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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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I ended up uninstalling everything so that I could set up my new computer. I saved as much of my modding data as possible, but I needed to reinstall most of my programs. Photoshop, KTool, 7zip, my various games (and games i needed to install for the first time because my old relic couldn't really play games like Fallout 3, AC, and Prince of Persia). I'm still getting caught up on my programs, like 3ds. But fun games like TF2 distract me too much.


I'll see if I can steal my parent's credit card and air-mail you some fancy beers, like that Dos Equis stuff. :p


ate too much turkey, sleep is coming up and isn't taking no for an answer. *grabs pack of soda*

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@SS & TG & Dis: Happy Thanksgiving lads! We don't celebrate it around here though, so no turkey for me :p


SS, you had some talent before you joined and started this group, no doubt about that!

How else whould you've done that cool flowing Revan robe, god, the patience required for that... you should get an award for that: MOST PATIENT MODDER EVER! :lol:


Oh, TG, I see your problem: fun games. Lately I'm a victim aswell. Dragon Age... it has me hooked. Had the same with Fallout 3.


I do expect to see some awesome ****zells screenshots soon though, of your modding experiments :p

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I'll definitely be able to get great new texturing done, thanks to the new speed. Before it would take about 5 seconds for me to apply a change to a 2048x2048 texture, now the slowest part is actually blowing up the texture. With this speed, I shouldn't be having too many lag issues with higher-poly models.


Now I just need to find some handy tutorials so I can try to spruce up the textures in game...

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I plan on it. And I figured out, if I blow up the texture, than find a hi-res picture to place over the area, it'll give it a good, more real look. For example, I made this the other day


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Its 1024x1024, not 2048x2048 like I mentioned last, but the idea is still the same.


It looks kinda good in places, but because of the way the model is made, it looks bad in others. I'd have to re-map those hair strands to give it transparency, like real hair.

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Yeah, well you could enlarge them a bit. The pixels, on the texture will be forced on the model. Which only has that much space :p


But going from 512x512 to 1024x1024 isn't really 2X, its 4X size.

So that's a lot of extra space. :p


There are enough techniques in Photoshop to make skin more smooth and nice to look.

Just like the glossy magazines for clothes and Playboy :drool2:


I'dd say, the character skins are in a sense a little easier to tackle then the regular textures used for the areas. The games could really benifit from a upgrade :p


Just don' go Xarwarz... texture generators... ugh. Good for getting a start but that's how far it goes... >_>

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Those textures looked good in some places, but otherwise, would've benefited from a lot less bevel and emboss, and a lot more hand-made goodness.


And I have a photoshop plugin so that the textures look better when enlarged, instead of making each individual pixel take up 4x+ what it should. Of course, it looks kinda weird when you look at it up close, but its worth it. Its not perfect, but its better than a regular resize.

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In a way, to really do it justice each texture should be remade.

The older one's acting as guides would only be a little help.


But then again, you aren't a team of experienced texture creators :p

The must look nice though, once you got most of the textures enlarged and to scale.


Else you just get more repeating/tiling >_>


Xarwarz... had few good textures in there, but most don't even tile decently...

Which should be at least the minimum "quality" of a texture.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its rather depressing to see your area in max, textured with shading and looking fine. Then get it in game. Anti climatic almost :(


You've done awesome work mags, dont think Im whining or ungrateful. If we can ever get lightmaps and area animations, I think well be complete :)


Anyway, you be a good santas helper this year :lol:;)

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