality through music.


"Lords of the Third Dimension" is good for me pagain :D

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Well, if any of you guys want to ask me anything about what I beleive, that's fine, and I'd love to hear from you.


@Quanon: The cape model isn't almost finished, I just finally have all the animations imported into it. It's about 30% done with the cape and belt. Suprisingly, the belt takes up about 60-70% of the time I spend working on it. The cape is a breeze.

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Im not sure what the point of it is :D but I guess you could call me a Christian. Though unlike many others I don't say anything absolute about the universe, I think that it is impossible. Also, I tend to see religion, especially Christianity as a personal relationship with my god. So I don't tend to talk to too many people about it.


Anyways, it took me about 2 weeks to figure out how to properly add geometry to a walkmesh, so now I havethat stupid Coruscant room completed with walkable stairs, YAY!.


@Quanon - I use graph paper to make my dungeon style rooms (ex: Rooms with multiple levels/cooridors) I also use regular drawing paper to sketch out the blueprints for my other rooms.


I really have a rough time staying concentrated sometimes, agggg. I'm trying to make a Coruscant Panorama, because we can't use ones from the movies :(.


Edit: Lords of the Third Dimension is fine, the only issue I would have of Gods of the 3rd Dimension, is that I don't think I'm THAT good :D

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I love drawing, I'm actually better at it then 3D stuff.

I often go and pen down lots small sketches and ideas on how an area should look or just get the atmosphere and look down.


Though often its all to detailed and I'll have to dumb the stuff :p


On Coruscant: Dammit, so I guess you'll have to recreate the whole thing from scratch.

I would go and take many snap-shots out of the movies, pick some buildings you like, and redo in a simplified 3D way.


You then bunch them all together, light it out, render differant angles of the whole thing.

Then in photoshop glue/ mix all things for a nice SkyBox texture :p


Lots of works, but fun.

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Thank you very much Settoken, and those ideas are very good Quanon. The good thing I have though, is a place called Sci-Fi 3d, which pretty much has all the recources I need right there, they have the backdrop and all the buildings in high-quality. And all I have to do is reference them in the Readme file :). So I will be fine there, I just have to figure out how to make a panorama in 3ds Max 9.


@Quanon - Do you do concept art at all?

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@Doc: I got loads of sketches/concepts... mainly characters and creatures and whatnot.


Architectural stuff is a bit more difficult, but I often make quick "droodles" to find variations or just to have a better thought on how I want it in 3D.


I can get stuck on things and then it helps if I have a rough sketch to look at.

I'm bad at planning, well pre-planning, I often just start on something, get inspired and plan it out some more.


Ow, Sci-Fi 3d, I think I might have stumbled on their site before :p

Perhaps we could plan some stuff like that for ourselves aswell.


Just going wild here ;)

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SS, I would really appreciate that thank you. Also, I have the concepts for that Cantina you asked me to build, I wanted to pass the floorplans by you and get the OK before moving forward with it. If there is anyway I can get those to you, just let me know.

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